Citizen Concerns: Friday, September 22 , 2017

o It took the rattling of some cages, but the Kace2000, computer imaging device, issue is finally resolved and IT is moving forward with training...

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Friday, September 22, 2017 ________________________________________________________________ All Departments-City Manager Weekly Report

Citizen Concerns: PARKS AND RECREATION/SPECIAL EVENTS:  Wednesday, September 20, 2017- Dodie received 3 different notifications (a citizen came in to the office, a call from dispatch and a call from a citizen) that trail lights had been broken by MP2 leading into the trail. Dodie notified David Bradshaw. PUBLIC WORKS:  1 sewer stoppage  1 manhole repair  1 curb and gutter repair  2 meter box repairs  1 street sign repair  1 50/50 sidewalk evaluation  LeeAnn prepared TCEQ Lead and Copper Testing lab paperwork  Online request concerning excessive water usage on Gateway Blvd – LeeAnn referred resident to High Point WSC  Online request concerning gravel/debris on Gateway bridge  Online request concerning buckles in the road at FM 548 near Starbucks and on HWY 80 service road in front of Oscar Delta – LeeAnn contacted Mandel Howard with Kaufman County TxDOT

Operations: ADMINISTRATION:  EDC o Stewart was out Monday-Wednesday attending the EMSI Conference. EMSI is an economic data software we have a subscription to for market research, labor data and related information that pulls from thousands of sources. o Warren and other City staff met on Monday to discuss plans for the downtown crosswalks o Week 3 of 4 in the digital marketing seminar was hosted on Wednesday covering website content. 

Finance  Utility Billing o Processed 23 new service requests o Processed 5 service disconnection requests o Processed 9 miscellaneous requests including: ACH , returned check, account change, and transfer service o Processed 4 leak adjustments for a total of $199.66 o Processed and distributed 4 usage graphs to customers o Completed 59 miscellaneous service orders  Municipal Court

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Filed 22 traffic cases Disposed of 13 cases: 9 by payment and 4 by Judge Dismissed 11 cases through compliance Issued 19 warrants Cleared 3 warrants Collected $4,522.43 in fines and fees


The Animal Shelter is fully operational with IT needs. We are currently working with Axxys on fixing an issue causing the phones to not be stable. IT and ComDev are working with Sology to schedule installation of security cameras at the Animal Shelter It took the rattling of some cages, but the Kace2000, computer imaging device, issue is finally resolved and IT is moving forward with training. The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement is finalized and ready for presentation to Council at the Oct 3rd meeting. SmartSheet continues to be adopted by additional departments, including the City Attorney and City Secretary who have found new uses recently. IT is working with SHI to compare prices and configuration options to standardize on Dell computers IT is working with SHI to start a test program at Police for replacing our Panasonic Toughbooks with Dell's new rugged line of computers. Temperature sensors, with automated alarms, are installed in CityHall and PD server rooms. Week of September 17  148 calls to UB, 3% abandon rate, 23 seconds avg time to answer  118 calls transferred from 7300, 10% abandon rate, 18 seconds avg time to answer


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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT:  Animal Control: o Eight dogs are in the shelter o Seven cats are in the shelter o Five dogs were returned to owner o Four dogs were adopted o Two cats were adopted o The Animal Shelter Grand Opening is scheduled for Saturday, October 7, at 11:30 a.m.  Building Inspections: o Thirty-four in house inspections completed o Twenty-three permits were issued o Five new home permits were issued o 3 Vintage Meadows, 2 Villages of Fox Hollow  Neighborhood Services: o Twenty-six cases were closed this week o Fifty-nine cases were opened  Planning: o The following plans are under review:  Parc at Windmill Farms Preliminary Plat  Parc at Windmill Farms Final Plat  North Texas Municipal Water Preliminary Plat

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North Texas Municipal Water Final Plat Juan Aguinaga Pinson Road Preliminary Plat

EMERGENCY SERVICES:  Fire o Incident Response Total – 96 calls for service  Fire Related – 10 calls  Vehicle Accidents – 7 calls  Medical Emergencies – 46 calls  Public Service – 33 calls o Operations  The Fire Department held a physical agility test for the candidates that successfully passed the written test. The top sixty candidates were invited, of those tested, thirty-nine made it through and received a background packet. The background packets must be completed and turned in to HR by 4:30 p.m. September 29th. At that time, interviews will be scheduled to select candidates to continue in the hiring process.  Fire Station 2 was honored with a “Breakfast for Heroes” hosted by Cindy Hamm, Premier Legacy realtor, and Jennifer Ott, Mid America Mortgage. Cindy and Jennifer have made it a point, on several occasions, to show appreciation to our firefighters for their bravery and dedication to serving the citizens of Forney. They know what firefighters like, a big hearty breakfast. o Training  EMS – Pediatric Advanced – 29 firefighters  Life Support Part II (Vehicle Extraction) – 5 firefighters  Fire Ground Tactics – 4 firefighters  Webinar Training: Workplace Drug Diversion & Mental Health – 1 firefighter o Fire Marshal’s Office  Plans Review Total – 2 sets of plans  Code Interpretation – 4 submitted, 4 completed  Inspection Total – 31 inspections  Foster Home Inspection - 1  Residential Fire/Life Safety – 9  Business Fire Protection – 9  Annual Business Inspection – 10 (Completed by on duty Firefighters) PARKS AND RECREATION/SPECIAL EVENTS:  Precipitation – We had 0.00” of rain this week at the weather station located in Forney Community Park.  23/57 Baseball/Softball reservations: o Wednesday, September 20, 2017 – 13 baseball/softball reservations o Sunday, September 24, 2017 – 10 baseball/softball reservations  3 new Pavilion reservations made this week. o Friday, September 22, 2017 – 1 pavilion reservation scheduled at FCP o Saturday, September 23, 2017 – 2 pavilion reservations scheduled at FCP o Sunday, September 24, 2017 – 2 pavilion reservations scheduled at FCP  Monday, September 18, 2017- Contractor applied the last round of fertilization and grub worm control for parks.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017- Park employees’ repaired a broken 2" irrigation line at the Forney Community Park Soccer facility. Wednesday, September 20, 2017- Dodie received a call from dispatch in regards to an owl being cut out of a soccer net. Dodie notified staff and staff repaired the soccer net. Wednesday, September 20, 2017- Forney Community Park playground was shut down for 3 hours so park employees can complete their loose fill much surface material application. Wednesday, September 20, 2017- A truckload of infield/pitching clay material was delivered to Mulberry Park. Received 8 Trail of Treats Candy Station Applications this week for a total of 40 Candy Stations at the event. Finalized Holiday Ice Rink Sponsorship packet. Events o Saturday, September 30, 2017, 9:00 am – Forney High School Homecoming Parade. Sports Associations o FASA (adult softball)  Summer league ended on August 28, 2017.  Fall league begins on September 11, 2017. o FSA ( youth soccer)  Adult Soccer Summer league in progress.  Youth Fall League in progress. o FYBA (youth baseball  Youth Fall League in progress.  Sunday, September 17, 2017 – One day tournament with 14 teams. o FYFL (youth football)  Fall Season began on August 27, 2017. o MESA (youth girls fastpitch)  Fall league begins on September 5, 2017.  Staff has requested no games or practices on Friday nights, so fields can be prepped for the weekend.

PUBLIC WORKS:  Water o Dead end main flushings – 10 o Water main repairs – 1 (approx. 30,000 gal. water loss) o Meter box repairs – 3 o Jobsite cleanup – 1 o Possible water service leaks – 1 (on customer side) o Irrigation repairs due to water service repairs – 1 o Retrieved required TCEQ Lead & Copper Testing water samples from sample sites and transported to NTMWD for testing. o Markout WSC –  Pump station maintenance  Daily meter reading rounds, pump station and generator inspections  Moved construction hydrant meter from one construction location to another  LeeAnn prepared monthly TCEQ Water Usage reports  Low water pressure checks – 2  Water main repairs – 1  Sewer o Sewer stoppages – 1 on city side (flushed 20 ft.)


Lift station maintenance – repaired pump at Weaver, grounds maintenance at Weaver and Grayhawk Line locates for sewer main Sewer service camera inspections – 1 Manhole repairs – 1 Cleanout repairs – 3 Set up council chambers

o o o o o Streets o Mowing – Mustang creek, COF gun range, Kaufman St., pump stations, Holly Leaf, Main St., overflow parking area at Community Park, North water tower and ditch line alone FM 740 o Worked on gate and pipe fence at COF gun range o Asphalt repairs – 3.24 tons on CR 212 and Reeder Rd o Cleared debris from Gateway bridge o Equipment maintenance Inspections o Line locates – 4 o Driveway permits – 8 o ROW permits – 13 CIP Updates o Trinity St. – All paving has been completed. The contractor is currently placing sod and performing cleanup operations. We have tentatively scheduled a walk through for the middle of next week. o Downtown Parking – The contractor is currently working on street lighting and preparing for irrigation and landscaping to begin by early next week. o Irish Ridge Lift Station – The contractor continues to work on electrical and control panels. They are still waiting for the TxDOT permit to begin concrete work. o Irish Ridge Force Main – Punch list items are 95% complete. o Mulberry Park – Kaufman County has made additional repairs to the asphalt paving this week.

Meetings of Interest: ADMINISTRATION:  EDC o Warren attended a meeting on Wednesday regarding the Economic Development District for North Central Texas. o Warren attended a development review committee (DRC) meeting on Tuesday o Warren had a business retention visit on Thursday at 3 Forks Senior Living o EDC Staff had lunch and a flyby tour with Ms. Kinga Evans, a commercial realtor with Dominus Commercial in Dallas.

EMERGENCY SERVICES:  Fire o Pre-Con meeting for Ride Now Power Sports. o Pre-Con meeting for Fox Hollow Phase 5. o Pre-Con meeting for Majestic Nail Spa.

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Weekly DRC meeting. Meeting with the fire sprinkler company for the new Gateway Apartments. Meeting for the Shoppes of Forney Crossing and Race Trac Fire Marshal Holcomb and Fire Investigator Inspector Garvin attended the Kaufman Fire Chiefs & Firefighter Association meeting held in Kaufman. Fire Marshal Holcomb participated in the visual inspection of the ground conditions underneath Fire Station 2. Fire Marshal Holcomb and Fire Investigator Inspector Garvin held two Fire Safety Training classes covering fire extinguisher use, care and maintenance for the Dal Bac I & II Company here in Forney.

PARKS AND RECREATION/SPECIAL EVENTS:  Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 4:00 pm – Staff met with Finance department about Christmas and Skating Rink items.  Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 7:00 pm – Parks Board Meeting  Thursday, September 21, 2017, 11:00 am – Staff met with Scott Secules from Positive Coaching Alliance about coordinating PCA events.  Friday, September 22, 2017, 8:00 am - Meeting with staff and contractor to discuss downtown parade.  Friday, September 22, 2017, 10:00 am - Veterans Day Committee meeting.  Friday, September 22, 2017, 12:00 pm - Meeting with Ice Stars to discuss detail of holiday ice rink.  Friday, September 22, 2017, 1:00pm - SERT meeting to discuss FHS homecoming parade.