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Academy@PwC A learner centric LMS based on SAP Learning Solution (LSO) Dirk Burkamp Learning Technology Leader CC #UKISUG11


Audience Needs Analysis or... Who is in the room? Who is going to implement SAP LSO soon? IT/Technology


Which group do YOU represent?

Business UKISUG PwC

SAP TEM Users November 2011 Slide 2

Who am I? My past Started as a programmer in the software industry aged 16 Head of Software Development - Head of Marketing & Sales Executive Recruiter – Dancesport Coach 19 years in the consulting market / 14 years in the learning market My specialisation Learning technology - skill management - HR information systems My role

Central Cluster Learning Technology Leader (92 countries EMEA + India + Russia...) UKISUG PwC

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Section one Section two Section three


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Agenda PricewaterhouseCoopers – Learning for tomorrow Talent management – The landscape PwC Academy – The project

Ben and Erika – The training and development cycle Lessons Learned / Outlook


November 2011 Slide 5

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG WPG

We are the No. 1 ...


November 2011 Slide 6

We are the number 1


Turnover Big 4 Germany* (B €)







1 1,379


* As of 30.09.2009 UKISUG PwC

November 2011 Slide 7

PwC in Germany

8.673 Employees

28 Locations

430 Partners

1,37 B Euro Revenue UKISUG PwC

November 2011 Slide 8

Change is the only constant Assurance share of total revenue annual percentage change

58 % + 7,6 %

Tax share of total revenue annual percentage change

24 % + 7,3 %

Advisory share of total revenue annual percentage change

18 %

+ 20,9 %

As of 30.06.2007 UKISUG PwC

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What makes us special and successful?


November 2011 Slide 10

Our people! • love to create and to implement their ideas • adapt quickly to changing working environments • Like to work with several clients and in changing team • keep their knowledge up to date • are characterizes by brilliant achievements and a well developed capacity for teamwork • assume leadership and responsibilities • Enjoy to develop client solutions creatively


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Our people! • 98% are university graduates • are drawn from the upper 10% of the graduates years • are for the most part „digital natives“ • represent one out of two control levers • renew by the majority within 6 years

• are becoming younger and younger


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Talent Management – The Landscape Identify


Strategic and consistent identification of talents

Holistic and target oriented development of talents

Deploy Target oriented and sustainable placement of talent

Engage Long-term retention and engagement of talents

PwC Academy

Partner Dev. Prog.


Key Talent Prog. Masterprogram Performance Mngt. Sys. Direct Entry

180° Feedback

Pool AC

270° Feedback

Talent Pools ECO

Potential Check HiPo Ident. UKISUG PwC

Secondments November 2011 Slide 13

Academy@PwC– The project

The motivation of the project „Modernisation of Learning and Education at PwC“ „Achieving transparency“ „Not catching up but getting ahead!“

„Employer of choice“

+30% quality and efficiency UKISUG PwC

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Learning within PwC Germany • PwC invests 130 Million € in Learning and Education on a yearly basis (75% opportunity costs) • A PwC employee takes 8,1 training days per year in average

• Regulation and Legislation are main drivers of training • One hour of additional work per year and employee will result in costs of approx. 1 Mio. € • 95% of our employees are equipped with laptop, 3G and a blackberry.


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Strategic starting point • enormous variety of processes in the L&D area, low degree of standardisation in back office operation • monoculture of the use of certain learning formats

• expert based definition of all training measures carried out centrally • transparency of costs/benefit mainly focussed on accounting • Ineffective and inefficient data management

• Cultural challenges in change management of L&D


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Market position of SAP Learning Solution


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Learning Solution @ PwC • PwC Germanys IT follows a clear SAP strategy and therefore recommended SAP LSO • The recommendation of the business experts was different

• SAP LSO 600 EHP 4 has been implemented (all Business Functions have been activated) Implementation agreements Business/IT • Development of a new UI for all learners/instructors/trainers • SAP Client will be only rolled out for power users • Cost cap for the business side, cost over-runs will be accepted and covered by the IT budget UKISUG PwC

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IT Strategy @ PwC SAP as strategic partner Main motives for the use of SAP LSO • Integration - Homogeneous SAP landscape enables a far reaching integration of processes - One common userinterface for all HR applications and systems • Interfaces

- Desire to use standardized interfaces between LSO und PA, OM, PD, Content Repository System in SAP portal and the SAP Content Player as well as the SAP authoring environment • Existing SAP Team - All HR applications have already been supported by a nine-strong team that is embedded in a 35 FTE strong SAP team UKISUG PwC

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The project phases



Recording Figures – Data - Facts


Conceptual Design

3 Implementation



Masterplan Training Who? When? What? How much?

Systems & Tools Learning Management Training & Development Cycle Skills- and Competencies Mngt. Performance Management

Project Design Blueprints Business Case



Controls & Governance

Academy Office Operating Model

Content Transformation

Change Implementation


November 2011 Slide 20

Die Implementierungsphase

3 Implementation


Systems & Tools Learning Management Training & Development Cycle Skills- and Competencies Mngt. Performance Management

Content Transformation

Change Implementation


November 2011 Slide 21

Implementation Phase – Systems & Tools 1/2 Systems & Tools


Learning Management Training & Development Cycle Skills- and Competencies Mngt. Performance Management


Foundation and systematisation 1st



Implementation of a plain learning portal based on SAP VM  SAP LSO •

Development of a completely new UI for the learning Objective: Re-Use within e-records, PMS and other systems.  standard function modules controlled by UI booking logic SAP standard but integrated into the UI  WebDynpro for ABAP Framework

Development of an independent course catalogue  based on custom specific infotypes reflecting additional course details

Implementation of Blended Learning functionalities  base on custom specific infotypes supporting meta tagging November 2011 Slide 22

Implementation Phase – Systems & Tools 2/2 Systems & Tools


Learning Management Training & Development Cycle Skills- and Competencies Mngt. Performance Management


Foundation and systematisation st Step Stufe 1 1


Implementation of the Offline-Player  Usability leaves room for improvement  Slightly buggy and lack of functionality

Implementation of rapid- and High-End Authoring Tools  Minimizing the use of SAP AE

Systematic roll-out of already existing technologies “Making most of it”

Consolidation of existing LMSs  integration of existing content platforms via AICC November 2011 Slide 23

User Interface SAP Style The SAP LSO user interface spiegelt reflects very mich the standard SAP user experience of the main SAP components. The understandanding of the UI by occasional users leaves room for improvement. It does not offer the look & feel of a typical webbased application (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn etc.). The renovation of the UI has been started. The 1st Customer Engagement Activities have been conducted. UKISUG PwC

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User Interface Custom Style A change of the standard UI is possible by modifications. An exchange of the is possible as well. It can be cost-intensive and could turn out to be problematic on the log run. The new build UI based on WebDynpro has a high level of acceptance among the user group.


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User Interface Custom Style


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User Interface Custom Style


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User Interface Custom Style


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User Interface Custom Style


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User Interface Custom Style


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Detail Page Course Details The course detail page has been clarified and simplified. Additional Information that is important for the learner has been added. All shown data is stored as meta data in the infotypes of the course type object. Objective: maximising the use of already existing data


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Extended Metadata Course Catalogue The LSO can store course catalogues following a hierarchical approach – often reflecting the organisational structure of a company. Modern matrix organisations with x-divisional functions and an increasing level of specialisation wont be reflected by this approach. Therefore we extended the system to tag each course type additionally to support a precise course search and a course selection based on need. UKISUG PwC

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Extended Metadata Course Catalogue


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Extended Metadata Course Catalogue


November 2011 Slide 34

Extended Metadata Course Catalogue


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Extended Metadata Course Catalogue


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Ben und Erika – Learning & Development Cycle


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Implementation Phase – Systems & Tools Systems & Tools


Learning Management Training & Development Cycle Skills- and Competencies Mngt. Performance Management


Learner centric „strengthening needs orientated learning“ 1st Step

Impl. of a training and development cycle within the Learning Portal • Basing on a skills- and competency management  using the PD data structure to implement role and employee profiles • Integrated into the performance management process  using the HAP documents (SAP appraisals)

Optimisation of the learning portal functionalities • Implementation of employee and instructor self service scenarios  instructor portal based on a complex roles and rights system  use of further function modules via WebDynproUI  added custom build functionality

2nd Step


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Implementation Phase – Systems & Tools Systems & Tools


Learning Management Training & Development Cycle Skills- and Competencies Mngt. Performance Management


Learner centric „strengthening needs orientated learning“ 1st Step

2nd Step


Implementation if a user context based search enginge  Development of the search enginge based on ABAP

• •

Integration of further technologies by adding of additional course types  Wiki  Blogs  Forums  etc. ...

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Training and Development Cycle Job Roles


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Training and Development Cycle Skills


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Training and Development Cycle Performance Management System


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Search Engine ‘Google-Style’

The search is based on successful concepts and paradigms of web search engines and covers the need of 95% of the users. • Only one input field • Only one “search” button • Few check box options • •

Search only in title Show only results according to my user context

• All search results are weighted according to their relevance


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Search Engine detailed search • Detailed search via combination of several criteria . • All criteria is prefilled according to the HR data of the learner. • All search results are weighted according to their relevance


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Search Engine Searching according to user context


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Employee Self Service B0oking


November 2011 Slide 46

Implementation Phase – Systems & Tools Systems & Tools


Learning Management Training & Development Cycle Skills- and Competencies Mngt. Performance Management


Value drivers – „making most of it“ •

Implementation of a multilevel participants feedback  Based on PHAP, but massively modified and extended

Implementation of Learning Nets  object based approach

• • •

Optimisation of Learning Portal functionality Implementation of Management Self Service scenarios Implementation of a MMS/ESS reporting

Deep integration of other systems (Virtual Classrooms, Assessment systems)

1st Step

2nd Step

3rd Step UKISUG PwC

November 2011 Slide 47

Die Implementierungsphase – Content Content Transformation


Block-Buster Regelbetrieb


Aufbau und Systematisierung „Grundlagen schaffen“ Stufe 1


Aufbau eines Teams aus 2,7 FTE Multimedia Consultants

Entwicklung von detaillierten Anforderungsdokumenten • Styleguides • Prozessguidelines

Systematische Transformation der Blockbuster •

Der Einsatz von Lerntechnologie ist default Blended Learning ist default

Keine Lerntechnologie um jeden Preis Abgestimmte Kriterienmatrix zur Transformation

Business Case Berechnung für jede Transformation und auch jede Neuentwicklung

November 2011 Slide 48

Die Implementierungsphase – Content Content Transformation


Block-Buster Regelbetrieb


Lerner im Mittelpunkt „Bedarfsorientierung stärken“ Stufe 1

Förderung der Identifikation des Lerners mit den Lernmodulen Implementierung eines Design das erkennen lässt – „von PwC für mich maßgeschneidert“

Hinterfragen der Zielgruppen Vollständige Überarbeitung des Katalogmanagements • Ablösung einer Business orientieren Struktur durch einer Lerner orientierte Struktur • Metadatenerstellung im Hinblick auf Zielgruppen

Starke Modularisierung

Adaptive Lernpfade

Stufe 2


November 2011 Slide 49

Die Implementierungsphase – Content Content Transformation


Block-Buster Regelbetrieb


Werthebel nutzen „making most of it“ Stufe 1

Stufe 2

Einbettung kollaborativer Lernszenarien

Formelle Unterstützung des informellen Lernens

Eingebettete Mobile Learning Angebote

Performance Support Angebote für alle Mitarbeiter

Stufe 3 UKISUG PwC

November 2011 Slide 50

Lessons Learned • Critically review integration gains at an early project phase • Keep a close eye on system performance • Monolitic integration of HCM and LSO leads to significant additioanl efforts • Manual administration efforts • Degree of maturity is still low in SAP LSO 604 compared to LMS market leaders


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SAP LSO Potential for business improvements Need for action • Learning formats - Support of modern learning formats - Learning networks

- Mobile Learning • Integration - Level of detail of integration into other sub systems (PD etc.) • Administration - Expense drivers through the transfer of classroom paradigms to virtually delivered learning formats - Separation of HCM and LSO


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SAP LSO Potential for technical improvements Need for action • Performance - SAP functional modules within LSO - Participants lists / mass correspondences

• Authoring Environment / Content management - Involvement of the content management into transport management - Rapid Contenterstellung in SCORM 2004 • Content Player - Usability of the Offline Player - Reliability of the Online Content Player - Stability of the JAVA –services • UI • Quality of the software / bugs UKISUG PwC

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Our next steps Learning Solution • Learning networks • BW/BO Integration • Portals

• Contentserver integration via WebDAV • Integration of external LMS systems


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Outlook Questions we try to answer • Why do we support yesterday training formats today? Team based Learning / action based Learning / Learn Blogs

• How do we support 70:20:10 systematically? Formalisation of the informal learning / social networks / user generated content

• Why do we learn for later use in a quick changing market environment? Performance Support / m-Learning

• Do we hire the right people?

• Do we know the risks of loosing people? Succession Planning / Replacement Training

• I we would know what we know … Knowledge Management

• Is performance linked to learning? Is externally controlled learning at all effective? UKISUG PwC

November 2011 Slide 55

Our SAP Learning Solution This placeholder text (20pt FY2010 Georgia regular) is intended to show the correct position and size 9.000 Learners of the real text used in this 2.500ToVirtual location. ensure that you have the correct size, colour and Classrooms location of the text, it is recommended that you select. 600 Learning Overtype this placeholder text.

Elements 48 e-Learning productions

SAP Learning Solution 600, aktivated EHP 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Implementation of blended learning based on curriculum and training programm course types Integration of the internal content server SAP CM and of external content servers via AICC Implementation of SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 e-Learnings Implementation of a course evaluation system via SAP PM Appraisals PHAP Implementations of a skill- and competency management system via Q infotypes Integration of the SAP Offline Player Implementierung of the SAP Authoring Environment plus staging processes Impelemntation of a newly implemented GUI based on Web Dynpro ABAB Integration of a document server (Sharepoint) Integration of further training formats (Wiki, Podcast etc.) Implementation of a course catalogue based on metatags Implementation of a learner centric search engine based on Metatags Migration of SAP VM data November 2011 Slide 56

Learning for the future

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG WPG Human Capital Telephone: +49 (69) 9585-5289 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.pwc.de Twitter: @dburkamp

© 2011 PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. In diesem Dokument bezieht sich "PwC" auf die PricewaterhouseCoopers Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, die eine Mitgliedsgesellschaft der PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL) ist. Jede der Mitgliedsgesellschaften der PwCIL ist eine rechtlich und wirtschaftlich selbständige Gesellschaft.