New Directions For Strings Violin Book 1 PDF - Book Library

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New Directions For Strings Violin Book 1 PDF

The FJH Music Company is proud to present New Directions for Strings, the first string orchestra method book written by a team of pedagogues representing each of the four stringed instruments. With more than 100 years of combined teaching experience, the authors of New Directions for Strings explore many new directions, including equal integration of all the instruments, a tetrachord-based approach to support proper development of the left hand, and ensemble opportunities that occur throughout the book. Supplemental music by Soon Hee Newbold and Elliot Del Borgo. Includes 2 Play-Along CDs.

Paperback: 56 pages Publisher: The FJH Music Company Inc.; SB303VN edition (August 1, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 1569395721 ISBN-13: 978-1569395721 Product Dimensions: 12 x 1 x 9 inches Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (13 customer reviews) Best Sellers Rank: #17,621 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #3 in Books > Arts & Photography > Architecture > Criticism

We bought this to go with string lessons with our school district. While the book seemed nice, we didn't even crack it because they shared stands and it was also easier to share a book. I recommend finding a friend to practice with and share a stand with as it is cheaper and more motivating for practice.

I love using this series with my elementary students. They enjoy the illustrations and color-coding at the beginning of the book. The song choice keeps them engaged and moves them quickly through skills they need to learn. I used to use a different series and the students would hate having to wait so long to start the bow. I like that this book starts the bow sooner.

My 6 year old is learning how to play violin from this book at his school. I decided to buy it so he can practice ahead of the class. It's an excellent book for all ages. I'm actually learning how to play violin

with it myself as well.

This book is used by our local school district for their first year orchestra students. My daughter is enjoying her violin and practices twice as long as she is required too. I bet that won't last though.

We have this at our school and I LOVE it!!!!!!!! On some kids the cover fell off it because they don't take care of it but this is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Viola/Violin player

This book has given me the motivation to practice. My teacher is very happy with me and I am enjoying my lessons with much pride!! I love the lesson selections for each skill.

My daughter needed this book for her 2nd year in Violin class.

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