tI - Chronicling America

BOYS, A YOUTHS'i. SClnthinP, col nee Ft1. Charles and C-nmon streets. .... pl tiil r+ L ens sinsil to ):, I1LIIIIuY. Il a--. d b)) h Iis Pro(1)/l. Ito...

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Ionlsnnae Intelltgenre.

The Concordia Intelligencerof Friday last has the LONG0UF0'FERI0 O, WEAIKNESS, following : Haqving r"r"";ir usl llm,l ll t e-".1.4 offA,)hD)4,1GS, FOR WOOD, BRICK AND OTIIEI: BUILDINGS,, nut,t l.".,at Nns.B7ad y I"t-b etr rwt. undlerShle I") ICo l 1rr. . 1 .C. 0n.. 0000o00 T000 01 0I',..,, 0,0A. E0O Ir DEFORMITY On Wednesday night last the Vidalis Jail was SUGOICAL PI'ERFUMPRY, ,Idr:\I)0I., OR PREMATURE .O'Oooosty~oo, Ao11 oTZ,, MIN)iii)NS.i,, 0,I.,H H K.IM TiKKi.L,. KIsK DEATH Orae, Fire -m'.. PI'm~t,. LLI ar"I P.eceerro or A Larrtea nos n aPw 'an• r tr i wn e orfsry,tnvne, Cars, 0... Steamboats, Ships, Itllroad broken open, Ae• thosf PIa PAINTS, OIS,0.GLASS, ,te,, rcpectim, made good their INSTP.UMONTS, NewO~rleans, Novemberr Ocl 7'D.Ib Tohoopio 9. 1K59. o.o.l 'oroo. IN n1011 Dalley's MNagcal Palp+ Extractor, Bcanau -Several months since theKing of Bar escape. They were all eonfOined AND ALL OUT-DOOR WORK i one cell. and were that he In DEPOTS Andphysicians plantlers hlly I,farmstha orclhaeta, -Also, for all kind, ofIThoonlyInItalnlt, evr-Falih,gAntidoteto Painon sinted by ontelder in thirwerk. The cells are & JL')NO', CHINA,(;R , 'KREEY AND mah sent to this country a friendly commanidatn, a Ef,L TAlA tospplyl lhem witheveryarticle n thedrugIi osthey I)IKNTZJKL, A*IIRT ISKIN BowL7,1 EarthI I-parord uiroee Flliwlli Oo ndod* Nn 17Camn~vest. IRON WORK,ABOVE AND UNDERWATER. ynL Aennband HiverNewt Reporte.-We replItrnll pricesan at an rcaulonahle quaality, all of'th,"yurcnt mxyrequlire, desiring friendship and comity, to the Presidentof doebledoored-the inner door being of iron grating. lortn ourriverfri-rd. that we are preparedto furnish team.m W A RRANT ED JA32EM Y., ATTORBXEY-AT-LAW, which was fastened-the outer door of wood, and the artcles already theycat'heparclueedlnthurity. Among healsleavingi port with the various the United States. The communication was redarily papers Yew Orleas,. of the city,~ G. V. BOGERT &BCO.,Agecnts, ) as leftopn for the better ventilation of the apart. xramped To curewithlut mnarl, to hand.oop)ing ib slore m tlellf lolpwinllg villl thenameofthe hoot,thert ade she it fn end As %s(Ze-No. andquicker,a 24I allali thatotbhr aoorell PNO.,. things 1727IF the nameK Bsponded to by Mr.Bachanan in fitting terms, and in of thecapuinanddarkand delivere1d at the clerk's No. 72 Camp street, N. O. t The iron door, by means of a lever, was Ulllnlns, Franckand Amerlean. Sulphlate 2000 Dances relleve; moreovwr, ha aholuteandIlnmlstaktable o tire,without NIIIK9in th1K rK1BKK rontrolover of thehuntto anI.troubld to due time arrived in Bormah. The manner of its re- sprungope at the lower corner, to admit of the 200p ]line booTs Saes,E,, linh ud American. .atreeu. eanu, cr,rlerof 'rmxleietad 6mmon a ea. themanymadhlli belowname PAINT are atl stout thle the RRIDIGEWATER matterthernael Trheenperlorqullaltieof d, whichnowdeflus ALL other 99. KlntOKl,, Noh..1 , I' f 99. IS) " C001~, 11, "4 ception by theBurmese anthoritles issufoficiently egrea of thcse in confinemet, sae they decamped, el 1 so favorablyestab. its reputatlo knowl, adl extensively so BiGTI{UYvEO. LEWIS alt CO., roNALP.RS IN leaving emedlaeandt mediael the jbafitstenlesa skill. 10 0 S",,,.rc,, ldOiuW..b unique and inttesteing : PI rr 0n 1 l.,[ No.II81;l stret.0 lelhed,thattheAgentsdonot deemit necasuryto enterInto BAUGIINB, ROPe AND GEN KA! COMMIBSION_____ Since the above was pnt a ty w kwewa reeeIved 1. Stop,all pall,Wenof lurn-,instantly. ,luFrnSwa Ru of Its merits, and will,ltherefore, description The letter fromthe President of the United States Inf.tatleondathatMm anylecngthened 991 Ir rnfgner DUOGERTG. DC. a ;Co.., 001? AOP.1TBANDLOO. has this da.y,K1Igging. lWM, 150p li,,go busi S,, m. alle ofthe above R bonne here for 2. (Teal,Irlulxandevn Snill Pox,etrc. free ofscare referditaet and properties, U MISSION prominent MF.RCIIANTF, the or purpose hI and to theaddress of hisMajesty, the King of onlypoit onlta fewofitr K? on 72(;smp~ttep(t, R K ging. Rope General ge. prnmernwh awsaCOegsr edu of murE. Adilts noSrdld to Oraie 1T.ounceos 0oi.Oitoo d Acb,,Te Morphid ). waterblister fn It , underthe name and s1,yir or re. Rt N. for the mostpart,well C fromparties, toselectedteetlmonialn tothis country by Mr. Kincaid, wasreceived der, baa bean resnereeted:;. W brought minred Mr.A. i) Ti " Otto, 4. Takes 25 CLALARK F & CO., COand o1 r 1IeIIrull Iit K siKi bn or p1911K It. 0., ATTORI0NY awayOld AT-LAW, COL.ULO Sore,ually. knowninthisvleinlly. with everydemonstration of respect and honor. Vardamnan, Man Lw, will practicein the patiaheaaf CatdneliCat.. sme tea octtelwjepbelow KKr,1.nKp9. idalla. Pd R. K. IBAR(KE, 20) pa)ks 5. A od. ForcoveringRooi,,elther Tin, Tron, Zinc,Paper,Cnvas or Expressly for its reception a royal 11If hoult and FranklinI. zayat, or "thanNh.. js1 l1,' Y1 9l.KF.K hKI.11er 9trad The Points Sode. Curb 100kegsenp. Demao 'ar ~ t Baturday ldst 6. End, lllo hoyv ll I c andoll Wool.It will bhlrfotnll Invalhler, aethe bendlIg,nI rinklng or I Fit dir I , 0tl. . day," wasbuilt at the lower endof the city ; and on wm. Taos.. r. co~ur r )0 Wrrh 7. HSoother M. It. PACBIETH KECOMV-A MEMBER OF co}TLRs. Nr , touitr, tlleriel and tirellngh. ialuponwhichit is u-ed,does notaffect of themater warpings CN)Y VFILXE CO.. IMPORT'1I AND0)EtE24 our tir fIKrom 2the day of its deliveryinto the handsof the Barman says: h9l 1. NovembIKKKK, 1 8"R'II" -1 in'I arc IoIntoo llh PI1Uled ,imbs. I drles,andIn fourweeksIt lfot lors Ait Inctwenty IN I0104A04. Since ouorlasttune th it theIPain't. N TOBACCO . , AND CIGARS,No. 72'Ool- officers,who were appointed to receiveit, a long and JL'DKOWK CO. weather has been in9. l iatr), .Mortlic DKloher 31. 1KM. n3if i t In l As a FIRE and WATER-PROOF Ne, OrleanK, 1•h perf cetSltes. 0 Ny. bocomeua imposing procesion was formed to convey with severaleacetiessII it a dis- tense, I froSta. To what ll) pco,,d A,,. is,)ll and 3f-ill 1). Gaen'atean.wPhh rotted to any other,anda perflcltproP will befound upericlr clutil laa r.. AN, therhy. MIITTONY A WITHERSJ milesinto the royalcity.The proces extent the gar ane has been damaged no one at COT. I taneof five 100)oong ,TiTo0 Sa.,, I' ?),0plr' .0 ,ll FIRMOF AIIIIKAQ9tRN. D C1i0.oLUIErN..-.FfI 10 0iilc .Tia,,dl tone Fstre on IId. rm and (:ommhteircn Iep Ilc I-0, oit Ilt.k andSwelliglf 43 UnhlonsL sion was organizedin accordancewith the usual ,, tinder,, etc. tectiolu to buildirng-a.ugu:nct s,prk arterblows. 111J, -. f thinairy~, is herebydi-slverl bythe death of style preent can tell. All agree, how r, that it will )1 DONI. 11ienr The 9l.unde hysigd, 0o burrnln porn (Txnlor~il.; suriKivin'I s9n partner It poss•.es great lI)DY. ELASTICIIITY, FI•XIILITY of oriental plendor. comprising mounted horsemen cause a great diminotion in thesegea crop. The {viii nountltul the gleilsoge lirokerago buraf leal on Ill own ar 20 Alcohoni jlA 0NE0C. (C:(., J. D. DINPOOOTE IN CAND EALT. pior to anymineralsubstance conet.l 13. Ilr~lwa,,, h,-,lrIli,0,rs. Is n " m and ADIIESIVVEpropeilpet seated on gilded saddles,a line of fan-bearersdressed yield for the tlat two weeka had H.J. ADLKBH. lt or m&1k. Sery mach im(nar OilCloths,eta., No. 124(,tnal xreet. I 12l. 40 "(lllcr. Nel Krleans. ov.ember ,.K1 W. n3 Im in flowing white robes, royal elephants decked with proved, I being an muchan two hde to the acre for g tlatrdstre, mIorn ten, 25 T.10ioo,, 1, repight. it bas eitherWoodor Canvse, of RTEAMERS, For I)ECKR ALM I. TS. , K.N. S. E. 24Mqo gilded howdahs, and,closing the whole, a crowd of Iplant cane. H. CH991.0ILT K TAYLOK-JOII A. 110 F0 ,0, 0oo lphnr Sand CHAdRIK9 A. officials, some mounted on ponies, and TAYLOR haveteoclsted aWOLES. LE 9Re SERB. CORNERGovernment main, norival,al itnotonly dries readily, butbecomesnahard asthemselves cu,rupt bolierorplatriu The LafasyetteEho of Saturday msay of laj19 the ityof NewK Oreansand th.1111. others walkingand attended by their followers, forling a coatingperfectly In [hopr191iKe shortcltime, toneIn a comparatively On Monday last a littleglrl belonging to Mr.Thos. A S 0 U E , Y o2o,,exSiiser 0,,t India andAlexandria. . 71,00 II AL SPARK carrylingvarious umbrellasand utensils. andllglN.t INDIER PIR F. T'e body of the Paint, DEALERNS do). .` iOK,)mae U) j ip A! ('011)004I '.7Clothingpn sod . V0NNF.0 ni4d N .Aoo, corner Ma1i01210 20)10 go,)), Gu ,1,A,,bi, 0clrel,0ne endSorts. The Chief Magisatfte's letter was opened at the McBridewaseuarsed to death hac cothee having u ed it, makenit painterscwh,Iohave whichhasceltonishIdcall caught fire. In lthe attempttoextiaguishlbthe flames, (anmantin. MYnrltifti ,al., InforletaNdIlydrophhbisa To lrx iirB. ,,moa. TIN, CANVASor for WOOD, Ih'eher cheapet coveCrig zhto•tn, or royal courtof the kingdom, by order ofa the bR.al II cro.T TV)u, To,)" o,~.ii an elder brother, bad hbihands very badly PlemR roror all u l. In,iphlll it .~.o xpiolid FT--.9hin Olr Cl -tilt, tIt , ryt ip, GoR, co of tt. woondouk, or underSecretary of State, where It was Cornelinus, 10 '" Spliritrittrr translated into Burmeseby the kullowoon, Forv,,ryRdccriptionof SiilP PAINTINI,,eitherWoodor who isan b•rned. IChurlr,sulCommon treez, endlerIt. Chart CO. C 25 ~, Ord Ooo, ph,, i and ll.01,tle Acid. (:L' The Bayou Sara Ledgerof Satrday ays that Jck "it Ilyrrh,r , [)ylt e I ltry, etc, arte Armenian. In the evening it waspresented by the n, lldrnleo paratively or muler the water,it will be foI nd unaerpeed, Iron, above HDCOiST ,CHO. E0KA'. DEALRSINS HO1ES, REO- woongyee, or great Ministerof State, to his Majesty, Froet visits tarmllt-eull0 rll It ~0y bya child poer1ing bAt n bo o fordecksof ve.els. The cerl and itis• peciallyrecommended that neighborhood every morning now. 1.44,PAPE,,e No.10 grt. J. WATERMAN & BHOTI'HER, 5424040Rt0. 72od 79inr this itlul, uh, mIlghty,chealp, electric,rapidanltidote to unr0100) 4)5,05, 11g.)) who was veryomuch pleased with it. Ilhctcl ccccxelloulthis pIlct arc muste vine1) Aonding to the severity of the weather during the veral utlering, "' IfPORTERS. Tannic 200onoccrs IEAL DPORTERRANDI AND ALL A FccRAILIRIAD 'Al)s, ICEPITS, ItltofItlS Being the first communicationofthe kind ever re- pat week, t I C. C. , Co.CUTLERY, UP.RS INHARDWARE, oe erville'eentlin of Satorday says : etc.,, 1n.400 04 Lhk 1STlig iTis, 0roho, T(lnct Can. i4111ri ceived from theAmerican Government,and froma Icnc d at theNorth csbeensucees.cc•lly WOB RK,It l OUT-Ic(WII 'in, andW (Envieirstrcrra. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 01a)y." .d A)i rmo5 lu. If we have a ealsy and severe winter, oursugar 07 AMO andhasprover,. of m,',lcculcle serilc in llrbillcty, ac well as 000011110 4000CJSBA.P1S,42NC4ANCY functionaryofcorrespondingrankwith the sovereign Willce forfeited, if dtoernutave LTFE wllhere all medleal planter will greatly seter. At present the cane is 01)0 )Isoo ,, ltii P.), 011)1) Hartware, aeieueCliin, and injuryto the carn CUTLERY, I-ist Icrtlcen it iafford.s tile protwction fnlpmcation. Nos.15snd~ IS Chartresstreet ofany of the great European nations, his majesty I MIi Lh ION! wasapparently anxious to mark the event as one of not prodneing the lee that was anticipated the clllers. rks ande rntileulfertofl fnilingspal, IRON, 3r) " sr!idiP~ed. interesttohis Government. The contents oflearly cold, however, in connection with thin latter Is Use ltdailyIn atollnded .atisractlon--nl , DEALERS,IN LO42,0 unusual For thepII poseafor which the Paint i reormmended,lt praise It--NONE YOdOEOd)ODCH dr. anP~d rd New eveestrsem .71217 NAILS, 2, kegr Pearl Bxrlrly.g IRON, theletter were plain, simple and straightforward,al- troet, bha already ramisethe price of our staplea. use, for CARPENTERS', ARFS.FE WITtEUTIT.and It has becomathe greatest UNEQUA.I,I, and its calle for PIcANTATION u I view of a short crop Ob o 60 bent T nkd piu'm. a Burmesecommunication which .aacme etisfaectioo receipt of to the aonie i l•;•t id,,teextant. be-idesbling etc..etc., ic INICALI.I:ILAIIic, 1IOATS, STEAM SMITHS',AND NCO.. COPPIN luding GRATIAA, COH.51AGEHE Con.Merchant. ad Imports. o IU I , ,Trrelx IIll))) oo ydoino, No. 20 C0t0. from theKing,and expressing a hopethattherethroeughan early freeze Thbe planters, therefore, Its other PAINT in the C(OUNTRY. tbhanANY Referto (C:IEAPER V. Mott, NowYork,the greatestaurgeon, etc., AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, honttastreet. 10 GingerRo 1. 5t. mightbe no diminution in thesovereignty ordo- who work up their crpe the eairliet, may be saidto In America, its geueraluneinthe Southc;and and ll eminellnlt physclani. qualitie mst scecure pecullar 0000.00000004J.10040. A) 10~~10500 0~rT FISH AND SHRIMP SEINES. be the moat ftanmte To ar mind, one thing is I0 Kllnrd Ixrnpllnr. H minions of hismajesty,and that the existing friendly IOWNElR endcSTEAM1IIOAT PLANTER. LUIlBDER Forealui BEVERY n NewUrlcans, wholesale andretail.,by E. CHEMICALS, J.d Co., DIEALPR INSSEROTERTAN TACKLE,NETS, etc., DRKGS, PAPMIaNe.A 7TTOiRYC ToRNERrelations between America and Burmah might be certain, and thl , than agr and molases in March etc. advantages AWasstrarem. of the superior billcarnutdlSuap. tricl, be convinced J. WIIII(JT will byasingle , CO., next will he highertmn they were at the ame time 1IX) q-Agents for YOSTPLOW AND SCRAPER-(-Signof Ponndn(:.lyrl>rl1'~ pper. duoc tile core Oreccnomy, 21and151Chartreaetreet. ofthe IItlAE;KWATEI IPAINT. HIc.NDvRSON & GAINERR DEALERSIN CHI. perpetual. It gave great satisfaction to the whole laIt ye.r, bet whether anything would be made or iV3.r~ (' lul-ih 1'x1irllha. Auvil,) No.14MAGAZINE court. STREET,corner sab- the of Common propertieove'r all otsar mineral rehilitcyadprotective N OA, LASARTHE400000ARE, 000500 etc., 0 010 saved by holding bek and rtlskh a diminotion in rauknCl, lurid, Limenr trart, New interview with the Baptist mis- weight, or draagef their engape, 0rleans. In a subsequent lly Dr. Osgool's DIRECTION Indlia Cholagogue i a question we 8: AND DRALRKLI rROCKRS8 100lpoundll I'II', ofrrnr. P and W.~ & CLAU73S Jj(ILNIS JI. L.N tIOIND,, GM D. aIyr. the King of Burmah intimated a strong cannot answer. IN0 WESTERN PRODUC2,Noe. 14New Levee.&Id sionaries, C U RI1N S 10) banal, (;fern. TaPrtar. conf treduceItto a proper Thequantityotoilreuieto lrbronpit-I.. streets. o25lyd~w Ourtown is again reatored to finealith., wish to have an American Consul residing at his capiFeverandAgne,Chillandl Fever,Dnmb Ague,Intermittent of the suruponthe aborbing charcacter encyforuse,dPePCllds Comrner of Customhouse andLevee Streets, 20>0alloln CcpnlVxrninh.h tal.He requests that a man might be sent of"talent HYK Bed river wee rising at Alesandra on Wednesday OUN. GEO. W.O Co. SHIIMOLNOO be observedto andRemnlttetl facetowhichltis applied. Great core bhould Fever, Li.Iver (compllint,Jatudice,n *n Copper, TIn, and Sheet AND 1 COMMISSDION MERCHANNTTnTn , AG00 it to canpincting. Ic acpplying sur lacbefore swepceleanthce engage in last, and heavy fromtswere frequent. andgood temper,' who might, if he chose, Iarge:rnnt of the Liver,Enilargemett of the Iron Workers, lra,F as, it i brtercto useflour sci:,iglirut,asit preentcthedeccyFo andPinishers, ihnders nd NMaufacturers of Steam J4W0L,ERS, comerCnOa mercantile pursuits, and, at the same time, be a meOGOODRBICH, s streets. sailRoyal Sphlen,andiall the varlouscormnof The Opelouas Patriot of Satarday lat says: Clar1fvlng 4nd Evnporah, Pan.7iherer4 2 ., SngurL,. d, WhiteB ,Jui e Pans .mooth, h.ardbody,fireandwater Trains, Illgofthe cloth,attdmakes a 0,;lroL.y. 4nd ,reechi,4 Steanmboat andPlantation BlackBIIlOUS DISEASES. .. Valerim,Rort. 3 1UPPING,dium of communication between himself and the Including the firstvisit of the season by ourever proof. Onehuldred polid, coversa surfwclof two thousand ,mithtni. IN All. General Dealers In 0I.ERII 4. 0.40.7., PRACTICbT.OAT.(1PE1. xnd 0. . No.09d P2. dr0. stret, n400 President of the United States. welcome friendJack Frot, we hae np to yenterday square feet withtwo cJats. LFm D. Re~O ThI Invaloxrlemnedicie rlene. 19, RRChATOO00St.ATnIr, 24d. lCelL STOVIES o preparedfrom an exlen-lft P AND 4IOUSE FURNISHINGGOODSI 10 -, Can rl niilce Fl--, Rom,andGermans morning been honored with twelve sccesive visits Inmixingwithraw linseedoil, onepoundof IAthargeshould We assert, gractlreof re, al ,aa,•ih+ without x bihouux,:limate, fear ofcontradiction, InI Ineruse known that we can sell S. i C., fIPPALEA0 INGASTPTS AND A Porsortso CASE NtALanB•.--In the Clay- from his coet majesty, which, on last Tunedayand 5 S.,-1hen~n lln in bindd-.rr tlhe boiledoil to drier Is G4do4a4 oil. Willth ,eCfCvegCllon•o I l be dmaoufaetur .sork in norline . cheap . a any house to fail curing FeverandAgue,or anyof the dieases above dos ARDo'EN. 91 CLDTi1000moat Or.. In . South. Wednesday mornings were aceempanied with ice leans._ ton (Als.) Bannerwe find the following : uecexetry. mated. Planters, Oerchants adbefore Steamboatmn will find it to their Tho.e whoare ueffringfromafftctlons Pglageto1give4u,-call ad 2011 nL(nnl' .. and ScotchSnug, purehasing ice IRIIOiGEWATER MINERAIL cen also Ie used for or entratng, ele. of this kind,as alx, We learn that a most revolting and (in the Sunth) ashot ons eighth of an inch thick. 2EVCLLIR, J. F1. S.AP M4 EA,, 0000004 CORNER OneThus: Fel.,'cccIIcc , tc., by clubhtiluting foroll. where4, IlCe a of .lorsphpiieillwd tiulard .tenets,.NewOrlsnnr. The St. Mary'sBanner of Th••mdaylast ays : yi6 Ip thouse almost unparalleledcaseofwholesale poisoning is enwlo hal heenome illalid from Itheireffectnnpon thil rix with tle lineral and lime.w.l.l.acLDcisK.hecn twentieth A goal supplyconstantly on bauld,and all orders promptly~lder investigation in the Circuit Court ofBarbour colstitution, willlll thle"ludia (lolago l guc"amoatinvalua. We havenow had ix or seravenaccemive froet in L• IT'HltiRE •. I•S•IU'l S forucl byaddilngwater. Applywlith rduee to a cOllcicelcy county, AlabIamn. Itis the case of the State vs. Har(lateKen S Lny remediyfr purllyl Kttrads e Co.,) Importers ll+h b!lood, aud t orolly ly cllaulig 11X1 of a.r, H*orer'. -dc-H many nights, ean ice has been seen three or four L.gpUiN, G BROS., AND & and Splorting FORB mon Chmiska, removed fromPike county toBarbour. es auordinar' wlite-waehbrush. Apparatu in 411 ItsbrasncheCOMMISlSION~ atera. or froem the,_r-'m,a,"mllOrhi,[ amnct' a ,r,,unt mornings in the lantweek. So many hard frosts in Wholesale and retail denlerlin r0100ND0O AmaricanRfles anso. 2 FrontstrAet,opposiNo 24e044alThe proof showed that Chbmiska, 6krg, BcinpllS.:!;lre. l 1 hr wntd,Ihnllelhetor who is a Pole by rthohngcofein ela lChoinX Bile a rog. streelt nsuccession Pi tole ferry. and PRIII("I.II Firs-t at this season of the year have been exltlle'I.4n Yi'en to the purchase and ra•of Selected Certl'cate'e. every var'ety 66 PI supprior i~llrrr.. b c~rr Hirnr~ll article. sale Charles f.11 street, kinds of IW-1-r, near tlit lltNli • Ht Producoe. birth, and a mechanic, went to Pike county some ml , , n C0hrles [ri istnxtl, orlrl,a rlo Hote•, my21 New Iv it" tremely rarein formeryears The plantemaremany et rleanS Unjderwliters. CLertificateoJ the ,ev Orleans, oand 1i/ Mi4 1treet, tl4c14 Ohit tl th pc y, thorouh andpermane years ago, and put up a shop on the land of a family nl sure1 or FeverandAgle, hLtvllne llllvd "L'l:rWTlters, of them somewhatalarmed at this state of the weatheollfderwe the The tuilhder in 5 I,ll s Topx. reele ,f -lnglet ilr the corlg PAINT, P:I. IRNY, DON COMMI E UexlerinI~lmt,Pnln~e, PLF OORTN CementI MERCHANT He soon became reprehensibly intrIRlR Ii;EWAI Kit aml th,,v trloln, gCrabof int mittent adrlrm itrultt fever .h Klnd010lass'. er, and fear that their expectatiee of a large crop English named Frirzzel. 6nd tratme Auildidn% wil;' ahall time., give those lirnrikksa LUTIISIE IO A E•Y, FOUNI n lA ANM Fire Brcks,en:., etc., No. 12M.S. mate with thenegroes of the family, of both sexes, Itll r I " 1ttettrgnd Ponescoal kel ia tetl itltLtlltd• enu., ai.l iDprorllneedbC are in a ftairway to be blasted. We write on Tnesrefer l, I ccc!," ilse c1 ccdgew ctcc c cct c ,,-I,l. r. ,iliORNAMENT o.L WO(RKSCorner of Benton and 2:9)rxncl" T \:t: r all whoLavetied it oneof thegrtathat Fuver aTd Agiule was oftencaughtplaying at cards with them, etc. day evening, and to ns the air feelssharper than reime S1,. 53A'I Af;l'c A ccl II ,Ilct uaIc uranceCompany. t .upirol.nestret41 on Ofte,r o.106 A1. harlv sstreet; 2 he 111(F !irk,. lil curt. d!eanatant. T. A. A tnc't c)AM1c, • t ..lcl .ic. This led to altercations between him and the Fris-any previousnight for the panstweek. Several planA.aU1. . NrH.R. Q. w. D. steal. (Two drsfrot a ieStH. Charle Theater,) Manf4e 21),a xnln \Il e,;x, r rrln,d, Eng. R nrLRR, ATTORNRIYR-AT-LANV. tnre ofthe la:ret eand mo ar)proved P4,terns No.IS Com zells ofRalln544 Ve ; the latter called in the aid of the law and A ll . i ou fElOwit, Pr l 1 Btlre sored rol, fur Dr.OvEond', India('bOinsgogue, as teresin this neighborhood talk of commencing wind-6 1 Pnl I'ac New~ Orlean, n23l randa8, D'oors, Shntter0 . 444ult4, Brdg",0aiht and 4,lre. ejected him; a fight or two followed, and be sued Rnrnx d m .exRn. 441r4, Sthre lar Frrma, ronrt i andp ,a llt ,ds ofCASTAhrl rowing their cane in the morning. DEALERLg IN STAPLE 1 I:Y I~a one oftheFrizzells for assault andbattery. Chmiska Fornule l NewOrleans,wbl.1-1leatud O. S retail,at proprletor'e AND WRO'1Ui'iTIRONWORK for Ru0ldi0g4nr44o4o4. The West Baton Ronge Sugar Planter of Saturday L1 mmyD~ry Ooafs,comerCanal andBourbonstreets was heard to make threats that " he would make a c ra!lins, F (mlinise. cialrd atoxu. Sanh Weighta and te.. pricer, by tl!arors foruestl abt tohltStaned 10 StI.Charle, rstree New J. W DaIvIT sO 25puurldxtil Ill !arnlrr. Cerltificateof John F. fMiller,of Attakapas. 1 IGHTC)P dt UARBOTF CLOTHIERS,cornr of scatterment in the family before a great while." k44enpr. o 1,ho 0n H7A l 4 C aml endFt. Charlesstreets. Pending this state of hostility betweenthem, some of The heavy fros webhavebad lately has set many 21 ald 151I'hartr . street, Now Thlern, Attnkloa-.MM.l-I Il6.1*52. HIALLE the members of old Mr. Frizzel's family becamesud- of our plantere windrowing, in anticipation of heavy lelera]iAn•ltl ii R & LAOAN, COPPERSMITHSI EVVEILtLCH WTI. E. & or theSotth, In July lta, I waLinlccid to acpply Clcl itheiliiil] 5W ATf Co., COTTONFac. -- And-denly andalarmingly sick one morning shortly after freezes. In some places the eane is injored considerclouses,d l e• y r 1-ti cI.El . •I. PAINI t,, myS c Acl EITORS AND I:DMUIIBSION 20) .. ` .. Ani,""rd.~ MERCHANTSB No. 24 Old breakfast,and four of them died, including the old ably, but to what positive extent, we have not been 20l .. .. C1~l'riLt hat igllllree Dret/lf Clhatg tll h Are prpared to menu fature nay r:h e n Ie the above bus gentleman. Examining physicians testified that ar- able to learn. The yield of the cane is rather indifIle AKe n l's e braced i t Y ter • 1ne-1 , , tthe nllln ,fd Iny te t hllr OF FRE.NCH Alt D IMPO)RTRRR &. PI N';% URJN iinhlu for Stembont, PlantIon and Refine ryunea such aasCoppr PEas, Stll, p Worms .. d Pipes, Sheet Iron B'5c1 h The 'ork te i. l,,•troyher'ha* brgual The iugns are In U slrrliod. senic had been put in the bread ofwhich they ate. ferent, bt the quality of ugnerIl excellent-in fact a.b\ a W o or n. or Bipnville et. i0 .. ,. Ilr r1 l A I'll-Ls, t WaterPlotcctorI hae ever kTown.Kts I in•sa, Chime-,,. F4irbeds .luae lox4es. Tanks, Filters, Clar4l. twe-e dangerl aof4ant a outr ;o The Eufaula Spirit of theSouth of a later date we have meennoinferist qnlti$a,. A YOUTHS'i BOYS, AV., )IEN's. L C., 4I: OYIl Ll ern andany otler articles in that lne used in the manufacture of "s SClnthinP,colneeFt1. Charlesand C-nmonstreets. Dr. Davis' says : igIr, at 4s adv4,ntage4o rates o and in n rtyle of make unour,"nI": .\tprn 25 .. Texuas Intellligenee. p.4T-ed byany i in trocis. 4o.fe 0the COMI•UNDSYRIUP The case went to the jury about 8 o'clock on WedH..(T7(IOF; &CO. SA-HUE OF YIID1.lC RItY ANT)TAR, (,ccgned) JOIN F. IILLR. DE4I.ERli I SWe are ca, prep.red to f!il all orders from city 4 oror4try a4IN-.s S, ,11tzl'r wrier.. i0 .. Fnrishis 1:Ix* ('bin,. and (:rOCkery Were.,and y r1414at4 tto I4ider4' work, frCo per. Gal1vxnieo d Iron, Tinend a clear, able and impartial charge nesday night, alter bheillt Are• ,• an er Your The GalvestonNews of Saturday last says: or nIi tru t, lidlt (Unuds, N 4919(:,rnll scree[. N.w Ih.r ihc, Attakappe, Merchc9 IM3. m,Trall.ey i utrtatond Rofeing,Down Pipes, Fhe4yand plan from hisHonor, Judge Dougherty. They returned .x t id, al.l ,,J h nwo ,l be.ld oflnthere arestill a few cases of yellow feve? Ti-eopinioc alrt.cicccc cIcc, cl f cit, I RIDl;EIWAIER I\IALARI R: C(.. F.. 1EAL.ER IN CLOTHIIN shortly before noon on Thursday, witha verdict of inThough a,,,I guirhi:lcl,hing I'(,;tli that (It ' r ,tlr tl,tt•,,l \thOw d aka 1;,h 2 baceC'lombo Ron', Always o4nandanassortment ofCooking, Bar-room and 1)0and FIrl'ishilG);oods,No. 58a1nd60 a) our city, there isevery reason tobelieve that the nal street,cot guilty of murderinthefirst ll c1oee, .cc)c degree, with imprisonc,crliccti ;c. eider it thte 1I inclcil :,pr. mort, ib PAINTkcI t ,cAc tia-lrrll: Ltcc Il('e . Ira, ni I."1 .lh e fral wav:iut i.wy.T'hl .epukh'ral coughlg Pnarlor STOES. pkllu,ynurvr atnd nor ofI-ld Imaveo. epidemic isat anoend, and that trangernmay now pai l ktkilr ow , d omlh'il- il te virtne,clrlltessd .o it E l the Ir4P4e4 Work andFittings always onhand. ment in the Penitentiary for life, as the punishment. syoeur , ar a,d, it s tho i 2 hide.,a Irillnnrilr," in without anyrisk, asrit isthe opinion of oar IAll wIork done wthd4so,4eh. d14 17 Agentc cand JOIIHN 1 F. MILLER. The case was a remarkable one and excited unusualcome ISSIO1 L'''ALLk:TT, :OSEP CIOC"I RECEITb cinoth 1.1,nonceCaillb.andiSicily. lilFasllF',rwnrdinoc Hprehint and General StenmboN physicians that those cases which have occurred OS:rUNp of IF rTIl T " CIHA. b.RIO9• C. I Co. 4r44Ta..4 I4 interest. The alleged poisoning occurred in Pike, hc-r. No. 23Fr. trrr,rt,will paystrictattentionto anyb.-V astcer of Vessels, Ship Cartificates of 5 . 'Pearl Cer the last fewdays originatedsome time back, SAN1 DI0BbLERS IN 14RN414NAnD TOMNKTI1 ana entnlnlrd in September, 1857,within to himslid guarauteessxiaffcctirr in allcases, near theline of MIontgomery, ,tb.11$ Th,,r,i, a r,,:,t,,,[ her wi ii, ,;,:he ] av fromastnia,1d".,IUkl~* frrh beeninthe disease that the words, HARDWA or in other , TDERY, etc., Nu.. 2l Ma0aln4eand 1a22 Il ccite. ' I ]luhcc, Cerlic]cate oJ and resoltedinthedeathof four persouns-Mr. Thomas systemof somefor some timebeforebad t:hecoervtmpti a'n -Rave. 49 nOr!,I" t_,ts, it on and, end era ea ar;!il being developed. ,cet of abouteighty, his grand via. direet frogth •Mwuct o; es: 1I. H., I06 lop :,ee[, W 1TI0IMAKRI Frizzell, an old gentleman 25dozen. icc -. C. NMI,, i'nt, for, wcccc c-veclc thc•crlc watcr Minrmccrl Welc 4,4t4tRS, AxeC4ar0441er4 4 Tol44, .A1D116)>Fl1)R The Civilian of the same date says: IN .,1EI WL1. ClOLDPENS,FANCJYdaughter, lady of a young Jane Frizzell, bliss Betsy S0pe'0 4r. S4hovels; Cr C and oorn ;41o4e0411 0.01'!)1 ANDWAOTCHIE. All l 1 jewelry,rticll '0.161 aboutfifteen l cr lre ,cilct. hcc!r ,eims cy,,Ii s llctcc t lln iccA l ttclcd ioes, IA ,l c or sixteen. andthewife andchild ofMr. Of cotton, receipts at this port continue heavy ,r :. h",'"i, finch, , f . 0hl , ofergar, O a4ndL4 5r lforeh", ,S :Snr lc OCains; for anl<).o hope. In-0. , tl 0,:ton and 4,4 1] ,, ,,)n i4la4 Rope; hriae, tl.,•pt1tlol• nrnn .t inmolrrrr n,wm13tf rif4. nl4d 4raoe Dubose,the overseer. A number of otherswere while the market conforplsto the state of facts elseChair.s; .M44,iP4,wit 4Cr1,0C1t Sa 44:,4 4lc nd4l 044,llu44 4 ; Colawer 4 dP4:tform4Pcale but all recovered. The evidence against where. The sales of the week sum up 2,000 bales. made sick, W11NTL '1j01.111. l11in 40.N. CO, corner Caoal ,NAi.S FURNISN 'cks xnd D)iesScrew Plati,.; Anrdicn. lie F'.nder•; ad I c&O rticles, and Royui theprisoner wasalmostentirely circumstantial, but At the onutet prices for Middlingranged from 11 to ,terns. lonr. Ai+ rw -. r-tcht.d fo'th tl, o .ae r, to oot and sin4m0er andTongs4 Sh4.'.,;,,oo n4To4gs 1 1 portunityof ti•, Lad t'r" 'cichc llAry]u k,1,1n oncthecOllofthe news received Caltonn .lue:; rindSt ell,, all unitcol('urids' wassuchastosatisfy thejury of hisguilt. 'He isa 11 c.per lb., butin consequence {Chitinc.ll~!: 21) Hiook, and Uicb : ]ron, nr Bran 4414 Screws !'1 KiON.O. G N.BL . . BHOLF.SALRF 1)Ri't:- Poleby birth, Middlingis now quoted at three days, and followed thebusiones of wagon during the last +)I Paint, et., Magazine t1ITS, b I'erf)ery, No.12 T!r.Ware; RAnrer'~ Cutlery. jIi•I •S clt-;e•:,c Ilcr. clh' c l ccc EIt, pIpI.IT COmllollc Syrup[ of WIld Cdecrryalltd Tar. ('a . ntrnet. maklinr inwhichheissaid to haveexhibited great 11 to lit.The other grades in proportion. The 10 .. Together with ,largasaortmentof Fansy) ools vie: Comb. f r ,a It is I e To I Mill TOn small, and .rd ingenuity. rr0he. I'4rfumery4 ,4 perandlla4tk B3, ks, a5e. t, which err skill receipts of the inferior grades continue ffared at thn ioes,., mirlrs for cash or city paper, nnnillr probably noeotton of the present year's growth has l i4F(GA ' CU. J. C N. )coK ).*.L STATIO)N: of'W il t h,-rr•+•lhlli$] '•r inila only, ren.rlle ) that killO-lllvol and Nc Pf e nlolatnitha e ect-O31,), P].P.rh r. ivrnl rod14 .CI 414t14. YU7dlb 4. r.44. as..•Ye-. 25 .. bumpHfaPfl~lk. WrrI RunwAY Ncr S Hors.-Ten negroes, been sold in this market at aslow a rate as10 cents. OIELEANS ORNA.M1ENTl'AL three women, two children and five men, run away The settlers upon the frontier are greatly alarmed •IRON WORKB.--The under4s1ined beg le•e to inforr .. f'nmicrinblndnur. 5 10'NR,.E, '01 . Co., ,.N'T AND BOYS' 'LL) from lPruntytown on Sundayniubt abouteleven t44 public and boilders genrally, that they are nlo4, hnhaie andretail, by Fur.. !e h NewOrlras.o, a",d vrrerlx "ornerof nirlri(r illl-lllnr I'acturinR all kindl ofAtchtecrat•r !td n Building Iron o'clock, taking withthemsevenr horses.Their horsesat the recent murders committedby the Indians, and J. WRIGII7" & (:0., WhlileLend; 1'lrro.e Yellow: Work, atNos. 554n0 570 Cir street, 4 asVrandhs, Ra4! were discovered near the residence ofThos. B.Petty, the danger of others of the same character. The 21,l,0 151(haru, a nreeL. ATORRIS, 1IdULL &: CO).,FASHTONA RI.F:Cloth ng Shll4ll4l a. and .. it4 4t04 r0,such 4 S4re44fight andC0rcu44r in i ln;ll Fo! isniliilU od., corner o[ aboutsixmiles southofMorgantown, on theFair-AustinIntelligencer learns fromMr.C. A. WoolO Climpand IComnmoq Iron 0rides4, Roofs, etc. W. Prax.,Aflu (igtueli r;. C. TEMPLE;TON. 1ta4r1. Prir, underl r CityHrll~l 14They keep eo0 tntly onhuad Cast andWrought Iron Col- testy~, mont Pike,on Monday morning about five o'clock. dridge, from LampasasSprings, that a great many \ Vlner'u Cnnanlna| ermnlfugc., a4I ,4nns4, .1ntilat44r. 4d4S4aeh Rn'ight0, Ofe.;a44d i l4o4ra,4 pIIIEIE:T & NNIUN, B., 0ENER1.AL, VARIETYStore, Thrre of them belonged to Zed. Shields, three to of the farmersand settlers fromthe upper country avery doseripti4nof Ca4anng..4 4 4o] ..... O44 440d 14...e 4ronts Certificate of Capt. Hall, bark Hiawatha. No. 12"I'nnnl , .rat. A CERTAINREMEDYFOR W(iRMi-WARRANTED Cornelius Runnells,three to Col. E.J. Armrtrong,and 1)nt~lr link; Y,"l",w nrl;r are crowding into Lampasas for protection. The f+ ttr.,ea, f one to Jas. W. B;aton. [Morgantown (Va.) Star. I ,., ' nTt D . Il+a c 1a . ffectuasl Speedy Cure and F VEEilTALbRIE-A PURELY nv d the r;dgew•ter ,t on th ,,icks andhouses IN IDEALERS Turk,"y Eber; 1 1 k, llrw ONCO., PltEIIEONHI ISRIN(IN We learn froma gentleman justarrived from the number now gathered in find it difficult to get acitypi .al the Iarl ft IImwl ,tl,, .an.I rnd! a "1~ I eae t ed. Remedyforker ,, LEN scene, thatthenegroes were overtaken in Fayette commodations at that place. DJS' FrOUSS Yl. NEW0001.440d. It is a firt.M',IiI h.d beyond the s.hadow FAU county, Pa.,where a desperate of a doubtby the LPAlS 0 CO.,IRONF4OUND10ER, I , Co., COTTON) W)L)KIMERCA, G 1PIL(')IRK. fight tookplace, and TOGS,1 NDCOMMYIIISSION 06, ) Fe)or,' rerrulnlderl, Il ,phvdI w-u colttv >s,vier n h tll,• !ihlvv been and Turpgcotfne Coilr h irit. Sp M411uf1ct4re4r of0r4tic0l nitd :orm,naxl Steam ESolo04, R1.w,)oroo0delt street. A' .6)lyd.M theownersand others pursuing themwerebeaten The Waco Democrat saysthat after the storm ptu, .k;l , ala , , lt , I in, orp Inting,. !4oileln, S 41114444, g4r Vuun Pnx,. SFug, 4(ett4e1, Cl0rif.er,, Japan andWllle e yrpal TllirlW Oill Armstrong, ofthepursuing party, was which raged there on the 31st ult., hail stones were 4.1tr;, ,444,a4 and 0orso Power Dr.i 4'g Mxo00hine4,.Saw .,l4•, .1, Co., )1EA.LERIN LO'ITH INGAND) bahk.Col. Wilt, lr."uir Vllruiah; Nlnlrt:rw afllic:te1, arecivll r y worne - ,us,nd hlilon-mdsot children die (4iu 4 14risg,Iron Io!u 4 +. undI,'r,,nt4 f'4 r Wuil.ling,, Fur- PiNI'K1, ______11X (GOD, NI.1IllalIlN)00, attacked by one of the negroes with a271ly a corn cleaver, picked up.weighing a pound each; and an oblong Grn!e Pail, etc.,xadnil alnehiery required for ann.-lly from those di-rassswhbet the canuse ie ether lint knowno Certifieate of apt. Gala,of ship I. . Shettherd, n•,''Lai•on:'rs, andwouldhave been killed butfortheinterference one measured 10 inches around, one way, and 8 the 1IL11 dA. CO. C. It., 1166)6 IN STAPIL !,,V6 din, ,nd ire plre11red to 4onstruct thr e prpalatioIn ar th e0[,o,x+'ttri,." or atir;lrit,dto som(,thht++ O,~I..;oloopll,)o)l)u. NbLY of oneof hisown servants, who stepped in to pro- other. lnlldrnI1ES uneent, N, 1 aieptebe 1)01 nd210 111)1 Oa PATENr IiAG1ASSI 4 F4 7NA4'E. decks r Ilnvl ll ed til Brilvewatrr !'~ilt, , l lan yl ol( parth STII.IoAN'S 611 bno. indw Fro l an A n,!- u which ait reconlnil(dlr r uedtil* for worm-, butexperltect hismaster.Another of thepartypursuing was of Imya .. 1t.I Ir ,, ali ,,,a! I.-a , (' tutll ldl T itb , l y 4,44 dOsly I.EEIIDS CO. The Democrat of the 4th states thatCapt. L. S. once I as prowlcd them all moreor b"", inelfeetuM;tie end, menri, ,aa.l rfoi fiercely attacked andbadly injured, while the negroes r . h alal .t p l aLt jo'.trdurability andprotee ItE . %OLLU.OoCO., H. W., TRUNKSAND I6 Vfhitewnxh Lrllllnt Widow Kisl Oln.,, Frenchend Amerlenn; hnowe ,"r,ha- at Iru:th b lieWe taittod,anid In remnedy foundwhich on whatis Rosshad arrived in Waco,and was fastrecovering escape.The light tookpinlace FOUNDIY AND MACHINSL-SH4OP. diR her11),46'D, HI' Nn str )660011060ili 01t 0 madetheir (Sigued)JAMI ES GA.E, M ataerofship R. D.Shpherd. Ointment,tarn,bloc and whilte hat n-,r failtl to ie-troywornu-why .rrtvr they, haveerited. knownastheBachelor Farm. Day before yesterday from his woundsreceived in the late fight with the GEORGE PATTERSON, Shoe01.>Dingl HodPnrnr,metaland eni thrn ; IIRAD. IE:D G~ DR 1 AEWADRUG IN ST1,1)d Thina,:rtioln is lluppa ta d b) tile testimolyof themoetemipersons, from Morgan. ofabouttwenty.five a party 10)1110',i C 0. 10 1 so),Ial,,IlS Cerlificate of Capt. liTer, of ship Ti'trl, to 1444 Sl',ltoao, n.44444.14 cornero 04,1414 .\ 4,004, BlockWlriting I~nk ; iyrilllcl largeassortment; nentn ohiieia,s anlld reit cabllndid~hiii thecountry,.The town, started inpursuit of thenegroes, butnothing Camanche Indians. TheCaptaioisa young man,not Nawt.1,harap.f a aaa ,,, 11a,,t Cnmtol Blrnkern' Inkt Tr--+ .. . O1Iil Y a'k EYC P. &LM., DElALERS IN SILKSBadditional Th 40ner4i44ed4 B snewprepared tr, mnuf1ctre STEAM Ihave beenuine the Iiridg+,waltv Viner fimhton ln e !o, lehad beenheardat last accounts from over 18or19 years of age ;butacted a gallant part LL AND) FANC1 IIY liOl>m. ho. l_'l l'aniri ntroef s9 ENGINS BI'LFRS I uncMACINERY (l f x3kindl for VF.IMIFUOA. WINEDSCANADIAN or pursued. thepursuing either in the battle. He wasjustinfrom the Brazos Agency, S44,m Ror4Sugar Planttlo, , Saw1o 44 14441, (44lon Presu., ble ilIup n IOl o tlK',~I /(.r lllnl(qlll,t ItIII I( I *h%%tllwth It Dentists' I;.Id Fnil; Al-liccnriirl Scales: 0.TS11M1.4ot, ',,MUIOL C., oTT"1RN6 Y-AT[Wheeling Intelligencer. e lllnttlu ]l bolul [to I1I'o A, U uLot '.i ,"),i pl~l'ti +Vqullli+ 144Drai40l 1ng1ies 4441 R4un Rotd, 444410444r1 Horse Powr, It I1lafein it loration alnd more iaily namillliteredthan and reported everything quiet within the Reserve, U L1W,110nrr piiile and Collxioner for the Statesof Boxes; PowI'oder Oialmnda; Glnrirr' File Fron1' .Furrr4e Mou4th, and .Ir4te Bar,. tile,. (d;b,u t TIlo t f a tt. ILLt . liyIothelr. iuiuI+lfthieulp ,ylo wlhich indllte the exlstenel -In Florid,,, Ol1ice, No. 57 ,,ynl 100444 S4 I00 of ovrydescription. Metallic Packing for Lollivtxnn.gorin, T-ae wood paper; but said the wild Indians had stolen about one Y-lieiir Ghosts I ; PillIloll*, and .hest, Mlolile. nill. e286 American famous DIx.-The AND Moss . of worts inltien bowelsare follows: Til miniter-lnaledis S-Ofiicllur*; ToE PoP'e Jlu1iirc1ildieItagCertificate of Capt. R. Turker, of ship Helen hundred head of horses since Maj.Van Dora'sfight 1IIKSITII WORK of 4 lldeserip4lon1 , having, a steam pleec, of Tidenl color,anld tilrl int with occasionalhlushes; W. (G . F-,-le ;Toothl Pilir iichl:*'11*( reformer of the treatment of insane, Miss Dix, gives ,e haruneurr tar Ite purpose ofdoiug he y work. '[lA\, W 14b CII., CO)M11I0SION AND F)1 t e .yr Is ay -e fral the uppar Ipr with them. Maj. Van Dorn,although severely .! h,-iIy and dul, t! 1t N, w rlenat . nrch 211 Ampll'ntiriF 1R56. Instsiturnll1*Ti llnlhi ndSpring .aneetr; l1e wi:l ke,ol, baud 4t all ti4mes 44r4t Iar,, Wheel Stir-4 11411.0) '6,1 M IEOANTII, No. 24 PoIdraHtroee. No, the following interesting particulars of her visit to wounded in the abdomen,wasup and doing well. , f ,.f lofItg iwoli , nl,i li,11 uttheIneost ll.u , hith bliE fithpitien topiCk I Jrlean,. 1have testedtheRBridL'ewater Yn~cket. d 3111.", Ilir [II11I1/I* Rtome and the Pope : n,-toesrlaewpishi-t. b tome petit kolten tWkellig in that there are at least 10,000 The Telegraphstates h4 lie ,4r14, is ARl.nt iar. the ante of John T.0 Ohorln's Patent l'al Sev. ,ofor hi044,44t0.n by hl, Picayune Printing grenatI i•rnlt ,i t",li hl t ho:1 a, idi grni t , his, l teetl ; ihe "1 visited the Lunatic Asylum, and my heart reUrrHatnlilsau; \ llirr. Huel~t'lrnr AR W, E'1tAIli, Co.)'COMMISSI))N 40l14s4. mhoths . ti4h.i.4 them in4 o4, , set ofthene Bar S`I AND w7 F'le WAKDI NO :J P.(II SNS. , N DEALERSHf IN volted of cotton in Honston. lpilD-.i ee,,i nlo. irr;hllhrC, Clbll9 -i.etlfli creio1 -rand at the sight. I did not see sick persons whom bales Yerfsssnery. etc. (C ,, a 0,1.!1 Pil)))D.E., n ", o, , I'l ,,,. ,, No Prhl,661,ll--1,isl,)t , t l,, the,fa ,a ,lI two 0)1 l1 The Telegraph saysthatthe black tongue isvery a ithi, i , I,l ir.and ,, h I llnr e it dllelir, to te ii. man should pity, unfortunates whom we should enCologneWml ler iermnlnxnlll .}mlrll~n hocerr • l tila,, iI1li .,ly llti t-lltll, ll c n. x dtlrable 1l,.rri~oli'a Ezlrnetnforftnullkereiiicfa. H.. II66)160I. STATIONERS, deavor to cure; they were brutes in chains, the dens prevalent among the cattle in the neighborhood of TW ti I',hillr uio i 'ilul tV nlimrol .nCd othcri i might beaidded, orsecond hand SLACK 1JB-N,1it A1 lard I'nt-, \V.et).0 , 76, 6, 01rr 1 Lie his alao madle arrangements for the-lh, LLibin' . . bu ii li, .l, f-l:: tIlt thes I l iiir' hilllia t to estDllihlthe fiac of which seemed never to have been cleaned. Sev- Houston. ibipa' uaetu prcf"eenctl It r o ier. ffrittht's Bih.r. 4, unit444hh4ery, 44.l will 1 e•t4 4 h of a Depot c,,4o, -eat Boll. to t[e e.tutishmcnlehl wbrrlv aInrge qunntity nebondlid hit Wnleir'sCuldiain Vermifoe C ir a opal c,rufetmudy fo Flnv~nrinp F:ltr llrl* eral days after my visit to the Lunatic Asylum I was 1 W (A1 01 IO,ABI.. F.'U,'11 Co.. .Tb.1(4r., 'THH 1I NNG, 3'1171 NISHT O GOODS, TR.UNKS,. CARPET1 MatitlB ere audMachinery maybefound at all tnine, for sane. ofs'ip Ml[le. o cfawo Herald says that theOverlandMail is The Dallas presented to his holiness the Pope, who knew the ob.(AISS. one.,N,-J Itnml,rtreetl GEORME, P.1TTE.PRSON. (lD',C WhEe MEDICALEVID.ENCE. of all kindsalong the Certificate of Capt. St. Clar' lthlomasson, of tht 118. , JeLtf ject of my travels. The Pope asked me in the most giving an impetus to business New 0rleans, 0 June 31LA li 3'I'AUF'l'.R 't Co., HiA It TIW A~K It, tIavnf pnilntdthehnrricn,cdek IRON, )10Nl N 564)anal street, Agonate fo Pogo,' Ray friendly mnoanerwlhether I had yet visited the Asylum rt of f thIrle d .-etler t. t,, no route. It is rapidly attracting persons line of the thy tinderslgned, tuanding frim'ntelyah bnlenreta mediSWe, S'taaramerl•,1noitu. I)H. AAl•.•E T.EAI.TS ALLD171-_ aflle. Liqlidiin a9 1r at Rome? I had the courage to answer, 'Yes ; and all cine preparedby Mr.John Wiier, ofbtlh ft,van,etr.iltated"J. attract Ht' NTI', trades and professions, and will doubtless I. r all iv -l lllll4lllit ,, iit t.oat,,, v ilo PulffItorrs: sl lititie *irA0EO FREEOF CHARGE. IHOIIP I am convinced that your holiness has not yet paid it w Il leans, t)'N &: BARNES, 10 TUBERS,10 De 2, 1951. Nol. 201)10 a ltt.l o Ilto ll lll tl I o l i , ha f 1 ia n n i' i.fied withit. hly t C eint nlo aInCd llblili Ce," h r's {'+tiiil Dnir!trI JI\ nt, t1a l y. Ilt ,l lrla l pOilllf, , i atnpih,I , alltllt b i*.. i tO e emigration, and aid powerfully in extending the set104T4R 40 11444,44will al4o 1ive 4p4elal attention to the and only raised his head, quickly Pio Nino a visit.' it is C a bi rad Iefnliit remedy ill. dieiacr,rn0i1'n. y reC.lmmend folowiong lli1e4 ,4.: 414l4!lr, (,old., Coinllupliol-4, of the frontier. 4Croup, In- rI'JOI, u pe an l h ,rorteo ilth JL)JO, LAI.E)1 IN MIL)LINEIRYsadFine askel with an expressive attentive look. I under- tlement lt ilt theIDG <'EW PI 11 (lLB t liLT en!,.. l thle-. i!liulo iiwori.s il from i thillliiie i.ilinii. ofigr fluen-a, Asthma, Bronchitis nlid all other diearnes or theThroat sane. DrrGr~odNox.t2anr!14Ohanrr ,..,"t stood him, and related to him in a voice full of emo. molltlsn'uap. (Signecl,) ST. U. '11O3l.\ iaON\', -NA Vbo "lbi,1EI O'" , Snor ratSON THROUGH MISTAKE.-Aboutthree ion all the horrors and barbarism I had witnessed. ` 4Th06 65l, \16W LL IALicntlate of the R. C. of Siulg-o inIu l land,eatc. T'p T..,1IPORTER AND DEAL lt it 5 Nine "'Iok&C III) L i' ofeall Sknl ire otmen[ attention to the par ticular Cetifieateof Capt. titlliuam Brotwn,oof Towboat }It willdevote ventured, trembling within myself, upon the hold o'clock yesterday morninga man named George oril One\S nr*.\tm Tlrlllrn,Nn. l7 Heoalxlrrol l. W. DM IKENDC , N, B).SI Diil,4u-I.n-Lllmbogo, )I)I)')D'Irpi)D'CBl7l,1,eA; To b,;yCl; Scrtu.l.a, RheI1n4n it4m oell4e the unchristian treatment uf the unhuap Keist, returning late from a ball, went to his father's xnd0lri,44, Pofolse.e 'P000, s. 11. , CU WHCI.F.SlA1,AND 1ETAIL expression on ' Member of thieR C. Surgbilln Londonh, atc. where be resides, in the Millcreek Bottom, a No r.lg4a, P'4r1lys, Eplep0y, l)4yspeps4,t Pih4s, andall do -igalsdd hle IhOItIIF1AN'I'.aIA INTt foarawhieha a P, r Bilil lrroa 'IIIORIS Hop , :npenn oo Sl DEAIFIRS ` ')'IOII1,, I'PAINTMLLS,1,6, man of Christ- house, The resTecteomlmanoding WIN py WSD:~oOC'olioh; distance from Ernst's Station, and finding the 4ngement4 said little of Ithe S4tonh, I.i4eranid B4'4ls; andl ao 10to all )015-' I LASS" IIRUSHES,and olor. of all krlndn, 96 Magx~ emml olstcned witl earnest attention, and W.1 ibif FIrm l iten.J. ehub tgan, C CCIIbr h C. ink, il illrl'r elirivoSpap chrornic , ,nalo.dizenes. Special 4 tl4tti4on wtllogoivo4 tothe rNtl. i. N121 brieflv, after I had concluded, 'Come again in a door locked, climbedupon the porticoto get into his TTly~or's Pond-isSonp, TLmve', l;,onua\i-(cleor _oep m aifuenlnwrithl the rmot: happyresults. In myownfare ily, week's otile,'and I then left his presence. My anxi- room. His father, hearing the noise, and supposing Ear. Eyeand ofLie treatment gees, he l u ly O co to me st@uld iln vlt y oel has which klur ti• expil, 61115N. G 10 If., PRINTER11S' WAIN)'11)6,1burglar, especially asan effort had been person a the Ils Paydayl~ beta,,. Campand St-Charles streret,,Nes ety was unutterably great. The Protestant, the I)r. Baakee ban madea nidiscovery of a Fluid that will _ _ _ 'rl111001 I3 ty before, stranger, haodperhaps risked too much. Although I made tobreak into thy premises a few nights 0 perfec4 t borption ofthe "t'Ctarnet," andrestore 44ro t B~lfEr.IT Iall. n al I ,l( ,t r I.oll frle hne Ipr,• 1 ect~fto pro44ce are its effectse fuge, andelvr) onehl,rIrefer.- it to tuli ilirer bs Iwlacoonsciutso ill lly innermost heart of my good it' armedhimself withbhirevolver,andopeninghis door malleus hision to the Eye without tl:e useYo the knife. Dr. Baagreal point ie a which readily, store tilKe it and "certain W.4TKINS a I10~. 1),11o61.61 IN IIlRIIIRTawaited the robber, and as hisown san ttwilald.) fS 1 . t n I , o,,'.,..,No:diu, 42BUd, 42 flllrall. 3,0 teotiocns,I yet passed a sleeples tnight and a day of cautiously, If TlSlaflahta•,lll,0100af,,,Til r ,,o kt.,4 suinprod4e41e thou441 0 ctileatt144i ofhis4 perfet x..... Ag medicine to chilidren ga iI iAine Rn the old gentleman fired twice, aond the porch, crossed the deepest inward agitation. I created a deep senR it, eurhlg Cet, rs4, old S.re. ur tleer4, Fil004, Sw4ll0404, or 4d.0' 01111iNnEYt ,:a tailt,,,,,, uahI 'lt s -y0 a Tumorofevery JO)N FLANAGAN. July 1ii, L4IS1 saying," My God, I am shot ! " The T atotionwhen the Holy Father, two days after I had the youth fell, descrptiol,, and wh0utrile i4nee o4the knif4, Mjl' ANlA N J. 6; iilRO., illl'l+Kt r fh Ahl" Y1 I 1A4ES II N II.,ARDWAR+l( 01))))TA NT ,Fa)0, coer been plesented to him, suddenly while taking one of father ran upto the woundedburglar,as besupposed, pKlpNoo-yt tark t \P,+lni he " in ivlar. MI'.T I1 llBII 4,pe14ch arr,4 ,melehmluslnt h4nnl0With P 11r. ltlkefor the Nugnzin .e "Witter' Cganadian now geetneorally vand `nlllnm:ID, .arena. '-Th e physicians ' his drives, stolped before the gate of the Luonatic and discovered, to his horror,that it washisown son. ti.n, chl veCgetablepreprPs n hled;elne i as Rermifuge." Tll, otarst advice a4nd attention. Dr.Bloker, isone of th1 . most Asylum and spent an hour in it. Thle week had Fortunately for both, Georgewas not hurt as badly pand ouetlwty eialllni.ereth with pro, r,"fetyh ,.end ean ball had missed him altoltsl faid passeed,and I stood ai I had been commanded, in the asbe thought. The first t - duce an as to the restit, as it will alwaysde.t, oy worms nldre i perw•nnll' tSu innearly a ndknown every prinlcpal city iu Vatican belfre the Pope. to a manner as grave as it gether, and the second Ildged In the shoulder,makt le tohrl npaticlt n h. o S 'tore was calm, P'io Nino said to me : '1 have appointed a ing a painful though not atalldangerouswound. ther wrld. hos beets sent to the nra th naundccrtinCeat,:, XP O 7 0,10,1~hxx,1,,,), Yxlit., (il,, ur., N,.43 11,1) lyrt uilrjl z hli rlofedi tIth r rlapir, .Clitaltof r it k painted o the [Cincinnati Enquirer. comnmission charged to lay before me propositions (rsoignat a pstngncotamp, ]1-,I-ne(encle-Pip ND A41141'S 001TA1 Cu. to Dr. BITl Al ILetters directed g tutti. , belrin STowboat Prpoife, lpty.,iansl, alnd T~A~I plalihli<+mtetrchants fromn eg.en16 WI rl614'1'I'IE W AN 41, D, N. B. 1)600)116160A AII' 116 FO' 6611)NN 11OlhAII'D),501,oooio)o :larelh No. oo, concerning tle erection of It Lunatic Asylumo, conn lrs.111, ,ll 1,N l UI llt, 'l Prul~iatreot or 1iiv .l..s.) 1fr tin n. y diti4n4,4,, Corctly 4 ,iating ti4 enature of 1 IIIIni**ICII of tileinllluable remedy. SCt. BO n`". CjFeo,.4 1 ll o54 Ror to tileceficl ,i ,0' 1.1 661. }lwoulg uad tthtLoresi bry l-ncr nec, thedi,.a4.414411l bepr4pt14 l) a44 u ,rdll,and thepoli4li44 F1:I..C C 11. \,T tfrmnnaleto tie roles of houmanity and morality, in E.New N 11.II)gImInP I) ),RUUb, , Ii-C iw-lllinall cah es. IllIII 1,.)11 l,1,o l n6ily 1 1)1. x 6, 1 NEAER 3 1, SUDDEN DEATR IN MOBItLue-The Advertiser of treied by ctt0t '•p;' 44':. ( , frte of chal•4 e, visit Iome tihe shortest time possible. When you " Frenh n il .lmr incn llrilln; mfetnrlng Chomia; by JOHlNWINER, Man PrepnLredol~y 7• u.t 111)1. NewV1leu~e. again your just andpious wishes will have been ful- Sunday says: Carl auslla,,,olo','1,' I,.llh I".)1o h 14t4lho 4mn4'r44 41. . to onP. . 4 i of Iailf l iib gelt l OT~lP(:O( Dliiibilv ll llllllh Ilimil, h, ' Co. l lt itli. i I: wholesahe ibspiibild We1La(1Cti, P011CUY D')CTORIIAAKEE. RARRIBONO 1101))))') We were pained to learn ofthe sodden death, yesfilled. I thank you for your communications. May NYRCHANTS, MEiP1!)~~81 L60arondsletatroet, e O n,New eydra5 srot• hb,]ow lanronne slreet, x140 It-Ofece i Sold, whiePale nodretail,by J. WiWRIG T( T CO., lai a, 1011f n doIll . o . tiii nl,,\•l, fll11 ol the 1l',lpo ellv. ,e fully W ,'t o11o,1 eh 'lyd,52., recorl. Ieatven bless you i' I hett my knee, deeplp moved, terday, of Mr.John B. Trenchard,a gentleman who H n lh1,Iw J 'ret A .20 1 44ar, L0,a. fa IAW dl 1N. l id 151t:hartleIstroot. not befolrethe head of Catholic Christendom, but be- haslong been connected with. the Daily Register, u dl , aIh, h\11, , I,,1IR Ir-F4A.W 1Ib,; lGIIS.\' l F" 1"f:P IA &TII T fIMAS .\N l,,istan1 h MoD k Ynrd. w-k ', sea book-keeperorascommercialeditor. The man." either good and the Prince the wise DOCrTOR 41l0 LA4 )l'60` 11661 AND OV.U, IMIPIORTER AN1 1,EAL I6 10 lore Dales, 11 i 0)11), ro1,,060 t ) 11,ino PTIP, OU1,Sts., Redl Sehledlatn Schlnllpps, sitde Crltificate , Ill theald.a, t of tlt ion,.. , ode o ,aaihtafto nltaot, i-(Tos. of "th Ship sad event occurred at his residence, early this mornJfor itl., o. to[ cllt' lt olldm if,,l~,,o cilhi a xCal'l. fa, •,.c ,t,afo-,t al , htrloa ta GEORMAN BITTERS, x of disease of the heart. Mr. Treachrd was G I (:ul~lm:.nni nlnyliorltra BR.MORSnE'IiBEnlII.Bi~I~i).Ii MED)ICATED xrrur n EV E EI'S D of -. n" VAN ,,n.lrt+tl,,l t llI,,mp d "nloFanaa',, i". Prep red by Da. 4. 3. , ' f i itonn LAD5,41. f4,N. Pa n`IW ScnGA CANE Io VanoltNIA.-The Richmond En- ing, a aboot forty five years of age,and bad spent the last W,1,4.t,4,t waly C4 4ru UIGD1` ALIE60:N STCO.VEOTTOS. P.CTORI F' -oaCC "e nn'; rl~c, lrI " Id Wo-"odS IN NPRHANTS, No. 1 023 17lvier ol he : Mlineral says l'amt, 10th and of the c.ul re'nlllnraend dli 0.BISBSONI, quirer city. At it t, litce in this h iil years of his n, - c,r ltBIria. d eighteen or nineteen or Norvon. 3truet,New-rlrnir. . .i "., Ci,roni,. . .r n~. Compainlt,ir'-P? Liver ]e241y a. 44 4" t0l.4 4 0,. 4t '44. , , 4". tek 4 4u t, , D".-e 4 of the Mobile SCIIH.APPS. WrigNESTrl( Odalitilce GE'rIV.E SCHIEIDAM S The Wirt county sugar cane crop is about gath- the time of hisdeath he wasTreasurer Owner-afau valuableand o i • palt. IIOS.S. VIIIOTT. 1301 FI,1t D'Sdg oRn Rlters Stomach. lblvueror ohhrd,•d ,hr.,,, at ining a'rtifiaate ofa, I'm. S. Ada.ms Masler of Ship --Sc1h] ,tsw 160011 0'4'110'E.-M11. CO 1. . ,etc. ,I ASII. I FULL ered and the canes manufactured into excellent mo- Fire Department Association. ti:r--a who],-uie,beeraage,und A pure articleof IDillhaud Intgn, PerRtnury a We., Ne. llWld A. NCSOT Onn.rtiption, 104w,4d Pil,4 Fa4lln4.4 or 4ilo,4 ! tothe 4 lnad, lasses, osperior to any sold in tile stores. The moac iu-lmublo 9c 9l/US'r: Kils I,,lium \,+.t tIrleans,}D,".e A,'S 52. 11)1)E)EDi~t~' 0)15) WOIDOVA BoI'.''Iii1)5015 lasses obtatamtedaverages two lhundredgallons to the ,n k oftlhle sop , .t.il: hol If for.I tt, , e aF A ) I I, Y M EDICIN e nlth, HEAVYMETALS A'NDHARDWARE.-We would d I It1thih li ,n













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kIASTTNOS n S. r p ! Nn en JASNI;'SS F";aiilornnl USOOOII'S Tonir;1'hoin I'f llO Bl': uN'S FI o

Idte., etc., etc. phy hy manyof the mosteminent It is hlghlyrecommended


thro,:ghonttheStiles as anexcellentandagreenhle ichtns t.oeffee ltly e rll,liseases ofthe Urilaldahlitfitted t•l-tie nary Orb-ann," tc., and in peculharly adiapted] to the u-u of F,.

e' uI'u t ,.nRITar; itOrl. I~elrom~lnClurkk CO. n!;lalse:

MI1 11'l) 'SNeernni WRI:H 'SIldln

KIDEB ))1.'dlDS'i' loB;W .(rue ['ills;ik

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Let II11 b ,r ....... oilyco,, ........... , a ao,, .. i . .a, , ". I y 1 or,,, a t,,, rortnnmen horn holy litcnl add111 11+,u IerI~ndrIuc x"IICLI hr o proprhieto 4r In cllngre atttetion of:tie publlc to thlln*n por ,,s,• urlt, Indue* r~t orliyto the .,sailof his knowledge xndi fr th i t'.l'irt'ulut iii l aplot , 'lit.•vaiul we tIlng thetinlet r th, li the tllr sttARil y the aog to ,ar ita 4440440 4 04, d44,el 4 l 444rul4 44004.4444444444014444444 .4 pl totiil i M. C. n IO'alliol EI. 0\ r+ ens L sinsilto):, I1LIIIIuY a-Il d b))h Iis Pro(1)/l. 'ao,1o l aO. ts, I1 rwhich crt, hedlrou adaptati ionto virt uea u itd r~ in lbws lur di~,~l~ied, Ito 1- rut r III11)P(. whoI1XIr MhrCII rnpc'tl;nru ,lurtll alnd p, tctt iinao , " lione. In addition.of thota,•ve nalved !tIovrtaofeh alll defend-wank -It fee. Ill. olniny luoru ru,1,,r is Ilbrellre of the that 1 h4 s s4od ,rtcls i144o Inlw rndmtrled 1t npIIT,ablaoftha BRIIo, Fa, \VI{'ItIT, ,,yoT'R ao Ioa NT.the W'}IIIL\S t1 hav. k(O100 l`. Illllivcr. nflrr murothanltwo raraspent in costlyesprri. es, ,l],llrnatiox i, nitri by an hilaor ilnllud salte n thftI Aat, toesi,, i 0nletUlcleralioftclat , tVhah naa a eoanewreutat y iu llP rather or I)I.CIY CTIIIC Tinsoutiug, anewU 11.I.,,ut nronhlalnit by the nmust Iaor Rival, infitsx tant. T'he !extinonv oPa .,pplie,,t :,t tlteiro.t ta aae prate, f Falrtilllrilgt:y menu.i ofgal or.is m parto olthle andn divi,ui.in all klocll phi),!eia. andwell Ha will lbrru lure uudrr~ilx t e a Wlliillof ebsling-dishls, OAfIa\IiI a •o, \Ip a I,,.I 1y-ao . lthenIt+llti .i. l,*rthv h.nna>lr a ,f tche Ili,] uewll , i ninlito env. SVAl atl n,litvNA. N ,

bt o. ,led

AtRIucaN A oNEXsTlroT.-The London Morning Post says that negotiations which Mr. Pierce failed to complete have been resumnedby Mr.Buchanan,the 4 4 441444441044'4.Ir l President of the United States, with the Chlliefof the Republic of St. Domingo, for the cession of the Bay of andOldI Levee, NewO~rleans. Samana,at the eastern end of tile island. Our coROUNDANDn OVAL BILLIAR~D TABLES, sit and alrh temporary says " this port could be easily converted footsquareWhineild Tables,with Marblo and WoodTops;Can`.. Ionsto play o the cameIuble,eithlerI'tl into a second Sebastopol, which would give its pos ur the t17lma.A f1U andeomi~lnta narurlment of everyarticlein the Iile. )Io .- sessors the command of the neighboring seas. The ufaetrlera InUaRubberfarrCnahione;also Phlch holeuia pretext alleged by Mr. Pierce was that he wished to STOOVE. , l.Holetailla N APi lleys, Irut, ate. cn, xC u Piusfur T Roule BO14NNAHEL,S04L.E 14 pR4(PtlET4 R TrE Portagtle, and net up to toorder, , wih crockery sod ea~t-1re' obtain a coal depot for the accommodation of the United States men-of-war." The Post contends that d25 1y "-WllnutWoodfursale. this would be apreliminary to the annexation of the IlOl.rS MYFULL A. .ILAMIIIAAX LIME, CS.EElNT, Pl.&STEI, e4r--S41)60 bl4., U1IOI--rW1.N. Si.Magner,Notary island, and calls upon the English lGovernment to as per act before nlIre Yuhilr o4r44leb4 0 LFRED KEARNY, 141F2 M4gln,4444. 02oam WIDOW A. COsTI'] stop the present negotiation. 4,,



STYLEZ:S. BrANTOISNTNT,Noe.12and14Conlti street, Ilel-ell Chartres

artl topurehasenonebutthe genuine toe publicarecautlioned cle, called


7ehlehdni lRoenl 27Each bottlewiilbcarthe

to nc•L. e5i,

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the A>enlltht[ varIoa ,.A ta,oaa all stad eTa



with)at it. one otheis genaiuo anldu t-.P,•r saleIn NewOrleatt aholesaleandretil,-st proprlr by prices, ors' dLl


J. W•TICTA CO., streeoh 21end 151Charree


,.C.I-. .1....4)r 44, 44. . 4.1 1,...il by



Seatous ACCDENT.--Thefriends of SenatorSeward will regret to learn that early on Saturday m'oring he was suddenly and without an hour a by General warning, nominated for the P'residency, Webb, of the Courier and Enquirer. His recovery is doubtull, thoughawhen last heard from he was quite as well as could be expected. IN. Y.Times.


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Aabitbmc sad T'eaii.

large one.

andbyanuniform wehavenamed, ofpeople classes the Peri.lley Baein all, Meosr. dealings with intheir ofliberality country, the Southern lrgettrades oneoftile have acquired onhand neednot ofgoostheyhave amount andthemmoese of oftheextent only asaneOldence surprising, considered amoaut.Ina necesitates thatimmense which their trade, round through theirlarge doublestore andbtckbuildings will



and smithing ao

and ofheavy manufacturing a quantity befound

hleathing metals,agricultural implements, chaini, cables,

pipes, .ells, household andkitchen hardware, ete,, ofwhich bell oahand formed. Thle idea eanbepreviously adequate arerepomunds, ad orders from500to1.Ol range in weight ceived foranysize upto4l0pound,. A glane overtheadeIt, I.to-d.,% ('re ,tBRiu, PrlIstley ofMeter,. ertisemeots will givae a partial idea o theextent andvariety ofIlthe:r


AND RETAIL.--Among AT GROCERIES areplantersand cruntry thecity into nowpouring thecrowds s'orekeepers, whowill wantto provide themselves withthe ast groeriswheresbae they aretohadatl'bral rates. To •suh Ns. ofCaooper & Nv bernt, thehousa wewouldrecommend intshe r ofitkiud asoneof thte Crommon street, and grocerie,, •ieo,, with is crammed city. Their 0.b, pteoils, salt candies, tobaca,, fruits, liquors, cigars, ad all in ofall hld. dspia, setc.. erv,i andsealeddolicaies lThbaw.ir canleave nowantanvatisfd. a variety that mentluaanothr columasets forth what ha la aly beenre. caived. andi,.

