The Future of Kotlin - Contentful

Outline: The Future of Kotlin ... Android Client iOS Client ... • Kotlin is a Tool for Developers • Elegance is great...

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The Future of Kotlin How agile can language development be?

Andrey Breslav

Disclaimer: Talking About the Future •  We are planning things •  We are not promising anything

About Me •  Andrey Breslav •  Lead Language Designer of Kotlin since 2010 •  Formerly a High School and College Teacher, and Researcher •  Personal values: Freedom, Responsibility and Improvement

Outline: The Future of Kotlin •  Where we are today •  Our plans and vision •  How we work •  Our constraints •  Kotlin Loves You J

•  Q&A


Where we are As of Kotlin 1.1, early 2017

Our creed •  PragmaRc Language for Industry •  Interop •  Tooling •  Safety

•  For JVM, JS and NaRve plaWorms

Kotlin/JVM •  Age ≈ 1 year old •  Approx. 160’000 users

Kotlin/JVM: Some Users…

& the Big Banks

Server/Android = 50/50

Kotlin/JS •  Since Kotlin 1.1 (Feb 2017) •  JS Interop

•  Dynamic types •  ts2kt + DefinitelyTyped •  React, webpack, npm, …

•  Full-stack projects

•  Common libraries •  Shared code

Kotlin/NaJve •  Technical Preview (Apr 2017) •  No VM •  Our own memory management •  Direct C interop

•  Standalone executables •  Direct compilaRon to Linux/Mac/iOS/Raspberry Pi •  Uses LLVM

Plans & Vision Strategic direcRons for Kotlin

The Two “Dimensions” Paradigms

Metaprogramming F


v 1.1

ScripRng FuncRonal OOP Pla$orms





PlaOorms JVM -> JS -> NaRve -> MulRplaWorm

MulJplaOorm Projects & Libraries •  Common module: •  header fun foo()

•  PlaWorm module: •  impl fun foo() { ... }


JVM Module

Common Module header


JS Module

PlaWorm API & Impls

Common API & Impls Headers without Impl


iOS Module

Vision: Full-Stack ApplicaJons Web Client (JS/WASM)

Android Client Server (JVM or NaRve)

Desktop Client (JVM or NaRve)

iOS Client

Everything testable can be shared!

Possible Products •  Cross-plaWorm mobile: iOS/Android

•  All testable code can be shared (MVVM could help along)

•  Cross-plaWorm Game Development •  Embedded: from DIY (Arduino/Raspberry Pi) to Pro •  Data Analysis/Machine Learning •  Server-side/Microservices

Paradigms OOP -> FP -> ScripRng -> CorouRnes -> Metaprogramming

CorouJnes •  Almost-free threads •  StraighWorward asynchrony •  On all plaWorms •  JVM & JS: already supported •  NaRve: WIP

Going Meta Future metaprogramming features of Kotlin

TradiJonal Approaches to Metaprogramming •  ReflecRon •  AnnotaRon processing (Java) •  Expression trees (C#) •  Bytecode processing/instrumentaRon

Jedi Metaprogramming •  Macros •  Compiler runs some of your code How do I make •  MulR-stage languages an IDE now? •  You don’t want to know J

The Kotlin Way: No Macros •  Plugins for Compiler/IDE

•  Uniform API, must support IDE features

•  Supersedes AnnotaRon Processing •  New declaraRons •  Transform exisRng declaraRons •  Generate bodies

•  Built for Incrementality

•  Enables analysis tools •  Custom caching & InvalidaRon events

The Kotlin Way: Other •  Common “bytecode” (for all plaWorms) •  Expression trees & compiler-as-a-service •  Source locaRon parameters (call-site introspecRon) •  ReflecRon, of course •  May have limitaRons on some plaWorms

To Infinity and Beyond Other Language Enhancements

Some more plans •  Value Types & Inline Classes •  Compact storage, newtype, return several things from a funcRon…

•  Type Classes / Concepts •  Structural types, Non-intrusive interfaces, Extension-friendly

•  Immutable data •  For error-proof sharing, OpRmizaRons, ...

•  ScripRng •  Performance, REPL, ...

Immediate Future: Kotlin 1.2 •  Focus on maintenance •  Performance is a priority •  Bugfixes, infrastructure, some tooling improvements

•  One major feature: •  Java 9 Support

Value Types and Inline Classes •  Newtype (vs typealiases) •  Unsigned arithmeRc •  “Typed Strings” •  Units of measurement •  …

•  Compact storage •  On-stack allocaRons •  SpecializaRon of collecRons (and other generic classes)

Type Classes (or Concepts) •  Structural constraints •  Non-intrusive •  Extension-friendly

•  Type-level members (aka staRcs, companion objects) •  Easier to Reify

More Safety •  Immutable Data •  The Holy Grail •  Good for mulRthreading & OpRmizaRons •  Pervasive in a type system

•  AnnotaRons for staRc safety •  @ResultMustBeUsed •  Extra guidance for type inference •  Swip-like excepRon handling

ScripJng •  JSR 223 supported •  Already used

•  Gradle: Type-safe build scripts •  Spring: Templates

•  Moving towards Data Science •  REPL Improvements •  Notebook integraRons •  Libraries

Design and Development On Mutual Support and Friendship

PragmaJc Language for Industry •  Kotlin is a Tool for Developers •  Elegance is great, but relevance is more important •  Not a research experiment •  More than a compiler: IDEs, Build tools, etc

CompaJbility Constraints •  Both ways: for 1.X.X updates •  Fixes •  OpRmizaRons •  Tooling features

•  Backward: for 1.X versions •  Adding language features •  Relaxing restricRons •  Adding library APIs

Kinds of CompaJbility •  Binary — Super-CriRcal •  New binaries must work where old ones did •  Run Rme •  Compile Rme

•  Users may not have access to source code

•  Source •  New compiler should understand old code •  Users are developers •  They can fix the code, but won’t be happy about it

•  Java did this a few Rmes (enum, assert)

CompaJbility Modes •  $ kotlinc -language-version 1.0 -api-version 1.0 •  Turn off new features •  Every feature has an internal on/off switch

•  Restrict new APIs •  Libraries are annotated with API versions

Waterfall or Agile? ☹ Waterfall •  Design -> Implement -> Test -> Release •  Ivory Tower

☺ Agile •  Design -> Prototype -> Get Feedback -> Redesign •  What about compaRbility? community

How agile can we be? •  Open design process

•  KEEP = Kotlin Enhancement & EvoluRon Process

•  EAP builds – Early Access Preview •  No compaRbility guarantees

•  Experimental features

•  Completely usable, but the design may change •  Requires an explicit opt-in •  We’ll try to minimize the migraRon pain

Possible Changes •  Add a language feature/API •  1.X only •  Keep binary and source backward compaRble

•  Remove a feature/API •  Definitely introduces an incompaRbility •  DeprecaRon-Migrate-Remove cycle

What about legacy? Can we drop features? •  Deprecate in 1.7 •  Provide automated migraRon

•  Elevate to error in 1.8 •  Provide a flag to demote back to warning •  Keep automated migraRon

•  Delete in 2.0

WARNING: Use with care! Dropping features is painful for the users.

Experimental features •  Design -> Implement -> Test -> Release With no Guarantees •  Example: CorouRnes •  Completely usable, but the design may change •  Requires an explicit opt-in •  We’ll try to minimize the migraRon pain

•  Similar to “from __future__ import feature” •  Works for backward-compaRble changes too

What about legacy? •  Systems accumulate legacy over Rme •  Removing legacy => breaking compaRbility •  MigraRon tools •  DeprecaRon cycle •  Can’t do this too open: a few years from now, if at all

Summary •  Agility in design & development •  Open design process: KEEP •  Experimental features •  DeprecaRon cycles •  MigraRon tools

•  Kotlin ♥ You J
