Download These skills include: • Physical movement skills,. • Knowledge & cognitive skills. • Emotional & social skills. Get Set Go encourages the d...

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Junior Go4it Sport Bay of Plenty, Athletics NZ and GymSports NZ have been working together to create the Junior Go4it programme. It is a combination of Athletics NZ’s Get Set Go and GymSports NZ moveMproove programme targeting Year 0 – Year 3’s (5 – 8 year olds). These programmes focus on developing children’s fundamental movement patterns and skills. Below is an overview of these programmes.

Get Set Go – Athletics NZ Get Set Go is a foundation programme which forms the initial component of both the Athletics NZ Long Term Athlete development pathway, and our vision of ‘All New Zealander’s engaged in athletics’. It is an innovati ve approach from a National Sporting body, as it is not a 'sport specific' foundation, but recognizes current developmental literature relating to on-going sporting participation and achievement. The overriding aim of Get Set Go is to help Kiwi Kids develop the skills they need so that the y can choose and enjoy being more active through play and sport. These skills include: • • •

Physical movement skills, Knowledge & cognitive skills Emotional & social skills

Get Set Go encourages the development of these skills through play, games and fun activities; supported by quality resources around observation, teaching and learning. The programme adopts a 'process rather than product' approach to fundamental skills, combining education and sport development. The more specific objectives of Get Set Go are: • •

• •

Empowering teachers, coaches’ parents and children to gain confidence and competence in the development of these fundamental skills. To work in partnership with key partners such as Physical Education New Zealand (PENZ), Halberg Trust, Sport New Zealand and Regional Sports Trusts to develop and implement cost effective, long term, sustainable strategies related to the development of fundamental skills. To provide a framework for junior level teachers (years 0 - 3) to implement Get Set Go, meeting the needs of the NZ curriculum (1987); and integrate existing resources relating to fundamental movement skills (i.e. not reinventing the wheel or overloading demands on schools). To increase understanding and practical implementation relating to current research from the fields of education, sport and neuroscience. To link parents, clubs and the wider community so that they can play a greater role in the development of these key fundamental skills.

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moveMprove® – GymSports NZ moveMprove® is a quality movement learning programme that builds foundation skills for life, in a fun and engaging way. It is essential in developing the necessary movement patterns required for competent and confident participation in any sport or recreational activity. GymSports New Zealand has developed the moveMprove® programme so that it can be delivered in school, education centres and community centres. The aim is to give all kiwis the opportunity to develop the necessary skill set which will assist them to realise their potential in sport and recreation. Additionally, the y wi ll be nefi t from the health and education outcomes. The moveMprove® programme is based on the Fundamental Movement Patterns. These recurring patterns of movement are Landings, Spring, Statics, Swing, Locomotion, Rotation and Manipulative Skills. A large part of the programme also has an emphasis on Spatial Awareness. Children develop motor skills in a sequential manner. Mastery of these patterns is necessary if optimum development of higher level skills is to occur. Children who have well developed fundamental movement patterns: • are confident in their ability to participate in physical activity • are competent learners in the class room • have positive expectations • are likely to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle Below is a breakdown of the movement patterns and skills that will be covered in the programme. There is some crossover in the delivery of skills but we have identified that in the far right column.

moveMprove® Based on Movement Patterns

Landings Static balance Rotation Swing Locomotion Spring Manipulative Skills Stability

Sessions 2-5 Delivered in Get set Go Delivered in moveMprove®


Get Set Go Based on Skills


Running Jumping Skipping Hopping Dodging


Underarm Throw Overarm Throw Catching Striking Kicking

Manipulative Skills

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Sessions 6-7 (1 selected skill)

Sessions 8-9 (1 selected skill)

1. 10 Week Programme Overview Session Session 1

Session Content Teacher Planning

One on one session with the coach to explain the programme and discuss the teacher planning documents. NB: Please refer to the Week 1 Document/Plan Landings Static balance Rotation Swing

Session 2

Movemprove 1

Session 3

Movemprove 2

Landings Static balance Rotation Swing

Session 4

Movemprove 3

Session 5

Movemprove 4

Session 6

Get Set Go 1

Landings Static balance Rotation Swing Landings Static balance Rotation Swing Locomotor Skill: 1_________ (Teachers choice)

Session 7

Get Set Go 2

Same skill as above but second session

Session 8

Get Set Go 3

Manipulative Skill: 2 __________(Teachers Choice)

Session 9

Get Set Go 4

Same skill as above but second session

Session 10


Depending on what the teacher/class wants to focus on will depend what activities the coach will set out for the last session.

Combined Skills

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2. Planning – Teacher Sequence: WEEK 1 Focus: E.g. Balancing

WEEK 2 Focus:

WEEK 3 Focus:

WEEK 4 Focus:

WEEK 5 Focus:

WEEK 6 Focus:

WEEK 7 Focus:

WEEK 8 Focus:

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WHAT: Explore balancing. Set up a range of balancing activities for children to try. Identify where students are at.

ACTIVITIES: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Mirror me (warm up) Beam/line balance Frogs and Flies Superman balance


3. Sample Planning Sheet – Teacher Led Session Movement Emphasis: Warm-up:

Specific Skill learning: (refer games sheet)

Warm-down: Evaluation:

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Session Number: Date: Equipment Required:

4. Activities/Games moveMprove® – Movement Patterns


“The breaking of movement in a safe position”

Movement Patterns/skills Landings, statics, locomotion

Game Stuck in the Mud


Other skills it links to




Body management, body tension


Body management, coordination, vestibular balance

Ropes, elastics, hoops

Spatial awareness, grip strength

One or two players are designated taggers. Others move freely in the playing space. Tagged players remain static (stuck) until saved. 1 st position of tagged player – stop and ‘land’ in balanced position. Saved when free player tags stuck player.

Static Balance

“State of rest or equilibrium during movement” Statics, Stuck in the Mud - progression landing, spring, locomotion One or two players are designated taggers. Others move freely in

the playing space. Tagged players remain static (stuck) until saved. 2nd position of tagged player, front support – saved when free player crawls underneath front support.


“Turning around and internal axis, including turn Landing, spring, statics, rotation, locomotion.

Stuck in the Mud - progression One or two players are designated taggers. Others move freely in the playing space. Tagged players remain static (stuck) until saved. 3rd position - tagged player lies down, arms above head and completes a full log roll – saved when free player springs over them and completes a land on the other side.


“Turning of the body around an external axis” Swing, rotation, manipulative, locomotion

Merry-Go-Round Round a circle, connect players (3-5) to a central spot using elastics, ropes and/or hoops. The group moves around the circle; moving inwards to, and outward from the central point. Individual player can rotate on the spot.

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Get Set Go - Skills


“Locomotor skills involve movements which transport the body in any direction from one point to another”

Skill Running

Game Escaping the Farm

Equipment Cones: 10

In groups of six get the children to stand in a straight line. Two children at the front of the line make an arch (city gate) by holding hands up high together. They should be a few meters away from the rest of the team. On a signal, the first child in the line sprint runs through the gate and around back to the line. They tag the next person to run. Once everyone has had a few turns through switch the gate people over so everyone has a turn.



Frogs and Flies

Set up an area to be a ‘lily pond’ with lots of hoops or spots spread out on the ground; Have more than one pond area if there a lot of children. About half the group are ‘flies’ and the other half are frogs. The flies ‘fly’ through the area, while the frogs jump from lily pad to lily pad (2 foot jump). On a signal, (whistle, clap, splash!) flies and frogs freeze and balance and the frogs stretch out (without coming off their lily pad) and try eat (catch) the flies. If caught they swap places. Change the jump from 1 foot to 2 feet; 2 feet to 1.

Fruit Salad Children sit in a large circle. Give each child a fruit name e.g. Banana, Apple, Pear, Grape (no more than 4 different fruits). Place a hoop in the middle of the circle. The coach calls out a fruit then all the children that are that fruit skip around the outside of the circle until they get back to their spot and be the first person in the hoop. Change the calling out to questions e.g. someone whose name starts with S, or if you have brown eyes or if you have a brother etc.


Fighter Pilots Set out a square boundary with cones. Have a special area marked out with dots or hoops at the outside of the boundary. This is the ‘plane - fix it station’. Allocate three kids to be ‘fighter pilots’. They have one bean bag each. Every other kid is an aeroplane. The aim for the fighter pilot is to throw the beanbag and hit the ‘planes’ below the waist as they run around in the square. If this happens the aeroplane becomes broken and needs to HOP their way over to the ‘fix it station’. Here they do three HOPS on each leg

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Cones: 10 Spots or Hoops : 20

Other skills it links to Skipping Hopping Team Work balance

Balancing Jumping Leaping Running

Frog toy or Bean Bag: 10

Cones: 10 Bean Bag: 1

Skipping Running Balance

Spots: 25 (one per child to sit on, if needed)

Cones: 10 Spots or Hoops: 10 Bean Bag: 5

Running Overarm Underarm Dodging

before they are allowed back in the game. After a couple of minutes swap the fighter pilots so other kids get a turn too.


Dodgy Knee Knockers

Cones: 10

Get children into pairs, facing each other. One has two minutes to try and see if they can tag their partner’s knee, after two minutes swap roles. Once they have both had a turn, the next 2 minutes they are to try and attempt to tag each other at the same time. It is important that they remain facing each other while still trying to avoid being tagged.

Balance Striking Balance


“Manipulative or object control skills are body movements in which force is imparted to or received from objects”

Skill Underarm Throw

Game Roll and Chase Children in pairs. One person rolls a large ball across an area. The other person sprint runs to retrieve the ball and bring it back to their partner. After a few turns the children can swap roles. This can also be done individually. To change the game add a line a few meters away and the child running to chase the ball has to wait until the ball has rolled across the line. Create a second line where the child retrieving the ball has to receive it after the first line but before it reaches the second line! This means the person rolling the ball has to think about the strength in which they will roll.

Overarm Throw Force Back Set up a large square area. Pair up children of similar skill level and have a bean bag between them. Each partner faces the other about five meters apart. One partner throws the bean bag as far as they can over their partners head. The retriever can’t move until it has been thrown. They then can return the throw from the spot where it landed. This continues until the stronger thrower has forced the other player back to the end of the designated area. Change the partners over to match similar skill levels.


Farmers and Chickens Most of the children are ‘Chickens’ holding a rubber chicken (or bean bag). Two – Three players are ‘Farmers’ holding a hula hoop, who are trying to ‘catch the chickens’, to gather up some eggs.

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Equipment Cones: 10 Balls: 15

Cones: 4 Bean Bag: 15

Cones: 10 Hoops: 4 Chickens or

Other skills it links to

Running Team Work Balance

Jumping Catching Balance

Walking Running Throwing Dodging


Chickens have to walk around the farm throwing and catching their rubber chickens. ‘Farmers’ must stay on their tractor (inside a hoop) and try to tag the ‘chickens’ as they walk past. If the chicken is tagged they swap with the farmer. If a chicken drops or makes a noise – go to the hen house, perform a seated balance (to pretend to lay an egg, and re-join in!) Encourage children to focus on ‘soft hands’ when catching their chickens. Get a parent to try and be a farmer!

Bean Bags: 20

Mushroom Swipe

Flat cones: 15

Small cones are scattered around the area, all of them with a tennis ball on top. There are two teams. Team ones aim is to knock the ball off the cones with their hand or an item (start with their hands to get use to striking, then add noddle’s as their striking equipment). Team two needs to put them back on the cones. They have one minute (or however long you think is needed). If the team striking has all of their balls knocked off the mushroom they win. If the mushroom collectors have all the balls on the cones they win.


Spiders Set up a square marked out with cones. Have groups of six - 10 people, three - five are the spiders who are each standing inside a hoop (web). On ‘Go’ the children who are not spiders (dribblers) dribble around the area trying to avoid the spiders! The spiders try to steal the ball from the dribblers by kicking it away. They are allowed to kick the ball away as long as one foot stays inside the hoop. On ‘Stop’, the dribblers stop the ball, on ‘Go’ they are to move again but in a different direction. After a few minutes, change the spiders and dribblers.

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Tennis Ball: 15 Noodles: 6-8

Cones: 10 Hoops: 10 Balls: 20

Running Team Work Catching Balance

Running Walking Balance

5. Resource Links Get Set Go Athletics NZ Website: https://shopdesq.imgstg.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=productlisting&CategoryID=4660&OrgID=5368

1. Get Set Go Teacher Resource Pack 2. Get Set Go Resource cards

Other Resources Sport NZ Developing Fundamental Movement Skills: http://www.sportnz.org.nz/managing-sport/guides/fundamentalmovement-skills KiwiDex: http://www.sportnz.org.nz/managing-sport/guides/kiwidex-manual

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