7th Grade Math Pacing-June 2010 - Billings Public Schools

the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) • Evaluate expressions with integers and ... Algebra with Pizzazz ˝Why did they build a gym on Wall Str...

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SEVENTH GRADE Revised June 2010

Billings Public Schools Correlation and Pacing Guide Math - McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 (Chapter Order: 1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 13, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 1– Number Sense, Patterns, and Algebraic Thinking

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 1.1 (1 day) Patterns

Lesson 1.2 (1 day) Evaluate Expressions

Lesson 1.3 (1 day) Powers & Exponents Approximately 12 days Lesson 1.4 (2 days) Order of Operations

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Represent linear and proportional relationships using multiple representations (tables, graphs, verbal descriptions, symbolic expressions) of data and make connections among the representations. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of equality and rational numbers to rewrite an algebraic expression in multiple ways and show that the expressions are equivalent. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Evaluate expressions with integers and whole number exponents with and without calculator. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Evaluate expressions with integers and whole number exponents with and without calculator. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

Hands-On Activity on page 13

Technology page 23 Do 1.4 Activity from Activity Generator or “What’s Your Address” Activity

Quiz (1 day) Lesson 1.5 (1 day) Equations & Mental Math

Lesson 1.6 (2 days) Perimeter & Area

Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of equality and rational numbers to rewrite an algebraic expression in multiple ways and show that the expressions are equivalent. (I, D, E, A) Geometric Reasoning · Determine the lengths, areas, and volume using proportional reasoning and scale factors of similar two- and three-dimensional objects. (I, D, E, A)

Do “Discovering Perimeter & Area” Activity instead of textbook lesson

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Pacing Chapter 1– Number Sense, Patterns, and Algebraic Thinking

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 1.7 (1 day) Problem Solving

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Represent linear and proportional relationships using multiple representations (tables, graphs, verbal descriptions, symbolic expressions) of data and make connections among the representations. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials Do pages 36-37 instead of textbook lesson

Review/Test (2 days)

Approximately 12 days

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Pacing Chapter 6 – Integers

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 6.1 (1 day) Compare and Order Integers

Lesson 6.2 (3 days) Lesson 6.3 Adding & Subtracting Integers Approximately 9 days

Lesson 6.4 (2 days) Multiplying Integers

Lesson 6.5 (1 day) Dividing Integers

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester Number Sense and Operation · Recognize, model, and compare different forms of integers and rational numbers including percents, fractions, decimals, and numbers using exponents and scientific notation. (A) Number Sense and Operation · Use and justify the strategies and procedures for computing with integers. (I, D, E, A) · Solve and create problems using integers and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) · Evaluate expressions with integers and whole number exponents with and without calculator. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Use and justify the strategies and procedures for computing with integers. (I, D, E, A) · Solve and create problems using integers and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) · Evaluate expressions with integers and whole number exponents with and without calculator. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Use and justify the strategies and procedures for computing with integers. (I, D, E, A) · Solve and create problems using integers and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) · Evaluate expressions with integers and whole number exponents with and without calculator. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised Supplemental Materials

“Stepping Out Integers” Lesson from AIMS Education Foundation OR “Integer Addresses” from AIMS Education Foundation Algebra with Pizzazz “Find a Match” and “Famous Farming”

Algebra with Pizzazz “Why did the ant run across the cracker box?” Page 73 suggested assessment

Review/Test (2 days)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 2 – Decimal Operations

Approximately 8 days

Student/Teacher Edition Pre-assess Operations of Decimals: Complete Lessons 2.1-2.4 if needed (2 days)

Lesson 2.5 (2 days) Scientific Notation Lesson 2.6 (1 day) Measuring in Metric Units Lesson 2.7 (1 day) Converting Metric Units

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester Number Sense and Operation · Deduce values of fraction/decimal/percent equivalencies using common fractions/decimals/percents (e.g., since 1/4=25% then 3/4=75%). (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of rational numbers and inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Evaluate expressions with integers and whole number exponents with and without calculator. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Solve problems involving standard and metric measures. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Solve problems involving standard and metric measures. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

Activity Generator Lesson 2.5

Activity Generator Lesson 2.7

Review/Test (2 days)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 4 – Number Patterns and Fractions

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 4.1 (1 day) Prime Factorization Lesson 4.2 (1 day) GCF Lesson 4.3 (2 days) Equivalent Fractions

Approximately Quiz (1 day) 14 days

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester Number Sense and Operation · Write the prime factorization of a number with and without exponents. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Write the prime factorization of a number with and without exponents. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Deduce values of fraction/decimal/percent equivalencies using common fractions/decimals/percents (e.g., since 1/4=25% then 3/4=75%). (I, D, E, A)

Lesson 4.4 (2 days) LCM

Number Sense and Operation · Write the prime factorization of a number with and without exponents. (I, D, E, A)

Lesson 4.5 (2 days) Comparing & Ordering Fractions

Number Sense and Operation · Deduce values of fraction/decimal/percent equivalencies using common fractions/decimals/percents (e.g., since 1/4=25% then 3/4=75%). (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Deduce values of fraction/decimal/percent equivalencies using common fractions/decimals/percents (e.g., since 1/4=25% then 3/4=75%). (I, D, E, A)

Lesson 4.6 (2 days) Mixed Number & Improper Fractions

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

Equivalency Fraction Tile Activity

Captain Hook Worksheet Algebra with Pizzazz GCF & LCM Venn Diagram of Chart Fraction War using Playing Cards Fraction Tiles

Pattern Blocks Fraction Tiles

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 4 – Number Patterns and Fractions

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 4.7 (1 day) Fractions, Decimals, Percent Equivalencies

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester Number Sense and Operation · Deduce values of fraction/decimal/percent equivalencies using common fractions/decimals/percents (e.g., since 1/4=25% then 3/4=75%). (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials Use an activity to represent the connection between fractions, decimals & percents (ie., M&M Activity)

Review/Test (2 days) Approximately 14 days

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Pacing Chapter 5 –

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 5.1 (2 days) Adding & Subtracting Fractions

Fraction Operations Lesson 5.2 (2 days) Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers Lesson 5.3 (2 days) Approximately Multiplying Fractions with 13 days Mixed Numbers Lesson 5.4 (2 days) Dividing Fractions with Mixed Numbers Quiz (1 day) Lesson 5.5 & 5.6 (2 days) Measuring and Converting with Customary Units

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester

MATH – 2010 Revised Supplemental Materials

Number Sense and Operation · Use number theory concepts such as prime factorization, greatest common factor, and least common multiple in problem situations. (A) Number Sense and Operation · Compute fluently and solve multi-step problems using integers, fractions, decimals, and numbers in exponential form. (A) Number Sense and Operation · Multiply and divide fractions fluently. (D, E, A)

Algebra with Pizzazz “Fraction Attraction”

Number Sense and Operation · Multiply and divide fractions fluently. (D, E, A)

Algebra with Pizzazz “Why did they build a gym on Wall Street?”

Algebra with Pizzazz “Famous Quotations”

Number Sense and Operation · Use rates to justify conversions between units within the same system. (e.g., miles per hour to feet per second) (I, D, E, A) · Use appropriate tools and technology to estimate and measure, with appropriate units, in scientific and cultural situations, including those of Montana American Indians. (E, A)

Review Test (2 days)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Student/Teacher Edition Pacing Chapter 13 – Lesson 13.1 (1 day) Probability


Approximately Lesson 13.2 (1 day) Tree Diagram 5 days

Necessary Lesson (2 days)

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

Data Analysis Mathematics · Use the experimental and theoretical probability of an event to make a prediction for a large number of trials and justify your reasoning (e.g., probability of rolling a sum of two when rolling a pair of dice is 1/6; how many times would you expect a sum of two if you rolled the pair of dice 360 times). (I, D, E, A) Data Analysis Mathematics · Use the experimental and theoretical probability of an event to make a prediction for a large number of trials and justify your reasoning (e.g., probability of rolling a sum of two when rolling a pair of dice is 1/6; how many times would you expect a sum of two if you rolled the pair of dice 360 times). (I, D, E, A) “The Dice Game” Lesson adapted Data Analysis Mathematics · Use the experimental and theoretical probability of an from Addison-Wesley Publishing Company event to make a prediction for a large number of trials and justify your reasoning (e.g., probability of rolling a sum of two when rolling a pair of dice is 1/6; how many times would you expect a sum of two if you rolled the pair of dice 360 times). (I, D, E, A)

Quiz (1 day)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 3 – Data and Statistics

Approximately 9 days

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 3.1 (3 days) Mean, Median, Mode Lesson 3.2 Bar & Line Graphs Lesson 3.4 Box & Whisker Plots Lesson 3.3 (1 day) Stem & Lead Plots Lesson 3.5 (1 day) Histogram Necessary Lesson (2 days)

Learning Objectives – 1st Semester Data Analysis Mathematics · Organize and represent data using histograms and circle graphs. (I, D, E, A)

Data Analysis Mathematics · Organize and represent data using histograms and circle graphs. (I, D, E, A) Data Analysis Mathematics · Organize and represent data using histograms and circle graphs. (I, D, E, A) Data Analysis Mathematics · Given a set of data from science, history, and culture, including those of Montana American Indians compare representative displays, and justify an appropriate selection of data representation. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials M & M Project

Could make a page in M & M Project “Batteries” Lesson Navigating through Data Analysis in Grades 6-8 Pg. 39-42 & pg. 89 BLM

Review Test (2 days)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 7 – Equations, Inequalities, and Functions

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 7.1 (1 day) Writing Expressions & Equations

Lesson 7.2 (3 days) Simplifying Expression

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Represent linear and proportional relationships using multiple representations (tables, graphs, verbal descriptions, symbolic expressions) of data and make connections among the representations. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of equality and rational numbers to rewrite an algebraic expression in multiple ways and show that the expressions are equivalent. (I, D, E, A)

Approximately 15 days Lesson 7.3 (2 days) Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations Lesson 7.4 (2 days) Solving Multiplication and Division Problems

Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of rational numbers and inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of rational numbers and inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

Introducing Algeblocks and Variable Expression Lesson using worksheets 5-1 to 5-3 & 5-7 from the Algeblock Notebook (Lesson Plan provided in Supplement Folder) Algebra with Pizzazz “How Many Cattle” and “What did the Orgo say?” Page 326 Examples Model using Algebra Tiles

Page 332 Examples Model using Algebra Tiles

Quiz (1 day)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 7 – Equations, Inequalities, and Functions

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 7.5 (2 days) Solving Two-Step Equations

Lesson 7.6 (2 days) Solving Inequalities

Approximately Review/Test (2 days) 15 days

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of rational numbers and inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of numbers and inverse operations to solve one-step inequalities in one variable and graph the solution on a number line. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials Model using Algebra Tiles Algebra with Pizzazz “Test of Knowledge” “Under the Big Top but Above the Floor” Lesson

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Pacing Chapter 8 – Ratios and Proportions

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 8.1 (1 day) Ratios

Lesson 8.2 (2 days) Rates

Approximately 13 days Lesson 6.8 (1 day) Coordinate Plane Lesson 8.3 (2 days) Slope

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester Number Sense and Operation · Determine if numbers are prime or composite and explain the strategy used. (I, D, E, A) · Use and justify the strategies and procedures for computing with integers. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Solve problems involving standard and metric measures. (I, D, E, A) · Use rates to justify conversions between units within the same system. (e.g., miles per hour to feet per second) (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Identify the unit rate of change and justify how it relates to the slope of a line. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Identify the unit rate of change and justify how it relates to the slope of a line. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

Algebra with Pizzazz “Get the Point” Algebra with Pizzazz “Miss Muffet”

Quiz (1 day) Lesson 8.4 (1 day) Writing and Solving Proportions

Number Sense and Operation · Use proportions to solve contextual problems including scale drawings, rates, ratios, and percent problems. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of equality and rational numbers to rewrite an algebraic expression in multiple ways and show that the expressions are equivalent. (I, D, E, A)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Pacing Chapter 8 – Ratios and Proportions

Student/Teacher Edition

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester

Lesson 8.5 (1 day) Proportions with Cross Product

Number Sense and Operation · Use proportions to solve contextual problems including scale drawings, rates, ratios, and percent problems. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of rational numbers and inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Use rates to justify conversions between units within the same system. (e.g., miles per hour to feet per second) (I, D, E, A) · Use proportions to solve contextual problems including scale drawings, rates, ratios, and percent problems. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of rational numbers and inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A)

Lesson 8.6 (2 days) Approximately Scale 13 days

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

“Teacher I Shrank My Room!” From Navigating through Measurement P. 126-127 (Change scale)

Review/Test (2 days)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Pacing Chapter 9Percents

Student/Teacher Edition Pre-assess Lessons 9.1-9.4 and complete as needed (1 day) Percents, Fractions, Decimals, Proportions Lesson 9.6 (1 day) Percent Increase and Decrease

Approximately 4 days

Lesson 9.8 (1 day) Simple Interest

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester

MATH – 2010 Revised Supplemental Materials

Number Sense and Operation · Use proportions to solve contextual problems including scale drawings, rates, ratios, and percent problems. (I, D, E, A) Number Sense and Operation · Use estimation strategies and judge the reasonableness of percent problems. (D, E, A) · Use a calculator to solve multi-step problems and check reasonableness with appropriate estimation strategies. (I, D) · Use proportions to solve contextual problems including scale drawings, rates, ratios, and percent problems. (I, D, E, A) Algebraic and Functional Reasoning · Use properties of rational numbers and inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and check the reasonableness of the answer. (I, D, E, A)

Review/Test (1 day)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Pacing Chapter 10Geometric Figures

Approximately 4 days

Student/Teacher Edition

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester

Lesson 10.7 (2 days) Transformations and Symmetry OR Native American Design Lesson

Geometric Reasoning · Use transformations to determine similarity and/or congruence of two-dimensional and threedimensional objects in mathematics, art, science, and culture, including Montana American Indians. (I, D, E, A) · Define, identify and execute a translation, a rotation, and a reflection with and without technology. (I, D, E, A) Geometric Reasoning · Define, identify and execute a translation, a rotation, and a reflection with and without technology. (I, D, E, A)

Lesson 10.8 (1 day) Transformations in the Coordinate Plane

MATH – 2010 Revised Supplemental Materials Native American Design Lesson

Quiz (1 day)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Pacing Chapter 11 – Measurement and Area

Student/Teacher Edition Lesson 11.1 & 11.2 (1 day) Square Roots Lesson 11.4 & 11.5 (3 days) Areas of Parallelograms, Triangles and Trapezoids

Approximately 9 days

Necessary Lesson (1 day)

Lesson 11.6 & 11.7 (2 days) Circumference and Area of a Circle

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester Number Sense and Operation · Estimate and explain the square root of any whole number from 1-125. (I, D, E, A) Geometric Reasoning · Determine the circumference and area of circles and trapezoids and label with appropriate units. (I, D, E, A) · Determine the lengths, areas, and volume using proportional reasoning and scale factors of similar two- and three-dimensional objects. (I, D, E, A) · Develop and justify a formula for the area of a trapezoid (e.g., decompose a trapezoid into common polygons or use a composition of two trapezoids to create another common polygon). (I, D, E, A) Geometric Reasoning · Determine the lengths, areas, and volume using proportional reasoning and scale factors of similar two- and three-dimensional objects. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials

“Piecing Ideas Together” Lesson from Navigating through Measurement Grades 6-8 Pgs. 107-110

“Seeing is Believing” Lesson from Navigating through Measurement Grades 6-8 Pgs. 32-34 Lesson Plan Pgs. 105-106 BLM

Geometric Reasoning · Determine the circumference and area of circles and trapezoids and label with appropriate units. (I, D, E, A)

Review/Test (2 days)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing Suggested Student/Teacher Edition Pacing Chapter 12 – Lesson 12.1 (1 day) Surface Area and Volume

Classifying Solids Lesson 12.2 (1 day) Sketching Solids Lesson 12.3 (2 days) Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms

Approximately 12 days

Quiz (1 day) Lesson 12.4 (2 days) Surface Area of Cylinders

Lesson 12.5 (1 day) Volume of Rectangular Prisms

Lesson 12.6 (1 day) Volume of Cylinders

MATH – 2010 Revised

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester

Supplemental Materials

Geometric Reasoning · Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle. (I, D, E, A) · Determine the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders and label with appropriate units. (I, D, E, A)

“Surface Area of Rectangular and Triangular Prisms” Lesson

Geometric Reasoning · Decompose a prism, pyramid and cylinder into its two-dimensional shapes and compose its twodimensional shapes into a cylinder. (I, D, E, A) · Determine the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders and label with appropriate units. (I, D, E, A) Geometric Reasoning · Determine the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders and label with appropriate units. (I, D, E, A) Geometric Reasoning · Determine the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders and label with appropriate units. (I, D, E, A)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective


BILLINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Seventh Grade-McDougal Littell Middle School Math 2004 Correlation/Pacing

Suggested Student/Teacher Edition Pacing Chapter 12 – Necessary Lesson (1 day) Surface Area and Volume

Approximately 12 days

Learning Objectives – 2nd Semester Geometric Reasoning · Determine the lengths, areas, and volume using proportional reasoning and scale factors of similar two- and three-dimensional objects. (I, D, E, A)

MATH – 2010 Revised

Supplemental Materials “Ratios of Perimeters, Areas, Surface Areas, and Volumes” Lesson from Navigating through Measurement Grades 6-8 (Do perimeters and areas only.) Pgs. 52-54 Lesson Plan Pgs. 117-118 BLM

Review/Test (2 days)

I - Introduce the learning objective, D – Develop the learning objective, E - Essential learning objective, and A – Apply the learning objective