89776 - CRADLE Grades 7-12
1992 Spring
A Constitutional Scavenger
Kathryn Griffin Holgate Junior High School Aberdeen, South Dakota INTRODUCTION: This is a game designed to introduce or review Constitution. The purpose is to provide a more exciting way for read the Constitution. When this material is presented in a game students become involved in the competition and enjoy searching Work becomes play. AUDIENCE: TIME
the the students to format, the for the answers.
This activity will take at least two class periods.
As a result of this lesson, students
Become familiar with the Constitution by using this game as an introductory activity Review the Constitution by using the game as a culminating activity Make reading the Constitution fun on a competitive basis in a game situation MATERIALS: One One One One
set of questions per person (Handout 1 ) blank answer sheet per team (Handout 2) copy of the Constitution per student teacher answer key (Handout 3)
PROCEDURES: Go over the Preamble as an introduction. Divide the students into teams of three to five people. Hand out the questions to the students. Hand out the blank answer sheet to each team. Read through the directions. Tell the students the activity will take fifty minutes. Correct the answer sheets in class. Award prizes to the team with the most correct answers.
1. The Pr_.qident may States. 2. American petition. 3. The
citizens have
people of offenses committed
of religion, speech,
officer of the House
is the Speaker
has complete control over the territories.
5. Congress
has the power
and gave
the right to
grant tit/esof nobility.
8. The right to vote cannot
be denied
of sex.
9. The salary of the Pr_.qident cannot
be changed
10. The
be legal in the United States.
practice of slavery can never
11. A representative must be a citizen for seven and live in the state. 12. Congress
to declare war.
6. The Constitution created one Supreme establish inferior courts. cannot
of the House.
4. Congress
7. Congress
against the Un/ted
has the power
his period in office.
years, twenty-five
years old,
to establish post offices.
13. The Pr_-qident can call spec/a/sessions
of Congress.
14. Al/ state and federal officialsare under
oath to support
the Constitution.
15. Federal courts have original jurisdiction over allcases affecting ambassadors, public min/sters, and consuls. 16. The President is 1/m/ted to two terms in office. 17. All revenue
bills must originate in the House
18. The Vice Pr_._ident is the presiding 19. Treason giving them
officer of the Senate.
is levying war against the Un/ted aid end comfort.
20. No state can make 21. The
22. The
of Representatives.
States, adhering
to our enemies,
a treaty with a foreign country. was ratified by conventions
to preserve,
in nine states. and defend
the Constitution.
23. The governor has the authority to call an election to filla vacancy House of Representatives. 24. Unreasonable
search and seizures are forbidden.
25. Each state b_ representatives.
as many
pre-qldenti_!electors as the number
26. Expulsion can be used to remove infraction of the rules. 27. Congress both houses.
in the
a member
of either house
to the Constitution
28. The Constitution is the highest or supreme
for an
by a two-th/rds
crime and does not have
are paid a salary out of the Treasury
31. Judicial proceedings other state.
of Congress
vote of
law in the United States.
29. A person cannot be tr/ed tw/ce for the same against himself. 30. Congressmen
of senators and
to testify
of the Un/ted States.
in each state are given full faith and credit in every
32. A term in the Senate is six years for each senator. 33. The Pr--qident must
be thirty-f/ye years old to meet el/gibiUty requirements.
34. Race, color, or previous to vote. 35. Congress
has the power
36. The Pres/dent 37. All billsmust President.
be used
to establish a uniform
has the power be passed
to make
by the House
to deny
the right
rule of natur_liTation.
treaties with approval and the Senate,
from the Senate.
and presented
to the
38. The President and the Vice President are subject to removal from office by the impeachment process if convicted of treason, bribery, or other crimes and misdemeanors. 39. Congress 40. Amendments states.
has the power may
to levy and collect an income
be ratified by three-fourths
of the legi.qlaturesof the
41. A person convicted by the impeachment process can stillbe tried in a regular court if he or she violated a law of the United States. 42. The President
and Vice President
43. The Prpsident Senate approval.
has the power
are elected to a four-year
to appoint members
of the Supreme
44. The governor can request crime was committed.
that a person
45. A person state.
has a right to a speedy
46. Congress
has the power
to borrow
be returned
49. Powers that are not granted states or the people. 50. The President
on the credit of the United States. are necessary
(other than by impeachment)
to the national government
shall be Commander
and public trial by an impartial jury of the
47. Congress bas the power to make alllaws which execute allother powers. (Elastic Clause) 48. Any person accused of a crime guaranteed a trial by jury.
to the state where
in Chief of our armed
and proper
shall be
are reserved
to the
1. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 2. Amendment 1 3. Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 4. Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 5. Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 6. Article III, Section 1 7. Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 8. Amendment 19 9. Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 10. Amendment 13 11. Article I, Section 2, Clause 2 12. Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 13. Article IT, Section 3, Clause 1 14. Article VI, Clause 3 15. Article III, Section 2, Clause 2 16. Amendment 22 17. Article I, Section 7, Clause 1 18. Article I, Section 3, Clause 4 19. Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 20. Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 21. Article VII 22. Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 23. Article I, Section 2, Clause 4 24. Amendment 4 25. Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 26. Article I, Section 5, Clause 2 27. Article V 28. Article VI, Clause 2 29. Amendment 5 30. Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 31. Article IV, Section 1 32. Article I, Section 3, Clause 1 33. Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 34. Amendment 15 35. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 36. Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 37. Article I, Section 7, Clause 2 38. Article II, Section 4 39. Amendment 16 40. Article V 41. Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 42. Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 43. Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 44. Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 45. Amendment 6 46. Article I, Section 8, Clause 2 47. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 48. Article III, Section 2, Clause 3 49. Amendment 10 50. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1
1. The President may pardon I:)eopleof offenses committed againstthe United States. 2. American citizens have freedom of religion, speech, press,assembly,and petition. 3. The presidingofficerof the House is the Speaker of the House. 4. Congress has complete control over the territodes. 5. Congresshas the power to declare war. 6. The Constitution created one Supreme Court and gave Congressthe right to establish inferior courts. 8. The right to vote cannot be denied because of sex. 9. The salary of the President cannot be changed 7. during Congresscannot titles of nobility, his period grant in office, 10. The practice of slavery can never be legal in the United States. 11. A representative must be a citizen for seven years,twenty-fiveyears old, and live in the state, 12. Congresshas the powerto establishpost offices, 13. The President can call special sessions of Congress. 14. All state and federal officials are under oath to support the Constitution. 15. Federal courts have original jurisdiction over all cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers, and consuls, 16. The President-islimited to two terms in office, 17. All revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives. 18. The Vice Presidentis the presiding officer of the Senate. 19. Treasonis levyingwar against the United States, adheringto our enemies, or giving them aid and comfort, 20. No state can make a treaty with a foreign country. 21. The Constitutionwas ratified by conventions in ninestates, 22. The President promises to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. 23. The governor has the authority to call an election to fill a vacancyin the House of Representatives. 24. Unreasonable search and seizures are forbidden. 25. Each state has as many presidentialelectors as the number of senators and representatives, 26. Expulsioncan be used to remove a member of either house of Congressfor an infractionof the rules,
27. Congressmay propose amendmentsto the Con. stitutionby a two-thin:Isvot6 of both houses. 28. The Con_ is th'3highestor supreme law in the United States. 29. A person cannot be tried twice for the same crime and does not have to testify against himself. 30. Congressmen are paid a salary out of the Treasuryof the United States. 31. Judicial proceedingsin each state are given full faith and credit in every other state. 32. A term in the Senate is six years for each senator. 33. The President must be thirty-five years old to meet eligibility requirements. 34. Race, color, or previous servitude cannot be 35. Congress has the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization. 36. The President has the power to make treaties used to clenysomeonethe right to vote. with approvalfrom the Senate. 37. All bills must be passed by the House and the Senate, and presentedto the President. 38. The President and the Vice President are subject to removal from office by the impeachment process if convicted of treason, bribery, or other crimes and misdemeanors. 39. Congress has the power to levy and collect an incometax. 40. Amendments may be ratified by three-fourths of the legislaturesof the states. 41. A person convicted by the impeachmentprocess can still be tried in a regular court if he or she violated a law of the United States. 42. The President and Vice Presidentare electedto a four-yearterm. 43. The President has the power to appoint merebers of the SupremeCourt with Senate approval. 44. The governor can request that a person be returnedto the state where a crime was committed. 45. A person has a right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state. 46. Congresshas the powerto borrowmoney on the creditof the UnitedStates. 47. Congresshas the powerto make all laws which are necessary and proper to execute all other powers. (Elastic Clause) 48. Any person accused of a crime (other than by impeachment)shall be guaranteed a trial by jury. 49. Powers that are not granted to the national government are reserved to the states or the people. 50. The President shall be Commander in Chief of our armed forces.
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t'_ I
B9 7 7 6 '
2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32, 33. 34.
Section No.
Clause No.
Amendment No.
89:, "
35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.