Course Syllabus - Catalogue - University of Alberta

1) Business Forecasting, sixth edition by J. Holton Wilson, Barry Keating. 2) Business Forecasting, ninth edition by John E. Hanke, Dean W. Wichern. 3...

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MGTSC 405: Forecasting for Planners and Managers

Fall Term 2013

Course Syllabus Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 12:00 - 12:50 PM Location: BUS B-9 *Most Wednesdays are lab sessions at BUS B-24. The details are announced on uLearn. Instructor: Dr. Ivor Cribben Phone: 780-248-1930 Office hours: Monday 2-4pm

Office: BUS 4-30H Email: [email protected]

TA: Lu Zhang Course Description: This course is concerned with methods that predict the uncertain nature of business trends in an effort to help managers make better decisions and plans. Such methods often involve the study of historical data and manipulation of these data to search for patterns that can be effectively extrapolated to produce forecasts. This is a business statistics course that covers all aspects of business forecasting with emphasis on intuitive concepts and applications. Topics covered include the time-series decomposition, exponential smoothing methods, Box-Jenkins methods, linear regression and judgemental forecasting methods. Because forecasting is best taught through practice, the course contains numerous real, relevant, business case studies and examples that students can use to practice the application of concepts. MGTSC 312 and MGTSC 352 or equivalent courses are prerequisites. Text: Here are some books that supplement class discussion (optional) and are available at Rutherford library: 1) Business Forecasting, sixth edition by J. Holton Wilson, Barry Keating 2) Business Forecasting, ninth edition by John E. Hanke, Dean W. Wichern 3) Forecasting: Methods and Applications, third edition by Spyros Makridakis, Steven C. Wheelwright, Rob J. Hyndman 4) Practical Business Forecasting by Michael K. Evans Software: To assist students’ understanding of the materials, we use Microsoft Excel and the ForecastX add-in (the student version of ForecastX is available in the textbook 1). I will provide a basic instruction of ForecastX in the lab, but students must be comfortable in data manipulating with Excel prior to participating in the course. Note that this is not a course to learn how to use a particular package tool and students are encouraged to use any non-automatic software which has equivalent or more functions and present their works. Office Hours: It is important that you attend office hours if you have problems with the assignments or the course material.

MGTSC 405: Forecasting for Planners and Managers

Fall Term 2013

Classroom policy: Please do not use cell phones or laptops during the lectures. Please also refrain from talking or eating during the lectures. E-mail policy: I will endeavor to reply to your e-mails within 2 business days. Evaluation: Students’ achievements will be assessed based on their performance by three theoretical quizzes and three computational assignments. Theoretical quizzes are held in class. Students are expected to show their work in paper examinations without collaborations. Students may not bring laptops or any printed materials. They may bring one sheet of paper in their own hand-writing. Quiz 1 (20%) : date September 27 (Fri) Quiz 2 (20%) : date November 8 (Fri) Quiz 3 (20%) : date December 4 (Wed) Any quiz missed without justifiable and verifiable reason will have a mark of zero and it will be computed in the final average. In case you miss a quiz for justifiable reasons, its weight will be reduced to 0% and other quizzes weight will be readjusted accordingly. Note that since the dates are set in advance, your absence of quizzes may incur some penalty. Computational assignments are assigned approximately two or three weeks before the due date. Students are expected to complete them in groups of four students which will be picked randomly by the instructor. They are handed in the drop box on the third floor of the business building by 3PM on the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignment 1 (10%) : due October 2 (Wed) Assignment 2 (15%) : due November 5 (Tues) Assignment 3 (15%) : due November 27 (Wed) Students are expected to be prepared for every class and participate in class discussions; they should have reviewed previous lectures and willing to answer questions. Course Outline: 0: Introduction to Forecasting 1: Forecast Errors 2: Review of Statistical Inference 3: Time Series Data Patterns and Time Series Decomposition 4: Smoothing Techniques 5: Box-Jenkins Methodology 6: Forecasting with Regression Models

MGTSC 405: Forecasting for Planners and Managers

Fall Term 2013

7: Combining Forecasts 8: New Product Sales Forecasting (if time allows) Others: The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behaviour (online at and avoid any behavior which could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University. Recording is permitted only with the prior written consent of the professor or if recording is part of an approved accommodation plan. The content of this syllabus is to be considered valid unless didactical or other compelling reasons will lead the instructor to modify it. In case of a change in rules, a communication will be issued to students by email and, if necessary, a revised version of the syllabus will be posted.