4 SGLG Indicators

Social Protection. 1. VAWC desks. 2. LSWDO. 3. Compliance with. Accessibility Law. 4. Residential Care Facility. 5. IPMR a. RA 9433 b. BP 344 c. RA 92...

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February 2016

SGLG Indicators

SGLG Indicator Summary No. of Indicators

Indicator Changes from 2015 A B B.1 B.2




New Indicator Current Indicators

4 21

1 15

5 36

Increased in Target or With Additional Element





Retained (No change)





SGLG Indicators:

Financial Administration

Financial Administration • 2014 audit opinion • Compliance with the Full Disclosure Policy • Average local collection

growth rate (2012 to 2014)

• GSIS settlement of obligations LEGEND

Blue: similar to 2014 Green: Upgrade Orange: New area, indicator or element

SGLG Indicators:

Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness 2015 Gawad KALASAG Awardee or Hall of Fame Awardee • LGU awareness of hazards • Plans based on risks and vulnerability assessment • Presence of plans: CLUP /PDPFP, Zoning Ordinance, LCCAP, Contingency, LDRRM, CBDRRM

LGU Name

Disaster Preparedness cont’d LDRRMC and LDRRMO

Search and Rescue Teams

Disaster Preparedness cont’d Early warning systems

Evacuation center management

Disaster Preparedness cont’d Prepositioning of goods & services LEGEND

Standard Operating Procedures: Incident Command System, OpCen, Pre-emptive & Forced Evacuation

Blue: similar to 2014 Green: Upgrade Orange: New indicator or element

SGLG-DP Indicators • 1st place Gawad KALASAG Awardee or Hall of Fame for 2015 OR • Presence of LDRMMC • Permanent LDRRMO • Awareness of LGU hazard • Risk and/ or vulnerability assessment is conducted, and information is linked to plans.

SGLG-DP Indicators • Presence of plans: – PDPFP – CLUP and Zoning Ordinance – LDRRM Plan – Contingency Plan – LCCAP – 50% of brgys with CBDRRM Plans

SGLG-DP Indicators • Presence of early warning system – One marker per hazard area – Audible and wide-ranging warning and alarm system (e.g siren, church bell, radio) – Automated rain gauge OR indigenous technology to measure amount of rainfall – Info on EWS in conspicuous places (e.g. public market, LG building)

SGLG-DP Indicators • Established evacuation center management Identified evacuation center System for registration of evacuees and information guide Localized information guide with facilities or map 50% of brgys with evacuation guide

SGLG-DP Indicators • Organized, equipped and trained Search and Rescue or Emergency Response Teams Teams organized within the last 3 years With equipage (water rescue kit, extrication kit, personal protective gear, first aid kit and emergency medical kit Trained in flood/swift water/ravine search and rescue, and basic life support

SGLG-DP Indicators • System of prepositioning goods and resources Mobilization and management of volunteer groups Medical and and/or psycho-social support Security services Relief operations (in case of stockpiling, the LGU must be able to prepare at least 500 food packs and 500 hygiene kits

SGLG-DP Indicators • Provinces and Cities - all conditions must be met: Presence of SOP Presence of ICS Presence of LDRRM OpCen Established pre-emptive and forced evacuation • Municipalities - following conditions must be met: Presence of SOP Presence of ICS OR LDRRM OpCen Established pre-emptive and forced evacuation

SGLG Indicators:

Social Protection

Social Protection Column A

1. VAWC desks 2. LSWDO

Column B C


3. Compliance with Accessibility Law



RA 9433


BP 344


RA 9262


RA 8371

4. Residential Care Facility E e. 5. IPMR D LEGEND

Blue: similar to 2014 Green: Upgrade Orange: New indicator or element

RA 10630, RA 7277, RA 7432

Social Protection cont’d. • Philhealth-accreditation of LGU-managed hospitals/ main health facilities/RHUs

• Alignment of LSB with SIP; and 80% LSB Plan completion rate or fund utilization rate

• Courtesy lanes for frontline services • CSO representation in the LDC

• Implementation of SP-related programs • Local Code for Children


Blue: similar to 2014 Green: Upgrade Orange: New indicator or element

SGLG Indicators:

Business – Friendliness & Competitiveness

Business-Friendliness & Competitiveness Top 50 of the Competitiveness Index Finalists of Most Business Friendly LGUs Award

LEIPO: office/officer, Local Investment Incentive Code BPLO: Citizen’s Charter, BOSS, processing time of mayor/business permits, business permit transaction database


Blue: similar to 2014 Green: Upgrade Orange: New indicator or element

SGLG Indicators:

Peace & Order

Peace and Order • Quartely LPOC meetings • LACAP: adoption, 75% completion rate & fund utilization • Logistical support to local PNP station • 100% Organized and 80% trained BPATs or other similar unit • Joint LGU-PNP activity (at least 2) LEGEND

Blue: similar to 2014 Green: Upgrade Orange: New indicator or element

SGLG Indicators:

Environmental Management

Environmental Management • 10-year SWM Plan • System of waste collection: ordinance and implementation in LG buildings • Presence of MRF or similar facility • Access to sanitary landfill or alternative technology LEGEND

Blue: similar to 2014 Green: Upgrade Orange: New indicator or element

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