Blazing a Trail with Dr. TL Osborn - McNulty Ministries

Blazing a Trail with. Dr. T.L. Osborn. Ministering on world platforms with Dr. T.L. Osborn for 16 years ... Kiev, Ukraine. Mass Public Prayers. Books ...

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Blazing a Trail with Dr. T.L. Osborn Ministering on world platforms with Dr. T.L. Osborn for 16 years

Moscow Airport, Russia

Medellin, Columbia

At the market on the way from Almaty to Bishkek, Central Asia

Kiev, Ukraine. Mass Public Prayers. Books distribution

Kiev, Ukraine

Costa Rica.

Dedicating Anthology, set of videos and books to the "Miguel Obregón Lizano" National library in San Jose

Miracle Life Outreach in San Jose, Costa Rica

Cotonou, Benin

This woman could not move her waist or her hands for 15 years. She is healed today.

Tokyo, Japan

Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Ponce, Puerto Rico

Oslo, Norway

Miracle Life Seminar in Oslo

Paris, France

Liliane Labour, Vincennes, France • I was afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis. I haven’t even been able to drive a car in three years. • Most of the time I was in a wheel chair and sometimes was able to walk with a cane. • Tonight I am able to walk without even the help of a cane. I walked up and down the stairs by myself!

Guntur, India

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For more live stories from the field go to: Facebook: McNulty Ministries; Twitter: Drs. Kevin or Leslie McNulty; YouTube: McNultyMinistries SlideShare: mcnultyministries This presentation is written internationally. Photos and Text are prepared by Galyna Lyevshyna, Staff Photographer, Christian Adventures International