Charging System (CS) 5.1 Training Programs Catalog of

Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview Delta LZU1088948 R1A Description Operator staff who will use the Charging System 5.1 must be aware of the posssibili...

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Charging System (CS) 5.1

Training Programs

Catalog of Course Descriptions

Catalog of Course Descriptions INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 3 CHARGING SYSTEM (CS) 5.1 OVERVIEW DELTA ................................................................. 4 CHARGING SYSTEM (CS) 5.1 RATING MANAGEMENT DELTA ......................................... 6 CHARGING SYSTEM (CS) 5.1 OVERVIEW................................................................................ 8 CHARGING CONTROL NODE (CCN) OVERVIEW FOR CS 5.1 ..........................................11 CHARGING CONTROL NODE (CCN) OPERATION FOR CS 5.1 ........................................14 VXML IVR 3.1 APPLICATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ....................................17 CHARGING DATA REPORTING SYSTEM (CRS) 5.2 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION .......20 CHARGING DATA REPORTING SYSTEM (CRS) 5.2 BUSINESS OBJECTS BASIC AND ENRICHED REPORTS ..................................................................................................................23 CHARGING SYSTEM (CS) 5.1 RATING MANAGEMENT......................................................25 CHARGING SYSTEM (CS) 5.1 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ...............................................29 CHARGING SYSTEM (CS) 5.1 ADVANCED SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION .......................34

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 2 © Ericsson AB 2013

Introduction Ericsson has developed a comprehensive Training Programs service to satisfy the competence needs of our customers, from exploring new business opportunities to expertise required for operating a network. The Training Programs service is delineated into packages that have been developed to offer clearly defined, yet flexible training to target system and technology areas. Each package is divided into flows, to target specific functional areas within your organization for optimal benefits. Service delivery is supported using various delivery methods including: Icon

Delivery Method Instructor Led Training (ILT)


Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) eLearning (WBL) Workshop (WS) Short Article (SA) Structured Knowledge Transfer (SKT) mLearning Job duty analysis (JDA) Competence GAP Analysis (CGA)

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 3 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview Delta LZU1088948 R1A Description Operator staff who will use the Charging System 5.1 must be aware of the posssibilities and features of the system. This course provides the participants with a general technical knowledge of the Ericsson Charging System 5.1. The course focuses on describing the new and changed features and architecture of the Charging System as compared to CS 4.0 FD2. It also highlights important call flows. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2

Describe the principle changes in the evolution from Charging System (CS) 4.0 FD 2 to Charging System 5.1 and describe the function of each node in Charging System 5.1 List and describe the Core, Service and Mediation Networks Nodes and outline the impact of Charging System 5.0.3 on these nodes Indicate the important interactions between the nodes Describe the new features and functions of Charging System 5.1 Highlight the new and improved features of Charging System 5.1 with respect to Charging System 4 FD2 Identify new hardware used in Charging System 5.1 Describe System Architecture in Charging System 5.1 with respect to Charging System 4.0 FD2 Discuss the new architecture of Charging System 5.1 and highlight the changes Emphasize on the new interfaces and protocols introduced since CS 4.0 FD 2

Target audience The target audience for this course is: The target audience for this course is: Service Planning Engineers, Service Design Engineers, Network Design Engineers, Network Deployment Engineers, Service Deployment Engineers, System Technicians, Service Technicians, System Engineers,

Service Engineers, System Administrators, Application Developers, System Integrators, Technical Support Specialists, Business Developers Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: Charging System (CS) 4.0 Overview, LZU1087351 R1A Duration and class size The length of the course is 1 day and the maximum number of participants is 16. Learning situation This course is based on theoretical instructor-led lessons given in a classroom environment. Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day


Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

Charging System 5.1 Node functionalities


Node interactions and call flows


New Features and Functions of Charging System 5.1 when compared with CS 4.0 FD 2


Detailed architecture of Charging System 5.1


Interfaces and protocols


Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 5 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging System (CS) 5.1 Rating Management Delta LZU1088949 R1A Description Operators must charge their subscribers in a clear and open fashion while also ensuring there is no revenue leakage. Also with new features and functionality charging has become a very complex process. This course focuses on Charging System (CS) 5.1 changes in rating functionality. The course will explore the changes in the existing functionalities and also the new tools available in the RMA. The course will explain features such as Shared Accounts, Offer Management, Composite Dedicated Accounts, Periodic Account Management and Price Specification. The course teaches students to design, simulate and activate selection structures for realtime rating of all calls in the network. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Describe the capabilities in Charging System (CS) 5.1 for management of rating schemes and recognize the changes in the existing functionalities to CS 5.1 Explain new functionality available in SDP Management Application Explain how to use the Rule Management Application to create powerful and reliable rating schemes Explain features in Charging System (CS) 5.1 such as Offer driven rating, Price Specification and Service Configuration and recognize their impact on rating management Explain the features Price Specification, Composite Dedicated Accounts and Multi Unit Type, Shared Accounts, Offer Management and Periodic Account Management Describe changes in Dedicated Account, Bonus structures and ussd structures Describe the meaning of Composite Dedicated Accounts and Multi Unit Type Recognize the uses of Offer Management and explain how it is configured in SMA and RMA Explain the meaning of Shared Accounts, Usage Counters and Usage Thresholds and the be able to describe the use of Multi User Identification and introduce Timer Offer and its configuration Recognize how Periodic Account Management (PAM) strengthens the advantage to manage all accounts in Charging System (CS) 5.1 in the convergence scenario Describe the operation of how PAM is configured in both SMA and RMA

Target audience The target audience for this course is: Service Deployment Engineers, Business Developers Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview, LZU1088944 R1A or Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview Delta, LZU1088948 R1A Duration and class size The length of the course is 1 day and the maximum number of participants is 8. Learning situation This course is based on theoretical and practical instructor-led lessons given in both a classroom and in a technical environment using an SDP with SMA and RMA which can be accessed remotely. Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day


Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

SMA, RMA with CS 5.1 Features and Tools


Changes and New Features


Exercise 1


Exercise 2


Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 7 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview LZU1088944 R1A Description Operator staff who will use the Charging System must be aware of the posssibilities and features of the system. This course provides the participants with a general technical knowledge of the Ericsson Charging System (CS) 5.1. The course focuses on describing the features of Charging System (CS) 5.1, its architecture and how traffic cases are handled. It also focuses on the structure and function of this network with particular emphasis on all nodes involved and new capabilities. The node platforms and interfaces are examined along with the service features, both basic and optional. The course prepares students for further study on specific nodes and applications so that the Charging System can be utilised to its full potential. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1


Explain the nodes that comprise the Charging System (CS) 5.1 network with particular emphasis on the CCN, SDP, AIR, CCN, VS, MINSAT, ECMS, CS-NMT, AF and VS functionality. Describe the principle changes in the evolution from Charging System 4.0 to Charging System (CS) 5.1 List and describe the function of each node in Charging System (CS) 5.1 List and describe the Core, Service and Mediation Networks Nodes and outline the impact of Charging System (CS) 5.1 on these nodes Indicate the important interactions between the nodes

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Explain subscriber management in CS 5.1 Understand the concept of Service Class in the Charging System Describe the Lifecycle of a CS subscriber List the refill methods and charging mechanisms Describe the possible bonus and promotion plans


Highlight and explore the new functionalities and improved features introduced with Charging System (CS) 5.1 Give an account of the Basic, New and Optional functionalities in Charging System 5.1 Describe the principles governing the features in Charging System (CS) 5.1 including

1.1 1.2 1.3

3.1 3.2


4 4.1

Dynamic Discount Solution of voice, SMS and data, Community Charging, Subscriber Segmentation, PAM, Composite DA Describe some of the new features introduced in Charging System (CS) 5.1 including Offer Management and types of offers, Services based on QoS, Periodic Account Management (PAM), Subscription ID Independence, Composite Dedicated Account, Advanced Shared Account, Mobile Broadband, Timer Charging, Credit Limit Selection, SDP Account snapshot, multinode jobs and recurrent jobs Define the purpose of the various interfaces and protocols as listed in the CPI documentation. List and describe the Charging System Integration Points such as charging interfaces, user communication interfaces, provisioning interfaces and historical data access interfaces.

Target audience The target audience for this course is: Service Planning Engineers, Service Design Engineers, Network Design Engineers, Network Deployment Engineers, Service Deployment Engineers, System Technicians, Service Technicians, System Engineers, Service Engineers, System Administrators, Application Developers, Business Developer, Solution Integrators, Support Specialists, Sales and Marketing engineers. Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: There are no prerequisites for this course. Duration and class size The length of the course is 1 day and the maximum number of participants is 16. Learning situation This course is based on theoretical instructor-led lessons given in a classroom environment.

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 9 © Ericsson AB 2013

Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

Charging System 5.1 Network Architecture, Node Functions and Traffic Cases Charging System Subscriber Management and Lifecycle Management. Charging System 5.1 features with particular emphasis on Subscriber Segmentation, Community Charging, Flexible & location aware refill, PAM, Offer Management Composite DAs, Subscriber ID independence Introduce new features in Charging System 5.1 including: Advanced Shared Accounts, Offer Management and Timer Charging, Services based on QoS, multimode jobs, recurrent jobs, SDP Account snapshot Interfaces towards and within the Charging System







Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 10 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging Control Node (CCN) Overview for CS 5.1 LZU1088952 R1A Description This course informs students about the role of the Charging Control Node (CCN) in the Charging System 5.1 network. The course explains the CCN network context, explores selected traffic cases and introduces the CCN configuration application. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

List the main functions of CCN in a CS 5.1 network. Before CCN CCN Functions - Fault Management The Node Management Toolbox LDAP Protocol CPI Documents CCN Order Of Priority


Identify and describe the CCN machine-machine interfaces and the main features of the signaling interfaces (CS1+, CAPv1-3, Diameter SCAPv1, DAAC/SCAPv2, DAAC/Gy, Gx, CIP/IP, ERTC), and describe how charging occurs using CCN by explaining selected traffic cases. CIP/CAPV3 Protocol stack Diameter Protocol stack CCN Charging Protocols CCN Protocols – Functional Areas CCN Protocols CAPV3 SMS CCN Protocols – Significant Parameters Deduction Time Reservation Lifetime CCN Protocols CAPV3 GPRS CCN Protocols – Functional Areas CCN Protocols – Significant Parameters CCN Protocols - Diameter SCAP V1 DAAC/SCAPV2 CCN Protocols – Diameter SCAP CCN Protocols Mapping SCAP to CIP CCN Protocols – Functional Areas

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16


Real Time Charging

3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12

Introduce the CCN Manager GUI, identify the main menus and options and describe the configuration principles. Basic Node Settings Service Configuration Voice Charging SMS Charging SDP Parameters Number Normalization Statistics Settings CDR Settings Common CDR Trace Customization CCN Order Of Priority

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

Identify and discuss some new and existing features. Charging before B-Party Answers Pre-call Replenishment Personal Greeting Service Sentinel on/off Support Framework Multiple FTP Destinations for CDR Transfer Addition of Service-Key Based Prefix to B-number towards MSC

5 5.1

List some of the statistics available within the CCN. Statistics

Target audience The target audience for this course is: Service Planning Engineers, Service Design Engineers, Network Design Engineers, Network Deployment Engineers, Service Deployment Engineers, System Technicians, Service Technicians, System Engineers, Service Engineers, Field Technicians, System Administrators, Business Developers, Customer Care, Administrators Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: Telecom Server Platform (TSP) 6 Overview, LZU1087339 Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview, LZU1088944 or Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview Delta, LZU1088948 Duration and class size The length of the course is 1 day and the maximum number of participants is 16. Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 12 © Ericsson AB 2013

Learning situation This course is based on theoretical instructor-led lessons given in a classroom environment. Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day


Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

Describe the CCN Architecture and Interfaces Identify and describe the main features of the signaling interfaces (CS1+, CAPv1-3, Diameter SCAPv1, DAAC/SCAPv2, DAAC/Gy, Gx, CIP/IP, ERTC) and Describe how charging occurs using CCN by explaining selected traffic cases Introduce the CCN Manager Application, identify the main menus options and describe the configuration principles


Identify and discuss some new and existing features List some of the statistics and reports available within CCN

1.0 0.5



Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 13 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging Control Node (CCN) Operation for CS 5.1 LZU1088953 R1A Description This course provides information about configuration procedures for the Charging Control Node (CCN) 5.6.2 in the Charging System (CS) 5.1. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

Operate the CCN Manager Application environment Locate CCN in the CS 5.1 network Introduce the Node Management Toolbox Applications Describe the role of CCN Manager Application Describe the LDAP protocol List and explain supporting CPI documents Navigate the CCN Manager GUI Describe the data categories within CCN Manager Outline the CCN configuration order of priority

2 2.1 2.2 2.3

Configuration of CCN Manager data Explore CCN settings common to all services Configure access, service and function settings Be aware of all parameters within the fields

3 3.1 3.2 3.3

Configuration procedure of CCN Configure access, service and function settings Be aware of all parameters within the fields Be aware of the correct procedure for configuration

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

Discuss CCN statistics Describe where statistics are obtained in CCN List the categories of statistical counters in CCN Recognize how statistical measurements are handled Describe how statistical files can be viewed

5 5.1 5.2 5.3

Manage and troubleshoot CCN Faults Identify the Alarm Interfaces: local alarm display, OSS, SNMP Examine the alarm database in TSP Monitor the error logging process


Retrieve data to support troubleshooting

6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

Discuss System administration Be aware of the CCN hardware and software configuration on TSP Navigate the Node Management GUI Identify maintenance procedures Identify Recovery Services

Target audience The target audience for this course is: Service Planning Engineers, Service Design Engineers, Network Design Engineers, Network Deployment Engineers, Service Deployment Engineers, System Technicians, Service Technicians, System Engineers, Service Engineers, System Administrators, Application Developers, Business Developers Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: GPRS System Survey, LZU108876 Telecom Server Platform (TSP) 6 Operation & Maintenance, LZU1087341 Charging Control Node (CCN) Overview for CS 5.1, LZU1088952

Duration and class size The length of the course is 2 days and the maximum number of participants is 8. Learning situation This course is based on theoretical and practical instructor-led lessons given in both classroom and in a technical environment using equipment and tools.

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 15 © Ericsson AB 2013

Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day 1


Topics in the course Introduction to the CCN and Operation Operate the CCN configuration application environment Manipulate CCN Manager configuration data Analyze CCN statistics and reports Manage and troubleshoot CCN faults Look at Node Maintenance Functions

Estimated Time (hours) 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 16 © Ericsson AB 2013

VXML IVR 3.1 Application Operation and Maintenance LZU 1088954 R1A Description This course provides the participants with an in-depth description of the functionality and architecture of the VXML-IVR 3.1 application. It focuses particularly on the concept and mechanisms of presentation and workflow handling. It also focuses on the configuration and maintenance of the Core application, Application Modules, Static VXML Repository and of the Alarm, Statistics and Configuration Managers. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3

Explain an overview level the VXML-IVR in relation to the other network elements in the Charging System. IVR position in Ericsson Charging System. Types of IVR and Comparison with VXML IVR. Describe the functionality and purpose of the VXML-IVR, and the key benefits of VXML-IVR over existing solutions. List the main components and sub-components which make up the VXML-IVR. Various Topologies Associated with VXML IVR. Describe the hardware and software requirements of the VXML-IVR. VXML IVR Product lifecycle. HP contribution to VXML IVR and Support flow. Explain Concept, mechanisms and architecture of the Call Flow application. Explain the concept of the Core application and the services it provides to the VXMLIVR. Creation of Different Workflow and Configuration IDs and their association with Presentation ID. Understanding the working of Workflow Editor.

3.1 3.2 3.3

Describe the purpose and architecture of the Alarm Manager and Statistics Manager within the VXML-IVR application. Outline the process of Alarm Handling. Statistics Manager and its components. Counter Management and Reporting.

4 4.1

VXML IVR Operation and Maintenance. Creation of Directory Structure.

4.2 4.3 4.4

Working with VIVR-MAIN Script. AIR IVR integration Concepts. Backup and Restoration.

5 5.1 5.2 5.3

Outline the purpose and key features of each Functional Module in a standard application. Explain functional module. Describe Key features of each module. Perform parameter modifications to the various VXML-IVR Functional Modules.

6 6.1 6.2

Explain the purpose of the Configuration Manager and Security GUI. Discuss the main components and processes of the Configuration Manager Navigate the configuration access and security GUIs.

7 7.1 7.2 7.3

Describe the customization scope of the VXML-IVR application. Discuss the VXML basics and control flow within VXML documents. Edit and deploy static VXML files. Understanding Static VXML Editor and performing Editing operations on VXML files with help of SVE GUI.

8 8.1 8.2

Explain License Management. Understanding of License Management concepts. Activation of new standard optional features through License Manager and Feature Manager.

Target audience The target audience for this course is: The target audience for this course is: System Technicians, Service Technicians, System Administrators, Network Operators Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: The participants should be familiar with Linux and XML. Duration and class size The length of the course is 3 days and the maximum number of participants is 8. Learning situation This course is based on theoretical and practical instructor- led lessons given in a classroom environment. Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 18 © Ericsson AB 2013

Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day



Topics in the course VXML IVR Application Overview


Concepts of Call Flow Application


Alarm Manager and Statistics Manager


VXML IVR Operation and Maintenance


Functional Modules


Functional Modules (contd.)


Configuration Manager and Security GUI 3

Estimated Time (hours)

Customization Scope of VXML IVR Application License Management

1.5 2 0.5

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 19 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging Data Reporting System (CRS) 5.2 System Administration LZU1088956 R1A Description This course will target the practical needs of system administrators in their use of the Charging Data Reporting System (CRS). It will help them to understand GUI-based terminology for CRS, understand the purpose and usage of the various reports available to them from CRS. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Describe Ericsson’s Charging Data Reporting System. List the major benefits of CRS. Provide an overview of Charging System and CRS role within Charging System. List the major components of CRS. List the major functionalities of CRS. List the differences between DWS 4.0 and CRS 5.2.4.

2 2.1 2.2 2.3

Explain the system specification Analyze the dimensioning factors List 3PP software/hardware used in CRS Describe the hardware specifications

3 3.1 3.2

Describe and configure the Customer Care reports Explain the differences between AHR and CSHR reports Configure AHR and CSHR reports

4 4.1 4.2

Describe the CDR flow process. Explain the role of Ericsson Multi Mediation in CRS. Explore the Ericsson Multi Mediation GUI

5 5.1 5.2 5.3

Describe the Administration GUI in CRS. Describe the Supervision and Configuration tabs in the Administration GUI. Explain the function of the relevant functions of the Supervision and Configuration tabs. Perform routine system administration tasks using the administration GUI

6 6.1 6.2

List the Snapshots available in CRS. Explain and configure the Snapshots. Monitor the execution of a Snapshot.

7 7.1 7.2

List the Data Exports available in CRS. Describe the differences between Snapshots and Data Exports. Configure and troubleshoot a Data Export.

8 8.1 8.2 8.3

Number normalization and categorization theory. Explain the role of the normalization and categorization Configure the number normalization Troubleshoot the number normalization

9 9.1 9.2

Describe general CRS database administration tasks. Describe the function of each option in the database administration scripts. Explain the use of the auditing options in Oracle

10 10.1 10.2 10.3

List the backup solutions in CRS. Describe the file system backup solutions. Describe the database backup solution. Monitor the status of a database backup.

11 11.1 11.2 11.3

Describe the general monitoring and maintenance daily/weekly/monthly tasks. Control the flash recovery area Troubleshoot common problems Fill a Customer Service Request

Target audience The target audience for this course is: System Administrator Prerequisites The participants should be familiar with Charging System 5.1 Participants need an overview understanding of the role of the nodes in the Charging System 5.1 network and also the different call types supported in their PrePaid Service. Participants also need to be operating at the level of database administrator and need to be working at the level of system administrator for UNIX servers and have system administrator level knowledge of networking. Duration and class size The length of the course is 4 days and the maximum number of participants is 8. Learning situation The methods used in training will involve a instructor led overview of the system administration aspects of the CRS system. The training material will be the CRS system administrator and troubleshooting documentation as well as the user guide. The practical exercises will involve task-based learning. Students will be given realistic scenarios to solve Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 21 © Ericsson AB 2013

and document. Students will use system documentation to support these scenarios. This training will ideally take place on the customer site, with a remote connection to CRS. Additional requirements will be a classroom with a multi-media projector, large whiteboard and whiteboard markers, 1 PC (configured as an admin PC) per student and for the instructor, with remote logins to the CRS server. Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day





Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

Overview of CRS 5.2.4 system architecture and purpose. CRS AHR/CSHR theory Practical Exercise: Account History Report and Call and Service History Report request Description of the CDR processing flow in CRS Overview of CRS Administration GUI Snapshot and Data Exports definition and content description Practical exercise: Configuration and troubleshooting of the Snapshots Configuration and description of Data Exports Practical Exercises: Data Exports configuration Number Normalization and categorization Practical exercise: Number normalization configuration and troubleshoot. Database administration theory Practical Exercise: Enabling and monitoring the Oracle Auditing Backup and Restore theory Maintenance and common reporting problems in CRS Practical Exercises: Troubleshooting and maintenance CSR management

2 hours 1 hour 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 2 hour 1 hour 2 hours 1 hour 2 hours 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 22 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging Data Reporting System (CRS) 5.2 Business Objects Basic and Enriched Reports LZU1088957 R1A Description This course will target the practical needs of Basic, Enriched, Marketing and Business Analysts in their daily use of the Charging Data Reporting System (CRS). It will help them to understand GUI-based terminology for CRS, understand the purpose and usage of the various reports available to them from CRS. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Describe Ericsson’s Charging Data Reporting System. Identify the benefits of CRS List the key components of CRS List the major functionality changes between DWS 4.0 and CRS 5.2.4

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

List the Business Objects reports in CRS. Describe the features available in the Infoview interface Description of the Basic and Enriched Reports Execution and analysis of the Basic and Enriched Reports Scheduling of the Basic and Enriched Reports

3 3.1 3.2 3.3

Create custom Business Objects Reports. Explain the BO concepts required for customizing reports Identify the Infoview tools for customizing reports Create customized reports

4 4.1

Identify common reporting issues in Business Objects Troubleshoot reporting issues in Business Objects

Target audience The target audience for this course is: Business Developer, Customer Care Administrator Prerequisites The participants should be familiar with Charging System 5.1 Participants need an overview understanding of the role of the nodes in the CS 5.1 network

and also the different call types supported in their Charging System Charging Data Reporting System (CRS) 5.2 System Administration LZU1088956 Duration and class size The length of the course is 1 day and the maximum number of participants is 8. Learning situation This is a task-oriented learning course based on tasks in the work process given in a technical environment using equipment and tools, which are accessed remotely. Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day


Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

Overview of CRS 5.2.4

1 hour

Business Objects XI overview

1 hour

Basic and Enriched Reports definition and content

1 hour

Practical Exercises: Basic and Enriched Reports

1 hour

Theory to create customized BO reports

1 hour

Creation of customized BO reports

1 hour

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 24 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging System (CS) 5.1 Rating Management LZU1088945 R1B Description Operators must charge their subscribers in a clear and open fashion while also ensuring there is no revenue leakage. Also with new features and functionality charging has become a very complex process. This course focuses on Charging System (CS) 5.1 Rating Functionality. The course will explore the impact of dedicated accounts, usage accumulators, community charging, subscriber segmentation, offer management, shared accounts, realtime lifecycle notifications, notifications to the user, dynamic service configurations and account management. The course teaches students to design, simulate and activate selection structures for realtime rating of all calls and sessions in the network. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1

Describe the features available in Charging System (CS) 5.1 Rating Management and describe how the Ericsson Rating Engine is used for rating purposes Explain how to use the SDP Management Application and how to configure a Service Class Explain how to use the Rule Management Application to create powerful and reliable rating schemes Explain features in Charging System (CS) 5.1 Explain and configure the UAs, DAs and Bonus structures. Describe the purpose of Dedicated Account, Selection and Bonus structures Configure a structure to select one or multiple Dedicated Accounts Describe the meaning of Composite Dedicated Accounts and Multi Unit Type Configure a structure to select one Usage Accumulator Configure a structure to apply a Bonus on main account and/or on Dedicated Accounts Illustrate how to activate Dedicated Accounts and Usage Accumulator at a Service Class level Explain and configure tariffs based on Community Charging Support Describe the operation of the Community Charging Feature Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm

282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 25 © Ericsson AB 2013

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

List the main steps involved in setting up Community Charging Recognize the impact of Community Charging in the Network Explain the need for Number Normalization in Community Charging Recognize the impact of Community Charging on the other tree structures Explain how to configure a Number Normalization tree and a Community Charging tree and how to use Community Charging in other tree structures


Explain and configure tariffs based on Subscriber Segmentation Support and also explain new features such as Offer management and Shared accounts. Recognize how subscriber segmentation provides further personalization of subscribers account from standard service class definition List the main steps involved in provisioning Subscriber Segmentation Describe the operation of the Service Offerings parameter Describe the usage of the Account Group Id parameter Explain how to use the Service Offerings parameter in a tree structure Recognize the uses of Offer Management and explain the various types of Offers, how it is configured in SMA and RMA, repurchase of offers, Offer driven rating concept and use Explain the meaning of Shared accounts and advanced shared account feature, Usage Counters and Usage Thresholds and the be able to describe the use of Multi User Identification

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

Enable USSD/SMS Notifications to the subscriber Identify the USSD/SMS Notification capabilities State when USSD/SMS Notifications can be sent Recognize main conditions Explain how to configure a USSD Text Message tree structure Explain how to specify if messages have to be sent as USSD or SMS

6 6.1 6.2

Describe how to set up Real-time lifecycle Notifications to External Systems Describe the operation of Real-time Lifecycle Notification Feature Recognize how to configure the routing, timing, Service Class selection on System level

7 7.1 7.2

Explain and configure an Account Management structure Understand the purpose of the Account Management Structure Describe how to implement DA/UA Auto-Provisioning at Subscriber Installation and administration of DA/UA and offers at Service Class change Configure a structure to charge for balance inquiries Configure a structure to charge for subscriber initiated service class changes Configure a structure to charge for subscriber initiated Family and Friends administration

7.3 7.4 7.5 8 8.1 8.2 8.3

Recognize how Periodic Account Management (PAM) strengthens the advantage to manage all accounts in Charging System (CS) 5.1 in the convergence scenario Recognize how Periodic Account Management (PAM) strengthens the advantage to manage all accounts in Charging System (CS) 5.1 in the convergence scenario Recognize use cases of PAM Describe the operation of how PAM is configured in both SMA and RMA Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm

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Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 26 © Ericsson AB 2013


Explain how PAM makes it possible to update a large number of account data

9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4

Explain and configure Statistic structures and Dynamic Service Configuration. Explain the advantage of having a Statistic Structure Configuration of Statistic structure Understand the dynamic service configuration capability Dynamic service configuration using the Service Detail Determination tree structure.

10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

Explain the Business Configuration Consolidation feature and how to use it. Description of Business Configuration Consolidation Examples of how Business Configuration Consolidation is used Understanding of Concepts Supported Entity Types

Target audience The target audience for this course is: Service Deployment Engineer, Business Developer Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview, LZU1088944 or Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview Delta, LZU1088948 Duration and class size The length of the course is 5 days and the maximum number of participants is Error! Unknown document property name.. Learning situation This course is based on theoretical and practical instructor-led lessons given in both classroom and in a technical environment using an SDP with SMA and RMA, which can also be accessed remotely.

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 27 © Ericsson AB 2013

Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day






Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

Chapter 1 SMA and RMA Interfaces


Exercise 0


Chapter 2 Dedicated Accounts, Accumulators and Bonus


Exercise 1 part 1


Exercise 1 part 2


Chapter 3 Community Charging


Exercise 2


Chapter 4 Subscriber Segmentation, Offer Mgt and Shared Accounts Exercise 3

1.5 1.5

Exercise 4


Exercise 5


Chapter 5 USSD/SMS notifications to the User


Chapter 6 Real-time lifecycle reporting


Chapter 7 Account Management


Exercise 6-7


Chapter 8 Periodic Account Management


Exercise 8 , Optional Exercises on Timer Charging


Chapter 9 Statistic and Dynamic Service Configuration


Chapter 10 Business Configuration Consolidation


Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 28 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging System (CS) 5.1 System Administration LZU 1088946 R1B Description Operators must ensure that their Charging System is running as efficiently as possible and that there is no network downtime. The course teaches the participants how to operate & maintain the Charging System. It is an instructor-lead-training (ILT) course for the MINSAT, AIR Server, Voucher Server and SDP systems. Participants will be shown how to complete daily routine tasks on the servers to ensure the smooth running of the Charging System. They will also learn how to configure the servers to deliver the best service possible to customers. This will ensure a smooth operation of the Charging System for the operator and hence the end customer. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

Describe the architecture of the Charging System (CS) 5.1 network as outlined in the CPI documentation. Understand System overview Understand the Course coverage Explain CS 5.1 architecture Understand Core Networks engaged with CS 5.1 Understand the Service Network engaged with CS 5.1 List down all the associated products Explain important call flows

2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Identify hardware supported by the Charging System. Understand RAID concept Understand ZFS concept and use Highlight Storages for CS 5.1 Understand the concept of disk partitioning List down the hardware systems used in CS 5.1

3 3.1 3.2 3.3

Understand the FDS architecture and its importance in the Charging System. Explain FDS Understand FDS terminology Understand FDS server processes

3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

List Component types Explain FDS communication Understand Plug–ins and their states Gain knowledge on FDS software scripts Understand FDS process interaction Understand FDS tools

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10

Determine the functionality and use of the SDP and how it interacts with other nodes. Understand the functionalities of Service data pointserver Understand SDP hardware List down the main software elements Highlight SDP directory structure Point out the SDP external interfaces Highlight SDP FDS components List down SDP plug- in Understand TIMESTEN database used in SDP Highlight Geographical redundancy Explain System Admin menu

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9

Understand how the Account Finder manages its information. Explain Software Understand Standard AF Explain High capacity AF List down the Interfaces Understand Redundancy Explain AF cache in CCN Understand Directory structure of AF List AF zone file Know MSISDN prefix lookup function

6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

Assess the Voucher Server capabilities and perform regular tasks. Understand VS capacity Understand Redundancy, failover and load sharing Explain Geographical redundancy Explain Voucher server routing Explain VS software Understand VS directory structure Explain Admin functions Explain New functions

7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7

Configure the AIR Server to provide the functionality required for refills and enquiries. Understand AIR software Explain FDS architecture Explain Main FDS components Explain AIR directory structure Explain AVIM Perform AIR RMA service configuration Understand the various Refill options Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm

282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 30 © Ericsson AB 2013

7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13

Explain Refill flow Explain Flexible refill Explain USSD text messages Understand Voucher routing Explain the use of batch files in air Explain new functions


Identify the role of MINSAT in CS 5.1 and configure MINSAT to perform regular tasks. Understand MINSAT client Know about MINSAT Hardware Explain MINSAT geographical redundancy Explain MINSAT network interaction Understand Call and account history Explain MINSAT directory structure Explain MINSAT architecture Explain MINSAT processes Perform MINSAT cronjobs Understand DR processing Explain ydbmon Explain TCP IP nodes Explain Connecting to CRS Explain Periodic account management with MINSAT Explain how to perform Subscriber batch generation Perform Subscriber provisioning Understand Grace period re-provision administration

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8

Perform regular Maintenance and Fault Tracing tasks of the nodes in order to successfully provide the service. Understand the Maintenance procedures List the Common problems faced List FDS problem detection process List MINSAT common problems Collect MINSAT troubleshooting data Understand the use of MINSAT analyzer Perform Fault tracing Perform MINSAT fault tracing

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 31 © Ericsson AB 2013

Target audience The target audience for this course is: System Technician, Service Technician, System Engineer, Service Engineer, System Administrator Prerequisites Successful completion of the following courses: Charging System 5.1 Overview, LZU1088944 UNIX Fundamentals, LZUBB108170 Duration and class size The length of the course is 5 days and the maximum number of participants is 8. Learning situation This learning product combines instructor-led training with task-oriented based exercises on the MINSAT, AIR Server, Voucher Server, Account Finder and SDP. Access to MINSAT, AIR Server, Voucher Server and SDP is required for delivery of this course either in a test environment or at an operator site.

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 32 © Ericsson AB 2013

Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day




Topics in the course Chapter 1 Introduction


Chapter 2 System Hardware


Chapter 3 FDS


Chapter 1, 2, 3 Exercises


Chapter 4 SDP Theory


Chapter 4 SDP Part 1 Exercises


Chapter 4 SDP Part 2 Theory


Chapter 4 SDP Part 2 Exercises


Chapter 5 Account Finder


Chapter 5 Account Finder Exercises


Chapter 6 Voucher Server


Chapter 6 Voucher Server Exercises


Chapter 7 AIR Server



Estimated Time (hours)


Chapter 7 AIR GUI Exercises


Chapter 7 AIR RMA Exercises


Chapter 8 MINSAT (Part 1) Theory


Chapter 8 Exercises


Chapter 8 MINSAT (Part 2)


Chapter 8 MINSAT Exercises


Chapter 9 Maintenance and Fault Tracing


Chapter 9 Exercises


Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 33 © Ericsson AB 2013

Charging System (CS) 5.1 Advanced System Administration LZU 1088947 R1B Description Operators must ensure that their Charging System is running as efficiently as possible and that there is no network downtime. This requires making changes to configurations and troubleshooting issues which may arise. The course teaches the participants how to administrate the Charging System. It is an instructor-lead-training (ILT) course for the MINSAT, AIR Server, Voucher Server and SDP systems. Participants will be shown low level concepts and execute end-to-end operational tasks on the servers to ensure the smooth running of the Charging System. They will also learn how to configure the servers to deliver the best service possible to customers. This will ensure a smooth operation of the Charging System for the operator and hence the end customer. Learning objectives On completion of this course the participants will be able to: 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Describe the CS interfaces of the Charging System (CS) 5.1 Explain the role of SS7 in the Charging System in a mobile network Identify SIGTRAN use in the nodes of Charging System 5.1 Describe the role of DIAMETER, DCCA, MSCC and their characteristics Illustrate selected traffic cases

2 2.1 2.2 2.3

Explain the Gy in Charging System (CS) 5.1 List the Gy features in CS 5.1 Explain the impact of the Gx features Describe and configure Gy

3 3.1 3.2 3.3

Configure SCAPv2 signaling in Charging System Describe the advantages of SCAPv2 Explain advantages of an all-IP network Identify the SCAPv2 stack and illustrate

4 4.1 4.2

Demonstrate the use of PAM in the Charging System Describe Shared Accounts in CS 5.1 Outline the use of Offer Management in the Ericsson Network


Determine uses and configure on test equipment



Target audience The target audience for this course is: System/Service Technician, System Engineer, Service Engineer, System Administrator Prerequisites Charging System (CS) 5.1 Overview, LZU 1088944 Charging System (CS) 5.1 System Administration, LZU1088946 UNIX Fundamentals, LZUBB 108 170 Duration and class size The length of the course is 3 days and the maximum number of participants is 8. Learning situation This learning product combines instructor-led training with task-oriented based exercises on the MINSAT, AIR Server, Voucher Server, Account Finder and SDP. Access to MINSAT, AIR Server, Voucher Server and SDP is required for delivery of this course either in a test environment or at an operator site.

Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 35 © Ericsson AB 2013

Time schedule The time required always depends on the knowledge of the attending participants and the hours stated below can be used as estimate. Day




Topics in the course

Estimated Time (hours)

Introduction to CS Interfaces


Configuring SS7, SIGTRAN, CIP/IP signaling


Configuring DIAMETER, DCCA, MSCC signaling


Configuring Gy and SCAPv2 signaling




Service Features


Exercises & Troubleshooting


Ericsson AB Global Services SE-164 80 Stockholm 282/03819-FAP 130 506 Uae Rev: C Commercial in Confidence

Telephone: +46 10 719 0000 36 © Ericsson AB 2013