Timeline Graphic Organizer - gadoe.org

Timeline Graphic Organizer Policies and Procedures Make sure your special education staff and district administrators have federal and state rules ava...

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Timeline Graphic Organizer Policies and Procedures Make sure your special education staff and district administrators have federal and state rules available- write out each rule in a simple format and go over it with your staff Use these rules to devise procedures for your district; these should include step by step instructions for who (is responsible), what (needs to be completed), when (items are due), and where (location in which steps will be followed…school, district office, etc... Procedures must be written or it will do no good to have them. You may give write information in the following ways: give out hard copies, keep on your district’s webpage, give to staff on a travel drive, Training Training to be complete needs to be identified. These need to correspond to each of the compliance procedures that are written. Complete who, what, when and where of training Will you have to provide for substitutes or money for other items? Is your plan written in your district’s staff development plan? Has this been approved by your superintendent? Have you as a director studied up on these various components of the policies and are you able to provide the in-service yourself or do you folks that you can assign to different parts?

Implementation of Practices Make sure that you have a calendar of implementation dates. Update the calendar with staff and send out emails for reminders. Place huge district calendar were others can see it and have a smaller version to be an official calendar. Make assignments for items that are due and give responsibilities to those on your staff. Process for quality control Develop a process for tracking packets (follow-up checkpoint along the process)

Monitoring Tie the work to be done to the staff’s evaluation or have a decision with the administrator at each school and come up with a plan for each school as to how is best to handle each situation. Develop a district self -monitoring process Develop check points during the process Assign a person to check periodically