4. II- Surgical Pathology Textbooks: (Highly recommended chapters

The following pathology resources can serve as a guideline to help residents prepare for Part I Arab. Board of Pathology Exam. The list is by no means...

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The following pathology resources can serve as a guideline to help residents prepare for Part I Arab Board of Pathology Exam. The list is by no means, complete. Residents are expected to read from other resources based on their practice. Reading review articles and attending at least one CME activity each year is strongly recommended for good standing. Daily adequate lab engagement combined with case-oriented reading is the best methods to prepare for this exam. I- General Pathology Textbooks strongly recommended: (Either 2 or 3) 1. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 9th Edition * All chapters required 2. Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology 2nd Edition (or No 3) * All chapters recommended 3. Manual of Surgical Pathology 3rd Edition (or No 2) * All chapters recommended

4. II- Surgical Pathology Textbooks: (Highly recommended chapters in italic) 5. Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology 3rd Edition a. Chapter 1: Special Diagnostic Techniques in Surgical Pathology

6. Rosai and Ackerman's Surgical Pathology 10th Edition a. b. c. d.

Chapters1: Introduction   Chapter 2: Gross  techniques  in  surgical  pathology Chapter 3: Special  techniques  in  surgical  pathology   Appendices: (A-E)

7. Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 4th Edition a. Chapter 31: Molecular  Genetic  Techniques  in  Diagnosis  and  Prognosis  

8. Sternberg Surgical Pathology 6th Edition III- Cytopathology Textbooks:

1. Comprehensive Cytopathology 4th Edition a. Chapters 1-5 b. Chapters 32-38

2. Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates 3rd Edition a. Chapter 17 Recommended Websites: a. Pathology outline: b. Surgical Pathology Criteria c. eMedicine/Medscape Pathology d. NCI /Bethesda Atlas

http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/ http://surgpathcriteria.stanford.edu/ http://emedicine.medscape.com/pathology http://nih.cytopathology.org/index.php

Arab Board of Pathology Exam Committee.