Mechanical Engineering - Laxmi Publications

25. Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre; 26. Objective Type Questions. 9. A Textbook of Strength of Materials. Dr. R.K. Bansal. ISBN: 978-81-318-02...

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New Releases

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1. Tribology (Friction, Wear, Lubrication and Bearing) 1. Tribology; 2. Wear; 3. Friction; 4. Lubrication; 5. Bearings; 6. Surface Topography.

Krishna Kant Sharma ISBN: 978-93-81159-61-3 EDITION: First, 2013 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


2. Thermal Engineering

R.K. Rajput

Introduction to SI Units and Conversion Factors 2-Colour 1. Kinetic Theory of Gases and Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. Properties of Pure Substances; 3. First Law of Edition Thermodynamics; 4. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 5. Availability and Irreversibility; 6. Thermodynamic Relations; 7. Ideal and Real Gases; 8. Gases and Vapour Mixtures; 9. Psychrometrics; 10. Fuels and Combustion; 11. Steam Generators; 12. Boiler Bestseller Mountings and Accessories; 13. Draught; 14. Performance of Steam 1,35,000 Generators; 15. Basic Steam Power Cycles; 16. Reciprocating COPIES SOLD Steam Engine; 17. Compound Steam Engines; 18. Steam Nozzles; 19. Steam Turbines; 20. Steam Condensers; 21. Gas Power Cycles; 22. Variable Specific Heats; 23. Internal Combustion Engines; 24. Air Compressors; 25. Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion; 26. Refrigeration; 27. Air Conditioning; 28. Heat Transfer; 29. NonConventional Power Generation.

3. Industrial Automation and Robotics

ISBN: 978-81-318-0804-7 EDITION: Ninth, 2013 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1000 PRICE: ` 795.00 IMPRINT: LP

A. K. Gupta, S. K. Arora

1. Automation; 2. Basic Laws and Principles; 3. Basic Pneumatic and Hydraulic System; 4. Pumps and Compressors; 5. Fluid Accessories; 6. Cylinders and Motors; 7. Control Valves; 8. Circuits; 9. Pneumatic Logic Circuits; 10. Fluidics; 11. Electrical and Electronic Controls; 12. Transfer Devices and Feeders; 13. Robotics; 14. Robotic Sensors; 15. Robot End Effectors; 16. Robot Programming; 17. Application of Robots.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0592-3 EDITION: Third, 2013 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


4. Engineering Mechanics

Dr. R. K. Bansal

(For Anna University, Tamilnadu) 1. Basics of Statics of Particles; 2. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies; 3. Properties of Surfaces and Solids; 4. Dynamics of Particles; 5. Friction and Elements of Rigid Body Dynamics.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0078-2 EDITION: Third, 2013 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 573 PRICE: ` 350.00 IMPRINT: LP


New Releases

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 5. Engineering Drawing—A Practice Book 1. Practice for Lettering; 2. Types of Lines; 3. Dimensioning; 4. Orthographic Projections; 5. Isometric Projection; 6. Missing Lines; 7. Missing View; 8. Engineering Curves.

J.R. Mehta ISBN: 978-81-318-0777-4 EDITION: Second, 2014 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2



6. Basic Mechanical Engineering

Jai Shankar V.P.

1. Thermodynamics; 2. Basic Law of Heat Transfer; 3. Internal Combution Engines; 4. Refrigeration; 5. Air Conditioning System; 6. Mechanical Power Transmission; 7. Energy Sources; 8. Hydraulic Turbine; 9. Steam Turbines; 10. Pumps; 11. Machining, Related Equipments and Operations; 12. Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Design; 13. Manufacturing Processes.

ISBN: 978-93-81159-40-8 EDITION: First, 2013 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


7. Engineering Mechanics

Dr. R.K. Bansal

(For Mahamaya Technical University, Noida) UNIT-I 1. Two Dimensional Concurrent Force Systems UNIT-II 2. Two Dimensional Non-Concurrent Force Systems; 3. Friction; 4. Truss (or Frames) UNIT-III 5. Centroid and Moment of Inertia UNIT-IV 6. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies UNIT-V 7. Kinetics of Rigid Bodies; 8. Virtual Work

ISBN: 978-81-318-0950-1 EDITION: First, 2013 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 443 PRICE: ` 295.00 IMPRINT: LP

8. A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics

Dr. R.K. Bansal

Part I : Statics 1. Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics; 2. Coplanar, Collinear and Concurrent Forces; 3. Coplanar Parallel Forces; 4. Conditions of Equilibrium; 5. Support Reactions; 6. Analysis of Perfect Frames; 7. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia; 8. Friction; 9. Lifting Machines; 10. Virtual Work; 11. Belts, Ropes and Chain Drives Part II : Dynamics 12. Kinematics of Linear Motion; 13. Kinematics of Curvilinear Motion, Circular Motion, Rotation and Translation; 14. Projectiles; Bestseller 15. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies and Laws of Motion; 16. Simple 25,000 Harmonic Motion and Mechanical Vibrations; 17. Collision of Elastic COPIES SOLD Bodies; 18. Work, Power and Energy; 19. Forces in Space; 20. Beams (Shear Forces and Bending Moment)


ISBN: 978-81-318-0409-4 EDITION: Sixth, 2013 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 781 PRICE: ` 550.00 IMPRINT: LP

New Releases

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 9. A Textbook of Strength of Materials

Dr. R.K. Bansal

1. Simple Stresses and Strains; 2. Elastic Constants; 3. Principal Stresses and Strains; 4. Strain Energy and Impact 2-Colour Loading; 5. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia; 6. Shear Force and Bending Moment; 7. Bending Stresses in Beams; Edition 8. Shear Stresses in Beams; 9. Direct and Bending Stresses; with CD 10. Dams and Retaining Walls; 11. Analysis of Perfect Frames; 12. Deflection of Beams; 13. Deflection of Cantilevers; 14. Conjugate Beam Method, Propped Cantilevers and Beams; 15. Fixed and Continuous Beams; 16. Torsion of Shafts and Bestseller Springs; 17. Thin Cylinders and Spheres; 18. Thick Cylinders 2,25,000 and Spheres; 19. Columns and Struts; 20. Riveted Joints; COPIES SOLD 21. Welded Joints; 22. Rotating Disces and Cylinders; 23. Bending of Curved Bars; 24. Theories of Failure; 25. Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre; 26. Objective Type Questions.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0814-6 EDITION: Fifth, 2012 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1160 PRICE: ` 625.00 IMPRINT: LP

10. Elements of Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

(For Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar ) Part A—Thermal Science

ISBN: 978-81-318-0222-9 EDITION: Sixth, 2012

1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics; 3. Second Law of 1′′ 1′′ SIZE: 7 × 9 Thermodynamics and Entropy; 4. Availability and Irreversibility. 4 2 Part B—Applied Mechanics PAGES: 528 5. Gas Power Cycles; 6. Internal Combustion Engines; 7. Mechanism and Simple Machines; 8. Mechanics of Solids; Additional Typical Worked Examples; PTU Question Papers—With PRICE: ` 350.00 Solutions. IMPRINT: LP

11. Engineering Mechanics

Dr. I.S. Gujral

1. System of Forces; 2. Coplanar Parallel Force Systems; 3. Centroids and Moments of Inertia; 4. Friction; 5. Trusses; 6. Virtual Work; 7. Kinematics of Rectilinear Motion; 8. Dynamics of Rectilinear Motion; 9. Dynamics of a Particle-Curvilinear Motion; 10. Centre of Gravity and Mass Moment of Inertia; 11. Curvilinear Motion and Rotation of Rigid Bodies; 12. Impact or Collision of Elastic Bodies.

ISBN: 978-93-81159-13-2 EDITION: First, 2012 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


12. Applied and Computational Fluid Mechanics

Scott Post

1. Introduction; 2. Fluid Statics; 3. Fluid Dynamics; 4. Differential Equations of Fluid Motion; ISBN: 978-93-80298-78-8 5. Internal Flow; 6. External Flow; 7. Rotating Machinery; 8. Additional Applications; 9. Fluid EDITION: First, 2012 Measurement Techniques. SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 522 PRICE: ` 450.00 IMPRINT: Firewall


New Releases

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 13. Steam Tables and Mollier Diagrams (S.I. Units)

R.K. Rajput

1. Saturated Water and Steam (Temperature) Tables; 2. Saturated Water and Steam ISBN: 81-7008-073-8 (Pressure) Tables; 3. Superheated Steam at Various Pressures and Temperatures; EDITION: New, 2012 4. Supercritical Steam; 5. Conversion Factors. SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


14. A Textbook of Applied Mechanics

R.K. Rajput

Introduction to S.I. Units and Conversion Factors

ISBN: 978-81-318-0905-1

Part I - Applied Mechanics - Theory

EDITION: Third, 2012 1. Basic Concepts; 2. Laws of Forces; 3. Moments; 4. Centre of Gravity and Centroid; 5. Moment 1 1 of Inertia; 6. Friction; 7. Rectilinear Motion; 8. Laws of Motion; 9. Work, Power and Energy; SIZE: 7 ′′ × 9 ′′ 4 2 10. Simple Machines; 11. Circular and Curvilinear Motion; 12. Simple Stresses and Strains. PAGES: 388 Part II - Experiments PRICE: ` 250.00 IMPRINT: LP

15. Introduction to Autocad® 2009 Essentials

M. Hamad

1. Introduction to AutoCAD 2009; 2. Drafting using AutoCAD 2009; 3. Setting up Your Drawing; 4. A Few Good Construction Commands; 5. Modifying Commands; 6. Dealing with Blocks; 7. Hatching; 8. Text and Tables; 9. Dimensioning Your Drawing; 10. Plotting Your Drawing; Appendices.

ISBN: 978-93-80298-36-8 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 339 PRICE: ` 350.00 IMPRINT: Firewall

16. A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics

R.S. Rajput

Unit-I: Static’s of Force System 1. Statics Unit-II: Centroid and Moment of Inertia Friction 2. Moment of Inertia; 3. Centre of Gravity and Centroid; 4. Friction Unit-III: Lifting Machine 5. Lifting Machine; 6. Power Transmission by Belt, Rope and Gears Unit-IV: Shearing Force and Bending Moment Diagram 7. Shearing Force and Bending Moment Diagram Unit-V: Virtual Work and Trusses 8. Virtual Work; 9. Trusses.

ISBN: 978-93-80856-07-0 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2



More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 17. Engineering Mechanics

Dr. I.S. Gujral

1. System of Forces; 2. Trusses; 3. Centroids and Moments of Inertia; 4. Friction; ISBN: 978-93-80856-66-7 5. Transmission of Power; 6. Lifting Machines; 7. Kinematics; 8. Shear Force and Bending EDITION: Second, 2011 Moment Diagrams; 9. Kinetics of a Particle-Rectilinear Motion; 10. Kinetics of a ParticleCurvilinear Motion; 11. Centre of Gravity and Mass Moment of Inertia; 12. Kinetics of Rigid 1′′ 1′′ Bodies; 13. Work-Energy Method; 14. Impulse-Momentum Method; 15. Collision of Elastic SIZE: 7 × 9 4 2 Bodies; 16. Virtual Work. PAGES: 841 PRICE: ` 450.00 IMPRINT: LP

18. A Textbook of Engineering Mechanics

Dr. R.K. Bansal

(For G.B. Technical University, Lucknow) Unit-I: 1. Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics; 2. Coplanar, Collinear and Concurrent Forces; 3. Coplanar Parallel Forces and Varignon’s Theorem; 4. Conditions of Equilibrium and Free Body Diagram; 5. Support Reactions; Unit-II and III: 6. Truss (or Frames); 7. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia; 8. Friction; 9. Beams (Shear Force and Bending Moment); Unit-IV: 10. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies; 11. Kinetics of Rigid Bodies; Unit-V: 12. Simple Stresses and Strains; 13. Elastic Constants; 14. Strain Energy and Impact Loading; 15. Pure Bending of Beams; 16. Torsion of Shafts.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0855-9 EDITION: Seventh, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 543 PRICE: ` 335.00 IMPRINT: LP

19. Handbook of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. J. Srinivas

1. Thermodynamics; 2. Internal Combustion Engines and Nuclear Power Plants; 3. Steam Boiler, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines; 4. Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion; 5. Heat Transfer; 6. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine; 7. Theory of Machines; 8. Machine Design; 9. Strength of Materials; 10. Metallurgy and Engineering Material; 11. Production Technology; 12. Industrial Engineering.

ISBN: 978-81-908565-0-8 EDITION: Second, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


20. Workshop Practice

R.K. Rajput

ISBN: 978-93-80856-65-0 1. Black Smithy Shop; 2. Carpentry Shop; 3. Fitting Shop; 4. Foundry Shop; 5. Welding Shop; 6. Limits, Fits and Tolerances. EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2



More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 21. A Primer on Finite Element Analysis

Anand V. Kulkarni; Venkatesh K. Havanur

1. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis; 2. Finite Element Analysis of Axially Loaded ISBN: 978-93-81159-10-1 Members; 3. Finite Element Analysis of Trusses; 4. Finite Element Analysis of Beams; EDITION: First, 2011 5. Stress Analysis of a Rectangular Plate with a Circular Hole; 6. Thermal Analysis; 7. Fluid Flow Analysis; 8. Dynamic Analysis; 9. ANSYS Workbench. 1′′ 1′′ SIZE: 7 × 9 4



22. Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics 1. Introduction and Properties of Fluid; 2. Measurement of Pressure; 3. Hydrostatic Thrusts on Submerged Surfaces; 4. Stability of Submerged and Floating Bodies; 5. Relative Equilibrium of Fluid Masses; 6. Fluid Kinematics-I; 7. Stream Function and Velocity Potential; 8. Study of Some Purely Imaginary Flow Cases; 9. Fluid Kinetics; 10. Applications of Bernoulli's Equation; 11. Applications of Navier-Stokes Equations; 12. Flow Over Immersed Bodies (Drag, Lift and Circulation); 13. Boundary Layer for Laminar and Turbulent Flow; 14. Turbulent Flow; 15. Flow Through Pipes; 16. Flow Through Orifices and Mouthpieces; 17. Flow Through Notches and Weirs; 18. Dimensional Analysis and Model Testing; 19. Flow Through Open Channels; 20. Gas Dynamics (Compressible Flow); 21. Impact of Jet; 22. Water Wheels; 23. Pumps (Centrifugal); 24. Pumps (Reciprocating) (Positive Displacement Pump); 25. Fluid System.

23. Positive Displacement Pumps

Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee ISBN: 978-93-80856-43-8 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


Dr. K.M. Srinivasan

1. Reciprocating Pump; 2. Radial Piston Pumps; 3. Axial Piston Pumps; 4. Vane Pump; 5. Gear Pumps; 6. Screw Pumps; 7. Vortex Pumps (Regenerative Pumps); 8. Injectors and Ejectors (Jet Pumps).

ISBN: 978-93-80856-68-1 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


24. Mechatronics

Ganesh S. Hegde

1. Introduction to Mechatronics; 2. Sensors and Transducers; 3. Hydraulic Systems; 4. Electrical Actuation Systems; 5. System Models; 6. Elements of Machine Tools; 7. Signal Conditioning; 8. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers.

ISBN: 978-93-80298-42-9 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 281 PRICE: ` 295.00 IMPRINT: Firewall


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 25. Engineering Thermodynamics

R.K. Rajput

1. Introduction - Outline of Some Descriptive Systems; 2. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 3. Properties of Pure Substances; 4. First Law of Thermodynamics; 5. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 6. Availability and Irreversibility; 7. Thermodynamic Relations; 8. Ideal and Real Gases; 9. Gases and Vapor Mixtures; 10. Psychrometrics; 11. Fuels and Combustion (Including Chemical Thermodynamics); 12. Vapor Power Cycles; 13. Gas Power Cycles; 14. Refrigeration Cycles; 15. Heat Transfer; 16. Compressible Flow.

ISBN: 978-93-80298-40-5 EDITION: Third, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 955 PRICE: ` 695.00 IMPRINT: Firewall

26. Thermodynamics

R.K. Rajput

(For G.B. Technical University, Lucknow) UNIT I 1. Fundamentals Concepts and Definitions and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics UNIT II & III 3. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 4. Availability and Irreversibility UNIT IV 5. Properties of Steam and Thermodynamics Cycles; 6. Introduction to Working of I.C. Engines.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0830-6 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 418 PRICE: ` 260.00 IMPRINT: LP

27. Engineering Mechanics

R.K. Bansal

(For Rajasthan Technical University, Kota) UNIT I: LAWS OF MECHANICS, FORCE SYSTEMS, SUPPORT REACTIONS AND TRUSS 1. Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics; 2. Coplanar Collinear and Concurrent Forces; 3. Coplanar Parallel Forces; 4. Conditions of Equilibrium; 5. Support Reactions; 6. Trusses UNIT II: FRICTION, BELT FRICTION AND PRINCIPLES OF VIRTUAL WORK 7. Friction; 8. Principle of Virtual Work UNIT III : CENTRE OF GRAVITY, MOMENT OF INERTIA, LIFTING MACHINES AND TRANSMISSION OF POWER 9. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia; 10. Lifting Machines; 11. Transmission of Power through Belts and Ropes UNIT IV: KINEMATICS OF PARTICLES, DYNAMICS OF PARTICLE AND RIGID BODIES 12. Kinematics of Particles; 13. Dynamics of Particle and Rigid Bodies UNIT V : WORK AND ENERGY, IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM AND VIBRATION 14. Work and Energy; 15. Impulse and Momentum; 16. Vibration.


ISBN: 978-81-318-0825-2 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 539 PRICE: ` 295.00 IMPRINT: LP

More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 28. Strength of Materials

Dr. R.K. Bansal

(For U.P.Technical University, Lucknow) UNIT I: Compound Stress and Strains 1. Compound Stress and Strains; 2. 3-D Stresses, Theory of Failure, Castigliano's Theorem and Impact Load UNIT II: Stresses, Deflection and Torsion 3. Stresses in Beams: (A) Bending Stresses; (B) Shear Stresses; 4. Deflection of Beams: (A) Deflection of Simply Supported Beam; (B) Deflection of Cantilever; (C) Fixed and Continuous Beams; 5. Torsion UNIT-III 6. Helical and Leaf Springs; 7. Columns and Struts: (A) Combined Bending and Direct Stresses; (B) Columns and Struts UNIT-IV 8. Thin Cylinders and Spheres; 9. Thick Cylinders UNIT-V 10. Curved Beams; 11. Unsymmetrical Bending; Examination Paper with Solutions.

29. Machine Tools

ISBN: 978-81-318-0891-7 EDITION: First, 2011 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 646 PRICE: ` 395.00 IMPRINT: LP

Dr. R. Kesavan, B. Vijaya Ramnath

Unit-1: Elementary Treatment of Metal Cutting Theory; Unit-2: Engine Lathe and Special Purpose Lathe; Unit-3: Reciprocating Machines—Shaping, Slotting and Planning Machine Unit-4: Hole Making Processes—Drilling, Boring; Unit-5: Milling Machine; Unit-6: Abrasive Process (Grinding); Unit-7: Broaching Machine; Unit-8: Jigs, Fixtures and Uses.

ISBN: 978-81-908565-8-4 EDITION: First, 2010 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


30. A Textbook of Engineering Thermodynamics

R.K. Rajput

Introduction to SI Units and Conversion Factors 1. Introduction—Outline of Some Descriptive Systems; 2. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 3. Properties of Pure Substances; 4. First Law of Thermodynamics; 5. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 6. Availability and Irreversibility; 7. Thermodynamics Relations; 8. Ideal and Real Gases; 9. Gases and Vapour Mixtures ; 10. Psychrometrics; 11. Fuels and Combustion; 12. Vapour Power Cycles; 13. Gas Power Cycles; 14. Refrigeration Cycles; 15. Heat Transfer; 16. Compressible Flow.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0058-4 EDITION: Fourth, 2010 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 922 PRICE: ` 595.00 IMPRINT: LP

31. A Textbook of Theory of Machines

Dr. R.K. Bansal, Dr. J.S. Brar

1. Introduction; 2. Motion of Inertia; 3. Velocity of Points in Mechanism (A) Instantaneous Centre Method, (B) Relative Velocity Method; 4. Acceleration in Mechanism; 5. Mechanism with Lower Pairs ; 6. Friction; 7. Belts, Ropes and Chain Drives; 8. Brakes and Dynamometers; 9. Gears; 10. Gear Trains; 11. Inertia Forces in Reciprocating Parts; 12. Turning Moment Diagrams; 13. Balancing of Rotating Masses; 14. Balancing of Reciprocating Masses; 15. Governors; 16. Vibrations (Longitudinal and Transverse); 17. Torsional Vibrations; 18. Cams; 19. ComputerAided Analysis of Mechanisms; 20. Synthesis of Mechanism; 21. Gyroscopic Effects and Gyroscope.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0805-4 EDITION: Fifth, 2010 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1091 PRICE: ` 675.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 32. A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

Dr. R.K. Bansal

1. Properties of Fluids; 2. Pressure and Its Measurement; 3. Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces; 4. Buoyancy and Floatation; 5. Kinematics of Flow and Ideal Flow; 6. Dynamics of Fluid Flow; 7. Orifices and Mouthpieces; 8. Notches and Weirs; 9. Viscous Flow; 10. Turbulent Flow; 11. Flow Through Pipes; 12. Dimensional and Model Analysis; 13. Boundary Layer Flow; 14. Forces on Submerged Bodies; Bestseller 15. Compressible Flow; 16. Flow in Open Channels; 17. Impact 6,25,000 of Jets and Jet Propulsion; 18. Hydraulic Machines—Turbines; COPIES SOLD 19. Centrifugal Pumps ; 20. Reciprocating Pumps; 21. Fluid System.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0815-3 EDITION: Ninth, 2010 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1130 PRICE: ` 550.00 IMPRINT: LP

33. Basics of Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

(For M.D.U. Haryana) SECTION A 1. Introduction to Machine Tool to Commonly Used Machine Tools in a Workshop; 2. Basic Concepts of First Law, Second Law and Third Law of Thermodynamics; 3. Properties of Steam and Steam Generator SECTION B 1. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning; 2. Hydraulic Turbines, Pumps and Hydraulic Devices SECTION C 1. Power Transmission Methods and Devices; 2. Clutches, Brakes and Dynamometers; 3. Stresses and Strains SECTION D 1. NC and CNC Systems.

34. Road Vehicles–Diagnostic Communication

ISBN: 978-93-80386-01-0 EDITION: First, 2010 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


Christoph Marscholik; Peter Subke

1. Electronics in Road Vehicles; 2. Data Communication; 3. In-vehicle Networks; 4. Diagnostic Protocols; 5. Unified Diagnostic Services; 6. Communication Systems; 7. Databases; 8. Applications.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0734-7 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


35. Engineering Drawing

Prof. (Dr.) K.S. Yadav

1. Introduction; 2. Various Types of Projections; 3. Projection of Points; 4. Projections of Lines; 5. Projections of Planes; 6. Projections of Solids; 7. Sections of Solids; 8. Development of Surfaces; 9. Isometric Projection; 10. Scales; 11. Screw Threads and Fasteners; 12. Rivets and Riveted Joints; 13. Welded Joints, Pipes and Pipe Joints; 14. Shaft Couplings; 15. Pins and Cotter, Kunckle and Cotter Joints; 16. Bearings; 17. Keys and Cotters; 18. Pulleys and Fly Wheel.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0736-1 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2



More Titles


36. Automobile Engineering

Sudhir Kumar Saxena

1. Introduction; 2. Internal Combustion Engines; 3. Fuel Injection Systems; 4. Multicylinder Internal Combustion Engines; 5. Performance of Internal Combustion Engines; 6. Cooling and Lubrication; 7. Engine in Fuels; 8. Transmission System; 9. The Clutch; 10. Gear Box; 11. Propeller Shaft, Differential and Axle; 12. Wheels; 13. Brakes; 14. Antilock Brake System; 15. Steering System; 16. Suspension System; 17. Ignition System; 18. Electrical and Electronics Systems; 19. Battery and Charging System; 20. Starting System; 21. Lighting System, Electrical Instruments and Accessories; 22. The Carriage Unit; 23. Passenger Comfort; 24. Safety and Security; 25. Automobile Emission Control; 26. Hybrid Cars; 27. The Motor Vehicle Act.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0709-5 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


37. Engineering Mechanics Practical

Prof. A.K. Sharma

Part 1. Experiments on “Sample Lifting Machines”; Part 2. Experiments on “Equilibrium of Force Systems”; Part 3. Experiments on “Friction and Inertia”; Part 4. Graphical Methods in Engineering Mechanics.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0773-6 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


38. Reliability, Maintenance and Safety Engineering 1. Reliability and its Management. 2. Reliability Mathematics. 3. Failure Statistics, Reliability and Hazard Rates. 4. Markov Chains. 5. Reliability Prediction and Analysis. 6. Reliability Design. 7. Reliability Testing. 8. Reliability Computation and Expert Systems. 9. Software Reliability. 10. Terotechnology: An Overview. 11. Maintenance Management. 12. Maintainability and Availability. 13. Condition Based Maintenance. 14. Management of Spare Parts. 15. Life Cycle Costing. 16. Safety and Human Factors in Maintainability.

Dr. A.K. Gupta ISBN: 978-81-318-0521-3 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


39. Applied Thermodynamics

R.K. Rajput

0. Introduction to Thermodynamics—Definitions and Formulae. 1. Properties of Steam and Steam Generators; 2. Basic Steam Power Cycles; 3. Reciprocating Steam Engine; 4. Compound Steam Engines; 5. Steam Nozzles; 6. Steam Turbines; 7. Steam Condensers; 8. Gas Power Cycles; 9. Internal Combustion Engines; 10. Air Compressors; 11. Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0583-1 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 994 PRICE: ` 595.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 40. Theory and Applications of Mechanical Sciences (Part-1) SECTION A: STATICS 1. Introduction to Statics; 2. Introduction to Vector Algebra; 3. Two and Three Dimensional Force Systems; 4. Concept of Equilibrium of Rigid Body; 5. Friction; 6. Distributed Forces (Centroid, Centre of Gravity and Centre of Mass); 7. Moment of Inertia of Plane Figures (Second Moment of Area); 8. Mass Moments of Inertia (Second Moment of Mass); 9. Virtual Work. SECTION B: DYNAMICS 1. Kinematics of Particles (Rectilinear Plane Motion); 2. Plane Curvilinear Motion of Particles; 3. Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies; 4. Combined Motion of Translation and Rotation (General Plane, Motion); 5. Kinetics of Particles; 6. Work and Energy; 7. Principles of Linear Impulse and Momentum; 8. Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies. SECTION C: STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 1. Simple Stress; 2. Simple Strain; 3. Statically Indeterminate System and Thermal Stress.

41. Theory and Applications of Mechanical Sciences (Part-2)

Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee ISBN: 978-81-318-0539-8 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee

SECTION A: BASIC THERMODYNAMICS 1. Introduction; 2. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Temperature; 3. Heat and Work; 4. First Law of Thermodynamics (Control Mass/Closed System); 5. First Law of Thermodynamics (Control Volume/Open System); 6. Second Law of Thermodynamics; 7. Carnot Cycle; 8. Clausius Inequality, Entropy and Irreversibility; 9. Properties of Gases (Real and Ideal); 10. Air Standard Cycles; 11. Properties of Pure Substances; 12. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0515-2

SECTION B: BASIC FLUID MECHANICS 1. Properties of Fluids; 2. Fluid Statics; 3. Measurement of Pressure; 4. Fluid Kinematics; 5. Dynamics of Ideal Fluids.

PRICE: ` 140.00

42. Theory and Applications of Operations Research

EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 244


Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee

1. Introduction to Operation Research; 2. Linear Programming (L.P.); 3. Simplex Method; ISBN: 978-81-318-0511-4 4. Transportation Model; 5. Assignment Model; 6. Advanced Topics in Linear Programming; EDITION: First, 2009 7. Dual Simplex Method and Sensitivity Analysis; 8. Project Management (PERT and CPM); 9. Decision Analysis; 10. Game Theory; 11. Queuing Theory; 12. Simulation; 13. Markow 1′′ 1′′ SIZE: 7 × 9 Chains. 4 2 PAGES: 208 PRICE: ` 120.00 IMPRINT: USP

43. Engineering Mechanics

Dr. R.K. Bansal

(For Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal ) Unit I : Statics of Force Systems 1. Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics; 2. Coplanar Collinear and Concurrent Forces; 3. Coplanar Parallel Forces; 4. Conditions of Quilibrium; 5. Support Reactions Unit II : Centroid, Moment of Inertia and Friction 6. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia; 7. Friction; Unit III : Transmission of Power 8. Transmission of Power by Belts, Ropes and Gears; 9. Lifting Machines Unit IV : Shear Force and Bending Moment 10. Shear Force and Bending Moment; Unit V : Virtual Work and Trusses 11. Virtual Work; 12. Trusses


ISBN: 978-81-318-0653-1 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 514 PRICE: ` 250.00 IMPRINT: LP

More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 44. Manufacturing Processes

R.K. Rajput

(For U.P. Technical University, Lucknow)

ISBN: 978-81-318-0693-7

Unit-I : Basic Metals and Alloys : Properties and Applications 1. Properties of Materials; 2. Ferrous Materials; 3. Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys

EDITION: First, 2009

Unit-II : Introduction to Metal Forming and Casting Processes and their Applications 4. Metal Forming; 5. Casting


Unit-III : Introduction to Machining and Welding and their Applications 6. Machining; 7. Welding Unit-IV : Miscellaneous Topics 8. Manufacturing; 9. Non-Metallic Materials; 10. Miscellaneous Processes

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


45. Elements of Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

(For Gujarat Technological University) 1. Introduction; 2. Fuels and Combustion; 3. Properties of Gases; 4. Properties of Steam; 5. Heat Engines; 6. Steam Boilers; 7. Internal Combustion Engines; 8. Speed Control of I.C. Engines; 9. Pumps; 10. Air Compressors; 11. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning; 12. Couplings, Clutches and Brakes; 13. Transmission of Motion and Power; 14. Important Engineering Materials.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0767-5 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 527 PRICE: ` 195.00 IMPRINT: LP

46. Project Management

Prof. Abdul Matheen

(For Visveswaraiah Technological University, Karnataka)

ISBN: 978-81-318-0694-4

1. Concept of Project Management; 2. Project Planning and Estimation; 3. Organising and Staffing EDITION: Second, 2009 The Project Team; 4. Project Scheduling; 5. Tools and Techniques of Project Management; 6. Co-ordination and Control; 7. Performance Measures in Project Management; 8. Case Studies SIZE: 7 1′′ × 9 1′′ 4 2 on Project Management; 9. Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP); 10. Network Analysis. PAGES: 279 PRICE: ` 165.00 IMPRINT: USP

47. Workshop Technology (Manufacturing Processes) 1. Introduction; 2. Plant and Shop Layout; 3. Industrial Safety; 4. Fundamentals of Metals and Alloys; 5. Properties of Engineering Materials; 6. Testing and Inspection of Metals; 7. Ferrous Metals and Alloys; 8. Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys; 9. Heat Treatment of Metal and Alloys; 10. Bench Work and Fitting; 11. Smithy and Forging; 12. Sheet Metal Work; 13. Wood and Wood Working (Carpentry); 14. Pattern Making; 15. Foundry Tools and Equipments; 16. Moulding and Core Making; 17. Special Casting Methods; 18. Casting Defects, Cleaning and Inspection; 19. Welding : A Fabrication Process; 20. Gas Welding; 21. ARC Welding; 22. Resistance Welding; 23. Solid State Welding; 24. Thermo Chemical Welding; 25. Radiant Energy Welding; 26. Brazing, Braze Welding and Soldering; 27. Welding Defects; 28. Mechanical Working of Metals; 29. Machine Tools (Introduction); 30. Plastics.

S.K. Garg ISBN: 978-81-318-0697-5 EDITION: Third, 2009 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2



More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 48. Industrial Engineering

N.J. Manek

1. Industrial Engineering and Scientific Management; 2. Production, Productivity and the Standard of Living; 3. Work Study and Human Factors; 4. Working Environment and Safety; 5. Plant Layout and Materials Handling; 6. Work Simplification; 7. Movement of Workers in the Plant; 8. Movements at the Work Place; 9. Work Measurement; 10. Time Study Techniques; 11. Incentives; 12. Statistical Quality Control.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0472-8 EDITION: First, 2008 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


49. A Textbook of Engineering Material and Metallurgy

Er. Amandeep Singh Wadhwa, Er. Harvinder Singh Dhaliwal

SECTION A 1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding; 2. Crystal Structure; 3. Solidification/Crystallization; 4. Deformation of Metals; 5. Imperfections/Defects in Crystal.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0357-8

SECTION B 1. Engineering Materials; 2. Ferrous and Non-ferrous Materials; 3. Properties of Engineering Materials; 4. Testing of Materials; 5. Equilibrium Phase Diagrams; 6. Iron Carbon System.

1 1 SIZE: 7 ′′ × 9 ′′

SECTION C 1. Heat Treatment Processes for Steels; 2. Thermochemical Treatment of Steels; 3. Surface Hardening; 4. Possible Defects, Causes and Remedies in Heat Treatment; 5. Hardenability; 6. Quenchants; 7. Effect of Alloying Element on Steels.

50. Mechatronics

EDITION: First, 2008




Ganesh S. Hegde

1. Introduction to Mechatronics; 2. Sensors and Transducers; 3. Hydraulic System; 4. Electrical Actuation Systems; 5. System Models; 6. Elements of Machine Tools; 7. Signal Conditioning; 8. Microprocessor and Microcontrollers; Question Bank.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0351-6 EDITION: First, 2008 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


51. Materials Management

Dr. A.K. Singh

1. Introduction; 2. Inventory; 3. Forecasting; 4. Purchase Organization; 5. Stores Management; 6. Problems and Solutions. Time and Motion Study 7. Industrial Engineering; 8. Time and Motion Study Practicals.

ISBN: 978-93-80386-62-1 EDITION: First, 2008 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2



More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 52. A Textbook on Industrial Robotics

Ganesh S. Hegde

1. Introduction to Robotics; 2. Structure of Robotic System; 3. Robot Motion Analysis; 4. Robot ISBN: 978-81-318-0518-3 Arm Statics and Dynamics; 5. Robot Control System; 6. Trajectory Planning; 7. Robot Sensors EDITION: Second, 2008 and Vision; 8. Robot Programming. SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


53. A Textbook of Power Plant Engineering

R.K. Rajput

1. Introduction; 2. Power Plant Cycles; 3. Steam Power Plant; 4. Diesel Engine Power Plant; 5. Gas Turbine Power Plants; 6. Hydroelectric Power Plant; 7. Nuclear Power Plant; 8. Combined Operation of Different Power Plants; 9. Economics of Power Generation; 10. NonConventional Power Generation and Direct Energy Conversion; 11. Plant Instrumentation; 12. Major Electrical Equipment in Power Plants; 13. Pollution and its Control.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0255-7


EDITION: Fourth, 2008




1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1083 PRICE: ` 675.00 IMPRINT: LP

54. Basic Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

(For MGU, Kerala) Module -1 1. Basic Concept of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics ; 3. Gas Power Cycles; Module-2 4. Internal Combustion Engines; 5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning; Module-3 6. Power Transmission; Module-4 7. Power Plants, Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Hydraulic and Steam Turbines; Module-5 8. Machine Tools; 9. Manufacturing Processes.

55. Engineering Mechanics

ISBN: 978-93-80386-36-2 EDITION: First, 2008 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


Dr. R.K. Bansal

(Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala) ISBN: 978-81-318-0309-7 1. Forces in Plane, Equilibrium Conditions and Support Reactions; 2. Centre of Gravity, Moment of Inertia and Friction; 3. Truss and Simple Stress Strain; 4. Kinematics of Particles; 5. Kinetics EDITION: First, 2008 of Particles. 1′′ 1′′ SIZE: 7 × 9 4


PAGES: 520 PRICE: ` 170.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 56. Basic Mechanical Engineering

R. K. Rajput

(For Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal) Unit I: Materials 1. Engineering Materials and their Testing. Unit II: Fluids 2. Basic Concepts of Fluid and Fluid Machines. Unit III: Measurement 3. Measurement of Temperature, Pressure, Flow etc.; 4. Measuring Tools; 5. Machine Tools. Unit IV: Thermodynamics 6. First Law of Thermodynamics; 7. Second Law of Thermodynamics; 8. Boilers; 9. Steam and its Properties; 10. Refrigeration Cycles. Unit V: Reciprocating Machines 11. Steam Engines; 12. Gas Power Cycles; 13. Internal Combustion Engines; Laboratory Experiments.

ISBN: 978-93-81159-52-1 EDITION: Third, 2008 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


57. Robot Modeling and Kinematics

Rachid Manseur

1. Introduction; 2. Object Location; 3. Robot Modeling; 4. Forward Kinematics; 5. Inverse Kinematics; 6. Kinematics of 4-Joint Robot Arms; 7. Kinematics of Five-Joint Robots; 8. Kinematics of Six-Joint Robot Arms; 9. The Jacobian and Velocity Kinematics; 10. Robot Singularities and Redundant Arms; Appendix A: About the CD-ROM; Appendix B: VRML and 3D Visualization; Appendix C: Mathematics Review; Appendix D: Trigonometric Equations.

ISBN: 81-318-0077-6 EDITION: First, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 368 PRICE: ` 295.00 IMPRINT: Firewall

58. Aspects of Materials Handling

Dr. K. C. Arora, Vikas V. Shinde

ISBN: 978-93-81159-26-2 1. Introduction to Materials Handling; 2. Material Handling Equipments; 3. Principles of Materials Handling Equipments; 4. Selection of Material Handling Equipment; 5. Materials Handling and EDITION: First, 2007 Role of Management; 6. Economics of Material Handling; 7. Cranes Used for Material Handling; 8. Conveyors; 9. Lifts and Elevators; 10. Industrial Trucks; 11. Pallets and Containers; 12. Aerial 1′′ 1′′ Cableways and Tramways; 13. Sorting Systems; 14. Storage Systems; 15. Miscellaneous SIZE: 7 4 × 9 2 Equipments; 16. Maintenance of Material Handling Equipments; 17. Robots in Material Handling; 18. Manual Handling; 19. Safety in Handling; 20. Design of MH Equipments. PAGES: 327 PRICE: ` 350.00 IMPRINT: USP

59. A Textbook of Internal Combustion Engines 1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines; 3. Air Standard Cycles; 4. Fuel-Air and Actual Cycles; 5. Combustion in S. I. Engines; 6. Combustion in C. I. Engines; 7. Air Capacity of Four Strock Engines; 8. Two Stroke Engines; 9. Chemical Thermodynamics and Fuels (Conventional and Alternative); 10. Fuel/Air Mixture Requirements; 11. Carburetion and Carburettors; 12. Fuel Injection Systems for C.I. Engines; 13. Ignition Systems (S.I. Engines); 14. Engine Friction and Lubrication; 15. Engine Cooling; 16. Supercharging of I.C. Engines; 17. Testing and Performance of I.C. Engines; 18. Air Pollution from I. C. Engines and Its Control; 19. Miscellenous Engines; 20. Air Compressors; 21. Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion.

R. K. Rajput ISBN: 81-318-0066-0 EDITION: Second, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1027 PRICE: ` 625.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 60. A Textbook of Manufacturing Technology (Manufacturing Processes) 1. Concept of Manufacturing; 2. Casting Processes; 3. Metal Forming Processes; 4. Powder Metallurgy; 5. Processing of Plastics; 6. Ceramic and Composite Materials—Their Structure, Properties and Processing; 7. Welding and Allied Processes; 8. Metal Cutting; 9. Machine Tools and Machining Processes; 10. Thread Manufacturing; 11. Gear Manufacturing; 12. Unconventional Machining Processes; 13. Machine Tools Testing; 14. Numerical Control of Machine Tools and CAD/CAM; 15. Automatic Machines; 16. Jigs and Fixtures; 17. Metrology; 18. Economics of Machining and Manufacturing. RECENT TRENDS IN MANUFACTURING 19. Need for Integration of Design and Manufacturing; 20. Elements of Integrations; 21. Product and Process Design for Integration; 22. Computer Aided Process Planning; 23. Group Technology ADDITIONAL TOPICS 24. Inspection and Quality Control; 25. Maintenance Management, Work Study and MIS.

61. Theory and Applications of Mechanical Vibrations 1. Fundamentals of Vibrations; 2. Free Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom System; 3. Damped Free Vibrations (Single Degree of Freedom Systems); 4. Harmonically Excited Vibrations; 5. Rotor Unbalance; 6. Two Degree of Freedom Systems; 7. Co-ordinate Coupling; 8. Multidegree of Freedom Systems; 9. Vibrations of Continuous System; 10. Transient Vibrations; 11. Non-Linear Vibrations; 12. Lagrange’s Equations.

R. K. Rajput ISBN: 978-81-318-0244-1 EDITION: First, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 947 PRICE: ` 650.00 IMPRINT: LP

Dilip Kumar Adhwarjee ISBN: 978-81-318-0657-9 EDITION: First, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


62. A Textbook of Automobile Engineering

R.K. Rajput

1. Introduction; 2. Power Unit-Automobile Engineers; 3. Fuel Supply System; 4. Engine Friction and Lubrication Systems; 5. Cooling Systems; 6. Chassis and Suspension; 7. Transmission System; 8. Steering and Front Axle; 9. Braking System; 10. Automotive Electrical System; 11. Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Automobile; 12. Miscellany.

ISBN: 81-7008-991-3 EDITION: First, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 960 PRICE: ` 625.00 IMPRINT: LP

63. Solid and Fluid Mechanics

Dr. R. K. Bansal

1. Equilibrium, Stress, Strain and Deformation of Solids; 2. Bending of Beams and Torsion; 3. Fluid Concepts, Kinematics and Dynamics; 4. Incompressible Fluid Flow; 5. Hydraulic Turbines and Pumps.

ISBN: 81-318-0095-4 EDITION: Second, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 810 PRICE: ` 325.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 64. Heat Transfer Laboratory Manual

Prof. Abdul Matheen

(For Visveswaraiah Technological University, Karnataka)

ISBN: 978-81-318-0620-3

1. Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod (Copper); 2. Composite Wall Apparatus; 3. Heat Transfer Through Pin Fin Apparatus; 4. Free or Natural Convection; 5. Forced Convection; 6. Emissivity Measurement; 7. Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus; 8. Parallel Flow and Counter Flow Heat Exchanger; 9. Boiling and Condensation; 10. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Test Rig; 11. Air Conditioning Test Rig; 12. Transient Heat Conduction.

EDITION: Second, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


65. Computer Aided Manufacturing

C. Elanchezhian, T. Sunder Selwyn, G. Shanmuga Sundar

1. Cad/Cam Interface; 2. Fundamentals of CNC Machines; 3. Constructional Features of CNC Machines; 4. Part Programming for CNC Machines; 5. Production Planning and Control.

ISBN: 978-93-80386-33-1 EDITION: Second, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


66. Basic Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

(For Swami Vivekanand University, Chhattisgarh) Unit I 1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics Unit II 3. Second Law of Thermodynamics; 4. Ideal and Real Gases; 5. Gas Power Cycles; 6. Refrigeration Cycles Unit III 7. Properties of Pure Substances; 8. Basic Steam Power Cycles; 9. Steam Generators; 10. Boiler Mountings and Accessories; 11. Draught; 12. Performance of Steam Generators Unit IV 13. Soldering, Brazing and Welding; 14. Machining Processes and Machine Tools Unit V 15. Simple Stresses and Strains; 16. Principal Stresses.

67. Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer

ISBN: 978-81-318-0359-2 EDITION: Fourth, 2007 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 717 PRICE: ` 395.00 IMPRINT: LP

Mahesh M. Rathore

1. Concepts and Mechanism of Heat Flow; 2. Conduction Basic Equations; 3. Steady State Conduction without Heat Generation; 4. Steady State Conduction with Heat Generation; 5. Heat Transfer From Extended Surfaces; 6. Transient Heat Conduction; 7. Principles of Convection; 8. External Flow; 9. Internal Flow; 10. Natural Convection; 11. Condensation and Boiling 12. Thermal Radiation: Properties and Processes; 13. Radiation Exchange between Surfaces; 14. Heat Exchangers; 15. Mass Transfer; 16. Experiments in Engineering Heat Transfer.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0613-5 EDITION: Second, 2006 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1152 PRICE: ` 625.00 IMPRINT: USP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 68. Manufacturing Technology - I

C. Elanchezhian, B. Vijaya Ramnath

1. Metal Casting Processes; 2. Fabrication Processes; 3. Bulk Deformation Processes; 4. Sheet Metal Forming Process; 5. Forming and Shaping of Plastics.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0679-1 EDITION: Second, 2006 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


69. Manufacturing Technology - II

Dr. R. Kesavan, B. Vijaya Ramnath

1. Theory of Metal Cutting; 2. Centre Lathe and Special Purpose Lathe; 3. Reciprocating Machine; ISBN: 978-81-318-0699-9 4. Milling Machine; 5. Hole Making Processes, Drilling, Boring, Reaming, Topping; 6. Abrasive EDITION: First, 2006 Process (Grinding); 7. Sawing Machine; 8. Broaching Machine; 9. CNC Machine Tools and Part 1′′ 1′′ Programming. SIZE: 7 × 9 4



70. Basic Mechanical Engineering

Mohan Sen

(For Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal ) 1. Materials of Construction; 2. Foundry Practice; 3. Measurement and Measuring Tools; 4. Welding Practice; 5. Machine Tools; 6. Basics Concepts and Important Definitions used in Thermodynamics; 7. Properties of Steam; 8. Boilers; 9. Steam Engine; 10. Internal Combustion Engines.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0748-4 EDITION: First, 2006 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2


71. A Textbook of Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Dr. J.T. Winowlin Jappes, A. Alavudeen, N. Venkateshwaran 1. Crystal Structure; 2. Iron Carbon Equilibrium Diagram; 3. Heat Treatment; 4. Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals; 5. Mechanical Properties and Testing; 6. Non Metallic Materials; 7. Hardenability and Testing; 8. Isothermal Transformation and Critical Cooling Transformation.

ISBN: 978-93-80386-98-0 EDITION: First, 2006 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2



More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 72. Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

ISBN: 978-81-318-0851-1 Part A: Thermodynamics 1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics; 3. Second Law of EDITION: First, 2006 Thermodynamics and Entropy; 4. Ideal and Real Gases; 5. Properties of Steam; 6. Gas Power 1′′ 1′′ Cycles; 7. Internal Combustion Engines SIZE: 7 × 9 4 2 Part B: Strength of Materials 8. Simple Stresses and Strains; 9. Principal Stresses and Strains; 10. Bending Stresses; PAGES: 664 11. Torsion of Circular Shafts. PRICE: ` 350.00 IMPRINT: LP

73. Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

(For Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun) Part A: Thermodynamics 1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics; 3. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 4. Ideal and Real Gases; 5. Properties of Steam; 6. Gas Power Cycles; 7. Internal Combustion Engines. Part B: Mechanics and Strength of Materials 8. Basic Concepts of Mechanics and Force Systems; 9. Friction; 10. Bending Moments and Shearing Forces; 11. Analysis of Trusses; 12. Simple Stresses and Strains; 13. Principle Stresses and Strains; 14. Bending Stresses; 15. Torsion of Circular Shafts.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0827-6 EDITION: Fourth, 2006 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 678 PRICE: ` 195.00 IMPRINT: LP

74. Autocad 2005 for Engineers

Ionel Simion

1. AutoCAD Basics; 2. Organizing a Work Session in AutoCAD; 3. Techniques for Working in AutoCAD; 4. Creating Two-Dimensional Drawings in AutoCAD; 5. Three-Dimensional Projections in AutoCAD; 6. Solid Modeling in AutoCAD; 7. Generating Views for Solid Models.

ISBN: 81-7008-802-X EDITION: 2006 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 271 PRICE: ` 210.00 IMPRINT: Firewall

75. Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

Introduction to S. I. Unit and Conversion Factors Part A : Thermodynamics 1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics; 3. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 4. Ideal and Real Gases; 5. Properties of Steam; 6. Gas Power Cycles; 7. Internal Combustion Engines Part B : Mechanics and Strength of Materials 8. Basic Concepts of Mechanics and Force Systems; 9. Friction; 10. Bending Moments and Shearing Forces; 11. Analysis of Trusses; 12. Simple Stresses and Strains; 13. Principal Stresses and Strains; 14. Bending Stresses; 15. Torsion of Circular Shafts.

ISBN: 81-7008-955-7 EDITION: Fourth, 2006 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 678 PRICE: ` 250.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 76. A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics

Dr. R.K. Bansal

1. Properties of Fluids; 2. Pressure and its Measurement; 3. Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Surfaces; 4. Buoyancy and Floatation; 5. Fluid Kinematics; 6. Dimensional Analysis; 7. Fluid Dynamics; 8. Fluid Flow Measurements; 9. Flow Through Pipes; 10. Viscous Flow; 11. Flow Past Immersed Bodies; 12. Compressible Flow.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0294-6 EDITION: First, 2005 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 501 PRICE: ` 325.00 IMPRINT: LP

77. Elements of Mechanical Engineering

R.K. Rajput

(For GJU and KU, Haryana) Unit I 1. Properties of Steam; 2. Boilers; 3. Steam Turbines; 4. Steam Condenser

ISBN: 978-81-318-0602-9 EDITION: First, 2005

Unit II 1′′ 1′′ 5. Internal Combustion Engines; 6. Gas Power Cycle; 7. Gas Turbines; 8. Hydraulic Turbines, SIZE: 7 × 9 4 2 Pumps and Hydraulic Devices Unit III PAGES: 617 9. Simple Lifting Machines; 10. Transmission of Power; 11. Clutches, Brakes and Dynamometers PRICE: ` 350.00 Unit IV 12. Simple Stresses and Strains; 13. Principal Stresses and Strains; 14. Bending Moments and IMPRINT: LP Shearing Forces.

78. Comprehensive Engineering Thermodynamics

R. K. Rajput

(Swami Vivekanand University, Chhattisgarh) 1. Fundamentals and Definitions; 2. Properties of Pure Substances; 3. First Law of Thermodynamics; 4. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 5. Availability and Irreversibility; 6. Thermodynamics Relations; 7. Ideal and Real Gases; 8. Gases and Vapour Mixtures.

ISBN: 81-7008-641-8 EDITION: Second, 2005 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 426 PRICE: ` 145.00 IMPRINT: LP

79. Mechanics of Solids

Dr. R. K. Bansal, Sanjay Bansal

1. Deformation of Solids; 2. Bending of Beams; 3. Strength of Beams and Columns; 4. Shafts and Springs; 5. Plane Trusses.

ISBN: 81-7008-737-6 EDITION: First, 2005 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 367 PRICE: ` 200.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 80. Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials

Dr. R. K. Bansal

Part I - Engineering Mechanics

ISBN: 81-318-0122-5

1. Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics; 2. Coplanar, Collinear and Concurrent Forces; 3. Coplanar and Parallel Forces; 4. Conditions of Equilibrium; 5. Support Reactions; 6. Analysis of Perfect Frames; 7. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia; 8. Friction; 9. Lifting Machines; 10. Virtual Work; 11. Linear Motion, Circular motion and Projectiles; 12. Laws of Motion and Simple Harmonic Motion; 13. Work, Power and Energy.

EDITION: First, 2004

Part II - Strength of Materials 14. Simple Stresses and Strains; 15. Elastic Constants; 16. Principal Stresses and Strains; 17. Strain Energy and Impact Loading; 18. Shear Force and Bending Moment; 19. Deflection of Beams; 20. Deflection of Cantilevers; 21. Torsion of Shafts and Springs; 22. Thin Cyllinders and Sheres; 23. Columns and Struts; 24. Riveted Joints.


PAGES: 882 PRICE: ` 435.00 IMPRINT: LP

81. Production and Operations Management 1. Introduction to Production & Operations Management; 2. System; 3. Product Engineering; 4. Process Planning; 5. Capacity Planning; 6. Location of Facilities; 7. Facilities Planning/ Layout; 8. Work System Design; 9. Work Study; 10. Materials Handling; 11. Ergonomics (Human Factor Engineering); 12. Forecasting; 13. Production Manufacturing Systems; 14. Production Planning and Control; 15. Project Planning by Network; 16. Evaluating Investment Alternatives; 17. Maintenance; 18. Service Industries (Systems); 19. Just in Time; 20. Make or Buy Decision; 21. Materials Management; 22. Purchase Management; 23. Inventory Control; 24. Probability; 25. Inventory Models with Probabilistic Demand; 26. Stores Management; 27. Waste Management; 28. Assembly Line Balancing (1954); 29. Line of Balance Techniques for Production Control; 30. Spare Parts; 31. Production Scheduling; 32. Sequencing; 33. BreakEven Analysis/Chart; 34. Costing; 35. Linear Programming; 36. Materials Requirement & Manufacturing Resource Planning; 37. Queueing/Waiting Line Theory; 38. Maintainability; 39. Learning Curves; 40. Selection of Vendors; 41. Standardization; 42. Supply Chain Management & ERP; 43. Agile and Virtual Manufacturing for Mass Customerization; 44. Mechanatronics; 45. Simulation; 46. Logistics; 47. Synchronous Production and Theory of Constraints; 48. Value Added/Directed Management; 49. Strategic Management; 50. Total Cost Management; 51. Assignment Problem; 52. Introduction to ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management; 53. Managing Information for Production System; Examination Papers.

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

Dr. K.C. Arora ISBN: 978-81-908565-1-5 EDITION: First, 2004 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 1399 PRICE: ` 595.00 IMPRINT: USP

82. Comprehensive Manufacturing Practice

R.K. Rajput

(For Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar )

ISBN: 81-7008-400-8

0. Introduction; 1. Carpentry and Pattern Making Shop; 2. Foundry Shop; 3. Forging Practice; 4. Machine Shop; 5. Welding Shop; 6. Electrical and Electronic Shop; 7. Sheet Metal Shop; 8. Bench Work and Fitting Shop; Additional Objective Type Questions.

EDITION: First, 2003 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 376 PRICE: ` 145.00 IMPRINT: LP


More Titles

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 83. Thermal Science and Engineering

R.K. Rajput

1. Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics; 2. First Law of Thermodynamics; 3. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy; 4. Availability and Irreversibility; 5. Ideal and Real Gases; 6. Gas Power Cycles; 7. Properties of Steam; 8. Basic Steam Power Cycles; 9. Internal Combustion Engines.

ISBN: 81-318-0129-2 EDITION: First, 2002 SIZE: 7

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PAGES: 526 PRICE: ` 325.00 IMPRINT: LP

84. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines (A Lab Manual) 1. Introduction; 2. Fundamental Principles of Flow; 3. Flow Through Pipes; 4. Flow Measurements; 5. Velocity Measurements; 6. Hydraulic Machines; 7. Miscellaneous.

T.S. Desmukh ISBN: 978-93-80386-07-2 EDITION: First, 2001 SIZE: 7

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85. Mechanical Engineering

Dr. R.K. Bansal

(Objective Type) (With Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) (Including Brief Theory) 1. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines; 2. Engineering Mechanics; 3. Thermodynamics; 4. Internal Combustion Engines and Nuclear Power Plants; 5. Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines; 6. Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines; 7. Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning; 8. Strength of Materials; 9. Theory of Machines; 10. Machine Design; 11. Engineering Materials; 12. Production Engineering; 13. Industrial Engineering and Production Management; 14. General Engineering; 15. Typical Objective Type Test Papers.

ISBN: 978-81-318-0788-0 EDITION: Sixth, 2001 SIZE: 7

1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2

PAGES: 847 PRICE: ` 565.00 IMPRINT: LP