Luigi Rizzi Publications 2011 -

LUIGI RIZZI PUBLICATIONS ... Rivista di grammatica generativa, ... (a cura di) Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1988, ...

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Books: 1. Issues in Italian Syntax, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1982, pp.202; second printing: Mouton de Gruyter, The Hague, 1993. 2. Spiegazione e teoria grammaticale, Clesp, Padova, 1984, pp. 134; seconda edizione ampliata: Unipress, Padova, 1990; terza edizione: Unipress, Padova, 1993. 3. Relativized Minimality, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass, 1990, pp. 147. 4. Comparative Syntax and Language Acquisition, Routledge, London, 2000, pp. 370.

Books edited: 1. La sintassi generativo-trasformazionale, a cura di Giorgio Graffi e Luigi Rizzi, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1979, pp. 462. 2. N. Chomsky, Forma e interpretazione, edizione italiana curata con Giorgio Graffi, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 1980. 3. Theory of Markedness in Generative Grammar, edited by Adriana Belletti, Luciana Brandi, Luigi Rizzi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 1981, pp. 604. 4. Clitics and their Hosts, edited by Henk van Riemsdijk and Luigi Rizzi, Eurotyp Working Papers, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, 1991, pp. 330. 5. Clitics in Romance and Germanic, edited by Luigi Rizzi, Eurotyp Working Papers, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, 1993, pp. 139. 6. Paths Towards Universal Grammar - Studies in Honor of Richard S. Kayne, edited by G. Cinque, J. Koster, J.-Y. Pollock, L. Rizzi, R. Zanuttini), Georgetown University Press, Washington D.C., 1994, pp. 491. 7. Parameters and Functional Heads: Essays in Comparative Syntax, edited by Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi, Oxford University Press, New York – Oxford, 1996, pp. 300. 8. The Acquisition of Syntax, edited by Marc-Ariel Friedemann and Luigi Rizzi, Longman, London, 2000, pp. 326 (now available at Pearson Education, Harlow). 9. N. Chomsky, Su natura e linguaggio, a cura di A. Belletti e L. Rizzi, Lezioni Senesi n. 1, Edizioni dell’Università di Siena, 2001. 1

10. N. Chomsky, On Language and Nature, edited by A. Belletti and L. Rizzi, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002 (enlarged version of 9). 11. The Structure of CP and IP – The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Vol. 2, edited by L. Rizzi, Oxford University Press, New York – Oxford, 2004. 12. Language and Speech 51, 1 & 2, 2008 Special double issue: Phonological, Lexical, and Syntactic Components of Language Development, Guest Editors Ulrich Frauenfelder, Luigi Rizzi, Pascal Zeziger. 13. G. Cinque, L. Rizzi, eds. The Structure of PP’s – The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Vol 6, Oxford University Press, Oxford - New York, 2009.

Articles: 1. "Implicazioni teoriche di alcuni studi generativi di sintassi romanza", Studi mediolatini e volgari, XXII, 1974, pp. 113-166. 2. "Ristrutturazione", Rivista di grammatica generativa, 1.1, 1976, pp. 1-54. 3. "La Montée du sujet, le si impersonnel et une règle de restructuration dans la syntaxe italienne", Recherches linguistiques, Paris VIII, 4, 1976, pp. 158-184. 4. "Chomsky e la semantica", Studi di grammatica italiana, Accademia della Crusca, 1978, pp. 161182. 5. "A Restructuring Rule in Italian Syntax", in Keyser (ed.) Recent Transformational Studies in European Languages, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1978, pp. 113-158. 6. "Violations of the Wh Island Constraint in Italian and the Subjacency Condition", Working Papers in Linguistics (Montreal), 11, 1978, pp. 155-190 (anche in Journal of Italian Linguistics, 5, 1980, pp. 157196). 7. "Teoria della traccia e processi fonosintattici", Rivista di grammatica generativa, 4, 1979, pp. 165181. 8. "Wh Movement, Negation and the 'Pro-drop' Parameter", Glow Newsletter n. 4, 1980, pp. 37-39. 9. "Il programma chomskiano e la tipologia linguistica", Lingua e stile, XV, 3, 1980, pp. 347-370. 10. "C-comando e condizioni sull'anafora", in Moneglia (ed.) Sull'anafora, Atti del seminario, Accademia della Crusca, Firenze, 1981, pp. 83-100. 11. "Nominative Marking in Italian Infinitives and the Nominative Island Constraint", in Heny (ed.), Binding and Filtering, Croom Helm, London, 1981, pp. 129-158. 12. "The Syntax of ne: Some Theoretical Implications" (con Adriana Belletti), The Linguistic Review, 2

1, 1981, pp. 117-154. 13. "Comments on Chomsky's Chapter: On the Representation of Form and Function", in Mehler, Walker, Garrett (eds.) Perspectives on Mental Representation, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London, 1982, pp.441-453. 14."Due note sull'interpretazione linguistica dell'afasia di Broca", Quaderni dell'Istituto di Linguistica dell'Università di Urbino, 1, 1983, pp. 3-23. 15. "On Chain Formation", GLOW Newsletter, 1983, pp. 67-69. 16. "Il ruolo della sintassi italiana negli sviluppi recenti della teoria sintattica: discussione di un caso", Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica, 1, 1985, Università della Calabria, pp. 77-90. 17. "Il problema sintattico di CA/MU nei dialetti calabresi mediani" (con John Trumper), Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica, 1, 1985, Università della Calabria, pp. 63-76. 18. "Il ruolo della sintassi italiana negli sviluppi recenti della teoria sintattica", in Franchi-De Bellis & Savoia (eds.) Sintassi e morfologia della lingua italiana d'uso, Atti del XVII Congresso SLI, Bulzoni, Roma, 1985, pp. 143-160. 19. "Two Notes on the Linguistic Interpretation of Broca's Aphasia", in M.L. Kean (ed.) Agrammatism, Academic Press, New York, 1985, pp. 153-164. 20. "Conditions de bonne formation sur les chaînes", Modèles linguistiques, VII.1, 1985, pp. 119-157. 21. "On the Status of Subject Clitics in Romance", in Jaeggli & Corvalan (eds.) Studies in Romance Linguistics, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1986, pp. 391-419. 22. "Psych-verbs and Theta-Theory" (con Adriana Belletti), Lexicon Project Working Papers, 13, 1986, Center for Cognitive Science, MIT, pp. 71. 23. "On Chain Formation", Syntax and Semantics, vol. 19, Academic Press, New York, 1986, pp. 6595. 24. "Null Objects in Italian and the Theory of pro", Linguistic Inquiry, 17.3, 1986, pp. 501-557. 25. "Sulla uniformità strutturale delle categorie sintattiche", Rivista di grammatica generativa, 12, 1987, pp. 61-80. 26. "Los verbos psicologicos y la teoria tematica", (con Adriana Belletti), in Demonte & Lagunilla (eds.), Sintaxis de las lenguas romanicas, El Arquero, Madrid, 1987, pp. 60-122. 27. "Relativized Minimality", GLOW Newsletter n. 20, 1988, pp. 55-56. 28. "Il sintagma preposizionale", in Renzi (a cura di) Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1988, pp. 507-531. 3

29. "Acerca de la uniformidad estructural de las categorias sintacticas", Revista argentina de linguistica, 1988. 30. "Remarques sur les verbes psychologiques, la théorie thématique et le Principe de Liage", (avec Adriana Belletti), Lexique, 7, 1988, pp. 33-59. 31. "Psych-verbs and Theta Theory", (avec Adriana Belletti), Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 6.3, 1988, pp. 291-352. 32. "Complex Inversion in French" (avec Ian Roberts), Probus - An International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics, 1989, 1.1, pp. 1-30, Foris Publications, Dordrecht. 33. "Algunes implicacions cognitives de la gramatica generativa", Limits - Revista d'assaig i d'informacio sobre les ciencies del llenguatge, Barcelona, 1989, 6, pp. 5-21. 34. "Une théorie de la syntaxe comparative", préface de La variation dialectale en grammaire universelle di Y. Roberge e M.- T. Vinet, Presses Universitaires de l'Université de Montréal, Montréal, 1989, pp. 8-10. 35. "Il punto di vista della linguistica generativa", tavola rotonda sul linguaggio con E. Bates, A. Caramazza, D. Parisi, L. Rizzi, O. Stock, Sistemi intelligenti, 1.3, 1989 pp. 341-352. 36. "On the Structural Uniformity of Syntactic Categories", presentato alla II World Basque Conference (San Sebastian), Conference on the Basque Language, 1988/89, pp. 89-101. 37. "The New Comparative Syntax: Principles and Parameters of Universal Grammar", Cahier de la Fondation Archives Jean Piaget, 10, 1989, pp. 59-71. 38. "On the Format for Parameters", Brain and Behavioral Sciences (Princeton), 12.2, 1989, pp. 355356. 39. "Syntaxe comparative: Théorie, description, implications cognitives", Cahiers de la Faculté des lettres, 2/2, 1989, Université de Genève, pp. 15-19. 40. "On the Anaphor - Agreement Effect", Rivista di linguistica, 2, 1990, pp. 27-42. 41. "Speculations on Verb Second", in Grammar in Progress - Essays presented to Henk van Riemsdijk, edited by J. Mascaro e M. Nespor, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1990, pp. 375-386. 42. "The New Comparative Syntax: Principles and Parameters of Universal Grammar", Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, 43, 1989-1990, pp. 65-78. 43. "On the Status of Referential Indices", in The Chomskyan Turn, edited by A. Kasher, Basil Blackwell, 1991, pp. 273-299. 44. "Structure du langage et acquisition du langage", Actes du Colloque "Sciences de la Cognition", Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie, Paris, 1991, pp. 66-69. 4

45. "Notes on Psych-verbs, Theta Theory and Binding" (with Adriana Belletti), Robert Freidin (ed.) Principles and Parameters in Comparative Grammar, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1991, pp. 132- 162. 46. "Proper Head Government and the Definition of A-positions", GLOW Newsletter 26, 1991, pp. 4647. 47. "Residual Verb Second and the Wh Criterion", Technical Report in Formal and Computational Linguistics, 3, 1991. 48. "Sulla conoscenza del linguaggio", Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, 45, 1991, pp. 301-316. 49. Editoriale di presentazione al blocco "Parsing e grammatica", Sistemi intelligenti, 3, 3, 1991, pp. 311-313. 50. "Spéculations sur le phénomène 'verbe second'", Recherches linguistiques, 21, 1992, 129-142. 51. "Direct Perception, Government and Thematic Sharing", Geneva Generative Papers, 1., 1992, 3952. 52. "Early Null Subjects and Root Null Subjects", Geneva Generative Papers, 1992, pp. 102-114. 53. "Sintassi", dans La linguistica italiana degli anni 1976- 1986, a cura di A. Mioni e M. Cortelazzo, Bulzoni, Roma, 1992, pp. 219-236. 54. "Reanalysis Rules", International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992, Vol. 3, pp. 318-320. 55. "Argument-Adjunct (A)symmetries", Proceedings of NELS 22, Amherst, Massachusetts, 1993, pp. 365-381. 56. "A Parametric Approach to Comparative Syntax: Properties of the Pronominal System", English Linguistics, 10, Tokyo, 1993, pp. 1-27. 57. "Some Remarks on the Psych-Predicate Papers", dans H. Nakajima & Y. Otsu (eds.), Argument Structure: Its Syntax and Acquisition, Special publications of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Kaitakusha, Tokyo, 1993, pp. 10-17, 35, 68, 95. 58. "Conditions on /u/ propagation in Southern Italian Dialects: A Locality Parameter for Phonosyntactic Processes" (in collaborazione con L. Savoia), in A. Belletti (ed.), Syntactic Theory and the Dialects of Italy, Rosenberg & Sellier, Turin, 1993. 59. Prefazione di Guasti (1993) Causative and Perception Verbs, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino. 60. "Some remarks on linguistic theory and language development", Language Acquisition, 4.3., 1993/94. 61. "Early Null Subjects and Root Null Subjects", in B. Lust, G. Hermon & J. Kornfilt (eds.) Binding, Dependencies and Learnability, vol. 2, Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, 1994, pp. 249-272. 5

62. "Argument-Adjunct (A)symmetries", in Cinque et al. (ed.), Paths Towards Universal Grammar, Georgetown University Press, Washington, 1994, pp. 361-376. 63. "On the Acquisition of the Pronominal System in French" (in collaborazione con C. Hamann e U. Frauenfelder), Recherches Linguistiques, 24, 1995, pp. 83-101. 64. "Residual Verb Second and the Wh-Criterion", in A. Belletti & L. Rizzi, eds., Parameters and Functional Heads, Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 63-90. 65. "Complex Inversion in French", (in collaborazione con I. Roberts), in A. Belletti & L. Rizzi, eds., Parameters and Functional Heads, Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 91-117. 66. "L’ambiguità nelle lingue naturali », in Ambiguità – Atti del convegno internazionale organizzato dal Laboratorio Interdisciplinare Superiore di Studi Avanzati, a cura di G. O. Longo e C. Magris, Moretti e Vitali Editori, Bergamo, 1996, pp. 175-183. 67. "On the Acquisition of Subject and Object Clitics in French", (in collaborazione con C. Hamann e U. Frauenfelder), in H. Clahsen, ed., Generative Perspectives in Language Acquisition, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 1996, pp.309-334. 68. "Su alcuni casi di accordo del participio passato in francese e in italiano" (in collaborazione con A. Belletti), in AAVV, Italiano e dialetti nel tempo: Studi di grammatica per Giulio Lepschy, Bulzoni, Roma, 1996, 7-22. 69. "Null Aux and the Acquisition of Residual V-2" (in collaborazione con T. Guasti), Proceedings of the 20th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Mass., 1996, 284-295. 70. Fonteneau, E., Katheb, A., Morand, S., Michel, C.M., Rizzi, L., Annoni, J.M., Landis, T. & Frauenfelder, U.H., "Temporal analysis of electric brain activity during sentence processing in normal subjects", Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET), Brain Topography, 10, 1, 1996. 71. "The Fine Structure of the Left Periphery", in L. Haegeman, ed., Elements of Grammar, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997, pp.281-337. 72. “A Parametric Approach to Comparative Syntax”, in L. Haegeman, ed., Longman, Harlow, 1997, pp. 268-275 (revised version of 56). The New Comparative Syntax 73. "Remarks on Early Null Subjects", Plenary Lecture, Proceedings of the 22th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Mass., 1998, pp. 1438. 74. « On the Study of Language as a Cognitive Capacity », Plenary Lecture, in B. Caron, ed., Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Linguists (CDRom), Pergamon, Elsevier Science, New York, 1998. 6

75. « On the Contribution of ERP to the Study of Language Comprehension » (in collaborazione con E. Fonteneau e U. Frauenfelder), Etudes en neurolinguistique – Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquee, 68, 1998, pp. 111-124. 76. Fonteneau, E., Katheb, A., Michel, C.M., Rizzi, L., Landis, T. & Frauenfelder, U.H., "Spatiotemporal analysis of electric brain activity during sentence processing in normal subjects", in J.P. Caverni & J. Vauclair, eds., Current Psychology of Cognition - Neural Substrates of Cognitive Processes : Special Issue in Honor of Jean Requin, 17 (4-5), 1998. 77. Guasti - Rizzi « On The Distinction between T and Agr : Evidence from Acquisition » GLOW Newsletter, 1998. 78. "Broadening the Empirical Basis of Universal Grammar Models: A Commentary", in M. DeGraff (ed.) Language Creation and Language Change, MIT Press, Cambridge, 453-472, 1999. 79. « Uno specchio della mente », in Iter - Scuola Cultura Società, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, II, 5, 1999, pp. 13-18. 80. « Relativized Minimality Effects » in M. Baltin & C. Collins, eds., (2001) Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 89-110. 81. C. Cecchetto & L. Rizzi « A Naturalistic Approach to Language », in S. Nannini & Sandkueler, eds., 2001. 82. « On the position INT(ERROGATIVE) in the Left Periphery of the Clause », in G. Cinque, G. Salvi, eds., Current Studies in Italian Syntax, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001, 287-296. 83. “Extraction from Weak Islands, Reconstruction, and Agreement”, in Chierchia, Guasti & Cecchetto, eds., Semantic Interfaces, CSLI Publications, Stanford, California, 145-176. 84. A. Belletti, L. Rizzi, « Some Elements of Linguistic Theory », in N. Chomsky, Su natura e linguaggio, Edizioni dell’Università di Siena, 2001. 85. N. Chomsky, con A. Belletti e L. Rizzi, « An Interview on Minimalism », in N. Chomsky, Su natura e linguaggio, Edizioni dell’Università di Siena, 2001. 86. P. Zesiger , M.-T. Le Normand, C. Hamann, S. Ohayon, L. Chillier, S. Dubé, J. Franck, U. Frauenfelder, L. Rizzi, M. Starke, « Development and Production of Morphosyntactic Categoriesin French Speaking Children with SLI », Proceedings of Early Lexicon Acquisition, Lyon, Dec. 2001. 87. M. Arabatzi, L. Chillier, T. Deonna, S. Dubé, U. Frauenfelder, C. Hamann, S. Ohayon, L. Rizzi, M. Starke, P. Zesiger « Delayed and deviant grammatical development in young French children with SLI », Proceedings of DECOLAGE 2001. 88. M. T. Guasti & L. Rizzi , « On The Distinction between T and Agr : Evidence from Acquisition » in G. Cinque, ed., (2002) The Structure of DP and IP, Oxford University Press – The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Vol. 1 , New York – Oxford, 2002. 7

89. C. Hamann, M. Arabatsi, L. Baranzini, S. Ohayon, L. Chillier, S. Dubé, J. Franck, U. Frauenfelder, L. Rizzi, M. Starke, P. Zesiger « On the Dissociation of the Nominal and Verbal Functional Domains in French Specific Language Impairment », Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development 26, 2002. 90. C. Hamann, S. Dubé, U. Frauenfelder, S. Ohayon, L. Rizzi, M. Starke, P. Zesiger « Aspects of Grammatical Development in Young French Children with SLI », in Developmental Science, 6, 2, pp. 151-158, 2003. 91. « Some Elements of the Study of Language as a Cognitive Capacity », in Dimitri, ed., N., M. Basili, I. Gilboa, eds., Cognitive Processes and Economic Behaviour, Routledge, London and New York, 104136, 2003. 92. « Locality and Left Periphery », in A. Belletti, ed., Structures and Beyond – The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, Vol 3, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2004, 223-251. 93. “From inventories to computations: Open/closed class items and substantive/functional heads”, Dialectica, 3, 2004 94. Franck, J., Cronel-Ohayon, Chillier, L., Frauenfelder, U., Hamann, C., Rizzi, L., & Zesiger, P. (2004) Normal and pathological development of subject-verb agreement in speech production: a study on French children. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 17, 147-180, 2004. 95. “On the Study of the Language Faculty: Results, Developments, Perspectives” , 3-4, 2004. The Linguistic Review. 96. « On the Grammatical Basis of Language Development : A Case Study », in G. Cinque, R. Kayne, eds., Handbook of Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2005, 70-109. 97. “On Some Properties of Subjects and Topics”, in L. Brugè, G. Giusti, N. Munaro, W. Schweikert, G. Turano, Contributions to the XXX Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Cafoscarina, Venezia, 2005, 203-224. 98. . “Phase Theory and the Privilege of the Root”. In Broekhuis, Hans; Corver, Norbert; Huybregts, Riny; Kleinherz, Ursula; Koster, Jan, Organizing Grammar - Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 2005, 529-537. 99. “On the Form of Chains: Criterial Positions and ECP Effects”, in L. Cheng, N. Corver, eds, Wh Movement: Moving on, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2006, 97-134. 100. Sintassi: Le strutture, in A. Laudanna e M. Voghera, eds., Il linguaggio: Strutture linguistiche e processi cognitivi, Laterza. Bari, 2006, 205-229. 101. J. Franck, G. Lassi, U. Frauenfelder, L. Rizzi “Agreement and Movement – A Syntactic Analysis of Attraction”, Cognition, August 2006, 101, 1, 173-216, 102. Prefazione di Cristiano Chesi, Il linguaggio verbale non standard dei bambini sordi, Edizioni Universitarie Romane, Roma, 2006, pp. 7-8. 8

103. Prefazione di Salvo Menza, Il paraverbo: L’interiezione come sottoclasse del verbo, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2006, pp. V-VI. 104. “Selective Residual V-2 in Italian Interrogatives”, in P. Brandt, E. Fuss, eds. Form, Structure and Grammar, Studia Grammatica 63, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 2006, 229-242. 105. “Satisfying the Subject Criterion by a Non-subject: English Locative Inversion and Heavy NP Shift”, in M. Frascarelli, ed. Phases of Interpretation, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin New York, 2006, 341-362. 106. Grammatically-Based Target-Inconsistencies in Child Language. In Deen, K.U., J. Nomura, B. Schulz and B.D. Schwartz (eds), The Proceedings of the Inaugural Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition–North America, Honolulu, HI. University of Connecticut Occasional Papers in Linguistics, 4, 2006, pp 19-49. 107. J. Franck, U. Frauenfelder, L. Rizzi, A Syntactic Analysis of Interference in Subject-Verb Agreement, in Carson T. Schuetze, Victor S. Ferreira, eds. The State of the Art in Speech Error Research, - Proceedings of the 2005 LSA Institute Workshop, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 53, 2006, 173-190. 108. Notes on some Formal and Interpretive Properties of Subjects, In Search of the Essence of Language Science, Festschrift for Professor Heizo Nakajima on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Hituzi, Tokyo, 2006, 61-79. 109. « L’acquisition de la langue et la faculté de langage », Cahiers de l’Herne, Chomsky, édité pas J. Franck et J. Bricmont. 2007, 147-157. 110. L. Rizzi, U. Shlonsky, Strategies of Subject Extraction, in Hans-Martin Gärtner and Uli Sauerland (eds). Interfaces + Recursion = Language? Chomsky's Minimalism and the View from SyntaxSemantics. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 2007, pp. 115-160 111. Foreword, CISCL Working Papers - STiL - Studies in Linguistics, Vol.1, 2007. 112. “On Some Properties of Criterial Freezing”, in CISCL Working Papers - STiL - Studies in Linguistics, Vol.1, 2008, 145-158. 113. Devauchelle AD, Oppenheim C, Rizzi L, Dehaene S, Pallier C.”Sentence Syntax and Content in the Human Temporal Lobe: An fMRI Adaptation Study in Auditory and Visual Modalities. J Cogn Neurosci. 2008, 21:5, pp. 1000-1012. 114. Naama Friedmann, Adriana Belletti, Luigi Rizzi, “Relativized Relatives: Types of intervention in the acquisition of A’ dependencies”, Lingua 119 (2009) 67-88. 115. “Some Elements of Syntactic Computations”,. Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax, edited by D. Bickerton and E. Szathmary, E. Struengmann Forum, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2009, 63-87. 9

116. “Comment formaliser la diversité des langues?”, Paroles et musique - Aux origines du dialogue humain Sous la direction de S. Dehaene et P. Petit, Collège de France, Editions Odile Jacob, Paris, 2009, 113-138. 117. « Movement and Concepts of Locality », in M. Piattelli-Palmarini, J. Uriagereka, P. Salaburu Of Minds and Language- The Basque Country Encounter with Noam Chomsky, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2009, pp. 155-168. 118. ”Language Invariance and Variation”, in M. Piattelli-Palmarini, J. Uriagereka, P. Salaburu Of Minds and Language- The Basque Country Encounter with Noam Chomsky, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2009, pp. 211-220. 119. “Concluding Remarks”, in M. Piattelli-Palmarini, J. Uriagereka, P. Salaburu Of Minds and Language- The Basque Country Encounter with Noam Chomsky, Oxford University Press, OxfordNew York, 2009, pp. 403-405. 120. Maggie Tallerman, Derek Bickerton, Denis Bouchard, Edith Kaan,, Frederick Newmeyer, Luigi Rizzi “What kinds of syntactic phenomena must biologists, neurobiologists, and computer scientists try to explain and replicate, Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax, edited by D. Bickerton and E. Szathmary, E. Struengmann Forum, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 2009, 135-157. 121. The discovery of language invariance and variation, and its relevance for the cognitive sciences, Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 2009, 32, 467-468. 122. Language variation and universals: some notes on N. Evans & S.C. Levinson (2009) “The myth of language universals: Language diversity and its importance for cognitive science”, in La grammatical tra storia e teoria – Studi in onore di Giorgio Graffi, a cura di P. Cotticelli Kurras e A. Tomaselli ed., Edizioni Dall’Orso, Alessandria, pp. 155-162. 123. Franck, J., G. Soare, U. Frauenfelder & L. Rizzi, “Object interference in subject–verb agreement: The role of intermediate traces of movement”, Journal of Memory and Language, Volume 62, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 166-182. 124. Simona Mancini, Francesca Postiglione, Alessandro Laudanna, Luigi Rizzi “I tratti di persona e numero a confronto: dati da uno studio comportamentale”. In Pier Marco Bertinetto, Valentina Bambini & Irene Ricci (a cura di). Linguaggio e cervello / Semantica, Atti del XLII Convegno della Società di Linguistica Italiana (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 25-27 settembre 2008). Roma: Bulzoni. Volume 2 (CD ROM), 2010. 125. G. Cinque, L. Rizzi, “The Cartography of Syntactic Structures”, The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis, edited by B. Heine and H. Narrog. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2010, pp. 51-65. 126. “On some properties of Criterial Freezing”, in Panagiotidis, Phoevos E. (ed.) 2010 'The Complementizer Phase: subjects and operators. Oxford: OUP, pp. 17-32. 127. P. Zesiger, L. Chillier, M Arbatazi, L. Baranzini, S, Cronel Ohayon, J, Franck, U. Frauenfelder, C. 10

Hamann, L. Rizzi “The acquisition of pronouns by French children: A parallel study of production and comprehension”, in Applied Psycholinguistics, 31, 2010, 571-603. 128. “Minimality”, in C. Boeckx, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 2011, 220-238.. 129. Mancini, S., Molinaro, N., Rizzi, L. Carreiras, M. “When persons disagree: an ERP study of Unagreement in Spanish”, Psychophysiology, 2011, 1–11. 130. On the Elements of Syntactic Variation, in STiL 4, working papers of CISCL, University of Siena, distributed by MITWP, 2011. To appear 131. J. Franck, S. Millotte, A. Posada & L. Rizzi “Abstract Knowledge of Word Order by 19 Months: En Eye-tracking Study”, to appear in Applied Psycholinguistics.

132. Adriana Belletti, Luigi Rizzi “Moving Verbal Chunks”, in A Festschrift for Guglielmo Cinque, edited by G. Giusti and A. Cardinaletti, Oxford University Press. 133. “Some Consequences of Criterial Freezing”, Festschrift for Tarald Taraldsen, edited by P. Svenonius, Oxford University Press. 134. Belletti, A., Friedmann, N., Brunato, D., Rizzi, L. “Does gender make a difference? Comparing the effects of gender on children’s comprehension of relative clauses in Hebrew and Italian”, submitted. 135. Belletti, A. & L. Rizzi Ways of avoiding intervention: Some thoughts on the development of object relatives, passive and control.In M. Piattelli-Palmarini & R. Berwick, eds. 2010. 136. On the Elements of Syntactic Variation, in C. Picallo et al, eds., Linguistic Variation in the Minimalist Framework. 137. “Delimitation Effects and the Cartography of the Left Periphery”, in G. Grewendorf & E. Zimmerman, eds. Frankfurt Ten Years After, Studies in Generative Grammar, Mouton –de Gruyter. 138. “The Functional Structure of the Sentence, and Cartography”, in M. Den Dikken, ed., Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 139. “Focus, Topic and the Cartography of the Left Periphery”, in C. Parodi & S. Luraghi eds., Companion of Syntax and Syntactic Theory, Continuum Press.

140. Mancini, S., N. Molinaro, L. Rizzi, M. Carreiras, “A person is not a number: discourse involvement in subject-verb agreement computation”, accepted for publication in Brain Research. 141. Mancini, S.., F. Vespignani, N. Molinaro, A. Laudanna & L. Rizzi. Number agreement processing with different persons: an ERP study. Poster presented at 15ht AMLaP conference (Barcelona, September 7-9, 2009) ; paper in preparation. 11

142. Core linguistic computations: How are they expressed in the mind/brain? Original Research Article Journal of Neurolinguistics, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 27 January 2010

Reviews: 1. Eric Lenneberg, Fondamenti biologici del linguaggio (seconda edizione, Torino, 1977), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, serie III, VIII, 4, 1978, pp. 1933-1934. 2. Noam Chomsky, Saggi di fonologia (Torino, 1978), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, serie III, VIII, 4, 1978, pp. 1929-1933. 3. M. Regula & J. Jernej, Grammatica italiana descrittiva (Berna, 1975), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, serie III, VII, 4, 1977, pp. 1795-1797. 4. Richard Kayne, French Syntax (Cambridge, Mass., 1975), Strumenti critici, 34, 1977, pp. 510-513. 5. Stanley Peters, Gli scopi della teoria linguistica (Torino, 1976), Lingua e stile, XI, 1976, pp. 661665. 6. Revue Romane X (Copenhagen, 1975), Le français moderne, 44, 1976, pp. 171-172. 7. Mihaela Carstea, Pronumele - Il pronome (Bucuresti, 1975), Lingua nostra, 37, 1976, pp. 126-127. 8. Gilles Fauconnier, La coréférence: syntaxe ou sémantique (Paris, 1974), Strumenti critici, 29, 1976, pp. 156-163. 9. Donna Jo Napoli, "In Chaos or Inchoative: an Analysis of Inchoatives in Modern Standard Italian" (Washington, 1974), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, serie III, V, 4, 1975, pp. 17511753. 10. Eugenio Savona, Repertorio tematico del Dolce stil nuovo (Bari, 1973), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, serie III, IV, 4, 1974, pp. 1734-1735. 11. Nicolas Ruwet, Théorie syntaxique et syntaxe du français (Paris, 1972), Strumenti critici, 25, 1974, pp. 391-395. 12. Gérard Genot, Grammaire de l'italien (Paris 1973), Studi mediolatini e volgari, XXI, 1973, pp. 254258. 13. Guido da Pisa, Declaratio super Comediam Dantis (edizione critica a cura di F. Mazzoni, Firenze, 1970), Studi medievali, XIV, 1973, pp. 538-541. 14. Fredi Chiappelli, Studi sul linguaggio del Petrarca (Firenze, 1972), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, III serie, II, 2, 1972, pp. 1019-1020.