Greetings; - American Legion

2 POST OFFICERS UPCOMING EVENTS Commander Ronald Dickens Super Bowl Party –Feb 2018 - Legion 1st Vice Commander Gary W. Gifford Oratorical Contest –Fe...

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9122 Piscataway Road Clinton, Maryland 20735


(301) 868-2550 Web Site: Charles Lewis - Editor

FOR GOD AND COUNTRY...... Ronald Dickens Commander


Greetings; It is my sincerest hope that each of you and your love ones had a Merry Christmas. As I prepared for this article my mind took me back to comments I made regarding “inclusiveness” when I spoke to you when I was elected Commander of your Post. I say this because after reading the Department Commander’s Message in the Winter Edition of the Department of Maryland Free State Warrior Newspaper (Volume 54, Number 1). I wholeheartedly agree with the Department Commander’s comments in Paragraph Two of his article. I share with you Paragraph Two of the Commander James P. Marchinke’s message. QUOTE: “Remember one person cannot do it all and it takes little time if more members get involved! We also have to let the new members input be accepted and stop the “it will not work out” attitude. Let them try new ideas and if they fail, nothing lost. But if they succeed go with it. We are on this earth a short time and our replacements have to take over or we will fail our Veterans. Mentor them on the Legion ways. I know when I started actively in the Legion I made mistakes but learned from them and moved on. The experienced Legionnaire cannot be afraid of change, it is going to happen and one other thing before I get off this soap box, the “this is the way it always has been” is not how we need to operate in today’s Legion. New ideas need to be accepted, the old ways are about to change and really need to change. Let us get into this century and leave the past in the past.” UNQUOTE: Since being your Commander it goes without saying I have learned a lot and I am still learning. I am asking all our new members to get involved and do not be afraid to do so. We have several Working Committees in the Post and we need your participation. In closing I wish each of you and your love ones a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Yours In Legion Service Ronald Dickens Commander 1

POST OFFICERS Commander Ronald Dickens 1st Vice Commander Gary W. Gifford 2nd Vice Commander Matthew Garofalo 3rd Vice Commander George Martin Adjutant Robert A. Wilson Asst. Adjutant – Glenda Brown Judge Advocate – Elbert “Ed” White Service Officer – James Woodland Finance Officer – Lamont Gibson Asst. Finance Officer – Vacant Historian – Charles Lewis Chaplain – Charles Johnson Asst. Chaplain – Vacant Sgt At Arm – John Jackson Executive Committee Helen Smith Murray Hall Joseph Morgan The American Legion Clinton Post 259 9122 Piscataway Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 Phone: 301-868-2550 Website: Clinton Post 259 Newsletter is published monthly on Post 259 website We welcome your news, ideas, suggestions, comments or questions for future issues. Drop them off at the Post – Attention Newsletter Editor Or forward to

UPCOMING EVENTS Super Bowl Party – Feb 2018 - Legion Oratorical Contest – Feb. 2018 - Legion St. Patrick Day Dinner – March 17, 2018 - Legion Palm Sunday Brunch – March 25, 2018 - Auxiliary Memorial Day – May 28, 2018 - Legion Election of Post Officers – May 28, 2018 AL Golf Tournament – June 2018 - Legion Flag Day – June 14, 2018 - Legion SAL Golf Tournament – September 2018 Veterans Day Service – Nov. 11, 2018 - Auxiliary Thanksgiving Feast – November 22, 2018 - Legion Children Christmas Party – Dec. 2018 - Legion Adult Christmas Party – Dec. 2018 - Legion DEPARTMENT OF MARYLAND TREASURER Gary W. Gifford – Department of MD Treasurer

We need your assistance, let us know of any our members who are sick or in the hospital Please call (301) 868-2550 If you have moved, please contact the Post with your new address

[email protected]


Auxiliary Officers President: Brie O’Neal Vice President: Ginger Latimer Secretary : Helen Smith Treasurer: Peggye McBean Historian: Chauncia Jones Chaplain: Marilyn Thomas Sgt At Arm: Irma Moss

Legion Rider Officers Director: Larry “Doc” McBean Asst. Director: Murray Hall Secretary: Michael Quander Treasurer: Peggye McBean Chaplain: James Burrows Web Administer: Crystal Turner Safety Officer: SGM Mike Eason

Executive Committee: Michelle Davis Maria Miller Judith Woodland

S.A.L. Officers Commander: Gary Castleman 1st Vice: Dave Desmarais 2nd Vice: Kenny Hendrix Finance Officer: David Hutchinson Sgt At Arms: Wayne “Elvis” Berbig Adjutant: Rich A. Walsh Jr. Historian: Robert “Reds” Aliff Chaplain: Gary “GJ” Shafer Advisor: Eugene Murray

Have You Paid Your 2018 Dues? Drop them in the mail or drop them off at the Post The cost for renewal is $35.00 Renew Now – Please give us your e-mail address Need Help in Obtaining Benefits and/or Medical Care Don’t Go It Alone Contact American Legion Post 259 Service Officer

James R. Woodland Home: 301 283-6451 Cell: 301 283-5047 E-Mail: [email protected] 3

















Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle




Auxiliary Meeting 7:00PM

10th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle




17th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle





22th Exec Comm Meeting 6:30pm


24th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle

25th Legion Riders 7:00PM




29th Dinner 6:30pm General Membership Meeting at 7:30pm


31st Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle

POST CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Remodeling of the Post began June 12, 2017 with an estimated completion date in late January 2018. The Post is still operational; however, you must present your membership card to gain admission. Please help us to maintain security since the electronic locks have been disabled.


New Legion Members December 2017 Name Service War Era James K. Redford US Air Force Persian Gulf Lewis M. Swartzbaugh Sr. US Air Force Vietnam Sharon Beach US Army Persian Gulf Tammye D. Johnson US Army Lebanon/Grenada James L. Turner Jr. US Army Vietnam George A. Vanduzer Jr. US Army Vietnam Dennis Blake US Air Force Vietnam Berry L. Carey US Navy Vietnam Robert D. Brock US Air Force Vietnam The above-named members eligibility must be certified prior to becoming members of the American Legion

AUXILIARY 2018 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Even though your 2017 membership card is active until December 2017, we are starting to collect 2018 dues. National Headquarters will be mailing renewal notices in September. If you pay before receiving the notice, please fill out a blue card available at the Post. Remember 2018 dues must be paid by January 31, 2018 or you will be delinquent and will lose all Auxiliary privileges. This is a National rule. Any questions please don’t hesitate to call me.

Liz White Membership Chairperson 1 301-868-1612


National Wreaths Across America Day Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery December 16, 2017 For your information, twenty-six fundraising groups purchased wreaths or contributed money for the event at Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery. The Wreaths Across America began ten years ago at Cheltenham Veteran Cemetery with 225 wreaths; the program has now expanded to 8,000 wreaths thanks to American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Patriot riders, Rolling Thunder, Boys and Girl Scouts and other local civic organizations.

Post 259 “Early Bird” 2018 Winners Names

Home State

Bernard L. Bundy Joseph P. Butler Kenneth J. Leggett Steven T. Morrison John M. Piva William M. Porter II Ronald M. Reber Clarence C. Rowe Jr. Everett Shupe Helen L. Smith

Maryland Rhode Island Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland Oklahoma Maryland South Carolina Maryland


The American Legion Oratorical Contest The American Legion Oratorical Contest exists to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among high school students. Since 1938, the program has presented participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship. Young orators earn some of the most generous college scholarships available to high school students. Over $138,000 in scholarships can be awarded each year. The overall national contest winner gets an $18,000 scholarship. Second place takes home $16,000, and third gets $14,000. Each department (state) winner who is certified into and participates in the national contest’s first round receives a $1,500 scholarship. Those who advance past the first round receive an additional $1,500 scholarship. The American Legion’s National Organization awards the scholarships, which can be used at any college or university in the United States. High school students under age 20 are eligible. Competition begins at the post level and advances to a state competition. Legion department representatives certify one winner per state to the national contest, where department winners compete against each other in two speaking rounds. The contest caps off with a final round that decides the three top finishers. College – Money Two words that go together. It takes a lot of money to pay for a college education. For high school students, there is a way to actually talk your way to college. Each year The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program awards over $138,000.00 in college scholarships. Let’s Get Started Contact American Legion Post 259 at (301) 868-2550 for details or go to Find out today how you can get involved and talk your way to college – hope to hear from you 7

It’s Time To Start Preparing for the Super Bowl Party – Drawings – Food – Fellowship January 5, 2018 All Super Bowl Pools Must Be Paid

Super Bowl Drawing Party January 20, 2018 Post will Open at 10:30AM or 1030 hours You Must Have A Block To Enjoy the Fellowship Special Super Bowl Packages Will be Available at $50.00 Come out an enjoy the fun


The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 259 Veterans Day Program

*Celebrating 100 Years of Women in the Armed Forces* Keynote Speaker - E. Jane McCarthy, CRNA, Ph.D., FAAN Captain, USPHS Commissioned Corps, (Ret.)

Speaker E. Jane McCarthy Commander Ronald Dickens

President Brie O’Neal

President Brie O’Neal

Speaker E. Jane McCarthy

Speaker E. Jane McCarthy

Secretary Helen L. Smith

Captain McCarthy grew up in Cohasset, MA and went to nursing school in Boston at Massachusetts General Hospital. After graduating from nursing school in 1969 she joined the Army and served as an Army nurse first stationed at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, DC where she worked in the ICU and Recovery Room caring for the wounded soldiers back from Viet Nam. After only 10 months she was ordered to report to duty to the 95th Evacuation Hospital in DaNang, South Viet Nam where she worked in the Pre-op and Receiving area triaging and caring for the wounded soldiers and civilians. Upon returning from the war in Viet Nam, Jane got out of the Army and went to college and nurse anesthesia school using the GI Bill to help pay for her education. She worked as a nurse anesthetist for several years and in 1980 returned to school and received her PhD from the Uniformed University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD in Physiology in 1985. After completing a fellowship at Navy Medical Research Institute, she joined the US Public Health Service as a Commissioned Corps officer where she worked for the Food and Drug Administration as a regulatory scientist reviewing data for the approval of FDA regulated products such as medical devices and drugs. 9

Captain Jane McCarthy retired from the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps in 2006 and she continues her work in academia as a professor at the University of North Florida. Jane served as the first women veteran on the Montgomery County Veterans Commission in Rockville, MD and her primary goal on the commission was to improve care for Veterans in Montgomery County especially those returning from war experiencing the difficulties of posttraumatic stress. She is a member of the American Legion and goes home to Cohasset, MA each year to march as a Veteran in the Memorial Day parade.

President Brie O’Neal would like to thank the members of American Legion Post 259 for their assistance in donating Christmas stockings to bring joy and the beautification of the Charlotte Hall Nursing Home for the Christmas Season.

American Legion Post 259 Scholarship Program American Legion, Clinton Post 259 will host a 2017 Scholastic Achievement Program. The membership has approved $5,000.00 for the program for this year which will be available for awards in two (2) competitive categories of graduating seniors. The first category is for students from Surrattsville High School and the second for children and grandchildren of Post 259 members that may be graduating from any high school. The awards will be selected in each category and presented to selected students in both categories. American Legion, Clinton Post 259 reserves the right to determine the amount of each winner in each category is expected to be $1,000.00. In the event of a small number of qualified applicants is received in either category, American Legion, Post 259 reserves the right to determine the final distribution of prize money for each award. Applications may be obtained at: outreach and download Scholarship Application Closing date for receipt of application is: April 15, 2017


The American Legion Department of Maryland Proudly Presents the NATIONAL COMMANDER’S BANQUET Saturday March 17th, 2018

National Commander Denis Rohan Hosted by Harry White Wilmer Post 82 6330 North Crain Highway LaPlata, Maryland 20646 (301) 934-8221 Reservations are required. Tickets must be purchased or reserved by March 3, 2018 Ticket Price: $35.00 per person

The Southern Maryland District Oyster Bowl Hosted by Harry White Wilmer Post 82 6330 North Crain Highway LaPlata, Maryland 20646 (301) 934-8221

February 24, 2017 – Open at 5:00pm – Cost: $30.00 11

2017 Christmas Parties (Children & Adults)

2017 POST 259 SHOTGUN RAFFLE WINNER The drawing for the shotgun took place during the 2017 Adult Christmas Party on December 16, 2017. We wish to thanks to all who participated in the raffle and support for our Children’s Christmas Party.

The winner was: Peter Gebauer Mr. Gebauer elected to take the shotgun. Congratulations

Sons of The American Legion Clinton Squadron 259 Cooler of Cheer Raffle The winner was Ms. Lisa Aliff


Fifty-Fifty Drawing: winner was by Ms. Dawn Gheen

It is foolish to overlook the opportunities presented to you in the New Year by crying over those that you have missed in the last year. Happy New Year 13