Math Grade 7

Materials: Textbook Calculator-A scientific calculator or graphing calculator 3-ring Binder Loose-leaf paper Lots of pencils Erasers Highlighter...

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Math 7 Room A 203 2014-2015 Teacher Contact Information: Miss Shannon Gruber Team Wind Voicemail : 412-318-4669 Email: [email protected] Remind(will send you text message reminders): 724-987-4271 1st Period: text @missgrube1 2nd Period: text @missgrube2 4th Period: text @missgrube4 6th Period: text @missgrube6 8th Period: text @missgrube8 Course Book: Math in Focus Course B Login: mstudent741 Password: math7 Math in Focus is divided into two books. Book A is devoted to the big ideas in proportional relationships, operations with rational numbers and algebra. These key topics are in the beginning of the school year so students have the whole year to master and review them. Book B is devoted to the topics from geometry, probability, and statistics. This course has been aligned to the Grade 7 Pennsylvania Common Core State Standards. Chapter 1: The Real Number System Chapter 2: Rational Number Operations Chapter 3: Algebraic Expressions Chapter 4: Algebraic Equations and Inequalities Chapter 5: Direct and Inverse Proportion Chapter 6: Angle Properties and Straight Lines Chapter 9: Statistics Chapter 10: Probability Chapter 11: Geometry Concepts (Include additional lessons) Cross sections of three-dimensional figures (Section 8.1) Properties of triangles (Transition skills guides- Grade 5) Scale drawings of geometric figures (Section 7.5) Chapter 8: Volume and Surface Area of Solids Chapter 7: Geometric Construction

Materials: Textbook Calculator-A scientific calculator or graphing calculator 3-ring Binder Loose-leaf paper Lots of pencils Erasers Highlighter Assignment planner (provided by school) Grading: Homework, Activities, Quizzes and Tests are all weighted equally due to the fact that participation in all of them provides the learning the student needs in mathematics. It is also expected that students regularly check Progressbook to keep track of their own grades. The North Hills School District grading scale will be used. Homework: Homework is a tool to help students independently practice concepts learned in math class. It is very important that homework is completed when it is assigned so that Miss Gruber can help you if you are struggling. Homework is graded according to completion or evidence of attempting to solve the problem(s). If an assignment is not turned in on the day it is due, the student will only receive partial credit. Absences: Students are responsible for assignments when they are absent. When a student is absent, they are to check ProgressBook for missed assignments. They will have as many days to complete the assignment equal to the amount of days they are absent. If a student will be absent for more than 2 days, please contact the Assistant Principal’s office at 412-318-1456 by 10:00 a.m. to request the missed work.