Finding slope from two points - Kuta Software LLC

©5 42n0 Q1q2a BKZurt maT NSTotf 3tGw ta yr ceM GLSL 5Cl. 0 N 0A6lUlo Fr DiVgvh 6tmsz wr4emsWe6rZv4e Wdz.S s 5M da0d je2 Vw0i XtBhu yI2nUfOiin yi mtYeP...

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Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1


Finding Slope From Two Points

Date________________ Period____

Find the slope of the line through each pair of points. 1) (19, −16), (−7, −15)

2) (1, −19), (−2, −7)

3) (−4, 7), (−6, −4)

4) (20, 8), (9, 16)

5) (17, −13), (17, 8)

6) (19, 3), (20, 3)

7) (3, 0), (−11, −15)

8) (19, −2), (−11, 10)

©z T2t0z1p2R yKjuntxaf SS5o3fst7wLaxruek HLtLcCQ.N Z pABlnl3 mr7iug1hXtMsc srqecs9e1rtvFemdy.M R zMWa5d0eO twBiTtuh7 uI9nAfgiqneiPt8er 4A2lZg9e1bQrpaF b1e.A


Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

9) (6, −10), (−15, 15)

10) (12, −18), (−15, −18)

11) (3, −20), (5, 8)

12) (15, 8), (−17, 9)

13) (−19, 12), (−9, 1)

14) (12, 2), (−7, 5)

15) (6, −12), (15, −3)

16) (9, 3), (19, −17)

©l q2Z0u1u2m YK4uetLaH XSSoVfCttw7aRrQed bLPLpCH.G w FA4lglJ NrDiOgShltGsr mrpeBs9eqr2vaeedB.y w xM6a5deel 4wPiztDhV eIXnCfliDnXiztdeo tA5lBgWedb4rMa0 U1D.1


Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1


Finding Slope From Two Points

Date________________ Period____

Find the slope of the line through each pair of points. 1) (19, −16), (−7, −15) −

2) (1, −19), (−2, −7) −4

1 26

3) (−4, 7), (−6, −4)

4) (20, 8), (9, 16)

11 2

5) (17, −13), (17, 8)

6) (19, 3), (20, 3)


7) (3, 0), (−11, −15)


8) (19, −2), (−11, 10)

15 14

©5 42n0Q1q2a BKZurtmaT NSTotf3tGwtayrceM GLSL5Cl.0 N 0A6lUlo FrDiVgvh6tmsz wr4emsWe6rZv4eWdz.S s 5Mda0dje2 Vw0iXtBhu yI2nUfOiinyimtYeP UAyljgNeFb6r4aF D1R.J

8 11


2 5

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

9) (6, −10), (−15, 15) −

10) (12, −18), (−15, −18) 0

25 21

11) (3, −20), (5, 8)

12) (15, 8), (−17, 9)

14 −

13) (−19, 12), (−9, 1) −

14) (12, 2), (−7, 5)

11 10

15) (6, −12), (15, −3)

1 32

3 19

16) (9, 3), (19, −17)



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Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC