Appendix D TBM Tunnel Assumptions and Cost ... - VLHC

Appendix D TBM Tunnel Assumptions and Cost Estimating Output Discussion: The tunnel costs were estimated using TBM cost estimating software and cost d...

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Appendix D TBM Tunnel Assumptions and Cost Estimating Output

Appendix D TBM Tunnel Assumptions and Cost Estimating Output Discussion: The tunnel costs were estimated using TBM cost estimating software and cost database developed by Hatch Mott MacDonald. Appendix D contains output from the software for each TBM type and tunnel diameter. Please note the following about the output: 1. ‘Rock Types’ are called ‘TBM Types’ in the main body of the report. 2. ‘Rock Type A/B’ is called ‘TBM Type B’ in the main body of the report. 3. The costs for concrete inverts were not included in the output in the appendices. These were added in the CNA cost estimating spreadsheet. The inverts are needed to provide a flat working surface. Inverts were added to TBM Types A and C only because it was assumed that the TBM Type B cast-in-place liner could be formed with a flat bottom. 4. The costs of grouting for water control were not included in the appendices. These were added in the CNA cost estimating spreadsheet. Grouting was added to TBM Types A and B only. TBM Type C is a sealed system that does not allow water to enter the tunnel so grouting is not required. List of Abbreviations: CIP





Square meters of tunnel face


Number (equivalent to ‘Each’)




per meter per week


Kilowatt hour






Cubic meter

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Fermilab Tunnels Cost Estimates Assumptions General The following assumptions apply to all tunnel drives: •

4800 metres of tunnel from shaft to shaft

2 ten hours shifts undertaken daily, 5 days per week

Tunnels excavated using 3.66 metre or 4.88 metre finished diameter rock TBM

75 percent of TBM cost written off in first drive, 15 percent in second drive, 10 percent in third drive, and 0 percent in fourth and fifth drives

Labour rates based on Minneapolis Project for Year 2001. (Similar to Illinois)

Specific Assumptions used for 3.66m (12ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type A as follows: •

No areas of difficult excavation

A total of 400 3 metre long rockbolts installed sporadically in the tunnel crown in jointed or potentially weak zones

Average tunnel advance rate of 225 metres per week

No secondary lining required

Assumptions used for 3.66m (12ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type A/B (requiring CIP liner) as follows: •

No areas of difficult excavation

Three rockbolts, 3 metres in length, installed in each 6 metre length of tunnel

Average tunnel advance rate of 211 metres per week

Secondary cast-in-place concrete lining installed to prevent long term degradation of the rock

Assumptions used for 3.66m (12ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type C as follows: •

Areas of difficult excavation encountered, slowing normal advance rate by 20 percent, over 20 percent of the tunnel length

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No primary support provided with a 200mm thick segmental concrete lining installed immediately behind the TBM following each excavation cycle

Average tunnel advance rate of 102 metres per week

Assumptions used for 4.88m (16ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type A as follows: •

No areas of difficult excavation

A total of 400 3 metre long rockbolts installed sporadically in the tunnel crown in jointed or potentially weak zones

Average tunnel advance rate of 225 metres per week

No secondary lining required

Assumptions used for 4.88m (16ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type A/B (requiring CIP liner) as follows: •

No areas of difficult excavation

Three rockbolts, 3 metres in length, installed in each 4.5 metre length of tunnel

Average tunnel advance rate of 195 metres per week

Secondary cast-in-place concrete lining installed to prevent long term degradation of the rock

Assumptions used for 4.88m (16ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type C as follows: •

Areas of difficult excavation encountered, slowing normal advance rate by 20 percent, over 20 percent of the tunnel length

No primary support provided with a 225mm thick segmental concrete lining installed immediately behind the TBM following each excavation cycle

Average tunnel advance rate of 102 metres per week

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Fermilab Tunnels Estimate Summary 12 ft dia tunnel (3.66 m) Rock Type A A A A A

Tunnel Drive Tunnel Length Drive Cost TBM setup Total (m) First 4800 8,160,000 400,000 8,560,000 Second 4800 6,070,000 200,000 6,270,000 Third 4800 5,910,000 200,000 6,110,000 Fourth 4800 5,600,000 200,000 5,800,000 Fifth 4800 5,600,000 200,000 5,800,000

A/B with CIP A/B with CIP A/B with CIP A/B with CIP A/B with CIP

First Second Third Fourth Fifth

4800 4800 4800 4800 4800

18,930,000 16,350,000 16,140,000 15,710,000 15,710,000

400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

19,330,000 16,550,000 16,340,000 15,910,000 15,910,000


First Second Third Fourth Fifth

4800 4800 4800 4800 4800

26,630,000 23,190,000 22,940,000 22,430,000 22,430,000

400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

27,030,000 23,390,000 23,140,000 22,630,000 22,630,000

16 ft dia tunnel (4.88 m) Rock Type A A A A A

Tunnel Drive Tunnel Length Drive Cost TBM setup Total (m) First 4800 10,930,000 400,000 11,330,000 Second 4800 7,360,000 200,000 7,560,000 Third 4800 7,080,000 200,000 7,280,000 Fourth 4800 6,520,000 200,000 6,720,000 Fifth 4800 6,520,000 200,000 6,720,000

A/B with CIP A/B with CIP A/B with CIP A/B with CIP A/B with CIP

First Second Third Fourth Fifth

4800 4800 4800 4800 4800

24,410,000 20,160,000 19,810,000 19,100,000 19,100,000

400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

24,810,000 20,360,000 20,010,000 19,300,000 19,300,000


First Second Third Fourth Fifth

4800 4800 4800 4800 4800

33,360,000 27,830,000 27,400,000 26,550,000 26,550,000

400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

33,760,000 28,030,000 27,600,000 26,750,000 26,750,000

Appendix E TBM Tunnel Assumptions and Cost Estimating Output (Not Used)

Appendix E TBM Tunnel Assumptions and Cost Estimating Output (Not Used) Discussion: The tunnel costs were estimated using TBM cost estimating software and cost database developed by Hatch Mott MacDonald. Appendix E contains output from the software for TBM types and tunnel diameters not used in the final estimate, but is included here for completeness. Please note the following about the output: 1. ‘Rock Types’ are called ‘TBM Types’ in the main body of the report. 2. Appendix E contains Rock Types B and B+, which are not used in the final estimate. List of Abbreviations: CIP





Square meters of tunnel face


Number (equivalent to ‘Each’)




per meter per week


Kilowatt hour






Cubic meter

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Fermilab Tunnels Cost Estimates Assumptions General The following assumptions apply to all tunnel drives: •

4800 metres of tunnel from shaft to shaft

2 ten hours shifts undertaken daily, 5 days per week

Tunnels excavated using 3.66 metre or 4.88 metre finished diameter rock TBM

75 percent of TBM cost written off in first drive, 15 percent in second drive, 10 percent in third drive, and 0 percent in fourth and fifth drives

Labour rates based on Minneapolis Project for Year 2001. (Similar to Illinois)

Specific Assumptions used for 3.66m (12ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type B as follows: •

Areas of difficult excavation encountered, slowing normal advance rate by 35 percent, over 20 percent of the tunnel length

Tunnel support consists of 3 metre long rockbolts with steel straps, installed in sets of 3 in the tunnel crown, with each set spaced at 3 metre centres. Additional support in the form of 2 sq.m. of timber laggings per metre of tunnel and associated ribs over 50 percent of the tunnel length.

Average tunnel advance rate of 122 metres per week

No secondary lining required

Assumptions used for 3.66m (12ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type B+ as follows: •

Areas of difficult excavation encountered, slowing normal advance rate by 35 percent, over 20 percent of the tunnel length

Tunnel support consists of 3 metre long rockbolts with steel straps, installed in sets of 3 in the tunnel crown, with each set spaced at 3 metre centres. Additional support in the form of 2 sq.m. of timber laggings per metre of tunnel and associated ribs over 50 percent of the tunnel length.

Average tunnel advance rate of 122 metres per week

300mm thick concrete secondary lining installed on completion of tunnel boring

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Average lining installation rate of 225 metres per week

Assumptions used for 4.88m (16ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type B as follows: •

Areas of difficult excavation encountered, slowing normal advance rate by 40 percent, over 20 percent of the tunnel length

Tunnel support consists of 3 metre long rockbolts with steel straps, installed in sets of 3 in the tunnel crown, with each set spaced at 3 metre centres. Additional support in the form of 3 sq.m. of timber laggings per metre of tunnel and associated ribs over 50 percent of the tunnel length.

Average tunnel advance rate of 114 metres per week

No secondary lining required

Assumptions used for 4.88m (16ft) diameter tunnel in Rock Type B+ as follows: •

Areas of difficult excavation encountered, slowing normal advance rate by 40 percent, over 20 percent of the tunnel length

Tunnel support consists of 3 metre long rockbolts with steel straps, installed in sets of 3 in the tunnel crown, with each set spaced at 3 metre centres. Additional support in the form of 3 sq.m. of timber laggings per metre of tunnel and associated ribs over 50 percent of the tunnel length.

Average tunnel advance rate of 114 metres per week

300mm thick concrete secondary lining installed on completion of tunnel boring

Average lining installation rate of 225 metres per week

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Fermilab Tunnels Estimate Summary 12 ft dia tunnel (3.66 m) Rock Type B B B B B

Tunnel Drive Tunnel Length Drive Cost TBM setup (m) First 4800 13,900,000 400,000 Second 4800 11,570,000 200,000 Third 4800 11,390,000 200,000 Fourth 4800 11,030,000 200,000 Fifth 4800 11,030,000 200,000

B+ B+ B+ B+ B+

First Second Third Fourth Fifth

4800 4800 4800 4800 4800

23,380,000 20,610,000 20,400,000 19,970,000 19,970,000

400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

Total 14,300,000 11,770,000 11,590,000 11,230,000 11,230,000 23,780,000 20,810,000 20,600,000 20,170,000 20,170,000

16 ft dia tunnel (4.88 m) Rock Type B B B B B

Tunnel Drive Tunnel Length Drive Cost TBM setup (m) First 4800 17,740,000 400,000 Second 4800 13,560,000 200,000 Third 4800 13,250,000 200,000 Fourth 4800 12,610,000 200,000 Fifth 4800 12,610,000 200,000

B+ B+ B+ B+ B+

First Second Third Fourth Fifth

4800 4800 4800 4800 4800

29,000,000 24,380,000 24,020,000 23,320,000 23,320,000

400,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000

Total 18,140,000 13,760,000 13,450,000 12,810,000 12,810,000 19,031,000 14,206,000 13,852,000 13,144,000 13,144,000