Evaluation of Attendance Intensity in Preparation

UKMPPD Preparation Block before the implementation of UKMPPD Try Out (TO). Followed by a Doctor Education Program Students...

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The 9th Asian Medical Education Association Symposium cum Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2017

Evaluation of Attendance Intensity in Preparation of Student Competence Test of Doctor Professional Program (UKMPPD) Block as a Learning Innovation to Enhance Students Score on UKMPPD Try Out

Ratih Natasha Maharani, Marliyanti Akib, Sho yah Latief, Nasrudin A. Mappaware, Andy Visi Kartika, Aryanti R. Bamahry

Universitas Muslim Indonesia

INTRODUCTION Competency Test for Medical Doctor (UKMPPD) is a test conducted at the national level in order to assess cognitive, psychomotoric and affective aspects of professional program students which includes attitude, knowledge, skills, professional ethics and scientific discipline. Given the importance of this exam, the students are expected to prepare well. The learning innovations performed by Medical Faculty of UMI is to conduct intensive guidance called the UKMPPD Preparation Block before the implementation of UKMPPD Try Out (TO). Followed by a Doctor Education Program Students (MPPD) who has completed Clinical phase at Level 2. Materials and questions are given based on Indonesian Doctor Competency Standard (SKDI).

METHOD UKMPPD Preparation Block held for four weeks before the implementation of TO, followed by a Doctor Education Program Students (MPPD) who has completed Clinical phase at Level 2. There are about 82 students consisting of 53 first taker and 29 retaker. They were given material guidance and practice questions based on Indonesian Doctor Competency Standard (SKDI) in the form of vignette and multiple choice. Recapitulation of attendance is calculated based on the material and result of finger print data recapitulation. Then tested analytically to assess the relationship of counseling presence with UKMPPD TO score.

FINDINGS This study found, there are 53 first taker and 29 retaker who attend the meeting ≥ 80%. Those first taker average score is 65.23 with the highest score 79 and the lowest 45.5, while retaker get 58.05 in average with the highest value is 63.5 and the lowest is 52. There is a significant correlation between the percentage of attendance and UKMPPD TO score.

CONCLUSION UKMPPD Preparation Block can help Student of Doctor Professional Program to face Student Competence Te s t o f D o c t o r Professional Program.

Keyword: UKMPPD Preparation Block, Student of Doctor Professional Program (MPPD), UKMPPD Try Out