Vendor's Name Telephone Number Discount A. W. Graham

Vendor's Name Telephone Number Discount A. W. Graham Lumber, ... Holbrook's Embroidery Plus 606-784-0059 N/A ... Morehead Electric 606-784-9320 Contra...

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Fleming County Schools Local Bid Vendor List 2016-2017 Vendor's Name A. W. Graham Lumber, LLC Adams Refrigeration, LLC Allen's Trucking Aluminum Athletic Equipment Co. American Business Systems, Inc. Around Town, Inc. ASL Excavating, Inc. B & K Stop-N-Shop Bald Hill Truss, Inc. Big 4 Lumber Company Blue Bank Diesel, LLC Big Blue Outdoor, Inc. Brock McVey Company Buffalo Trace Surveying, LLC C. W. Traxel Company Cahall Brothers, Inc. Central Supply Company Cheap Chevrolet Co., Inc. Chuck's Body Shop Coffee Tree Books Crawford Truck Repair Dave's Inc. Auto Glass & Collision Repair Donahue Mechanical, Inc. Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Fizer Carpet Fleming Auto Parts Fleming County Health Department Fleming County Hospital Fleming Shopper Frank Hinton & Son Inc. Harbor Steel & Supply Corporation Heritage Honda Holbrook's Embroidery Plus Interstate Fence Supply Jennings Septic Service Ken's New Market KY News Group Lasting Impressions Flowers & Gifts Lighting Solutions McDonalds McKee Supply Company Morehead Electric Morehead Recreation, Tourism & Convention Mountainview Metal NAPA Auto & Farm

Telephone Number 606-845-9663 606-748-0581 606-209-3613 800-523-5471 800-228-7758 606-789-5101 606-776-0078 606-782-0308 606-849-2103 606-784-8931 606-849-4442 or 606-748-1941 606-845-0638 859-244-4148 606-748-4432 606-564-3220 606-845-7311 606-564-4061 Ext. 313 606-845-2261 606-849-9761 606-784-8364 606-780-4748 or 606-796-9929 606-845-4331 606-784-4297 606-691-6015 606-845-9771 606-849-2333 606-845-6511 606-849-5003 or 606-849-5001 606-845-0771 606-845-1821 859-255-7884 or 231-375-5613 606-759-5000 606-784-0059 859-498-3757 606-784-4402 606-849-2366 606-845-9211 606-845-0103 859-498-9033 606-849-3277 or 606-564-6185 606-845-0500 606-784-9320 606-780-4342 606-845-8408 606-748-1397

Discount N/A N/A N/A N/A 25% N/A N/A N/A N/A 7% N/A N/A 2% N/A N/A N/A 2% wholesale pricing N/A up to 20% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1/2% 25% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10% N/A N/A N/A Contractor's Pricing N/A N/A N/A

Fleming County Schools Local Bid Vendor List 2016-2017 Vendor's Name Norman Story & Associates Ole Seasons Shoppe Packs, Inc. Peoples Coverage Insurance Pickett Concrete R & R Custom Graphics Rose Farm Supply, LLC Save-A-Lot Shepherd Printing Sloan's Paint & Wallpaper Southern States Flemingsburg Cooperative, Inc. Special Touch Pressure Washing Standard Supply Company State Electric Supply Steve's ACE Hardware Steve's Welding & Towing T & K Paving The Door Shop The Tint Shoppe The Walker Company of Ky, Inc. Thompson Brothers Construction, LLC Tire World Total Care Pharmacy #2 W. H. Shelley Trucking Western Southern Life

Telephone Number 606-845-3441 ext. 3 606-783-1509 606-784-4108 Ext. 121 606-845-0121 606-784-9519 606-784-1139 606-845-2011 606-845-0647 606-784-2858 606-845-1661 606-845-5811 606-845-9981 or 606-782-2711 606-564-4531 Ext. 313 304-528-0218 606-849-2110 606-845-1311 606-845-2432 606-564-8088 606-780-7766 859-499-2405 606-776-0516 606-375-2803 606-845-3421 606-876-4772 or 606-876-3092 606-564-3171

Discount N/A Fair Pricing Scale N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10% 2% N/A 10% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A State Contract Pricing 25% for gifts, etc. N/A N/A