01-Blood Test Report - Spandane

1 Blood Test Report Fasting Normal values Observation Complete Blood Count (CBC) Fasting not essential RBC (Erythrocytes) No M-4.5-6.4 F-4.0-5.4...

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1 Blood Test Report Fasting

Normal values Fasting not essential

Complete Blood Count (CBC) RBC (Erythrocytes)






MCV (Mean corpucells volume)


No No No

WBV (Leucocytes)


Differential WBC count Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes



M-4.5-6.4 F-4.0-5.4 M-14-18 F-12-16.4 M-42-52 F-37-47 78-94 27-32 32-38

Mil. / c. mm Gm / 100 ml %

If less: anemia

Fl. Cu

Type of anemia


Per c. mm

Gms/dl %

% 60-75 20-30 2-8



Basophils Abnormal cells




Peripheral smear Morphology of: RBC

No No Observation

WBC Blood Parasites Reticulocytes

No No No

Color Index


If less-susceptibility to infection If very high in LacsLeukemia


If more-acute infection If more-chronic infection If more-T.B. Typhoid, urinary infection If more-allergy, cough, cold, asthma, and worms. Led poisoning, Leukemia

Cu. Mm

If less-bleeding disorder, dengue,

Normochromic /Hypochromic / Anisocytosis Normal / Anaemia /size of RBC differs

0.5-1.5 / 0.2-2.2 0.85-1.15

MP, Filaria If more-anemia

In bacterial infection with fever, WBC count goes up. E.g. Tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, Pneumonia, appendicitis, urinary infection ---12000-25000 WBC, In Typhoid & viral infection – WBC may be normal.

2 M-0-15 F-0-20

Mini Mm at >80-90:Chronic mum end of disease, TB 8 hrs 1 hour If ESR of a patient under treatment shows decline trend, it indicates success of treatment. In Pregnancy –ESR exceeds 40-50, ESR >40 needs close scrutiny. Do not drink water during 10-12 hours before blood test. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

Fasting Blood Sugar Normal Border line diabetes Established diabetes

10-12 hours <120 120-140 >140

Post Prandial (PP) Blood Sugar Normal Border line diabetes Established diabetes

2 hours after lunch

Blood-Glucose Level Maximum Value Normal Border line diabetes Established diabetes

Glucose level is maximum 1 hour after meals.

<120 120-140 >140

Mg/dl Mg/dl Mg/dl

Diabetes Thyroid

Mg/dl Mg/dl Mg/dl

Diabetes Thyroid

<160 160-180 >200

Blood sugar method: Glucose Oxidase Glycosylated Haemoglobin

Glucose level in last 3 months i.e. life cycle of RBC 10-12 hours 6.1 ---8.6 % 4.2 – 6.2 Best control 5.5---- 6.8 Good Control 6.8 ----7.6 O K Control >7.6 Poor control

Kidney Tests

8 hours

Blood Urea



BUN-Blood Urea Nitrogen Serum Uric acid Serum Creatinine Routine urine for albumin 24 hours albumin in the urine

0-18 3-5.7 0.5 – 1.4 Nil to trace 150

Mg/dl Mg/dl Mg/24 hours

Acute & chronic Renal failure If more—Gout RF > 18 Renal failure Proteins in urine

3 Lipid Profile

14-16 Hours

S. Cholesterol S. HDL

150-250 M-30-60 F- 40-70 60-160 3-35 60-150 < 4.5

S. LDL S.VLDL S. Triglycerides Total Cholesterol / HDL Liver Function Tests Serum Bilirubin

12 hrs 0.2 –1

SGOT Increases 6-8 hrs after heart attack. SGPT Alkaline Phosphatase Gamma GT Serum Mayo globlin Troponin (card test done in 5 min) CPK-MB

LDH (enzyme) Homosystain

Mg/ If more-Jaundice 100 ml 8-40 Units/ ml Becomes normal in 4 days after heart attack. 5-35 -do60-170 -doIf more-liver, cancer Jaundice, Bone problems. 8-37 -do6-90 nano grm Increases 2 hrs after HA. >500 Increases 2 hrs after HA Increases 4 hrs after HA. Remains high for 48 hrs. Normal after 3-4 days. Remains high for 7 days.

12 hrs

If more, arteries have become rigid / lost elasticity. + /- 6.5

PH Test R A Factor Test

Mgs/dl 100 ml

Acidic condition of blood


If + Rheumatoid Arthritis

Serum Electrolytes S. Sodium


M Eq / L

S. Potassium

3.5 –5.5

M Eq / L

S. Chlorides


M Eq / L

S. Magnesium

If less: nausea, disorder of muscles / If more-water is retained in body Weakness of muscles If more-heart disease If less-blood circulation problem If more-RF, If less- Diarrhea If less-heart ailments, bones, teeth &

4 S. Calcium


Mg / dl

S. Phosphorus


Mg / dl

S. Amylase


S. Acid Phosphates


Prostatis fraction


S. Proteins total Albumin

6-8 3.5 to 5.6

KA units KA units Gms % Gms %


1.3 to 3.2

Gms %

Widal test Salmonella typhi ‘O’ Salmonella typhi ‘H’ Salmonella paratyphi A ‘H’ Salmonella paratyphi B ‘H’


muscles weakness If less-osteoporosis, epilepsy If less-osteoporosis, epilepsy, loss of weight Pancreas functioning, no diagnosis of severe abdomen pain Orthopedic problem, metabolic disorder If more-prostate gland disorder If more-Liver If less-TB, malnutrition If more-Liver syrosis ARF-CRF variation

Typhoid fever 1:80 & above 1:120 & above