Download shopaholic workaholic. 1. a person who enjoys shopping very much and spends too much time or money doing it. 2. a person who is unable to g...

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WORDS TO LEARN alcohol alcoholism chain smoker chocoholic compulsive eating couch potato drug addict drugs mouse potato overdose smoking workaholic

alcoholic cigarette dependent on sg. drunkenness resist webaholic

binge drinking/-er compulsive surfing drug abuse gambling shopaholic

2) Match the words from the 1st coloumn to the words in the second.

binge chain compulsive couch drug

surfing addict drinking potato smoker

3) Match the words with the definitions. alcoholic drug abuse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

chain smoker gambling

binge drinking shopaholic

dependent workaholic

a person who enjoys shopping very much and spends too much time or money doing it a person who is unable to give up the habit of drinking alcohol very often and in large amounts drinking too much alcohol on one occasion a person who works a lot of the time and finds it difficult not to work harmful and illegal use of drugs or any substance for mood-altering purposes the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race 1

7. needing the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating 8. a person who smokes cigarettes one after another 4) Complete the sentences with the words listed and translate the sentences into your language. alcoholic drug abuse

chain smoker gambling

binge drinkers shopaholic

dependent workaholic

1. Those men over there are _______________. Each of them has drunk at least 5 glasses of wine so far. 2. He had to borrow money to pay off his _______________ debts. 3. Peter smokes cigarettes continuously. I think he is a _______________. 4. Mark is a real _______________! He spends even his weekends at the office. 5. It's very easy to become _______________ on sleeping pills. 6. Does drinking too much at a party mean that you are an _______________? 7. Bloodshot eyes, sudden weight loss, deterioration of physical appearance, unusual breath and unexplained need for money are only some of the signs of _______________. 8. They told me I was _______________ only because I spent half a day with shopping. 5) Define the following words. 1. couch potato: ______________________________________________________________ 2. webaholic: ______________________________________________________________ 3. drunkenness: ______________________________________________________________ 4. overdose: ______________________________________________________________ 5. resist: ______________________________________________________________ 6) Translate the following sentences from Hungarian into English. 1. Jamesnek alkoholproblémái vannak, és ráadásul láncdohányos. 2. Olyan sok csokit eszel, hogy kezdem azt hinni: csokifüggő vagy. 3. Nem vagyok vásárlási mániás, csak szeretek vásárolni. 4. Nem hiszem, hogy a szerencsejátékokkal meggazdagodhatsz. 5. Helen kényszeresen eszik: nem tud ellenállni az ételnek, még az ágyát is a hűtőszekrény mellé helyezte. 6. Micsoda egy számítógép-megszállott vagy! Folyton a géped előtt ülsz! 7. Harry imád túlórázni, és még büszke is rá, hogy munkamániás. 8. A múlt éjszaka, amikor nem tudott aludni, Mrs. Brown túl nagy adag altatót vett be, és majdnem meghalt.


KEY to the exercises: 1) 1. binge drinking / alcoholism / alcoholic / drunkenness 2. compulsive surfing / mouse potato 3. couch potato 4. gambling 5. drugs 6. compulsive eating 7. drug abuse / drug addict 8. shopaholic

3) 1. shopaholic 2. alcoholic 3. binge drinking 4. workaholic 5. drug abuse 6. gambling 7. dependent 8. chain smoker

2) binge drinking chain smoker compulsive surfing couch potato drug addict

4) 1. binge drinkers 2. gambling 3. chain smoker 4. workaholic 5. dependent 6. alcoholic 7. drug abuse 8. shopaholic

5) couch potato: a person who watches a lot of television and does not have an active style of life webaholic: a person who is uncontrollably addicted to surfing the Internet drunkenness: being drunk overdose: too much of a drug taken or given at one time resist: to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do 6) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

James has alcohol problems, what’s more, he is a chain smoker. You eat so much chocolate that I start believing you are a chocoholic. I am not shopaholic, I simply love shopping. I don’t think you can become rich by gambling. Helen is a compulsive eater: she can’t resist food, she even placed her bed next to the fridge. What a mouse potato you are! You are continously sitting in front of your computer! Harry loves working overtime, and he is even proud of being a workaholic. Last night, when Mrs Brown couldn’t sleep, she took an overdose of sleeping pills and nearly died.