Oil Mist Presentation 1.ppt - CENTRAL-LUBE

w ere lost w ithin a w eek. Bearing life was greatly extended. Excessive heat and suctionExcessive heat and suction The constant delivery of from the ...

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Alemite Corporation The leader in lubrication and oil mist technology for 80 years. years Charlotte, North Carolina, USA


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What Is Oil Mist Lubrication? An automatic, A i centralized li d system that continuously delivers fresh, clean oil to multiple, and often widespread machine elements.


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From Liquid Oil To Mist


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Different Mist Forms for Different Elements


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Different Mist Fittings Create Different Mist Forms * Mist fittings for metering input of oil in “mist form” * Condensing Fittings for metering input of oil in “droplet droplet form form” * Spray fittings for metering input of oil spray in “combination of mist and larger oil particles” 22/04/51

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For High Speed Ball Bearings


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For Plain Bearings, Bearings Slides and Other Slidingg Motion Parts


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For Gears Gears, Chains and Large g Rollingg Element Bearings g


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Thin & Even Film Application

The way to save oil, energy & reduce bearing temperature!!!


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Success Storyy

Paper Mill Rewinder is lubricated by oil mist mist.


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Success Story

Paper Mill manufacture double-coated double coated printing paper Problem Areas before Oil Mist Application Elements of extreme heat and forced suction which drew oil out of the bearings, resulting in excessive consumption of oil,, as well as materiallyy shortened bearingg life. Six fans served the #3 coater, four feeding hot air into it, while two exhaust units pulled hot air out. Circulating fans were subjected to the highest temperatures temperatures. These fans force 600F air to the coater. Temperature at the roller bearing of these fans was estimated at about 220F. 22/04/51

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Success Story

Paper p Mill Oil mist has greatly reduced fire hazards.


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Paper p Mill



F a n s w e re m a n u a lly lu b ric a te d e v e ry h o u r th a t c o n s u m e d 3 g a llo n s o f o il d a ily . A v e ra g e 2 s e ts o f b e a rin g w e re lo s t w ith in a w e e k .

O il c o n s u m p tio n re d u c e d o n e g a llo n p e r d a y ; h o u rly la b o r w a s s a v e d .

E x c e s s iv e h e a t a n d s u c tio n fro m th e fa n s d re w th e lu b ric a n t o u t o f th e b e a rin g s in to th e h o t a ir d u c t th a t c re a te d a s e rio u s p ro b le m o n e fire e v e ry d a y w h ic h b u rn e d o u t th e e x p e n s iv e in s u la tio n in s id e th e d u c k . 22/04/51

B e a rin g life w a s g re a tly e x te n d e d . T h e c o n s ta n t d e liv e ry o f fin e s p ra y o il b y o il m is t re d u c e d th e fire h a z a rd s o m u c h th a t re s u lte d in o n ly o n e fire a y e a r.

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Success Story

Steel Mill Problem Areas: Grease oozed out of bearings and onto the steel beingg rolled - finished and readyy to go g to the customer, and the spotted condition was not tolerated. Solution: 8 lubrication points on the single-stand temper mill were served with oil mist. Problem of spotting was gone gone. g onlyy 0.0003” wear on the 12” Additional Advantages: diameter tapered roller bearing, after 800,000 tons of steel rolled; substantial savings in lubricant cost. 22/04/51

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Success Story

Steel Mill


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Success Story

Chemical Plant Mississippi Chemical Corporation

Fertilizer plants are entirely open and exposed to the elements. 22/04/51

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S Success St Story

Chemical Plant Spare reduction gear boxes in warehouse with oil mist continuously applied to protect them from rusting Oil mist keeps bearings running smoothly for this 500 HP electric motor in the rock grinding mill. 22/04/51

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S Success St Story

Chemical Plant The benefits to Mississippi Chemical are:

(a) Lubricating L b i i and d purging i equipment q p in operation. p (b) Protecting equipment in storage.


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Success Story

Chemical Plant BEFORE


Dryer blowers were breaking down monthly due to bearing contamination.

Bearings were not changed for six months.

Fertilizer plant has a potash elevator which was frequently losing a drive chain.

Have not had an elevator drive chain break down in four years.

One plant used two - three 55 gallon drums a week.

Oil consumption reduces to one drum every 2-3 weeks.

Many gear boxes b were rusting i in i storage simply from exposure to the environment.

After six months in storage with oil mist applied, the gear boxes look like new, and have a thin coating of oil on all internal surfaces.


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S Success St Story

Pharmaceutical Laboratory Miles Laboratories Bottle cappers, pp , operating p g 8 - 16 hours a day, producing up to 15 million tablets during two shifts, are lubricated with oil mist. Primarily on spindle shafts and bearings bearings. This unit lubricates 20 separate points on the four machines in operation. p 22/04/51

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S Success St Story

Pharmaceutical Laboratory ADVANTAGE NO. 1: SAVING 2/3 LUBRICATION COST The secret to the benefits lies in the positive, controllable andd predictable di bl manner with i h which hi h the h Alemite Al i systems put oil right where it is needed at the precise time it is required. Not only is waste eliminated, but excess of lubricant is also controlled. Most bearings g and shafts become “frozen” from too much lubricant than are damaged by insufficient lubrication: LIQUID FRICTION. 22/04/51

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S Success St Story

Pharmaceutical Laboratory ADVANTAGE NO. 2:NO LUBRICANT CONTAMINATION Since the products made are all intended for human consumption, they obviously must be free of all impurities. Indiscriminate or uncontrolled use of lubricants could andd would ld create t an untenable t bl problem. bl The positive control of oil mist systems protects products against lubricant contamination. 22/04/51

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Success Story Food Industry/Tomato Peelers Problem Areas CONTADINA FOODS in California has two ppeelers,, each with its own peel eliminator. Each eliminator has 72 one inch Fafnir two hole flange bearings and 36 umber 50 drive chains. h i All chains h i andd bearings b i were lubricated l bi d by b hand h d daily. Also during each day the units were washed down with a hot water & ammonia solution, solution resulting in water getting into the bearings and oil being flushed from the chains. All 144 bearings and 72 chains required replacement every half season. 22/04/51

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Success Story Food Industry/Tomato Peelers Solutions & Results After usingg oil mist to lubricate bearings g and chains,, CONTADINA FOODS did not replace any bearings or chains in 2 full season. In other words oil mist i increases the h life lif off chains h i andd bearings b i for f at least l three times - maybe more.

Secrets * Water residual (during wash down) is purged out of the bearings and chains. chains * The flushed oil (during wash down) is filled in by fresh oil mist. 22/04/51

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Success Story Mining Industry/Shaker Screens Problem Areas Independence Mine in Nevada has three Allis Chalmers shaker screens operating in a very dirty, dusty environment where winter temperature p is as low as zero degree g F. Each shaker screen has two FAG bearings with labyrinth seals operating at 900 RPM. The bearings were lubricated by rotating the bearings through an oil sump. Independence experienced 22 bearing failures in 1995.


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Success Story Mining Industry/Shaker Screens Solutions & Results IIn January J 1996 the th oil il sumps were drained d i d andd an Alemite Al it oil mist system was installed. No bearing was replaced in 1996. 1996 Oil consumption is reduced by 50%.

Secrets Oil mist system provides a continuous supply of fresh, clean oil to the bearings, and a positive pressure inside the bearing housings, which eliminates contamination.


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Success Story Food Industry/Sugar Beet Defuser Problem Areas Spreckels S k l Sugar S C Company iin California C lif i suffered ff d from f the problems existing in chains and sprockets on their sugar beet defuser equipment: oil reservoirs (for lubricating chains and sprockets) were contaminated with product, housekeeping was impeded due to oil reservoirs overflow, large sprockets and 11 of 150 ft long chains were replaced every year, oil consumption was 240 gallons in two years.


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Success Story Food Industry/Sugar Beet Defuser Solutions & Results A single Alemite oil mist unit was installed for lubricating all the 28 chains and sprockets in 1995. In two year time frame little or no wear of chain or sprocket p was recorded,, oil consumption rate dropped to 12 gallon, housekeeping problems had been reduced by 90%.

Secrets Oil application is well controlled that minimizes oil consumption, eliminates housekeeping problems. Fresh and clean oil is continuously supplied to chains and sprockets that prevents contamination contamination. 22/04/51

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Success Story Sawmill/Edger Arbor Bearings Problem Areas Harwood H dL Lumber b Mill iin C California lif i has h four f edgers. d E h Each edger has two arbor bearings with 100 mm I.D. Three edgers use double row bearings running at 1750 RPM, RPM the fourth edger has two Cooper bearings on the arbor running at 1,435 RPM. All of them operate in areas that expose them to high amounts of contamination from saw dust and water. The grease lubricated edgers’ failure rate was total 16 per year.


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Success Story Sawmill/Edger Arbor Bearings Solutions & Results In 1990 Harwood Lumber installed an Alemite oil mist system. 50 degree bearing temperature drop was noticed immediately, no failure had been seen in four years In one occasion when air supply was turned off in error in the 5th year, only two bearings failed. The other six were still runningg in ggood conditions in 1997.

Secrets Oil mist eliminates “wet friction” that reduces temperature p by y 50 degree, constantly purges bearing housings keeping housing clean. 22/04/51

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Textile Mill Applications


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Cold Rolling Mill Application


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When the oil mist carrier, AIR, is continuously ti l exhausted h t d into the workplace area and may be carrying p some oil in it,, potential users are concerned with this stray mist mist.


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What is the acceptable level of oil content? OSHA in the USA and the Ministry of Labor in Canada have established exposure p limits for oil mist in a pplant:

Both standards allow a workplace exposure limit of 5 mg oil/m3 air time-weighted average exposure value (TWAEV).


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Research Results An independent laboratory, Guelph Chemical Laboratories used strict NOSH methods for measuring oil in stray mist. A cross cross-section section of industry including an aluminum mill, mill steel rolling mill, pulp & paper industry and automotive parts manufacturing were selected and tests made to measure stray mist in the workplace area surrounding the equipment using oil mist systems, over an 8 hour period sometimes extending into the night. The results show:

maximum i 0 675 mg/m3 was found 0.675 f d at mist cloudy area in a steel mill. 22/04/51

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RESULTS * ALUMINUM MILL 0.35mg - 0.45mg by commercial gear lubricant 0.20mg - 0.40 mg by b mistable i bl lubricant l bi * COLD ROLLING MILL 0 40mg - 0.67mg 0.40mg 0 67mg in 5 days. days * PAPER MILL 0.22mgg - 0.29mgg in 5 days y * AUTO PARTS MANUFACTURING 0.04mg - 0.13mg in 4 days * OPEN GEARS & CHAINS (BEARING BEARING MFG MFG.) 0.8mg - 1.0mg in 4 days 22/04/51

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CONTROL (A) Make sure that application fittings are used on the equipment. (B) Use correct size application fittings for the bearing. [Oversizing can create stray mist.] (C) Apply proper air temperature. (D) Use mistable i bl oil il instead i d that h cuts down d oil in the stray mist [example: l from f 0.6 mg to 0.32 mg] (E) Properly ventilate workplace. 22/04/51

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