Download The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience. Editors-in-Chief: S. Coombes; O.D. Faugeras. The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN) is a ...

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The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience Editors-in-Chief: S. Coombes; O.D. Faugeras

The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by SpringerOpen. It publishes articles on the mathematical modeling and analysis of all areas of neuroscience, i.e., the study of the nervous system and its dysfunctions.The focus is on using mathematics as the primary tool for elucidating the fundamental mechanisms responsible for experimentally observed behaviours in neuroscience at all relevant scales, from the molecular world to that of cognition. Giving authors in their area of expertise the opportunity to publish open access ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

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High visibility thanks to unrestricted online access Rigorous peer-review and high-quality author services Creative Commons licensed – authors retain copyright Citation tracking and inclusion in bibliographic databases Easy compliance with open access mandates