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Journal of Experimental Biology 218 (24) December 2015 | Contents



INSIDE JEB Schistosome parasite alters snail behaviour; Tree snakes’ keel gets a grip; Gas movement through aquaporins is significant; Strong muscles contribute to fish boldness RESEARCH ARTICLES Among-species variation in the energy budgets of reefbuilding corals: scaling from coral polyps to communities Hoogenboom, M., Rottier, C., Sikorski, S. and Ferrier-Pagès, C.


Skeletal muscle contractile function predicts activity and behaviour in zebrafish Seebacher, F., Little, A. G. and James, R. S.


Acute cold and exercise training up-regulate similar aspects of fatty acid transport and catabolism in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) Zhang, Y., Carter, T., Eyster, K. and Swanson, D. L.


Three-dimensional morphology and strain of the human Achilles free tendon immediately following eccentric heel drop exercise Obst, S. J., Newsham-West, R. and Barrett, R. S.


Reproduction is not costly in terms of oxidative stress Ołdakowski, Ł., Wasiluk, A., Sadowska, E. T., Koteja, P. and Taylor, J. R. E.


Experimental evidence that litter size imposes an oxidative challenge to offspring Gibson, A. B., Garratt, M. and Brooks, R. C.


Fear is the mother of invention: anuran embryos exposed to predator cues alter life-history traits, post-hatching behaviour and neuronal activity patterns Gazzola, A., Brandalise, F., Rubolini, D., Rossi, P. and Galeotti, P.


The water channel aquaporin-1a1 facilitates movement of CO2 and ammonia in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae Talbot, K., Kwong, R. W. M., Gilmour, K. M. and Perry, S. F.


Morphology does not predict performance: jaw curvature and prey crushing in durophagous stingrays Kolmann, M. A., Crofts, S. B., Dean, M. N., Summers, A. P. and Lovejoy, N. R.


Sources and range of long-term variability of rhythmic motor patterns in vivo Yarger, A. M. and Stein, W.


Infection with schistosome parasites in snails leads to increased predation by prawns: implications for human schistosomiasis control Swartz, S. J., De Leo, G. A., Wood, C. L. and Sokolow, S. H.


Auditory modulation of wind-elicited walking behavior in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus Fukutomi, M., Someya, M. and Ogawa, H.


Why arboreal snakes should not be cylindrical: body shape, incline and surface roughness have interactive effects on locomotion Jayne, B. C., Newman, S. J., Zentkovich, M. M. and Berns, H. M.


On doing two things at once: dolphin brain and nose coordinate sonar clicks, buzzes and emotional squeals with social sounds during fish capture Ridgway, S., Samuelson Dibble, D., Van Alstyne, K. and Price, D.


The kinematics of directional control in the fast start of zebrafish larvae Nair, A., Azatian, G. and McHenry, M. J.


Diet and endocrine effects on behavioral maturation-related gene expression in the pars intercerebralis of the honey bee brain Wheeler, M. M., Ament, S. A., Rodriguez-Zas, S. L., Southey, B. and Robinson, G. E.

Journal of Experimental Biology

Cover: Corals have diverse colony morphologies ranging from elaborate branching structures to thin crusts molded to the reef. This image shows a large branching coral colony in the centre, with column-shaped, encrusting and foliose corals beneath. Hoogenboom et al. ( pp. 3866-3877) investigated how the productivity of coral assemblages depends on the types of species present on the reef by measuring multiple physiological traits of common species. They found that estimated carbon uptake varied >20-fold between assemblages of species, but this variation was driven by differences in the tissue area of different morphologies, rather than differences in area-specific physiological rates. Photo credit: Mia Hoogenboom.