eProcurement system for BSNL

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

SOLUTION PROVIDER : M/s ITI Limited, Regional office Sales & Service, 3rd Floor, Jawahar Building, No : 17(6) Rajajai Salai, Chennai - 600001,

© Copyright 2006

Version 1.0


eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 3 PURPOSE .............................................................................................. 3 AUDIENCE ............................................................................................. 3 DISCLAIMER........................................................................................... 3 COPYRIGHT ........................................................................................... 3 CAUTIONS / WARNINGS ............................................................................. 5 VIEW TENDERS FREE OF COST .................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION TO THE BROWSER ............................................................... 6 Figure No.1 ..................................................................................... 6 1. LOGIN SCREEN .................................................................................... 6 Figure No.2...................................................................................... 7 1.1 FEATURE DESCRIPTION OF LOGIN SCREEN ................................................. 7 1.2 LOGIN PROCEDURE.................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 2. MODIFY PASSWORD .............................................................................. 8 Figure No.3...................................................................................... 8 3. A FEW ANNOTATIONS ON VARIOUS FEATURES ............................................. 8 Figure No.4 ..................................................................................... 8 4. REQUEST FOR TENDER .......................................................................... 9 Figure No.5 ..................................................................................... 9 4.1 REQUEST THROUGH DD/CASH/CHEQUE ETC. ........................................... 9 Figure No.6 ..................................................................................... 9 4.2 REQUEST THROUGH EPAYMENT ........................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Figure No..7 ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure No. 8 ...................................................................................10 5. UPLOADING OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ................................................ 10 Figure No.9 ....................................................................................10 Figure No.10 ..................................................................................10 6. DOWNLOADING / SUBMISSION PROCEDURE................................................ 10 Figure No..11 .................................................................................11 7. EMD DETAILS.................................................................................... 12 Figure No.12 ..................................................................................12 8. CONFIRMATIONS ON TENDER SUBMISSION................................................. 13 Figure No.14 ..................................................................................15 © Copyright 2006

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL CONTACT US ..................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. END NOTES ....................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

OVERVIEW Tender Wizard is an exclusive, most vibrant end to end solution for buying / selling of products and services through tendering process. It supports A - Z activKEONICSes of tendering based on proactive work flow concept. Fine details of tendering like vendor registration, tender announcement and corrigendum; tender form processing, opening, negotiation and tender awarding are supported in a real time interactive environment. Tender Wizard creates a true dynamic market place for both buyers and vendors to interact with each other and transact business. PURPOSE The objective of developing the TENDERWIZARD is to automate the departments of Governments. The key objectives of this exchange are Reduced Inventory, consistency in costs across all departments, consistent and sustainable Vendor Development, transactional effectiveness, procurement lead-time reduction, transparency etc., AUDIENCE The Government officials and contractors to enhance the transparency in the day-to-day tendering activKEONICSes of the Government offices as well as in contractor community extensively use this product. DISCLAIMER KEONICS assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by KEONICS. No responsibility is assumed for the reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by KEONICS. COPYRIGHT This document is confidential and proprietary information of KEONICS. It should not be disclosed in whole or in part to any third party except to the document to whom it has been submitted without the express written authorization of KEONICS and should not be duplicated in whole or part for any other purpose other than evaluation of the Technical capability of KEONICSS and shall be returned upon request.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

Any reference used in this response is proprietary and is covered under nondisclosure agreement. The information should not be divulged to any other party other than for whom it is intended. Clients and partners may not be contacted about these references or divulge the information contained there-in unless duly authorized by KEONICS. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying is strictly prohibited.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

CAUTIONS / WARNINGS View & request the tenders on time. The tenders which are due for request can be viewed in “Un Applied” Status. Strictly attach all the general documents in the “Tender Document” screen which are uploaded in the website. If the Token Number and Time Stamp are displayed as ZERO (as shown below), it means that the user is still not submitted the tender form:

Down load and save the “Schedule B” in the same name. Do not change the name of “SCHEDULE B” any time. Final Submission can be done ONLY ONCE. If the contractor is “DISQUALIFIED” from the tender, then the details of that tender can be found in “Disqualified/Withdrawn” section. VIEW TENDERS FREE OF COST To download the tender notifications and corrigendum free of cost from website, follow the steps given below: Click “TENDER FREE VIEW” on the home page. Provide all or any one of the options like “Tender Number”, “Region”, “Estimated Cost”, “Request Dates (from and to)”, “Tender Submission date” or “any key words from Tender Description” Click “Submit” to view the results. A list of tenders shall appear on the screen. Click to email the notification. Provide email ids, Subject and click “Send Mail” to send the notification to the required ID. Click

to print the notification.


to view the cost free documents.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL


Click / Double Click to open the Microsoft Internet Explorer (This icon can be located on the Desktop of the computer).

FIGURE NO.1 1. LOGIN SCREEN To access the Login Screen as shown in Figure No.2, type the website address www.tenderwizard.com/PWDPON in the address bar as mentioned in the Figure No. 1.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

FIGURE NO.2 1.1 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

FEATURE DESCRIPTION OF LOGIN SCREEN Description Click “Home” to view the home page of the CGHSMSD site. Click “About PWDPONDI” to view the details of CGHSMSD. Click “Vendor Help” to view and download the Help manuals. Click “Contact us” to view the details of helpline (contact addresses and Phone numbers). Click “HOT Tenders” to view the details of tenders which are due for submission on a particular day. Click “Tender Free View” to view the details of all the authorized tenders which are due for request for free of cost. Click “Register Me” to view the procedures of registration.

1.2 LOGIN PROCEDURE ♣ Enter the given “USER ID” in the box provided. ♣ Enter the given “PASSWORD” in the box provided. ♣ Click “ENTER” to login to the tendering website. ♣ As a security purpose, the system automatically asks the user to change the password as shown in Figure No.3. Enter the Old and New Password along with the Hint Question and Answer and then click “Submit” to update the new password. The user needs to login once again with the new password (note that User Id remains the same) which gives the user the authentication to the change of password.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL


FIGURE NO.3 3. A FEW ANNOTATIONS ON VARIOUS FEATURES ♣ The following screen explains the user about all the modules, which are, displayed once the user login into the system.

FIGURE NO.4 ♣ When the user login and enter the website, the tenders which are in “In Progress” status will be displayed as a default screen where all the applied tenders can be viewed.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

♣ To view the unapplied tenders, click “Un Applied”. If the tender is due for request, then a Blue Color Icon will appear on the screen as displayed below: 4. REQUEST FOR TENDER

FIGURE NO.5 4.1 REQUEST THROUGH DD/CASH/CHEQUE ETC. ♣ Click the Blue Colour Icon to request the tender and feed in all the details like Mode of Payment (DD / Cheque / Cash / ePayment / Bank Guarantee / NSC / CDR / FDR /PEMD / Government), DD/BC/…Number, DD/BC/… Date, and enter the Bank Name / any other details in the “Remarks” column. Default form fee will be displayed automatically in “Paid Amount” column as shown below:

FIGURE NO.6 ♣ Once the user requested the tender, user can access this tender through “In Progress” status and the status of the tender will be displayed as “Requested” as shown below:

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

FIGURE NO. 8 5. UPLOADING OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Once the user finished with the request procedure, click “General Document” (highlighted space in the below figure on the left side) to upload all the necessary supporting documents for the tender. This activity will reduce the user’s work, while submitting the final documents. Click “Upload New File” whenever the user need to upload the new attachments. These documents can be used for any number of tenders applied by the user.

FIGURE NO.9 After all official formalKEONICSes are done; the tendering authority shall send the tender documents. Then the status of the tender will change automatically to “RECEIVED” as shown below:


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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

Click to view the tender documents which are received by the user as shown in figure No.11.

FIGURE NO.11 Click “Click here to Attach the General Documents” to upload all the documents which are already loaded in the General Document Screen (refer steps to upload the supporting documents explained in Figure No 9). This is the important and first step to be performed to avoid disqualification. Click “Click here to enter EMD Details” to feed the EMD details and upload the scanned EMD as shown below in Figure No. 12 and 13 . When the user finishes with the filling and uploading of scanned BG/DD, the “Red colour” will automatically turn to “Black colour” which reflects that the user is two steps ahead for the submission. Click “Click here to Download Empty Document” to download the Schedule B and fill the same without changing the “File Name” and save on to the computer. Click “Click here to Upload the Filled File” (refer Figure No. 11), select the filled file which was already filled and saved in the same name. Click “OK” to upload the filled Schedule B to the tender. Note that when the user uploads the filled Schedule B, the “Red colour” will automatically turn to “Black colour” which reflects that user is ready for the final submission.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL



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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

FIGURE NO.13 8. CONFIRMATIONS ON TENDER SUBMISSION After all the above procedures are fulfilled and uploaded all the scanned/other documents, click “Submit the tender form” on the tender document screen as shown in Figure No. 14.

Figure no.14 Once the user submits the form, the following confirmations shall appear as an authentication to the submission of the tender. Preserve the printout of confirmation No.3 as shown in Figure No.15 a proof of submission.

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

Figure No. 15 (a)

Figure No. 15 (b)

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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL


9. Withdrawal of tender In case, the vendor needs to withdraw his submitted bid, then click “Withdrawal” as shown below and provide reason for withdrawal and proceed. The tender will be moved to Disqualified / Withdrawal section. Once withdrawn, tenders cannot be taken back.


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eTendering / eProcurement system for BSNL VENDOR / CONTRACTOR MANUAL

10. OPENING EVENT – VIEW COMPETITOR’S BID SHEETS Once the tender is opened, the particular opened tender moves to “Opened/Awarded” section. If the contractor is not disqualified then “Remarks” column shall highlight as “In the Race” as shown in Figure No.16.

FIGURE NO.17 ♣ Click in the Opened/Awarded screen, to down load the tender documents as well as competitor’s bid sheets. ♣ Click “Click here download” to download the competitor’s bid sheets from the website as highlighted in the Figure No. 17.

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FIGURE NO.18 11) DISQUALIFICATION OF VENDOR / WITHDRAWAL OF THE TENDER In case of disqualification of the vendor or withdrawal of the tender by the contractor, the details of the particular tender shall be listed in the “Disqualified / Withdrawn” section. Click “Reason” of the particular tender to view the reason for disqualification / withdrawal.


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