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February 2018

Inside This Issue Pastor’s Message Council Corner Lenten Schedule Call Committee Camp Falckner Treasurer’s Report Fellowship Breakfast Christian Education In the Mail February Celebrations Mission Service Contact Information Newsletter Deadline Thank You

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Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6:26

Annual Congregational Dinner and Reception of New Members The annual Congregational Dinner and Reception of New Members will be held on Sunday, February 11, 2018, following the 10:15 worship service in Fellowship Hall. The menu this year includes: roast beef and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, applesauce, rolls and beverages. Each family is asked to bring a dessert. A free-will offering will be collected. Reservations are due by Sunday, February 4th. This year’s program will feature a slideshow reviewing the year 2017 at New Hanover Lutheran Church. If you have pictures of church activities from last year, please e-mail them to Ben Fowler at [email protected] by Monday, February 5th. Here is a list of some activities to give you an idea what is needed: congregational dinner, spaghetti dinner, The Great Swamp Picnic, worship services for Sunday morning, GRACE, Easter, at the grove, Thanksgiving and Christmas, baptisms, First Communion, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, Rally Day, Third Grader Bible Program, Sunday school classes, GIFT Sunday, Holy Week Drama and Egg Hunt, Christmas Program, men’s breakfast, women’s breakfast, breakfast at the grove, dinner for eight, choirs, feeding the homeless, Helping Hands Day, game day at the grove, pig roast, Living Gifts Fair, Advent gathering, Christmas caroling, baking cookies, softball, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc. Also, help is needed before and after the dinner. If you can help, contact Sally Sugita.

From the Pastor for your consideration … Lent is coming. This year Ash Wednesday falls on February 14th – yes Valentine’s Day. In our tradition it seems many persons think of Lent as a time to “give up something.” While that is one form of personal discipline I like to think of this more broadly. If the objective is improved personal discipline then the Lenten practice might just as well being to “add” something as a positive practice. Maybe rather than eliminating chocolate, or coffee, or soda, one were to read Scriptures each day, or pray for a neighbor or adversary each day, or complement teach member of your family. We have for quite some time clothed this Lenten journey in depravation. Maybe we have an opportunity to clothe it instead in positive growth.

serve, and d) to meet and converse with one person each week who is significantly different in ethnicity, social circles, economics, politics, etc. And please remember, if you count the forty days of Lent (Ash Wednesday to Easter) you will discover there are 46 days, because since the first Easter ALL Sundays are celebration days and are therefore Sabbath Days; days of rest from work, AND a day of rest from Lenten disciplines. You really can manage this personal discipline – give it a try. Together in Christ <>< Rev. Wayne R. Shelor

As an example I am planning to a) read each day, b) pray for an adversary each day, c) give thanks each morning for the gift of another day in which to

Council Corner Submitted by Council President Robin Fatzinger A reorganization meeting of the NELC Council met on January 7th to vote on the new Council Executive Committee. The following members were elected. Robin Fatzinger President Monique Becker Vice President Andy Van Dyke Treasurer Scott Geiser Financial Secretary Sally Sugita Secretary The Council would like to remind everyone to contact the Church Office Manager Susan Gutshall at susan.gutshall or (610) 3261335 to add activities to the church calendar. Susan manages the calendar and will post it on the church’s web site found under the General Information tab or at http:// /monthlyfiles/calendar.pdf.

Mission Statement Hearing, Embracing and Sharing God’s Word with All through Worship, Fellowship and Outreach Vision Statement Our vision, as members of the New Hanover Evangelical Lutheran Church, is to strive to hear God’s Word clearly so that our hearts deeply embrace and are compelled to share God’s Word as the Good News of Jesus Christ through our everyday lives. We hear God’s Word through Scripture readings, sermons, puppet skits, Bible studies, music and Bible-centered youth programs. We embrace God’s Word as we engage with others in a life of personal and group study. We share God’s Word as we serve the needs of our community and the world through building and repairing homes, supporting educational and service institutions at home and abroad, visiting the sick and homebound, donating food and clothing for the homeless and the poor and a variety of other service opportunities. New Hanover Highlights

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February 2018

Call Committee Update Lenten Schedule Ash Wednesday

February 14th Services noon and 7:00 p.m. Imposition of Ashes

Mid-week Lenten Services Wednesdays February 21st – March 21st Dinner 6:00 p.m. Multi-purpose Room Worship 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary

Palm Sunday

March 25th, 7:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. worship Walk Through Holy Week Drama at 9:00 a.m.

Maundy Thursday

Last month I advised the congregation that the Synod had received our MSP and was reviewing possible candidates for us to interview. The Synod sent two candidates to us. We interviewed each one and felt neither was a fit for us. This is not an unusual situation. It takes time and patience to find the right person to lead us. That being said, the Synod advised us that during the Christmas season it is very difficult for Pastors to start the call process. Pastor Becky, our Dean, felt now that the season is over, more Pastors will start looking for a new call. She said that the Synod is working diligently to find additional candidates for us.

March 29th, 7:30 p.m. worship Students receiving their First Communion will assist with the stripping of the altar.

Please pray with us, that the Synod finds those qualified candidates.

Good Friday

Bryce Manthorne Call Committee Chair


March 30 , 7:30 p.m. worship The Tenebrae Service (Service of Darkness) is a time for reflection on the sacrifice Jesus made out of love for all of us.


April 1st, 7:45 and 10:15 a.m. worship Easter Egg Hunt, 9:00 a.m.

We'll keep you updated.

Camp Falckner Calling all youth 5th – 12th grade Camp Falckner is scheduled July 24-27, 2018 in the Picnic Grove Please place the dates on your calendar.

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Treasurer’s Report Offerings December 2017 $41,566 Budgeted Expenses YTD $412,426 Actual Expenses YTD $391,719 Budgeted Offerings YTD $355,500 Actual Offerings YTD $314,658

Fellowship Breakfasts Newcomers are always welcome Men’s Breakfast Saturday, February 10th 8:00 a.m. Brookside Family Restaurant 1338 North Charlotte Street No reservations needed. For more information, contact Ron Fegley.

Women’s Breakfast

Wednesday, February 21st 8:00 a.m. Shorty’s Sunflower Café 1494 North Charlotte Street To reserve your seat, contact Jean Boyer at (610) 367-0672 or email Sandy Wesner at [email protected].

February 2018

Christian Education News Submitted by Deacon Carol Detweiler, DCE

Sunday School Classes All ages are welcome to participate in the learning hour every Sunday morning from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. to learn about God’s story and how it is a part of our everyday living. NHELC has classes from nursery through adult. Parents of nursery-aged children are invited to be a part of their child’s class. Come share the joy of learning with the NHELC Sunday School family!

Parents Meeting Monday, February 26th 7:00 p.m., room 33 First Communion Maundy Thursday service, March 29th A detailed letter will be mailed to the parents. For more information contact Deacon Carol Detweiler.

The next GIFT Sunday will be February 11th (one week earlier than usual). The theme will be “From the Heart.”

First Communion Fifth Grader Workshop Saturday, March 17th tentatively, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. New Hanover Highlights

Mid-Week Study Thursdays, 9:30 – 11 a.m. room 33

GIFT (Generations in Faith Together) Sundays Once a month all ages will be invited to gather together for the Learning Hour to share fellowship, stories, activities, service projects and of course, snacks. Most Intergenerational Gatherings will be held the third Sunday, but please note, there will be some exceptions. Come and help celebrate the gift we have at New Hanover of different generations caring about each other.

“Integrity: Living the Truth” – how do people of faith live lives of integrity in today’s world, where integrity seems to be lacking? Join the class and explore the quality of being “honest and ethical.” Deacon Carol Detweiler, teacher

Women’s Retreat February 16-18, 2018 St. Francis Center for Renewal, Bethlehem PA This year’s theme is “Be Thou My Vision.” Join women from NHELC and Trinity Lutheran, Lansdale to gather for good fellowship, down-time, conversation and reflection, good food and most importantly, some good “God time.” The cost is $170 for a double room and $180 for a single room. Registration forms are available in the Welcome Center. Contact Deacon Carol if financial assistance is needed or if you have any questions. Deadline to sign up is Sunday, February 4th.

Living Word Class Sundays, 9:00 a.m. room 33 (except GIFT Sundays) page 4

“I Didn’t Know They Believed That!”, is a study of different faith traditions including major world religions and other Christian denominations. The more we learn about others, the more we can begin to break down some of the walls that have been built between us. Newcomers welcome. Teacher is Deacon Carol Detweiler.

God on Tap First Thursday of every month, 7:00 p.m. Olde Congo Hotel 373 Hoffmansville Rd., Barto For more information, join the Facebook group, “God on Tap -NHELC” or contact Monique Becker.

Catechism Classes will not meet during Lent, beginning Ash Wednesday, February 14th. Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 4th. Students and their families are encouraged to attend the Wednesday evening Lenten dinners and services.

February 2018

Scenes from a recent GIFT Sunday program.

So if anyone is in Christ there is a new creation; everything old has passed away; see everything has become new! 2 Corinthians 5:17

February Celebrations Member celebrates 93rd birthday

In the Mail Thank you for bringing the carolers to our home. What a beautiful start to a Christmas Day! You were all wonderful and we really appreciated your visit as I know all the other places you visited felt the same. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All Len and Jonnelle Rath

New Hanover Highlights

Happy birthday to Charles Renninger, who will celebrate his 93rd birthday on February 15th. If you’d like to send birthday greetings to Charles, here is his address. Amity Place Room 118 139 Old Swede Road Douglassville, PA 19518

Birthdays 1 Nathan Domenick, Kathy Jo Hoffman 2 Kyle Trout, Michael Urbassik 3 Charlene Forsyth, Pat Fryer, Sharon Hollenbach 5 Michael Artim, Vicki Beaver, Taylor Pell 6 Jeffrey Smith 7 Bill Borneman, Lauren Haraske, Danelle Knepp 8 Jillian Grzywacz, Jacob Moylan 9 Madison Shellenberger 10 Brooke Hedrick, Bill Kleman, Ethan Kunsch, Amy Sauers, Alexis Urbassik page 5

11 Patricia Buchanan, Diane Snyder, Christopher Wiley 12 Gwenn Johnson 13 Graham Herold, Sue Lowry 15 Aidan Brunner, Charles Renninger 16 Zach Quigley, Chris Reinke 17 Eugene Reider, Doug Taylor 18 Raymond Hibbs 21 Angela Ehling, Christine McNichol 23 Julie Frederick, Katie Hennessey, Barbara Johnson, Carlie Schweizer 24 Harry Grant, Pam Law, Wyatt Wurst 26 Darlene Smith 27 Louise Karns 28 Bethann Ritter

Anniversaries 1 Ronald and Anita Rath 13 Marty and Kelly Hauser 27 Bill and Sue Lowry Zach and Hayley Quigley

February 2018

Mission Service News Angel Tree

Pray for Missionaries

Thank you to everyone who generously donated gifts for the Angel Tree last December. Your gifts were distributed to the youth residing at the Martin Luther-Silver Springs School.

Please keep the Rev. Brian Palmer and Jacob Shelor in your prayers. Pastor Palmer is an NHELC sponsored missionary, who is serving in Liberia as the Instructor/ Educator for lay leaders at the Lutheran Center for Biblical Studies at Totota and the Gbarnga School of Theology (an ecumenical seminary) at Gbarnga. Jacob Shelor is serving in Swaziland through the Young Adult in Global Mission Program of the ELCA.

A huge thank you to Bill and Michele Allen for helping to load up and deliver the gifts to the school.

Living Gifts Fair In mid-November, Mission Service held another successful Living Gifts Fair at the church. The committee received Thrivent Action Team money and purchased recyclable bags with the logo “Service Is Our Mission” and distributed them to people attending.

Prayer Partners The inmates at the Graterford Correctional Institution are exchanging prayer requests with the members of New Hanover Lutheran Church. Prayer requests from the inmates’ and slips for congregation prayer requests are available on the Information Desk in the Welcome Center.

If you knit, please prayerfully consider picking up those needles and helping Mission Service to always have a shawl on hand for someone in need of comfort and love. For

more information, contact Carol Detweiler, DCE.

Pray for Peace NHELC is a partner in an ecumenical Prayer for Peace Vigil, offering up prayers on the 9th day of the month for peace in the Middle East and the rest of the world.

Prayer Shawls Do you have a family member or friend, male or female, who could use a prayer shawl and has no other means of obtaining one? Please contact Carol Detweiler.

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February 2018

NHELC Contact Information Phone: (610) 326-1335 Web site: Office hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Facebook:

Congregation Council

Church Staff (Please call for an appointment.)

Officers Robin Fatzinger Council President Monique Becker Council Vice-president Personnel Liaison Sally Sugita Council Secretary Fellowship Liaison Picnic Grove Liaison Andy Van Dyke Council Treasurer

Janene Anzulewicz Youth Ministry Liaison Bill Allen Christian Education Liaison Vicki Mutter Mission Service Liaison Marty Hauser Property Liaison

The Rev. Wayne Shelor Pastor [email protected] cell (571) 550-3229 Deacon Carol N. Detweiler D.C.E. [email protected] Susan Gutshall Church Office Manager [email protected]

Barbara Repa Steve Weidner Mutual Ministry Liaison

Scott Geiser Council Financial Secretary

Priscilla Landis Director of Music Ministry [email protected] Barbara Eisenhart Handbell Choir Director [email protected]

Articles are due Monday, February 12th.

Joan Comtois Bookkeeper [email protected] Richard Thomas GRACE Band Leader

Dear members of the congregation, Thank you for the monetary Christmas gift. Your generosity was so very thoughtful and greatly appreciated. We look forward to our shared ministry with you in 2018. May God bless you and your family with a happy and healthy New Year. Your staff at NHELC

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February 2018

New Hanover Lutheran Church 2941 Lutheran Road Gilbertsville, PA 19525 Address Service Requested

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 304 Boyertown, PA

February 2018

Sunday Morning Schedule 7:45 a.m. ELW Worship 9:00 a.m. Learning Hour 10:15 a.m. ELW Worship A GRACE Contemporary Service is held the second Sunday of the month at 10:15 a.m. Rejoicing Spirits, a service for all differentlyabled people and everyone else, is held on the third Sunday of the month at 2:30 p.m.

Annual Congregational Dinner and Reception of New Members Sunday, February 11th 11:45 AM Fellowship Hall Reservations are due by Sunday, February 4th.

Ash Wednesday February 14th Worship at Noon and 7:00 PM

Mid-week Lenten Services February 21st - March 21st Dinner at 6:00 followed by Worship at 7:00 PM