Web Quest - Beyond our solar system

Beyond our Solar System Web Quest Go to the following website: http://casswww.ucsd.edu/archive/public/astroed.html 1. What is there a picture of on th...

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Astronomer: _______________________

Mr. Gord

Astronomy Date: __________ Hour: __________

Beyond our Solar System Web Quest Go to the following website: http://casswww.ucsd.edu/archive/public/astroed.html 1. What is there a picture of on the page?

Click on Gene Smith’s Astronomy Tutorial, then on “A Brief history of Astronomy”. (next line) http://cass.ucsd.edu/archive/public/tutorial/History.html Scroll all the way down the page. Feel free to stop and click on anything that interests you. 2. List two people from this page that attract your attention. Describe their accomplishments and why you chose them. I am expecting paragraphs – for each person you chose.

Scroll all the way down the page. Feel free to stop and click on anything that interests you. Click on Introduction at bottom. 3. Traveling at Freeway speed, how long would it take to get to Jupiter? Click on the small images that are on the side of the page. 4. Which image is your favorite and why?

Click on Gene Smith’s Astronomy Tutorial, Click on “Stellar Evolution 1.” http://cass.ucsd.edu/archive/public/tutorial/StevI.html Scroll all the way down the page. Feel free to stop and click on anything that interests you. 5. List the nine stages of a life cycle of a star like our sun.

Click on Gene Smith’s Astronomy Tutorial, Click on “Stellar Evolution II.” http://casswww.ucsd.edu/archive/public/tutorial/StevII.html Scroll all the way down the page. Feel free to stop and click on anything that interests you. 6. Do massive stars live longer or shorter stellar lives? Why?

Click on Gene Smith’s Astronomy Tutorial, Click on “Supernovae, Neutron, Stars & Pulsars.” http://casswww.ucsd.edu/archive/public/tutorial/SN.html Scroll all the way down the page. Feel free to stop and click on anything that interests you. Click on NASA’s supernova animation. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/snr.html 7. According to this link, when does a supernova occur and why?

Choose at least one more of Gene Smith’s Astronomy Tutorial links (your choice). 8. Write the one you chose. Why did you find it interesting? What did you learn that you didn’t know before?