Download Drop!” when he or she thinks the penny is over the cup. Does it fall in the cup? Record your results on the back of this sheet. 5 Repeat wi...

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eed What You N • a friend • paper cup • 8 pennies

y n n Pe

Two ey e better s are than on e!

P e u m a G C

1 Have a frien d sit at a table . 2 Put a pape r cup about th ree feet in fron t of your frien 3 Hold a pen d. ny about six in ches above the your arm slow cup. Move ly toward your friend and then 4 Tell your frie back. nd to say, “Dro p!” when he o the penny is o r she thinks ver the cup. D oes it fall in th your results on e cup? Recor the back of this d sh e e t. 5 Repeat w ith the other se ven pennies. 6 Now ask yo ur friend to co ver one eye. R above and see epeat the step how many pen s nies land in the 7 How many p cup. ennies fell in th e cup when yo both eyes o ur friend had pen? What hap pened when yo one eye ope ur friend had n? 8 Now switc h roles and ex periment with your own visio n.


Now it’s time to experiment. What happens if you keep your other eye closed? What happens if you move the cup farther away from your friend? Choose one thing to change (that’s the variable) and predict what you think will happen. Then test it and send your results to ZOOM at

Sent in by Kim S. of Deltona, FL © 2003 WGBH Educational Foundation. All rights reserved. ZOOM and the ZOOM words and related indicia are trademarks of the WGBH Educational Foundation. Used with permission. ZOOM is produced by WGBH Boston. Funding for ZOOM is provided by the National Science Foundation, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, and public television viewers. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. All submissions become the property of ZOOM and will be eligible for inclusion in all ZOOMmedia.This means that we can share your ideas with other ZOOMers on TV, the Web, in print materials, and in other media. So, send it to ZOOM.Thanks! Illustrations by Stephen Schudlich.

Penny Cup Game TM/© 2003 WGBH Educational Foundation.

wo Eyes T . s v e y E e n O nies: dropped. NumbekrmarokfinPoneenof the columns each time a penny is in Cup Make a chec Eyes

Cup Pennies in

t Pennies No

Both open Left closed Right closed

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op Science Sco

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ith vision rimenting w e p x e p e e K • ision ipheral V r e P g in y tr by Spot at and Blind rg/zoom pbskids.o way to ea for a new • Send an id ZOOM with vision to experiment .org/zoom at pbskids