Download Curriculum vitae. PERSONAL INFORMATION. Mika Kastarinen. WORK EXPERIENCE. July 1993–October 1993. Research worker. Royal College of Surge...

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Curriculum vitae


Mika Kastarinen

WORK EXPERIENCE July 1993–October 1993

Research worker Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland) Conduct of a study on hypertension treatment practices among GPs.

November 1993–December 1994

Various positions as a GP and as a house officer in internal medicine. Various hospitals and health care centres (Finland)

January 1995–December 1998

Research student in Graduate School of Public Health University of Kuopio (Finland) Conduct of a randomised 2-year study on non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension in primary health care.

January 1995–March 2008

Study site investigator Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim (Finland) Investigator in many antihypertensive drug trials.

January 2000–July 2005

Senior House Officer in Internal Medicine North carelia Central Hospital and Kuopio University Hospital (Finland)

August 2005–June 2006

Clinical Lecturer in Internal Medicine Kuopio University (Finland)

July 2006–September 2009

Consultant in Internal Medicine and Nephrology Kuopio University Hospital (Finland)

October 2009–Present

Senior Medical Officer Finnish Medicines Agency (Finland)

January 2012–Present

Part-time Nephrology Consultant Various regional hospitals (Finland)

EDUCATION AND TRAINING August 1987–July 1993

MD University of Kuopio (Finland)

–October 2002

PhD University of Kuopio (Finland)

–February 2006


Specialist Degree in Internal Medicine

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Curriculum vitae

Mika Kastarinen

University of Kuopio (Finland)

–May 2008

Specialist Degree in Nephrology University of Kuopio (Finland)

–April 2010

Docent (Adjunct Professor in Internal Medicine) University of Eastern Finland (Finland)



Nephrology, hypertension. A member of EMA Cardiovascular WP during 2014-2016. Standing observer in EMA RIWP since 2013 and in EMA Cardiovascular WP since 2016.

More than 30 original articles mainly in the areas of hypertension and nephrology.

Projects Memberships

Finnish Medical Association Finnish Medical Society (Duodecim) Finnish Society of Internal Medicine Finnish Hypertension Society Finnish Society of Nephrology

Other Relevant Information


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