August 2017 - Steeple Morden

Jul 21, 2017 ... July/August 2017. Village Diary for July/August. If you want your event published here please contact the Editors. Sat 1st/2nd July O...

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Editorial The June weather may have been too hot for some but it did give us the chance to enjoy all the outdoor events which took place over the month as well as some time spent just sitting in the garden and enjoying the weather. It was too hot to do anything else! The next two months will again be hoping for good weather with Garden Parties, Cream Teas, the School Summer Fete, (where sadly we have to say farewell to Richard Lloyd the Headmaster who is stepping down after 11 years), a Teddy Bears Picnic, Open Studio, and the Kite Festival in Royston.

Village Diary for July/August If you want your event published here please contact the Editors.

Sat 1st/2nd July Open Studio Anna Pye, Steeple Morden (p8) Sat 1st July Steeple Morden School Fete 1-4pm (p4) Sun 2nd July Cream Teas – Swan House, Guilden Morden (p8) Thurs 6th July Over 60’s – Poetry of all sorts (p7) th Sat 8/9 July Open Studio Anna Pye, Steeple Morden (p8) th Traidcraft & Coffee SM Church 10.30 – 12.00 (p3) Sat 8 July Sat 15th/16th July Open Studio Anna Pye, Steeple Morden (p8) Traidcraft at Café Church, SM Church 9 – 11.15 (p3) Fri 21st July th Tues 24 July Teddy Bears Picnic, Whaddon VH, 12-2.00 (p4) Thurs 3rd Aug Fri 4th Aug Sun 6th Aug Sat 12th Aug

Over 60’s – History of Hats (p7) Closing date of Kite Festival Childrens Art Comp (p10) Kite Festival, Royston. Traidcraft & Coffee, SM Church 9-11.00 (p3)

Forthcoming Events The Over 60’s are running a trip to the ‘End of Pier Show’ in Cromer in September- tickets will go very quickly. Another one to book early is the ‘Best of British’ event run by the Friends of SM Church, in October. Tickets are usually sold out within weeks!

Tues 5th Sept

Over 60’s End of Pier Show, Cromer. (p8)

Sun 24th Sept

Steeple Morden Primary School – Fun Run 10K & 5K, SM Recreation Ground

Sat 14th Oct

Best of British, Steeple Morden VH, 7-7.30 (p8)

Sun 17th Dec

Over 60’s Christmas Musical Play at Wicksteed Park

Desma Editors: Desma Goddard: 38 Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Telephone 01763 852287 Gina Ferrari: 49 Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Telephone 01763 852971 Email: [email protected]


Steeple Morden Parish Council List of Councillors as at November 2016 CLLR J BROCKLEHURST (Chairman) Pennard House, Station Road, Odsey 01462 742856 CLLR S WHEATLEY (Vice Chairman) 95 Hay Street, Steeple Morden 01763 853826 CLLR J CLAYTON Cheyney Bury, Steeple Morden 01763 852203 CLLR S MARTIN (co-opted) 49 Hay Street, Steeple Morden 01763 852971 CLLR A DREW 76 Station Road, Steeple Morden 01763 853390 CLLR C WHITTINGTON 79 Hay Street, Steeple Morden 01763 852540 CLLR G BELSON Ringdale, 2 North Brook Road, Steeple Morden 01763 852475 CLLR S NORTON (co-opted) 40 Hay Street, Steeple Morden 01763 853130 CLLR C UPCHURCH (co-opted) Greenway Farm, Litlington Road, SM 01763 852193 DISTRICT CLLR MRS C.MURFITT 01763 852526 COUNTY CLLR MR S. KINDERSLEY 01767 651982

Waste Collection : Green Bins Some residents have found their green bins are not being collected. This is because they have been found to be contaminated with plastic and even just one contaminated bin means the whole lorry load is contaminated and ends up in landfill. That is an awful waste of tax-payers’ money especially as the cost for using landfill sites is increasing because the land available for landfill is decreasing. In future, please do not use the bags you can buy from Tesco and Sainsburys for your kitchen waste such as potato peelings and left-overs. Even though the bags are marked “Recyclable and Compostable” they take a very long time to decompose and therefore foul up the composting system. South Cambs. District Council can supply acceptable paper bags at a cost of £4.50 per 50 bags. For the Mordens Ward, I am willing to order these for you and deliver them to your door if you let me know you would like some. Cicely Murfitt 01763 852 526 [email protected] – website A very useful tool if you wish to report or need information on the following items – Bins, Council Tax, Benefits, Business, Planning, The Council, Community, Building Control, Elections, Environment (which includes drainage, dog fouling, abandon vehicles, tipping, graffiti, litter, pestcontrol, and street lighting), Housing, and Transport (which includes senior railcards, street care and cleaning, bus timetables, roads and street maintenance, and community transport) The site is quite easy to use, for example if you are reporting a pothole, dropped drain, or a blocked drain, you click on the Report It icon. Open up all the icons for all the services, choose the icon you need (Transport for potholes), (Environment for drainage) then follow the instructions which will ask for your postcode and mark the pothole or drain on the map. You should receive a confirmation email confirming your enquiry has been received, and even a date when it may be dealt with.


NEWS FROM YOUR PARISH COUNCIL The Full PC meets on the second Monday in the in the Cricket Pavilion (the Village Hall in winter) at 7.30pm. The meeting is listed every month in the Village Post Office window, on the Notice Board at the Recreation Ground, and in Odsey near the station. A copy of the full minutes from the Council Meetings may be obtained by contacting the Parish Clerk, Sally Walmesley, Redwood Lodge, South Street, Litlington, Royston SG8 0QR. Telephone 01763 852137 or e-mail [email protected]. Minutes can also be viewed on the Steeple Morden Village Website and the Village Post Office. Discussion on agenda items at the June meeting included the following: •

District Cllr Cicely Murfitt - Cllr Murfitt has run out of bags for food waste but will be obtaining further supplies. Two village organisations have benefitted from the Community Chest – Bowls Club and Smarties, each receiving a grant for £1000. Cllr Murfitt has obtained the names of the owners of the ‘Orchard’ in Station Road and the parishioner has been notified.

County Councillor Mr S Kindersley – reported that the verges have been cut, but where the undergrowth is causing an obstruction – this should be reported to the South Cambs. Council. Poor state of roads, potholes etc – again this should be reported to the SCC. (There is a note in the Newsletter listing the different SCC Departments and how to report it. (p2 )

Recreation Ground and Conservation Area- The Willow Tree near the Brook is to be lifted from out of the Brook. The Disabled toilet door lock has been repaired and the combination will be circulated to all sports clubs using the recreation ground. The Recreation Ground Drains have been re-checked . The pipework is to be reconfigured to encourage a better flowrate.

Footpaths – Footpath 7 The Fund has reached the required sum, with donations from parishioners and the Ramblers. A big thank you to all who donated. Footpath 7 and Footpath 10 will be updated on the 2017/2018 Map.

Litter Picking – another successful litter picking has taken place at Station Road, Ashwell Road and Windmill Close. The cubs and scouts also litterpicked along Hay Street, Recreation Ground, Conservation Area, Brook End and Bogs Gap.

Replacement Bus Shelter – various quotes have been received, and also monies from the Insurance so work will start very soon.

Magpas – the Parish Council agreed to make a donation to the air ambulance service.

You can help fight poverty amongst small growers and producers by supporting Fairtrade. Traidcraft goods are available in the church on Saturday 8th July (10.30-12 noon), Saturday 12th August (10.30-12noon) Or by ringing Friday, 21st July (9-11.15am), and Anne on 853490. 3



Would a cinema club, set up in Guilden Morden, be of interest to you? We would like to gauge the level of interest so if you would be interested in supporting such a venture, please send an email to this address – [email protected] In the subject line of the email, write ‘Guilden Gaumont’. In the body of the email, write ‘Yes, I would be interested’ then list your three favourite genres (eg, comedy, thriller, foreign) and one film from each genre. In order for the cinema club to operate, it would be have to be set up on the following basis; • It would be open to members only (to comply with licensing rules). • Membership fees would be £15 per year (payable upon registration). • There would be between 4 – 6 shows throughout the year. • Each performance would take place on a Thursday in the village hall. • The films would not be the very latest cinema releases Due to set up timelines we need responses by 12th July 2017 at the very latest. If there is enough interest (at least 40), we propose to set up and show the inaugural film in September 2017.


Teddy Bears Picnic An invitation to all past pupils of Steeple Morden Primary School and their families.

organised by Shingay Deanery Mothers’ Union on

We will be saying farewell to Mr Richard Lloyd at the end of term after 11 years as headteacher of our school. If you would like to join us to say goodbye, please come along to our Summer Fete on Saturday 1st July on the school field.


Monday 24 July at Whaddon Village Hall 12.00 – 2.00 pm. 125 Church Street, Whaddon SG8 5RY. Everyone with Preschool and primary school children, as well as MU members, welcome. Food and games will be provided by the MU members. If you are able to bring some outdoor games then they would be welcomed.

Please see the attached poster for more information. We hope that you can join us! from all the pupils and staff at Steeple Morden Primary School

Parents to be responsible for their own children.


Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church, Steeple Morden Diary for July/August

Guilden Morden Congregational Church Diary for July/August nd

The Church is one of six in the Shingay Group and details of all services are published monthly in Prospect. Our website is:

Sunday 2



10.30am Café style service. Come and join us for croissants and coffee in our relaxed style of worship. All welcome

Monday 3 July

10.30-12.00am Men’s Guild in the school room


Sat. 1st

5pm Ordination of Ann Bol in Ely Cathedral


Wed 5 July

Sunday 2nd 11am Group Communion, Guilden


Sunday 9 July

Morden, and Bring & Share Lunch


Wed 12 July Friday 7th

9-11.15am Café Church

Sat. 8th

10.3010.30-12 noon Coffee and


Friday 14th

Wed 19 July


9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning

Sunday 23rd July

11.00am Joint service at Litlington

10.45am Mattins (Prayer Book) 9-11.15am Café Church th


9.45am Family Service th



Sunday 30 July

9-11.15am Café Church with Traidcraft Stall


Wed 2


Sunday 23rd 10am Group Communion at Litlington

10.30-12.00am Men’s Guild in the school room

Monday 7 Aug 8.30am Parish Communion th

Wed 9 Aug 10.3010.30-12 noon Coffee and th

Traidcraft Stall

Sunday 13 Aug th

Sunday 13th

9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning


at Tadlow

Sat. 12th

10.30am Communion service TBC

10.30am Café style service. Come and join us for croissants and coffee in our relaxed style of worship. All welcome

Sunday 30th 10am Group Communion

Sunday 6th

9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning


Sunday 6 Aug


9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning 10.30am Joint service with St Mary’s led by Sandra Galton

Wed 26 July 16th

No Service

Sunday 16 July

Traidcraft Stall Sunday Sunday 9th

9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning

Wed 16 Aug

10.45am Parish Communion


Sunday 20th

9.45am Family Service

Sunday 20 Aug

Sunday 27th

10am Group Communion, at

Wed 23 Aug


Abington Pigotts th

Sunday 27 Aug


9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning No Service 9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning 11.00am Service at Shillington 9.00-11.30am Mix and Match Coffee Morning 11.00am Joint service at Litlington led by John Whittle

Contact Names, Numbers and E-Mail Addresses for Organisations and Groups in the Village


Contact Name

Phone Number


SM Newsletter Editor SM Newsletter Editor

Desma Goddard Gina Ferrari

01763 852287 01763 852971

[email protected] [email protected]

Primary School Village College SS Peter & Paul Church

Richard Lloyd The Principal Canon Shamus Williams (day off normally Monday) Rose Dickinson Arthur Chappell Diane Knight Keith Austin Debbie Fisher Ann Clarke

01763 852474 01763 242344 01763 853067

[email protected]

01763 852138 01763 852309 01763 853073 01763 852023 01763 852811 07756 291899

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Allotment Society Smarties Pre-School and Out of School Club

Dave Blanchard Michele Taylor

01763 853266 07952 100208 or 01763 852888

Cricket Club Football Club Morden Magpies Youth FC Bowls Club (Sec) Tennis Club Waggon & Horses Morden Players Over 60s Club Luncheon Club Royal British Legion Mobile Wardens Scheme

Fraser Daws Mark Thorp Laurence Harrison David Holt Fiona Coverdale Michael & Tina Jenny Elder Ann Thorp Debbie Fisher Ray Leach Angela Drew Lynn Pestell Di Coleman Roy Newbury Hazel Smith

01763 853008 07738 304329 07799 625529 01763 852636 01763 853325 01763 853311 01763 852557 01763 852848 01763 852811 01763 852734 01763 853390 01763 853461 01763 852124 01763 852241 01763 852602

[email protected] Pre-School: [email protected] Out of School Club: [email protected] [email protected]

GM Cong. Church SM Village Hall Bookings Scouts, Cubs & Beavers Brownies Guides

WI Neighbourhood Watch Social Car Scheme

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

dicole.8pott@btinternet Cambs Police: [email protected]

If the contact details need to be amended please let the Editor know, so that the list can be as accurate as possible at all times. A list of local useful numbers can be found on the village website ( and more general useful numbers can be found on the inside back page of The Listing.


Steeple Morden Lunch Club Meetings & Venue for Over ‘60’s 2017 6th July – Poetry of all Sorts – Frank Butt 3rd August – The History of Hats – Graham Seaton

Over 60 and too busy to cook?

Meetings held 1st Thursday of every month At Steeple Morden Village Hall All visitors welcome

29 years and still going strong, Steeple Morden lunch club invites you to come along and join us. We serve a lovely two course lunch followed by tea or coffee Held at the village hall on Tuesdays during the school term time anyone who may be interested can contact Debbie Fisher on 01763 852811

Heron Self Help A volunteer scheme for Cambridgeshire residents only offering transport to the doctors,

For help contact your co-ordinator as shown below. The charge for this service is 30p per mile payable to the driver

Steeple Morden

Hazel Smith

01763 852602

Guilden Morden

Christine Furmston

01763 852125

Hilary Sharp

01763 852272


Anna Burwitz

01763 256871

Orwell & Wimpole

Maggie Galan

01223 207307

Litlington & Abington Pigotts

Please give at least 48 hours’ notice if at all possible and only request help between 9 am and 6 pm, and not on Bank Holidays, except in extreme emergency. CAN YOU HELP US TO HELP THOSE WHO NEED OUR SERVICES? We are in urgent need of volunteer drivers in all villages. A mileage allowance is paid, and insurance cover provided. Please contact one of the above, as appropriate, if you can help.


It’s a Celebration MORDENS’ BRANCH OF SAVE THE CHILDREN 1990-2017 HAS RAISED £100,000 PLEASE JOIN US FOR CREAM TEAS AT THE HOME OF DIANE AND ROBERT HOWARD SWAN HOUSE, SWAN LANE, GUILDEN MORDEN ON SUNDAY 2ND JULY 2017 2-5pm Admission £4.00 Includes Cream Tea or Cake Cards Sales; Raffle In the garden with Singers from Potton Phoenix Ladies A Cappella Group

S.M.Over 60’s Club Coach trip to Cromer End of Pier Show Tuesday 5th September 2017

Leaving S.M. Hay Street 9.15 a.m Return from Cromer 5.15 p.m. Cost £55 to include coach, ticket for show and 2 course meal plus tea and coffee in Tides Restaurant on the Pier. Or Coach and Show only Cost £38 Bookings to Ann Thorp 01763 852848 please. Or E mail [email protected]


Steeple Morden Parish Litter Pick Initiative - “60 minute makeover” event Steeple Morden has been treated to two litter picking sessions this month. The first one was carried out by the cubs and scouts from The Mordens 6th Royston Air Scout Group who collected four full bags of rubbish plus some other miscellaneous items from the Brook End, Bogs Gap, Recreation Ground and Conservation areas - the group covered a really impressive area. Many thanks to the cub and scout leaders for helping with this exercise and giving us access to such a huge workforce! The latest 'sixty minute makeover' event took place on Saturday 10th June 2017 and tackled Zone 4 - the southern end of Steeple Morden (Station Road and Ashwell Road) with 14 volunteers picking for an hour, including 5 children. Again, a surprisingly large amount of rubbish was collected; thanks to all who helped with this on what was a particularly warm afternoon. The next litter pick event is on Saturday 8th July 2017 - we will be meeting outside the Waggon and Horses Pub at 2pm - all welcome. If you would like to join us please email [email protected] or call Ginny on 01763 852 475 - as always the more the merrier! Thanks again to all who have and continue to support this initiative - your efforts are appreciated!

Zone 5:

Station Road and Hay Street to Craft Way to include Craft Way

Saturday 8th July at 2pm

Zone 6:

Hay Street from Craft Way to Trap Road /North Brook End

Saturday 9 September at 2pm

Trap Road/ Bogs Gap and Brook End

Saturday 7 October at 2pm

Zone 7:



Zone 8:

Recreation ground / Village Hall area/ Conservation area and car parks

Saturday 11 November at 2pm th

Please email [email protected] with your full name and which of the events you can attend.

Steeple Morden Parish Council is pleased to announce that a successful grant application was made for £534 from the Big Lottery Fund to buy litter picking equipment to support our local initiative. This grant has enabled the PC to buy warning signs, cones, litter pickers, bag holders and hi-viz vests.


Allotments For Rent Would you like the satisfaction of growing your own veg, saving a few pounds on your shopping bill and possibly making new friends along the way? Our site on the edge of the village has now been established for four years. We are a small, friendly, lively, enthusiastic (and mixed ability!) group of members, with around 20 plots on site. Due to changes of circumstance, one or two have recently become available so we would love you to join our thriving community of Allotmenteers! We have ‘full size’ and ‘half size’ plots – perhaps you would like to share with a friend or neighbour, or give your children the chance to learn more about where their food comes from by growing their own? It is a self-contained, locked site with a water supply and communal composting, and you can put a shed on your plot if needed. So if you want to be eating fresh Asparagus in April and your own Leeks in December please get in touch! For more information contact Becky in the first instance on 01763 221598 [email protected] Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire Invites you to take part in our KITE FESTIVAL CHILDREN’S ART COMPETITION This competition is open to children up to the age of 11 and will be judged in the following age categories – under 3, 3–5 year olds, 6–8 year olds and 9-11 year olds The Theme of the competition is to DESIGN A KITE PICTURE Please design your picture on a piece of white A4 paper or card, then add your name, age and telephone number on the back of your picture Please post your entry to us by Friday 4th August, 2017 at:-Home Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire Unit 6, Valley Farm, Station Road, Meldreth, Royston, Herts. SG8 6JP or come along and see us on the Home-Start stall at the Kite Festival on 6th August and do your picture then There will be a display of pictures on our stall and entries will be judged towards the end of the event. Prizes will be awarded for each age category and winners will be notified


MORDEN MAGPIES JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB - A family-friendly club seeking players for U6, U7, U8 U9 & U10 age groups. Boys and girls of any ability welcome. JF Morden Magpies football club has a long history in local junior football. The club restarted in September 2012 and gain Charter status in 2014. This is a family club that enjoys the support of the senior Steeple Morden Football Club. Above all we want young players to have fun, enjoy and learn about the game and be part of a team. If you would like your son or daughter to join the club or would like to find out more please contact any of the following FA-qualified coaches: Under 6 - Kevin Donnelley - 07860 607416. [email protected] Under 7 - Martin Holt – 07740215874. [email protected] Under 8 - Laurence Harrison – 07799625529. [email protected] Under 9 - Andrew Holt – 07850801899. [email protected] Under 10 - Pete Summers – 07709258359. [email protected]

Steeple Morden Cricket Club

Junior League 3

Forthcoming Fixtures Matches start at 13.30 Saturday 20th May Saturday 27th May Saturday 3rd June Saturday 10th June Saturday 17th June Saturday 24th June Saturday 1st July Saturday 8th July Saturday 22nd July Saturday 5th August Saturday 12th August Saturday 19th August Saturday 26th August Saturday 2nd September

Steeple Morden CC-1st X1 v Little Shelford CC 1st X Lost by 0 wks Romsey Town CC-1st Xl v Steeple Morden CC-1st Xl Cancelled Steeple Morden CC-1st X1 v Cambridge N.C.I. 3rd X1 Won by 7 wks Steeple Morden CC-1st XI v Royston CC 2nd –Xl Won by 83 runs st st Bassingbourn CC-1 Xl v Steeple Morden CC-1 Xl Lost by 64 runs Steeple Morden CC-1st Xl v Rebels CC -1st Xl Steeple Morden CC-1st Xl v Fulbourn CC-2nd Xl Steeple Morden CC – 1st Xl v Romsey Town CC- 1st Xl Royston CC- 2nd Xl v Steeple Morden CC- 1st Xl Steeple Morden CC-1st XL v Bassingbourn CC- 1st Xl Little Shelford CC-1st Xl v Steeple Morden CC- 1st Xl Fulbourn CC- 2nd Xl v Steeple Morden CC- 1st Xl Cambridge NCI -3rd Xl v Steeple Morden CC- 1st Xl Great Shelford CC -2nd Xl v Steeple Morden CC -1st Xl

The “Mordens Community First Response Group” We are looking for new members If you have a few hours spare a week, work from home from time to time, are home-based or just fancy doing something new that is massively rewarding, then please get in touch. The Mordens CFR Group is a small group of local volunteers who are trained by the ambulance service to attend 999 ambulance related calls within an approximate 5 mile radius of the Mordens. Since going live in July last year, we have attended over 120 calls, and in the vast majority of cases, have been the first to arrive on scene. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact myself, Nick Badger on (01763) 852191, 07860 537114 or mail [email protected] or the group’s co-ordinator Wayne Cox on (01763) 853206, 07795 823376 or by mail [email protected] 11

A focus on local business In support of promoting local businesses, the Newsletter is inviting local businesses to submit a short advertorial about the products and services they offer to be included in a future Newsletter. The advert is to be written by you and can include a couple of photos. The articles need to be no more than half an A4 page including photos or graphics. Send to [email protected] This is your opportunity to tell local people about your local business.


The Village Wheelchair There is a manual wheelchair available for short term use by anyone in the village. For more information and availability please contact Trish at the Post Office.

We have upwards of 80 sets of dinner plates, dessert bowls, cups and saucers with accompanying knife, fork spoon and teaspoons. We charge 5p per item for hire.

MOBILE LIBRARY The Mobile Library stops in the village on the first Tuesday of every month.

Details and more information can be obtained from Diane on 01763 852580. All charges go to our fund raising for Save The Children.

It stops at Russell Close between 10.20 am and 11.05 am. (Note new time and day) The calling date for July & August is Tuesday 4th July & Tuesday 1st August

The Newsletter is printed by: Hales Printers, 23 Jarman Way, Royston, Hertfordshire. SG8 5HW. 01763 243195.

STEEPLE MORDEN VILLAGE HALL Contributions sent to the editors prior to the newsletter deadline will normally be printed in the next available edition. The deadline for the September edition is 12 noon on August 17th Contact details for the editors are at the top of the first page of the Newsletter

Steeple Morden Village Hall is available for hiring for parties, wedding receptions, club and social activities. It comprises: Tables, Seating for 120, Bar, Kitchen, Cooker, Fridge, Stage, Parking. There is also limited Crockery & Cutlery Projector and screen available and Induction Loop Equipment – ask our booking clerk for more details. For bookings and prices please contact: Diane Knight 33 Cheyney Street, Steeple Morden, SG8 0LR Tel 01763 853073 (please don't phone between the hours

of 6 - 7 p.m.) email: [email protected]

Don’t forget you can view this issue and back issues of the Newsletter online at and also subscribe to the monthly e-mail copy of the Newsletter. Let’s save money and trees!