2 CIVIL LAW—PHILIPPINES Civil code of the Philippines. (2016). Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599002632/P3 2016 c...

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1st semester 2017-2018

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW De Leon, Hector. (2016). Administrative law: text and cases. 7th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[342.59906/D37 c.1, c.2, c.3]

ANTITRUST LAW—PHILIPPINES Lim, Francisco. (2016). The Philippine competition act: salient points and emerging issues. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.5990721/L62 c.1, c.2, c.3]

AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO Agabin, Pacifico. (2015).Peace and the Law: perspectives on the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law. Quezon City: University of the Philippines, College of Law, Law Center.[342.599/Ag c. 2]

BANKING LAW—PHILIPPINES Aquino, Timoteo. (2014). Notes and cases on banking law and negotiable instruments law. 4th ed. Manila: Rex Book Store.[346.599082/Aq56 2014 c.1, c.2, c.3]

BAR EXAMINATION—PHILIPPINES—STUDY GUIDE Proposed syllabi for the 2011 bar examinations. (2011). Quezon City: University of the Philippines, Law Center.[370.076/P94] Bar Examination Choice questions sampler. (2013).Bar Examination Choice questions sampler. (2013).Quezon City: Information and Publication Division.[340.076/B23 C.2]


CIVIL LAW—PHILIPPINES Civil code of the Philippines. (2016). Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599002632/P3 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3] Paras, Edgardo. (2016). Civil code of the Philippines annotated. 18th. ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[349.914/P21 2016 v.1-v.5 c.1, c.2, c.3] Paras, Edgardo. (2016). Pre-week handbook in civil law including conflict of laws and land registration. 7th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599/P21 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3]

CIVIL LAW—PHILIPPINES—EXAMINATIONS, QUESTIONS, ETC Aquino, Timoteo. (2014). Reviewer on civil law. 1st ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[347.599076/Aq56 c.1, c.2, c.3]

CIVIL PROCEDURE—PHILIPPINES Riano, Willard. (2014).Civil procedure: the bar lecture series. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[347.599/R35 2014 v.1 c.1, c.2, c.3]

CIVIL PROCEDURE—UNITED STATES Kerley, Peggy. (2015). Civil Litigation. 7th ed. Australia: Cengage Learning.[347.735/K45 2015]

COMMERCIAL LAW—PHILIPPINES RBSI Editorial Staff. (2015). Commercial laws of the Philippines. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.5990702632/P53 2015 v.1, 2, 3 c.1, c2, c.3] Villanueva, Cesar Lapuz. (2015). Commercial law review. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [346.59907076/V71 2015 c.1, c.2, c.3]

CONFLICT OF LAWS—PHILIPPINES Pe Benito, Galahad R.A. (2016). Conflict of laws. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[340.9599/P31 c.1, c.2, c.3]

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Defensor-Santiago, Miriam. (2016). Constitutional Law text and cases. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store. [342.599/Sa59 2016 v.1, v.2 c.1, c.2, c.3] Naganag, Edgar. (2015).Student’s manual on the new Philippine Constitution. Wiseman's Book Trading Inc.[342.599/N13 c.4] 2

Suarez, Rolando. (2016). Principles, comments and cases in constitutional law. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[342.599/Su12 2016 v.2 c.1, c.2, c.3]

CORPORATION LAW—PHILIPPINES Aquino, Timoteo. (2014). Philippine corporate law compendium: with notes on securities regulation and records of the Batasang Pambansa. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599066/Aq56 2014 c.1, c.2, c.3] Balgos, Marcial O.T. (2016).Intra-corporate remedies. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599066/B19 c.1, c.2, c.3]

COURT RULES—PHILIPPINES Philippines Supreme Court. (2016). Rules of court. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[347.59905/P53 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3]

CREDIT—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Rodriguez, Rufus. (2002). Credit transactions. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599073/R61 c.4]

CRIMINAL LAW—PHILIPPINES Boado, Leonor. (2012). Notes and Cases on the revised penal code Act No. 3815, as amended (Books 1 and 2) and special penal laws. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store. [345.599002632/B63 2012 c.1, c.2, c.3] Boado, Leonor. (2015). Notes and cases on special penal laws. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.[345.599002632/B63 2015 c.1, c.2, c.3] Defensor-Santiago, Miriam. (2015).Penal Code annotated. 2nd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.[345.052026599/Sa59 c.1, c.2, c.3] Reyes, Luis. (2012).The revised penal code: criminal law. 18th ed. Manila Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[345.599002632/R33 c.1, c.2, c.3] The Revised penal code of the Philippines: with special penal laws. (2016). Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[345.599002632/R32 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3]

DICTIONARIES Salao, Ernesto. (2013). Law Dictionary: definition of terms and phrases of Philippine laws and jurisprudence. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[340.03/Sa31 2013 c.1, c.2, c.3]


DISPUTE RESOLUTION (LAW)—PHILIPPINES Festin Gemy Lito. (2016). The Alternative dispute resolution and the arbitration law (with allied laws, rules and regulations). 1st ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[347.59909/F42 c.1, c.2, c.3]

DOMESTIC WORKERS ACT Castillon-Lora, Teresita, T. (2014).The 2013 batas kasambahay. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store.[344.5990101/L88]

ELECTION LAW—PHILIPPINES De Leon, Hector. (2014).The law on public officers and election law. 8th ed. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store.[342.0680263/D37 2014 c.1, c.2, c.3] Quilala, Ryan Rey Severino. (2013).An overview of the Philippine electoral system. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[342.59907/Q41 c.1, c.2, c.3]

ENVIRONMENTAL LAW—INTERNATIONAL Malgosia, Fitzmaurice, Ong, David, (2011). Research handbook on international environment law. (2011).Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.[347.59909/R54 c.4]

EVIDENCE (LAW)—PHILIPPINES Riano, Willard. (2016). Evidence: the bar lecture series. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[347.59906/R35 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3]

HUMAN RIGHTS—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Sarmiento, Rene. (2014). Human Rights Law, human rights culture. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store.[341.59948/Sa74]

INCOME TAX—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Chavez, Josephrally. (2015).Negotiable Instruments law simplified: (a guide to passing the bar) volume III. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store. [346.599096076 v.3 c.1, c.2, c.3]

INSURANCE LAW—PHILIPPINES Aquino, Timoteo. (2014). Essentials of insurance law: (Republic Act No. 10607 with notes on Pre-Need Act). 2nd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [346.599086/Aq56 2015 c.1, c.2, c.3]


INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY—PHILIPPINES Salao, Ernesto. (2016). Essentials of intellectual property law: a guidebook on Republic Act No. 8293 and related laws. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599048/Sa31 2016, c.1, c.2, c.3]

INTERNAL REVENUE LAW—PHILIPPINES Philippines. Supreme Court. (2016). NIRC and other tax laws. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.599040263//P53 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3]

INTERNATIONAL LAW—DICTIONARIES Magallona, Merlin. (2011). Dictionary of Contemporary International Law. (2011).Quezon City: University of the Philippines, College of Law.[341.03/D56]

INTERNATIONAL LAW—EXAMINATIONS, QUESTIONS, ETC. Sarmiento, Rene. (2016). Public international law: bar reviewer. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [341.076 Sa74]

LABOR LAWS AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Azucena. C.A. Jr. (2015).Everyone's Labor Code. 8th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.[344.5990102632/Az84 c.1, c.2, c.3] Azucena, C.A. Jr. (2013). The labor code: with comments and cases. 8th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [344.599010263/Az84 2013 v.1, c.1, c.2, c.3] The Labor code of the Philippines: as amended and renumbered per DOLE dept. advisory no.1, series 2015. (2016). Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [344.59901/P53 c.1, c.2, c.3] Poquiz, Salvador. (2012).Labor standards law with notes and comments: labor code of the Philippines. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store. [344.59901/P81 v.1 c.1, c.2, c.3]

LAW, REPORTS, DIGESTS, ETC.—PHILIPPINES Editorial Staff of the Central Book Supply Inc., Supreme Court Reports Annotated .Quezon City, Philippines: Exclusively distributed by Central Book Supply, Inc. [349.914/Su76 v.773-785 c.1, c.2, c.3] Editorial Staff of the Central Book Supply Inc., Supreme Court Reports Annotated: quick indexdigest 2015. (2016). Quezon City, Philippines: Central Book Supply, Inc. [349.914/Su76 2016 pt.1, pt.2, c.1, c.2, c.3]


LEGAL COUNSELING FOR PRACTICING LAWYERS Barte, Recaredo. (2015).Legal counseling for practicing lawyers. Quezon City, Philippines: Central Book Supply Inc. [340.599023/B28]

LEGAL ETHICS—PHILIPPINES—PROBLEMS Domondon, Abelardo. (2015).90 years of the bar and beyond in legal and judicial ethics: 1920 up to 2014: based on the coverage of the bar examinations with selected Supreme Court rulings. Quezon City, Philippines: Published and printed by Central Book Supply, Inc. [340.076/D71 2015]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Angeles, Joseph Emmanuel. (2016). Restatement of the law on local governments. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[342.59909/An43 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3] Defensor-Santiago, Miriam. (2015).Local Government code annotated. 2nd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.[342.09599/Sa59 2015 c.1, c.2, c.3] Gatmaytan, Dante. (2014). Local government law and jurisprudence. Quezon City: University of the Philippines, College of Law. [342.59909/G22]

MARTIAL LAW—PHILIPPINES—HISTORY—20TH CENTURY Robles, Raissa. (2016).Marcos Martial Law: Never Again. Quezon City: Published and exclusively distributed by Filipinos for a Better Philippines, Inc. [959.90462092/R57 c. 15, c.16, c.23]

MASS MEDIA—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Amador, Vicente. (2011). Entertainment Law. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store. [344.599099/ Am12 c.1, c.2, c.3]

NATURAL RESOURCES—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Agcaoili, Oswaldo. (2016). Law on natural resources and rules of procedure for environmental cases. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [346.599044/Ag21 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3]

NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS—PHILIPPINES De Leon, Hector. (2016).The Philippine negotiable instruments law (and allied laws) annotated. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [346.599096023/D37 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3]


PARTNERSHIP—PHILIPPINES Luceres, Bernardo. (2016). Trust, Partnership and Agency. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.5990682/L96 c.1, c.2, c.3]

PHILIPPINES REPUBLIC ACT 8047 Legislative intent of the book publishing industry development act (annotated) and other book publishing issuances. (2010).Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Book Store.[343.5990998/L52]

PHILIPPINES SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACT OF 1995 Guanzon, Ma. Rowena Amelia. (2014).The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995: notes and cases. Quezon City: Information and Publication Division, U.P. Law Complex.[345.5990253/G93]

PHILOSOPHY LAW—PHILIPPINES Bernardo Nicolo. (2014). Philawsophia: philosophy and theory of law. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[340.1599/B45 c.1, c.2, c.3]

REAL PROPERTY AND TAXATION—PHILIPPINES Mamalateo, Victorino. (2011). Reviewer on property ownership and taxation. Manila, Philippines: Published & distributed by Rex Book Store.[336.22/M31 2011 c.2]

SALES AND LEASE—PHILIPPINES De Leon Hector. (2014). Comments and cases on sales and lease.8th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.599072/D37 c.1, c.2, c.3]

TARIFF—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Dascil, Rodelio. (2016). The Customs modernization and tariff act: annotated (R.A. 10863). Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [343.599056026/D26 c.1, c.2, c.3]

TAXATION—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Gruba, Lily. (2016). Guide notes and cases on the general principles of taxation and the organization of the BIR. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.59904026/G92 c.1, c.2, c.3] Mamalateo, Victorino. (2010). Philippine tax treaties. 1st ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store. [343.5990526/M31 c.1, c.2, c.3]


Mamalateo, Victorino. (2016).Tax rights and remedies. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.59904026/M31 2017 c.1, c.2, c.3] Untian, Crescencio. (2009). Tax digest: a bar reviewer on National Internal Revenue taxes, local & real property taxes, tariff and & customs duties. 4th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.59904076/Un8 c.1, c.2, c.3]

TORTS AND DAMAGES—PHILIPPINES—CASES Aquino, Timoteo. (2016).Tort and damages. 4th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.030263/A56 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3] De Leon, Hector. (2012). Comments and cases on torts and damages. 3rd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.030263/D37 2012 c.1, c.2, c.3] Largo, Joan. (2014). Laws and jurisprudence on torts and damages. Manila, Philippines: Published & Distributed by Rex Book Store.[346.030263/L32 2014 c.1, c.2, c.3]

TOURISM—LAW AND LEGISLATION—PHILIPPINES Cabulay, Danny Araneta. (2014).Philippine Tourism Laws: a comprehensive guide to studying laws relevant to the Philippine Tourism Industry. 2nd ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.59907891/C11 2014 c.1]

TRANSPORTATION—LAW AND LEGISLATION Aquino, Timoteo. (2016). Essentials of transportation and public utilities law. 4th ed. Manila, Philippines: Published & distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.599093/P53 aq 2016 c.1, c.2, c.3] Chavez, Josephrally. (2014).Transportation laws simplified. Manila, Philippines: Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.[343.599093/ C39 v.5 c.1, c.2, c.3] Diaz, Noli. (2011).Transportation Laws: notes and cases. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore.[343.599096/D54 2011]

UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS (1980 APRIL 11) Saidov, Dijakhongir. (2015).Conformity of goods and documents: the Vienna Sales Convention. Oxford, Oregon: Hart Publishing.[343.0878/Sa21]


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: Pearl Angelie Y. Saornido

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