
Weathering, Erosion, and Soil ... 1.5 7.3 Formation of Soil. total 45 minutes ... • Reinforce Section 7.3 concepts using the Earth Science Journal fea...

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Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Chapter Pacing Guide Please note that this pace is based on completing selected sections of the text in 90 classes, approximately 90 minutes each. Refer to the Course Planning Guide in the Teacher Edition for a complete list of time allotments assigned to each section. Content


7.1 Earth Weathering 1.1 Science

0.5 0.25

7.2 andofDeposition 1.2Erosion Methods Scientists

1.5 0.25

7.3 Formation ofinSoil 1.3 Communicating Science


Chapter Assessment

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Block Scheduling Lesson Plans

Chapter 7 Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe


7.1 Weathering


Pacing Guide

pages 153–161

1/2 period Lesson and GeoLab

National Science Content Standards: UCP.1, UCP.2, UCP.3, UCP.4, UCP.5; A.1, A.2; B.4; D.1, D.2, D.3; F.3, F.4; G.3 Kentucky Core Content for Science Assessment: 2.2.2; SIa, SIb, SIc, SIe; ACb

KEY: SE  Student Edition, TWE  Teacher Wraparound Edition, TCR  Teacher Classroom Resources

Objectives • Distinguish between weathering and erosion. • Identify variables that affect the rate of weathering.

Lesson Resources

Optional Resources

Section Focus Transparency 17 and Master Teaching Transparency 16 and Master GeoLab and MiniLab Worksheets, pp. 28–30 TCR Study Guide for Content Mastery, pp. 41–42 TCR

Exploring Environmental Problems, pp. 25–28 TCR Laboratory Manual, pp. 49–52 TCR

Multimedia Resources

Lesson Plan Activity Classroom Management • Display the Section Focus Transparency and have students answer the questions. • Distribute the corrected Chapter 6 tests. Core Lesson • Introduce Chapter 7 with the Discovery Lab. • Introduce Section 7.1. • Teach the main concepts of Section 7.1. In-Class Check • Have students read the GeoLab and begin the procedure. (Note: this lab will take 45 minutes to complete.) • Complete the Check for Understanding and Reteach strategies. Homework • Have students complete the Section 7.1 Assessment. • Assign relevant questions from Chapter 7 Assessment.

Suggested Time

Resources Section Focus Transparency 17 and Master

5 minutes

SE, p. 153 TWE, p. 153 TWE, pp. 153–161

30 minutes

SE, pp. 174–175

5 minutes

TWE, p. 161

SE, p. 161 SE, pp. 178–179

5 minutes

total  45 minutes


Chapter 7 Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

Block Scheduling Lesson Plans

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

MindJogger Videoquizzes, Ch. 7 Guided Reading Audio Program, Section 7.1 Using the Internet in the Science Classroom, TCR Glencoe Science Web Site:

7.2 Erosion and Deposition


Pacing Guide

pages 162–166

1/2 period Lesson

National Science Content Standards: UCP.1, UCP.2, UCP.3, UCP.4;

KEY: SE  Student Edition, TWE  Teacher Wraparound Edition, TCR  Teacher Classroom Resources

A.1, A.2; B.4; D.1, D.2, D.3; F.6

Kentucky Core Content for Science Assessment: 2.2.2; SIb, SIc, SId

Objectives • Analyze the impact of living and nonliving things on the processes of weathering and erosion. • Describe the relationship of gravity to all agents of erosion.

Lesson Resources

Optional Resources

Section Focus Transparency 18 and Master Teaching Transparency 17 and Master GeoLab and MiniLab Worksheets, p. 27 TCR Study Guide for Content Mastery, pp. 43–44 TCR

Exploring Environmental Problems, pp. 33–36 TCR

Multimedia Resources MindJogger Videoquizzes, Ch. 7 Guided Reading Audio Program, Section 7.2 Using the Internet in the Science Classroom, TCR Glencoe Science Web Site:

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Lesson Plan Activity


Suggested Time

Classroom Management • Display the Section Focus Transparency and have students answer the questions. • Have students check homework answers.

Section Focus Transparency 18 and Master TWE, pp. 161, 178–179

5 minutes

Discussion • Answer any questions about homework.

TWE, pp. 161, 178–179

5 minutes

Core Lesson • Introduce Section 7.2 with the Demo. • Teach the main concepts of Section 7.2. • Have students complete the MiniLab.

TWE, p. 162 TWE, pp. 162–166 SE, p. 163

20–25 minutes

TWE, p. 163

5–10 minutes

In-Class Check • Assess students’ answers to the MiniLab Analyze and Conclude questions and discuss their results. • Reinforce Section 7.2 concepts using the Knowledge Assessment. • Complete the Check for Understanding and Reteach strategies. Homework • Have students complete the Section 7.2 Assessment. • Assign the Earth Science Journal feature. • Assign relevant questions from Chapter 7 Assessment.

TWE, p. 166 TWE, p. 166

SE, p. 166 TWE, p. 164 SE, pp. 178–179

5 minutes

total  45 minutes Block Scheduling Lesson Plans

Chapter 7 Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe


7.3 Formation of Soil


Pacing Guide

pages 167–173

1 1/2 period Lesson and Problem-Solving Lab

National Science Content Standards: UCP.1, UCP.2, UCP.3, UCP.4, UCP.5; A.1, A.2; B.4; D.1, D.2, D.3; E.2; F.3, F.4, F.6; G.3 Kentucky Core Content for Science Assessment: 2.2.2; SIc; ACb

KEY: SE  Student Edition, TWE  Teacher Wraparound Edition, TCR  Teacher Classroom Resources

Objectives • • • •

Describe how soil forms. Explain the relationship between the organic and inorganic components of soil. Identify soil characteristics. Recognize soil horizons in a soil profile.

Lesson Resources

Multimedia Resources

Section Focus Transparency 19 and Master Teaching Transparency 18 and Master Study Guide for Content Mastery, pp. 45–46 TCR

MindJogger Videoquizzes, Ch. 7 Guided Reading Audio Program, Section 7.3 Using the Internet in the Science Classroom, TCR Glencoe Science Web Site:

Optional Resources Laboratory Manual, pp. 53–56 TCR

Lesson Plan Suggested Time


Classroom Management • Display the Section Focus Transparency and have students answer the questions. • Have students check homework answers.

Section Focus Transparency 19 and Master TWE, pp. 164, 166, 178–179

5 minutes

Discussion • Answer any questions about homework.

TWE, pp. 164, 166, 178–179

5 minutes

Core Lesson • Introduce Section 7.3 with the Content Background feature. • Teach the main concepts of Section 7.3. • Have students complete the Problem–Solving Lab and answer the questions.

TWE, p. 168 TWE, pp. 167–173 SE, p. 172

90–100 minutes

In-Class Check • Reinforce Section 7.3 concepts using the Earth Science Journal feature. • Have students complete the Skill Assessment. • Complete the Check for Understanding and Reteach strategies. • Answer questions on Chapter 7 in preparation for the test.

TWE, p. 169 TWE, p. 171 TWE, p. 173 TWE, pp. 152–179

20–30 minutes

Homework • Have students complete the Section 7.3 Assessment. • Have students complete the Knowledge Assessment. • Assign relevant questions from Chapter 7 Assessment.

SE, p. 173 TWE, p. 172 SE, pp. 178–179

5 minutes

total  135 minutes


Chapter 7 Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

Block Scheduling Lesson Plans

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.




Review and Assessment

Weathering, Erosion, and Soil

Pacing Guide 1/2 period Review/Assessment KEY: SE  Student Edition, TWE  Teacher Wraparound Edition, TCR  Teacher Classroom Resources

Assessment Resources GeoDigest Unit 3, SE pp. 264–267 Chapter Assessment, Ch. 7 TCR Performance Assessment in the Science Classroom, TCR Alternate Assessment in the Science Classroom Classroom, TCR Performance Assessment in Earth Science, pp. 9–12 TCR

Multimedia Resources MindJogger Videoquizzes, Ch. 7 ExamView Pro™ Test Bank, Ch. 7 Puzzlemaker Software, Ch. 7

Lesson Plan

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.



Suggested Time

Classroom Management • Have students check homework answers.

TWE, pp. 172, 173, 178–179

5 minutes

Reviewing the Chapter • Answer any questions about homework. • Answer any final questions about Chapter 7.

TWE, pp. 172, 173, 178–179 TWE, pp. 152–179

5 minutes

Assessment • Distribute the test and allow students to work quietly.

Chapter Assessment, pp. 37–42 TCR

Closing • As students complete the test, have them read the Chapter 8 Opener. • If students have time, let them explore the Earth Science Online for Chapter 8.

SE, pp. 180–181

30–35 minutes

0–5 minutes total  45 minutes

Block Scheduling Lesson Plans

Chapter 7 Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe