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MIEKO UENO Department of Cognitive Science, 0515 University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0515 Email: [email protected] Cell phone: (858) 610-0995 EDUCATION December 2003

August 1997 May 1990

Ph.D. in Linguistics and Cognitive Science University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Thesis title: Event-related Brain Potentials in the Processing of Japanese Wh-Questions Thesis advisor: Prof. Robert Kluender M.A. in Linguistics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor B.A. in Political Science with Class Honors University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2013-present 2006-2012 2007-2008 2004-2006


Assistant Project Scientist, Kutas Cognitive Electrophysiology Lab, UCSD Principal investigator: Prof. Marta Kutas Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, UCSD Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Oregon (UO) NIH-NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign (UIUC) Postdoc advisor: Prof. Susan Garnsey Visiting Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, UIUC

AWARDS 2016-2017 2016-2017 2014-2016 2012-2016 2007-2008 2004-2006 2003 2003 2002-2003 2002 2000-2002 2001 1998 1998-2003 1997-1998 1996

American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Postdoctoral Research Leave Fellowship Institutional Matching Funds, Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind Innovative Research Grant (The basal ganglia and language: Investigations into syntactic processing in Parkinson's patients), UCSD NIH-NICHD Research Supplement to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers in Electrophysiology of Linguistic Processing Faculty Research Award, Department of Linguistics, UO NIH-NIMH Postdoctoral Training Grant in Cognitive Psychophysiology, Department of Psychology, UIUC Graduate Enrichment Funds, Office of Graduate Studies and Research, UCSD Dean’s Social Science Research Travel Fund, UCSD Block Grant Fees Scholarship, Department of Linguistics, UCSD Dissertation Fellowship, Department of Linguistics, UCSD NIH-NIDCD Predoctoral Training Grant in Language, Communication, and the Brain, Center for Research in Language, UCSD Dean’s Social Science Research Travel Fund, UCSD Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowship in Japanese Studies, Japanese Studies Program, UCSD Research and Travel Grant (multiple awards), Department of Linguistics, UCSD Block Grant Fees Scholarship, Department of Linguistics, UCSD Rackham/International Institute Travel Grant, University of Michigan

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RESEARCH INTERESTS Neuro/psycholinguistics, Sentence processing, Language processing and executive functions in Parkinson’s patients, Discourse processing, Syntax RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES Event-related brain potentials, Sentence completions, Neuropsychological measures, Self-paced reading times, Plausibility/acceptability judgments, Corpus analysis, Speech perception, Acoustic analysis, Field work PUBLICATIONS Ueno, M. & Kehler, A. (2016). Grammatical and pragmatic factors in Japanese pronoun interpretation. Linguistics, 54, 1165-1221. Ueno, M. & Kehler, A. (2010). The interpretation of null and overt pronouns in Japanese: Grammatical and pragmatic factors. In S. Ohlsson and R. Catrambone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2057-2062). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. Ueno, M. & Polinsky, M. (2009). Does headedness affect processing? A new look at the VO-OV contrast. Journal of Linguistics, 45, 675-710. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2009). On the processing of Japanese wh-questions: An ERP study. Brain Research, 1290, 63-90. Ueno, M. & Garnsey, S.M. (2008). An ERP study of the processing of subject and object relative clauses in Japanese. Language and Cognitive Processes, 23, 646-688. Ueno, M. & Garnsey, S.M. (2007). Gap-filling vs. filling gaps: Event-related brain indices of subject and object relative clauses in Japanese. In N. H. McGloin and J. Mori (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (pp. 288-301). Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. Ueno, M. (2004). On at-causatives of transitive verbs in Chaha. In A. Simpson (Ed.), Proceedings of the TwentySeventh Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society—Special Session on Afroasiatic Languages (pp. 109-121). Berkeley, CA: BLS. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2003). On the processing of Japanese wh-questions: Relating grammar and brain. In G. Garding and M. Tsujimura (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 491-504). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2003). Event-related brain indices of Japanese scrambling. Brain and Language, 86, 243-271. Ueno, M., Beddor, P.S., & Akahane-Yamada, R. (1998). Is allophonic variation in Japanese /ɾ/ a factor in Japanese listeners' difficulty in perceiving English /l-ɹ/? In P. Kuhl and L. Crum (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting Acoustical Society of America (pp. 3000-3001). New York: Acoustical Society of America. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Ueno, M. (2015). The basal ganglia and language: Investigations into syntactic processing in Parkinson's patients. Talk presented at the 2015 KIBM symposium on innovative research and INC cognitive neuroscience spring retreat, UCSD, May 9, San Diego, CA. Ueno, M., Kemmer, L., Barkley, C., Kutas, M., Suwazono, S., Filoteo, V., & Litvan, I. (2015). The role of the basal ganglia in language comprehension: An ERP study of syntactic processing in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2015 annual meeting, March 28-31, San Francisco, CA. (Abstract published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Supplement, 218). Ueno, M., Kemmer, L., Barkley, C., Kutas, M., Suwazono, S., Filoteo, V., & Litvan, I. (2015). Investigations into syntactic processing and its relationship to general cognition in PD. Poster presented at the 12th international conference on Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases, March 18-22, Nice, France (Abstract published in Neurodegenerative Diseases, 15, Supplement 1, 1360).

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Suwazono, S. & Ueno, M. (2015). Eigo-o bogo-tosuru hikakuteki keisho-no Parkinson-byo kanja niokeru P600 (The parameters of P600 effects in patients with relatively mild Parkinson’s disease who are native speakers of English) Talk presented at Kokai workshop: Shinkei kagaku to shinri gengogaku (Public workshop: Neuroscience and psycholinguistics), February 14-15, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Ueno, M. & Kehler, A. (2011). Implicit causality biases in Japanese pronoun interpretation. Poster presented at the 24th annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, March 24-26, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Ueno, M. & Kehler, A. (2010). The interpretation of null and overt pronouns in Japanese: grammatical and pragmatic factors. Poster presented at the 32nd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, August 11-14, Seattle, WA. Ueno, M. & Kehler, A. (2010). Grammatical and pragmatic biases in Japanese pronoun interpretation. Poster presented at the 23rd annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, March 18-20, New York University, New York, NY. Ueno, M. & Garnsey, S.M. (2006). Event-related brain potentials in the processing of Japanese subject vs. object relative clauses. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2006 annual meeting, April 8-11, San Francisco, CA. (Abstract published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Supplement, 128). Ueno, M. & Garnsey, S.M. (2006). ERP study on the processing of subject vs. object clauses in Japanese. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, January 5-8, Albuquerque, NM. Ueno, M. & Polinsky, M. (2006). Japanese as an intransitive language. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, January 5-8, Albuquerque, NM. Ueno, M. & Garnsey, S.M. (2005). Gap-filling vs. filling gaps: Event-related brain indices of subject and object relative clauses in Japanese. Paper presented at the 15th Japanese / Korean Linguistics Conference, October 79, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. Ueno, M. & Garnsey, S.M. (2005). On the processing of subject vs. object relative clauses in Japanese: An ERP study. Paper presented at the 18th annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, March 31-April 2, Tucson, AZ. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2003). How are Japanese wh-questions processed?: An ERP study. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2003 annual meeting, March 30-April 1, New York, NY. (Abstract published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Supplement, 211). Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2003). Neural processing of Japanese wh-questions. Paper presented at the 16th annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, March 27-29, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2003). Processing wh-in-situ: An ERP investigation. Paper presented at the 22nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, March 21-23, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2003). Are wh-movement and wh-in-situ processed alike?: An ERP investigation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, January 2-5, Atlanta, GA. Ueno, M. & Polinsky, M. (2002). Maximizing processing in an SOV language: A corpus study of Japanese and English. Poster presented at the 15th annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, March 21-23, CUNY Graduate School & University Center, New York, NY. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2001). Event-related brain indices of Japanese scrambling and wh-in-situ. Paper presented at the Neurological Basis of Language conference, July 9-11, University of Groningen, Groningen, Holland. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2001). The processing of Japanese questions: An event-related brain potential study. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2001 annual meeting, March 25-27, New York, NY. (Abstract published in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Supplement, 163). Ueno, M. (2001). On at-causatives of transitive verbs in Chaha. Paper presented at the Berkeley Linguistics Society 27—Special session on Afroasiatic languages of the annual conference on African linguistics 32, March 22-25, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

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Ueno, M., & Kluender, R. (2001). The interaction of scrambling and wh-questions in Japanese: An ERP study. Poster presented at the 14th annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, March 15-17, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Ueno, M., & Kluender, R. (2001). ERP study on the processing of filler-gap dependencies in Japanese scrambling. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, January 4-7, Washington, D.C. Ueno, M., Beddor, P.S., & Akahane-Yamada, R. (1998). Is allophonic variation in Japanese /D/ a factor in Japanese listeners' difficulty in perceiving English /l-r/? Poster presented at the 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting Acoustical Society of America, June 20-26, Seattle, WA. (Abstract published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103, 3092). Ueno, M. (1996). Where is the subject generated? Paper presented at the 1996 Girona international summer school in linguistics workshop, July 20, Universitat de Girona, Girona, Spain. INVITED TALKS Ueno, M. (2016). Exploring syntactic processing and electrophysiological markers of cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease. Talk invited for presentation at the San Diego Branch, American Association for University Women, December 10, San Diego, California. Ueno, M. (2012). Evidence for universal and language-specific aspects of Japanese and English processing: Eventrelated brain potentials in the processing of syntactic dependencies. Talk presentation at the Department of Linguistics, Kyushu University, December 28, Fukuoka, Japan. Ueno, M. (2011). Electrophysiology of language in the processing of syntactic dependencies in Japanese relative clauses. Talk presented at the Department of Neurology, February 18, University of California, Irvine, California. Ueno, M. (2009). Brain indices of filler-gap dependencies in Japanese: Evidence for language-universal and language-specific aspects of neurocognitive processing. Talk presented at the Department of Linguistics, University at Buffalo, February 11, Buffalo, New York. Ueno, M. (2009). Brain indices of filler-gap dependencies in Japanese: Evidence for language-universal and language-specific aspects of neurocognitive processing. Talk presented at the Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, February 6, Toronto, Canada. Ueno, M. (2009). Brain indices of filler-gap dependencies in Japanese. Talk presented at the Center for Brain Science of Language Acquisition and Language Learning, Hiroshima University, January 6, Higashi Hiroshima, Japan. Ueno, M. (2008). Event-related brain potentials in the processing of subject and object relative clauses in Japanese. Talk presented at the Bio-Imaging Research Center, the University of Georgia, March 26, Athens, GA. Ueno, M. (2008). Event-related brain potentials in the processing of subject and object relative clauses in Japanese. Talk presented at the Department of Foreign Language Programs, Bucknell University, February 18, Lewisburg, PA. Ueno, M. (2008). Typology of brain responses to long-distance syntactic dependencies. Talk presented at the Department of Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles, February 4, Los Angeles, CA. Ueno, M. (2006). Electrophysiology of language in the processing of syntactic dependencies in Japanese. Lectures presented at the Center for Brain Science of Language Acquisition and Language Learning Seminar 2006, Hiroshima University, August 8-11, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan. Ueno, M. (2006). ERP study on the processing of subject vs. object relative clauses in Japanese. Talk presented at the Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, June 21, Davis, CA. Ueno, M. (2004). On the processing of Japanese wh-questions: Relating grammar and brain. Talk presented at the Departments of Linguistics and Psychology, New York University, May 6, New York, NY. Ueno, M. (2004). On the processing of Japanese wh-questions: Relating grammar and brain. Talk presented at the EA Lecture Series, the Institute for Japanese Studies and the East Asian Studies Center, Ohio State University, February 20, Columbus, OH.

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Ueno, M. (2004). On the processing of Japanese wh-questions: Relating grammar and brain. Talk presented at the Center for Mind and Brain and the Department of Linguistics, University of California, Davis, February 9, Davis, CA. Ueno, M. & Kluender, R. (2003). Neural processing of Japanese wh-questions. Talk presented at the Language Processing Brownbag, Beckman Institute, UIUC, August 22, Urbana, IL. Ueno, M., & Kluender, R. (2003). The processing of Japanese wh-questions: An event-related brain potential study. Talk presented at the 4th Japanese Language Processing Workshop as part of the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Michigan State University, July 26, Lansing, MI. Ueno, M. (2003). Event-related brain potentials in the processing of Japanese wh-questions. Talk presented at the Brain Development Imaging Laboratory, San Diego State University, May 9, San Diego, CA. Ueno, M. (2002). ERP inquiries into the processing of Japanese wh-sentences. Discussion session presented at the 3rd Japanese Language Processing Workshop as part of the 15th annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, CUNY Graduate School & University Center, March 24,New York, NY. GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH ADVISING 2007

Qualifying Paper Ancillary Reader of Kyoung-ho Kang, Department of Linguistics, UO


Melissa Troyer (UCSD Cognitive Science) Graduate student researcher assisting with neuropsychological testing and EEG recording


Chris Barkley (UCSD Linguistics) Graduate student researcher assisting with neuropsychological testing and EEG recording


Mayu Saito (UCSD Communication major) and Miyuki Tanabe (UCSD Psychology & Management Science major) Linguistics 199 students learning participant recruitment and data acquisition and analysis Ryo Goto (UCSD Political Science major) Linguistics 199 student learning stimulus generation, participant recruitment, and data analysis Emiko Nakamura (UCSD Linguistics major) Linguistics 199 student learning stimulus generation, participant recruitment, and data acquisition


Susanne Mari Sakai (UCSD Japanese Studies major) Linguistics 199 student learning stimulus generation, participant recruitment, and data acquisition


Michelle Wang (UIUC Psychology major) Work study student learning data acquisition and lab management


Tim Sipe (UIUC Finance major) Work study student learning data acquisition and analysis Yoko Ieuji (UIUC Linguistics & Psychology major) and Kyung Sil Lee (UIUC Psychology major) Psychology 290 students learning stimulus generation and ERP recording


Kanako Kozasa (UCSD Political Science major) Linguistics 199 student learning editorial work for a dissertation Lisa Gustafson (UCSD Linguistics major) Linguistics 199 student learning data analysis and academic writing


Carmel Jequinto (UCSD Linguistics major) Linguistics 199 student learning data analysis and academic writing Mai Hiragane (UCSD Linguistics major), Yoko Hahn (UCSD Linguistics major), and

Mieko Ueno 6

Orika Kunimoto (UCSD Psychology major) Linguistics 199 students learning stimulus generation, participant recruitment, data acquisition, and data analysis 2001

Orika Kunimoto (UCSD Psychology major), Junko Suzuki (UCSD Psychology major), and Hitomi Koyama (UCSD Political Science major) Linguistics 199 students learning stimulus generation, data coding, and participant recruitment

TEACHING EXPERIENCE As Instructor of Record 2008



2004 1996

Visiting Assistant Professor, Introduction to Language, Dept. of Linguistics, UO (approximately 60 undergraduate students, one teaching assistant) Visiting Assistant Professor, Language & Cognition, Dept. of Linguistics, UO (approximately 40 undergraduate students, one teaching assistant) Visiting Assistant Professor, Nature and Nurture in Language, Dept. of Linguistics, UO (approximately 40 undergraduate students, one teaching assistant) Visiting Assistant Professor, Seminar Neurolinguistics, Dept. of Linguistics, UO (approximately 20 undergraduate students) Visiting Assistant Professor, Empirical Methods in Linguistics, Dept. of Linguistics, UO (approximately 5 graduate students) Guest Lecturer, Pathology of Language, Dept. of Linguistics, UO Presentation title: Event-related Brain Potentials (ERPs) and Language Processing. Visiting Assistant Professor, Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, Dept. of Linguistics, UO (approximately 35 undergraduate students, 2 teaching assistants) Visiting Assistant Professor, Seminar Sentence Processing, Dept. of Linguistics, UO (approximately 5 undergraduate and 5 graduate students) Lecturer, Language as a Cognitive System, Dept. of Linguistics, UCSD (approximately 100 undergraduate students, one teaching assistant) Lecturer, Experimental Projects in Human Development Research, Human Development Program, UCSD (approximately 35 undergraduate students) Lecturer, Second Year Japanese, Japanese Studies Program, UCSD (approximately 20 undergraduate students) Lecturer, Language as a Cognitive System, Dept. of Linguistics, UCSD (approximately 110 undergraduate students, 2 teaching assistants) Visiting Lecturer, Introduction to Psycholinguistics, Dept. of Linguistics, UIUC (17 graduate and 13 undergraduate students) Instructor, Introduction to Language, Program in Linguistics, Univ. of Michigan (13 undergraduate students)

As Teaching Assistant 2003 97-00, 02-03 1995-1997

Teaching Assistant for Introduction to the Study of Language, Dept. of Linguistics, UCSD (approximately 90 undergraduate students) Teaching Assistant for First Year, Second Year, and Third Year Japanese, Japanese Studies Program, UCSD (approximately 20 undergraduate students each quarter) Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Language, Program in Linguistics, Univ. of Michigan (approximately 70 undergraduate students each semester)


Ad Hoc Proposal Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychophysiology Abstract Reviewer, 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychological Reports Ad Hoc Reviewer, Frontiers in Psychology Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychophysiology Ad Hoc Proposal Reviewer, NSF Linguistics Program

Mieko Ueno 7


2013-2014 2013 2012 2011

2010 2008 2007 2006

2005 2004 2003

Abstract Reviewer, 28th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing Ad Hoc Reviewer, Psychophysiology Ad Hoc Proposal Reviewer, NSF Linguistics Program Ad Hoc Reviewer, Perceptual and Motor Skills Ad Hoc Reviewer, Kyushu Daigaku Gengogaku Ronshu (Kyushu University Papers in Linguistics) Abstract Reviewer, 27th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing Advisory Member, Jishokanrendeni-o mochiita nihongo bunrikai kenkyu-no kiban kochiku (Constructing a database for Japanese sentence processing research using ERPs), Grants-in-Aid, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Ad Hoc Reviewer, Language and Cognitive Processes Abstract Reviewer, 26th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing Ad Hoc Reviewer, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Ad Hoc Proposal Reviewer, NSF Linguistics Program Abstract Reviewer, 25th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing Ad Hoc Reviewer, Applied Psycholinguistics Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Japanese Linguistics Abstract Reviewer, 17th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Abstract Reviewer, 24th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Neurolinguistics Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Neurolinguistics Ad Hoc Reviewer, Brain and Language Abstract Reviewer, 2007 Western Conference on Linguistics Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Japanese Linguistics Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Abstract Reviewer, 16th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference Ad Hoc Reviewer, Ninchi Kagaku (Japanese Cognitive Science) Ad Hoc Reviewer, Cognitive Science Society 2006 Conference Ad Hoc Reviewer, Language and Cognitive Processes Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Psychology Abstract Reviewer, 15th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference Abstract Reviewer, 14th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference Ad Hoc Reviewer, Cognitive Science Society 2004 Conference Ad Hoc Reviewer, Ninchi Kagaku (Japanese Cognitive Science) Session Chair, Incremental processing and long-distance dependencies, 4th Japanese language processing workshop as part of the Linguistic Society of America 2003 Summer Institute, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI

UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2007 2004-2005 2000-2001 1999-2000 1996-1997 1995-1996

Qualifying Paper Ancillary Reader, Department of Linguistics, UO Language Processing Brownbag Talk Coordinator, Beckman Institute, UIUC Student Member, Financial Support Committee, Department of Linguistics, UCSD Student Member, Research/Travel Grant Committee, Department of Linguistics, UCSD Student Member, Syntax Faculty Search Committee, Program in Linguistics, University of Michigan Student Member, Colloquium Committee, Program in Linguistics, University of Michigan

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Linguistic Society of America

Cognitive Neuroscience Society

LANGUAGE SKILLS Japanese: Native

English: Fluent

NATIONALITY Japanese national with U.S. permanent residency