wamy's Handbook - 2017

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November, 2016

wamy's Handbook -

II th r dealers I booksellers is still being continued to includ nd t Initiate appropriate legal dealing with counterfeit book actions in respect thereof. In the interest of avoiding


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Substitute the existing citations with "OM, dated 7-10-2016".

are as under:-

2. Personal Computer Advance

Swamy publishers (P) Ltd. 236, R.K. Mutt Road Raja Annamalaipuram Chennai - 600 028 Phone: (044) 2493 83 65 2493 92 44 I 45

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OM, dated 7-10-2016".

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Page 15.Eligibility.Add the following after the third para."R~~ired employ~~s. of Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) ~~~d~~~~s.CGHS facilities only in Delhi/NCR subject to certain - OM, dated20-9-2016".

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"Compassionate appointee h Idin t f mily pensioner CGHS card can apply for serving II ards , us per their present higher entitlement, subject to certain nditi n OM, dated 19-9-2016".

() 31.

hlIdr 'n' cncral


Istanee to Government

November, 2016 servants in legal proceedings

I'll 't' 61.

Add the following as a new Para.


• wamy newS




Add the following as a new Para. 3-B below Para. 3-A.('cun~I-?nts .•arifieations

on action on Anonymous

/ Pseudonymous

(i) Wh ere ~e actiO!1was initiated on anonymous / pseudon ous complamts pnor to the issue of CVC's C· 1 ymd 29 6 1999 d' ircu ar, ated - an was pendmg as on 29-6-1999 .t b further to its logical end. ,1 can e pursued (ii) Wh

Page 28.Add the following as a new Para. 6 below Para. 5.-

"6. E-receipt produced as a proof of payment of fee, etc., may be treated as original and claim for reimbursement of CEA allowed. - OM, dated 22-8-2016". (4) SECTION 6 - Conduct Rules 11. Sexual Harassment of working women Page 59.Addthe following as a new Para. below Composition Committee.-

ere action ~as initiated between the period 11-10-2002 and 25-11-20 1~ w~th pnor concurrence of CVC but is endin further action IS permissible on such complaints. p g, (iii) M a~eria~ / evidence gathered during the investigation / verification of anonymous complaints when the action was prohibited on such complaints (i.e. between 29-6-1999 and t~I-10-2002), or where such enquiry was initiated without e approval of CVC, ~an be utilized for further initiation of ~~sclp'lmary proceedings on misconduct noticed in such ven ication / enquiry, - OM, dated 7-3-2016".

of Complaints

"It is clarified that there is no bar either in the CCS (CCA) Rules or under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 to the hairperson of the omplaints Committee being junior to the su pect officer or the charged officer. OM, dated 9-9-2016". Page 60.Add the following below the citation" OM. dated 16-7-2015". "Guidelines regarding prevention of exual Harassment of Women at the work place.In cases of allegation, of S ual Harassment, the following procedure shall be adopted:Where a Complaint Committee has not I ' iomm ended any action against the employee again t wh rn the nile ations have been made in a case involving allegations of se ual harassment, the Disciplinary Authority shall supply II l'OPY of the Report of the Complaint Committee to U1 complumnnt and hall consider her representation, if any submitt d, helm .oming to a final conclusion. The representati n sh III h~ d emed to be an appeal under Section 18 (I) of the l lurassm 'nl of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redr II) A 'I, 2013. OM. dated 2-8-2016".

13. Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities Page 62.-

IV. Submission of first return under Lokpal Act.(i) S. b "u stitute the words "31 st day ofJuly 2016" with th d 31st December, 2016". ' e wor s, (ii) In t h e citation add "and 29-7-2016" after 12-4-2016. (5) SECTION



2. Licence Fee

Page 119.C. LADlES'

11 -


IJ H ~;gl~r,~ollowing

as a new Para below the citation "-

SR 317-

"Lad om ' P 001 mtroduced . 'noble L ~ icers within Secretary Pool (SG) to to ndit~~s.Omcers to get accommodannn on priority basis, subject -

OM, dated 31-8-2016".




November, 2016

12. Subletting


S amysnewS .( ) Damages


Substitute the existing Paras. (1), (2) and (3) and the table below with the following.Charging of damages from unauthorized occupants of General Pool Accommodation.(1) Revised rates of damages for unauthorized occupation of General Pool Residential Accommodation for various cities and other stations in the country with effect from 1-7-2016.Type ofAcco mmodation and Rates of Damages to be charged for the first month


(4) Water charges, Fw:mture charges, etc., if applicable, will be charged damages at the normal rates only.

Typ elV (Spe cial) to Type VI and Ho stel

Type VII and Type VIII

40 times

50 times

55 times

Servant Quarters


50 times

50 times


OM, dated 7-9-2016.


14 -

Leave Rules

1. General Principles Page 150.-

Hyderabad Estate, Belvedere, Pedder Road, BD Road, Malabar Hill, Colaba and Prabhadevi

120 times

120 times

50 times

50 times

Add the following as a new Para. 16 below Para. 15.-


Rest of Mumbai including Hostel at Antop _____ ~ Hill

method will be made

'fI' 'I fr m 1-7-2016 on all unauthorized occupants as on 1-7-2016 and who will be declar~d unauthorized henceforth. The rates of damages will be '(II '1~llItedas .two times of damages for first month; two times of damages t I()(ru two t~es of damages for second month; two times of damages t 00 tw~ times of damages for third month; two times of damages + ()iI II two trrn~s of damages for fourth month and so on, limiting to the III I unum 5 tunes of damages charged in such proved subletting cases luun the first month.




Ip lit from the above-mentioned

Typel to IV



for subletting:

November, 2016

IPPt. able for unauthorized occupation in proved subletting cases with

Pages 129-131.-



50 times -L

50 times

50 times

L_~~• __ _L __ ~~

"16. Special Leave connected with inquiry on Sexual Harassment.-

50 times



Type of Accommodation and Rates of Damages to be charged for the first month Station

Stations other than Delhi and Mumbai

Type 1 toN

Type V and above and Hostel

Servant Quarters


40 times

50 times

50 times

50 times

(2) Damages for unauthorized Occupation: The damages will be charged from the date of cancellation of allotment to the date the GPRA is vacated by the unauthorized allotee and the rate of damages for unauthorized occupation for each type of General Pool Residential Accommodation shall increase in telescopic method from second month onward i.e. for second month - damages + 10% of rate of damages; for third month - damages + 20% of rate of damages; for fourth month - damage + 40% of rate of damages; and so on, limiting to the maximum 5 times 0f rates of damages charged during the first month of unauthorized occupation.

(i) Lea~e up to maximum of 90 days shall be granted to an aggneved female Government servant, during the period of pendency of inquiry on the recommendations of the Internal Committee or Local Committee. (ii) The leave so granted, shall not be debited against the leave account.


OM, dated 14-7-2016".


15 -

Leave Travel Concession

3. Entitlements Page 175.Special

& .-


to travel

Substitute the date '26-9-2014'

by air to visit NER



in Para. (1) with '26-9-2016'.

In the citation to the Para., add -

OM, dated 19-9-2016.
