Grade 7 Standard 2.2 Human Body

Life Science.2.2 - The human body is composed of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems that have specific functions and interact...

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Curriculum Guide Grade 7 – Science Standard 2.2 Life Science.2.2 - The human body is composed of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems that have specific functions and interactions. Related Colorado Department of Education Sample Units: 

It's All About You: From Cells To Organisms (Concepts: Systems, Structure, Function, Interactions, Models, Scale, Cells, Human Body, Organism, Relationship

Essential Questions - 21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies (District): 1. How does each body system contribute to supporting the life of the organism? 2. How do organs and organ systems in the human body interact to perform specific functions? 3. How can models help us to better understand the human body?

Evidence Outcomes (District): a. Develop and design a scientific investigation about human body systems. b. Develop, communicate, and justify an evidence-based scientific explanation regarding the functions and interactions of the human body. c. Gather, analyze, and interpret data and models on the functions and interactions of the human body.

Academic Vocabulary (District): atom cell function human body model molecule organ system organ relationship scale structure system tissue

Assessment (District): 1. The Check for Understanding suggestions and worksheets in the lesson can be used for assessment. 2, 9, &10. Assessment is built into lesson. 3. For assessment, have students draw a graphic describing the levels of organization from a cell to an individual organism. 4. Examine the correctness of content and completion of notes from the PowerPoint. 5. Assessment ideas are located in the lesson under Closure. 6. A rubric is included in the lesson. 7. The assessment is included in the Webquest directions. 8. Evaluate the student PowerPoints.

Suggested Activities/Strategies (District): 1. Exploring Structure and Function in Biological Systems: Students distinguish between levels of organization in biological systems and understand how levels of organization are connected across systems.  Exploring Sturcture and Function Activity 2. Download the SMART Notebook Lesson Organize Me. Review the levels of biological organization from atom to biosphere.  2. Organize Me SMART Activity 3. From Egg to Chicken Lab: Students investigate levels of organization by observing a chicken egg, wing, and internal organs. The cell membrane is also explored using the chicken egg membrane as a model.  3. Egg to Chicken Activity 4. The Organization in the Body PowerPoint explains levels of biological organization from the cell to organism.

Resources/Technology (District):  Digestive System Game  Body Depot  Protein Science  Free Clip Art  Free PowerPoints  Free Interactive Games  Free I-pad Apps  The Science Spot  Free Human Body Lesson Plans  Human Body Lesson Plans

 4. Share My Lesson Site  4. Organization in the Body PowerPoint Download 5. Cell Organization Inquiry Lab: The level of organization of organisms goes from atoms to molecules to cells to tissues to organs to organ systems to organisms. Students go through the levels and list specific examples of each.  5. Cell Organization Inquiry Lab 6. Have students create a Body System Travel Brochure.  6. Travel Brochure of the Body System 7. The Organ Trail Web Quest: Students engage in this interactive learning experience to learn about organs and organ systems.  7. The Organ Trail Web Quest 8. Systems of Our Human Body- A Study through PowerPoint: This is a student-led exploration of the systems of the human body through technology. Students work cooperatively to develop a PowerPoint presentation that thoroughly explains each system.  8. Systems of the Body Lesson Plan 9. The Human Body Inc Lesson Plan: In this technology-based project, students take on the role of a legal defense team and prepare the court defense for a body organ that is currently an employee of Human Body Inc.  9. The Human Body Inc Lesson 10. The Bod Machine Unit: Students explain the functions necessary to maintain life and practice sharing the work equally in a group.  10. The Bod Machine Unit