Materials have audio content - University of Reading

Guy B & Vanessa J. Complete IELTS - Student's Book with Answers (Bands 4-5). Brook-Hart, G & Jakeman, V ... Cambridge IELTS 7 with answers (Official E...

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- Materials have audio content Examination Books IELTS Practice Now Focus on IELTS (Student's book) 2 copies Focus on IELTS (Teacher's book) Insight into IELTS 20 copies 202 Useful Exercises for IELTS (with one tape) 202 Useful Exercises for IELTS 2 Copies Cambridge IELTS 1. Practice Tests 2 Copies Cambridge IELTS 2. Examination Paper - 2 Copies IELTS Testbuilder 2 Copies Objective IELTS - student's book - 2 Copies Focus on IELTS Foundation - 2 Copies Official IELTS Practice Materials

Gibson , Rusek & Swan O'Connell S O'Connell S Jakeman V & McDowell C Adams G & Peck T Adams G & Peck T Jakeman V & McDowell C collection of exam papers McCarter S & Ash J Black M & Sharp W O'Connell S No author

Step up tp IELTS Vanessa Jakeman & Clare McDowell Check your Vocabulary for English for the IELTS Examination - 2 Copies Wyatt, R. IELTS Strategies for Study - 2 Copies Garbut, M & O'Sullivan, K IELTS Strategies for Study - 2 Copies Garbut, M & O'Sullivan, K How to prepare for IELTS New edition - 2 Copies de Witt, R Prepare for IELTS Academic modules Venessa Todd & Penny Cameron IELTS Preparation and practice (Reading & Writing) - 6 Copies Passport to IELTS IELTS Target 5.0 Course Book IELTS Target 5.0 Work Book -10 Copies IELTS Target 5.0 Teacher's Book - 2 Copies

Sahanaya, Lindeck & Stewart Hopkins D & Nettle M Chris Gough Chris Gough Chris Gough



- Materials have audio content Focus on IELTS New Edition (with CD) O'Connell S Improve your IELTS - Writing Skills McCarter S & Whitby N Complete IELTS - Student's Book Guy B & Vanessa J Complete IELTS - Student's Book with Answers (Bands 4-5) Brook-Hart, G & Jakeman, V Bridge to IELTS - Pre-intermediate - Intermediate Band 3.5 - 4.5 (Workbook) L Rogers Official IELTS Practice Materials Offical IELTS Practice Materials 2 IELTS Target 5.0 Course book & workbook Gough C IELTS Target 6.5 Course book & workbook Gough C IELTS Target 7.0 Gough C Cambridge IELTS 7 with answers (Official Examination Papers) - 2 Cambridge Books for Cambridge Copies Exams Cambridge IELTS 8 with answers - Authentic Examination Papers Official Cambridge Preparation from Cambdrige ESOL (With Cd) - 2 Copies material for IELTS Cambridge IELTS 9 with answers - Authentic Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL(With Cd) - 2 Copies Cambridge Instant IELTS - Read-to-Use Taks and Activities PET - Prep & Practice PET - Practice Tests Objective PET (S’s book) + 2 Cassettes Objective PET (T’s) Objective PET (workbook) Obejctive PET (workbook with answers) PET - Prep & Practice( With answers)

Authentic Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL Guy Brook-Hart Ward A Fried-Booth D L Hashemi L & Thomas B Hashemi L & Thomas B Hashemi L & Thomas B Hashemi L & Thomas B Ward A



- Materials have audio content Cambridge First Certificate 1 Cambridge First Certificate 2 New Progress to First Certificate (S’s) 2 cassettes

Carne P, Hashemi L & Thomas B Carne P, Hashemi L & Thomas B Jones L

New Progress to First Certificate (self-study) 1 cassette - 2 Copies New Progress to First Certificate (T's) New Progress to First Certificate (workbook + cassette) Making Progress to First Certificate (S's) First Certificate Practice Tests - 2 Copies First Certificate Testbuilder with key First Certificate Gold - Teachers' book - 3 Copies First Certificate Gold - Course book - 7 Copies First Certificate Gold - Practice Exams with key - 2 Copies First Certificate Gold Exam Maximiser - 3 Copies

Jones L Jones L Jones L Jones L Harrison M & Kerr R Triggs T D Burgess S Acklam R Paran A Burgess S & Acklam R

Going for Gold - Intermediate Course Book Advanced Gold - Teachers's Book Advanced Gold - Coursebook First Certificate Expert - Course Book - 2 Copies Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate First Certificate Star - Student's Book New First Certificate Masterclass - Student's book New First Certificate English - Language & Composition First |Certificate Organiser unique coursework and revision - 2 Copies Cambridge Objective First Certificate 2nd Edition FCE Result - Workbook Resource Pack with Key Cambridge First Certificate Handbook

Acklam R & Crace A Burgess S & Acklam R Acklam R & Burgess S Bell J & Gower R Prodromou L Prodromou L Haines S & Stewart B Fowler WS & Pidcock Flower J Capel A & Sharp W Davies P & Falla T Naylor H & Hagger S



- Materials have audio content Fast Track to FCE - Course book Fast Track to FCE - Teacher's Book Knockout First Certificate - Student's book Knockout First Certificate -Teacher's book How to Pass FCE - Exam practice in Listening and Speaking Papers 4 and 5

Stanton A & Stephens M Allemano J May P May P & Martin J

Cambridge First Certificate - Grammar and Usage (New Edition) Cambridge Grammar for First Certificate (with answers) Cambridge First Certificate in English 6 (with answers)

Obee B Hashemi L & Thomas B No author

Cambridge English Compact First Student Book with answers

Peter May

Cambridge English Compact First Workbook with answers CAE Practice Test 1 CAE Practice Test 1 Teacher's Book Cambridge CAE Course Objective CAE students book Objective CAE Workbook + answers New Cambridge Advanced English Students Bk New Cambridge Advanced English Teacher's Bk Common Mistakes at CAE Ready for CAE Advanced Masterclass CAE Student's Book Cambridge Objective CAE Student's Book - 3 Copies Cambridge Objective CAE Work Book Cambridge Objective CAE Teacher's Book

Peter May Aspinall P & Hashemi L Aspinall P & Hashemi L Spratt M & Tailor L B O'Dell F & Broadhead A O'Dell F & Broadhead A Jones L Jones L Powell D Norris R Aspinall P & Capel A O'Dell F & Broadhead A O'Dell F & Broadhead A O'Dell F & Broadhead A

Wrangham-Briggs C



- Materials have audio content Cambridge Objective CAE Audio CD Set

O'Dell F & Broadhead A

Advanced Masterclass CAE (New Edition) Student's Book

Aspinall P & Capel A

Advanced Masterclass CAE (New Edition) Teacher's Book

Aspinall P & Capel A

Advanced Masterclass CAE Workbook with answers

Aspinall P & Capel A

Advanced English CAE Practice Tests with Guidance Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 1

O'Connell S University of Cambridge

Cambridge English Objective Advanced Student's Book

O'Dell F & Broadhead A

Cambridge English Objective Advanced Teacher's Book - 2 Copies

O'Dell F & Broadhead A

Cambridge English Objective Advanced Student's Book New Progress to Proficiency (S’s book) 3 cassettes New Progress to Proficiency (self-study student's book) New Progress to Proficiency (Teacher's Book) Focus on Proficiency Longman Prep' Series for TOEIC Adv'd Course 2 Copies

O'Dell F & Broadhead A Jones L Jones L Jones L O'Connell S Lin Lougheed



- Materials have audio content

Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test

Bruce Rogers

The Heinemann TOEFL Preparation Course

Mahnke K & Duffy C

Other Coursebooks Natural English Intermediate (Pack: student's book+listening booklet+2CDs) - 3 Copies

Gairns R & Redman S

Natural English Intermediate workbook Natural English Intermediate (Puzzle Book) Total English Elementary (DVD) Total English Pre-Intermediate (DVD) English Works 1 (CD-ROM) Natural English Upper-intermediate (Pack: student's book+listening booklet+CD) English Unlimited: B2 Upper Intermediate Coursebook & DVDRom Pre-Intermediate Outcomes-Students Book (includes vocab builder book) 2 Copies Cambridge Academic English, Intermediate - student's book 2 Copies Cambridge Academic English, Upper Intermediate - student's book Oxford EAP - Upper-Intermediate / B2 - 3 Copies

Scott L &Scott D Gairns R dvd only dvd only O'Neill R Gairns R & Redman S Tilbury A & Hendra L A Dellar H & Walkley A Thaine C Hewings M Chazal E & Mccarter S



- Materials have audio content Oxford EAP - Upper-Intermediate / B2 - Teacher's Handbook - 3 Copies Cambridge Academic English, Advanced - student's book Oxford EAP - Intermediate / B1+ 6 Copies Oxford EAP - A Course in English for Academic Purposes Teacher's HandbookIntermediate / B1+ 5 Copies Global - elementary coursebook Global e Workbook Global - pre-intermediate coursebook Global - intermediate coursebook @work Elementary A2 - Student's book @work Intermediate B1+ - Student's book Oxford EAP - Advanced/C1 - 3 Copies @work Pre-intermediate B1+ - Student's book Oxford EAP - Advanced C1 Teacher's Book - 2 Copies

Chazal E & Mccarter S Hewings M & Thaine C E de Chazal & L Rogers E.D Chazel & L Rogers Clandfield L & Pickering K Campbell R & Metcalf R Clanfield L Clanfield L & Benne RR Louis Rogers Louis Rogers de Chazal E & Moore J Cowper A & Rogers L de Chazal E & Moore J