78VN - All For Strings Book 1: Violin PDF

78VN - All For Strings Book 1: Violin PDF. ... Strings: Comprehensive String Method, Book 2, Violin 80VN - All For Strings Book 3: Violin 85VN -...

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78VN - All For Strings Book 1: Violin PDF

All For Strings is a comprehensive three-volume method surrounded by a wealth of supplementary materials for teaching and performance. This complete curriculum covers virtually every aspect of beginning through intermediate string study, emphasizing technical skills, rhythmic understanding, and quality musical experiences. Many of the National Standards for Music Education can be easily implemented into the classroom setting with the varied components All For Strings has to offer.

Paperback: 48 pages Publisher: Neil A. Kjos Music Company (June 10, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0849732220 ISBN-13: 978-0849732225 Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 8.5 x 11.5 inches Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (51 customer reviews) Best Sellers Rank: #8,852 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #12 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Sheet Music & Scores > Instrumentation > Violin #12 in Books > Arts & Photography > Music > Instruments > Strings > Violins #18 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Performing Arts > Music

I will admit to liking this one "Twinkly". "Tell Aunt Rhodie" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" are on the play list (sorry to disappoint the grownups) however, players of any age will benefit from the ten pages of pacifying open-string exercises. Notes are introduced slowly, one string at a time. Bowing exercises are methodically interwoven with scale work. While some students may feel a little bored, this book will work wonders for a string class. For the private lesson, young adults or talented beginners may prefer a much faster pace, such as "The Green Violin: Theory, Ear Training, and Musicianship for Violinists" book in combination with violin repertoire pieces. For the cautious or violin shy, "All for Strings" is a good starting point.

I am a music teacher and this is the course of study that I prefer for my students. It is thorough and gradually increases the skill level so the student is not overwhelmed at new materials. There are some interesting melodies and folk songs so there is a little bit of repertoire by the time one has

finished the book.

I started taking violin lessons about 6 months ago and this is the book that the instructor uses. We are about 3/4 of the way through the book. The lessons are laid out in a nice way and it has good references in the back.I just wish it had a CD to play along with.

I was an absolutely new Violin player and my teacher recommended I get this book to learn on.The book does a good job of showing where to find the notes on the Violin and teaches you the notes at a good pace.

I am a violin teacher. I have found this a dependable method that takes my students through the fundamentals of note reading along with appropriate little tunes and posture and technique reminders.

i actually found this book but for base at a garage sale, when my friend told me it wasn't for violin i ordered this one. i love how it gives you exercises and breaks things down for you, it's helped me and i definitely recommend it to someone who is just beginning to learn to play the violin! seeing as that i never payed attention in music class when i was a kid, thinking that i wouldn't want to learn to play an instrument anyway, this book has helped me in remembering the strings and how to read sheet music. the basic stuff at least.

I love this method book. I began playing violin with it in the 80's and still use it as a violin teacher all these years later. Very through instruction with lots of familiar tunes so a beginning violinist knows what the song should sound like.

I love this book! I read music so it's a little elementary for me. However it is very concise and great for Adult beginers who do not read music!

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