Recommended Reading List_Mr. MA

La Nuit blanche de Zoé. Mirela Vardi. 9782011561350. Rémi et Juliette. Léo Lamarche. 9782011561282. Rémi et le mystère de St-Péray. Annie Coutelle. 97...

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Recommended Reading List (Junior Forms) Chinese Language 中國語文 Fiction 小說類 小說 類 Title 書名

Author 作者





白話《西遊記》* 《城南舊事》* 《撒哈拉歲月》* 《我們仨》 《許三觀賣血記》 《射雕英雄傳》 《點心集》* 《青春的十一場雨》 《紅瓦房》* 《阿Q正傳》 《班主任》 《十三歲的深秋》


Non-fiction 非小說類 Title 書名 《魯迅散文合集》

《雅舍文選》 《寄小讀者》* 《背影》 《孩子你慢慢來》 《送你一個字》 Books with an asterisk are highly recommended by teachers

林海音 三毛

楊絳 余華 金庸 阿濃 常新港 曹文軒 魯迅 劉心武 黃虹堅

Author 作者

魯迅 梁實秋 冰心 朱自清

龍應台 張曉風

ISBN 圖書編號 4719742083917 4719742083825 4719742083832 9789577453280 9789573327578 9789571339542 9789861736747 9789573249702 9789629233761 9789868389335 9789862110508 9789868767294 9787544734455 9789575603724

ISBN 圖書編號 9789861677668 9789574449934 9789863163961 9789861467702 9789863870340 9789574446247

Recommended Reading List (Junior Forms) English Language Fiction Title Wonder* A Monster Calls The Little Prince (English translation) Charlotte's Web The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time* Tuesdays with Morrie The Last Lecture The Dreamseller* The Alchemist Animal Farm The Big Friendly Giant The Railway Children A Little Princess Lord of the Flies Ender's Game series and Ender's Shadow series Anne of Green Gables series The Young Wizards series The Chronicles of Narnia series The Saga of Darren Shan series The Harry Potter series

Author Raquel J. Palacio Patrick Ness Antoine de Saint-Exupery E.B. White Mark Haddon Mitch Albom Jeffrey Zaslow Augusto Cury Paulo Coelho George Orwell Roald Dahl Edith Nesbit Frances Hodgson Burnett William Golding Orson Scott Card L. M. Montgomery Diane Duane C.S.Lewis Darren Shan J. K. Rowling


Non-fiction Title Dear Me: A Letter To My Sixteen Year Old Self* It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be Horribly Famous Series*

Author Joseph Galliano Paul Arden Published by Scholastic


Books with an asterisk are highly recommended by teachers

9780552565974 9780763660659 9781987817942 9780064400558 9781400032716 9780767905923 9781401323257 9781439195734 9780061122415 9788129116123 9780573050947 9780573050947 9780064401876 9780399501487

9781451649673 9780714843377

Recommended Reading List (Junior Forms) Other Languages (GCSE Chinese) Fiction Title 鼠小弟跨世代經典套書 彩虹系列--橙1-4 彩虹系列--黃1-4 月亮忘記了(2007年新版) 向左走‧向右走(平裝新版) 如果我可以許一個願望(平裝) 成語故事100個 (智慧篇) 成語故事100個 (聰明篇)

Author 中江嘉男 何巧嬋 何巧嬋 幾米 幾米 幾米 精英出版社有限公司 精英出版社有限公司


Author Annie Coutelle A. Ventura Pascale Paoli Virginie Guérin Marine Courtis Nicolas Boyer Mirela Vardi Léo Lamarche Annie Coutelle Sylvie Bataille


Author Ernesto Rodriguez Jaime Corpas Lourdes Miquel Quino Jordi Surís Jordà


9789862113936 9789625630328 9789625630335 9789862130131 9789862130438 9789862133934 9789628995004 9789628995011

Recommended Reading List (Junior Forms) Other Languages (French) Fiction Title Le Blog de MaÏa Le Coffret mystérieux La dernière nuit au phare Double Je Enquête Capitale Le Match de Thomas La Nuit blanche de Zoé Rémi et Juliette Rémi et le mystère de St-Péray Si c'était vrai

9782011556721 9782011561381 9782011557476 9782011561183 9782011557377 9782011556813 9782011561350 9782011561282 9782011554949 9782011554567

Recommended Reading List (Junior Forms) Other Languages (Spanish) Fiction Title Un día en Barcelona Los Fernández: Fiesta sorpresa en Chinchón Lola Lago una nota falsa Mafalda 0 El secreto de las flores

9788416273492 9783191645014 9780130993779 9788426445001 9788489344730

Recommended Reading List (Junior Forms) Mathematics and Science Non-fiction Title The Joy of Mathamtics 100 Essential Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know Introduction to Game Theory 21st Century Science: Genetics Smoking 101: An Overview For Teens USA Today Health Reports: AIDS Why should I bother to keep fit? Children's Guides: Why shouldn't I eat Junk Food? Cool Science: Robotics Cool Science: Wireless Technology 21st Century Science: Telecoms Albert Einstein and Relativity for Kids New Technology Robot Technology Our Final Invention -- Artificial Intelligence and the end of human era Scientific American: Cutting-Edge Science How Robotics Is Changing Society Robotic Technology Rise of the robots Janice Vancleave's A+ projects in chemistry : winning ecperiments for science fairs and extra credit Theo Gray's Mad Science : Experiments You Can at Home - But Probably Shouldn't What's chemistry all about Chemical chaos Naopleon's buttons : 17 molecules that changed history Parallel Worlds Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100 Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character) In defense of food : An eater's manifesto / Michael Pollan Only a theory : Evolution and the battle for America's Soul / Kenneth R. Miller

Author Pappas, Theoni Barrow, John D Morris, Peter Moira Butterfield Margaret Oldroyd Hyde Carol Sonenklar Kate Knighton, Susan Meredith, Christyan Fox Kate Knighton, Adam Larkum Helena Domaine Mary Firestone Simon Maddison Jerome Pohlen Ian Graham James Barrat Rosen Publishing Group Don Nardo Greenhaven Press Martin Ford

Vancleave, Janice. Gray theodore. Frith, Alex. Arnold, Nick. Penny Le Couteur, Jay Burreson. Michio Kaku Michio Kaku Michio Kaku Michio Kaku Richard P. Feynman Pollan, Michael Miller, Kenneth R.

ISBN 0933174659

9789862350959 038794284X 978-0749645878 978-0761328353 978-0822585817 978-0794521165 978-0746087558 978-0822521129 978-0822575900 978-1583403525 978-1613740286 978-0237540753 978-1250058782 978-1404209855 978-1601529060 978-0737763393 978-0465097531 471586307 9781579128753 9780746089378 59019125 1585423319 9781400033720 9780385530804 9780307278821 9780385477819 0393019217

9781594201455 9780143115663

Recommended Reading List (Junior Forms) Social Science Non-fiction Title Global Connections : Environment and Natural Resources Teen Issues: Bullying Energy and the environment: Biofuels The Altas of World Hunger 你對地球認識多少?

Author Charles F. Gritzner Lori Hile John Tabak Thomas J. Bassett & Alex Winter-Nelson 馬斌譯

The Industries of the Future The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century The Cartoon Introduction to Economics Volume One : Microeconomics The Cartoon Introduction to Economics Volume Two : Macroeconomics Easy Economics

Alec Ross Thomas L. Friedman Grady Klein & Yoram Bauman Grady Klein & Yoram Bauman L.Wolfe, L.Smith & S.Buckles

1476753652 312425074 978-0809094813 978-0809033614 978-1118118061

Geography 360 The Geography of China GCSE Geography in Focus New Key Geography for GCSE

A. Bowen & J. Pallister J. Lu J. Widdowson, J. Smith & R. Knill D. Waugh & T. Bushell

0 435 35643 7 1 59084 828 4 0 7195 7558 3 0 7487 6581 6

Geography of Extreme Environments – Deserts Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens Coping with cash Managing money So you want to work in Banking and Finance? 101 Ways to be smart about money The complete idiot's guide to Money for Teens 大清海軍與李鴻章 香港歷史散步 簡明近代香港史 故事版資治通鑑 復活的軍團秦軍秘史 Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Horrible Histories: The Woeful Second World War Horrible Histories: The Woeful First World War The Birth of the United States Understanding People in the Past: The Ancient Greeks The Great Depression and World War II Adventures in Ancient Egypt America's Colonization and Settlement Global History Vol 1: The Ancient World to the Age of Revolution Global History Vol 2: The Industrial revolution to the Age of Globaalization

C. F. Gritzner Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter Peter Corey Barbara Hollander Margaret McACPINE Rebecca Vickers Susan Shelly 錢鋼 丁新豹 蕭國健 沙永玲 金鐵木 Frank Otto H. and Mirjam Pressler Deary, Terry Deary, Terry Brennan, Linda Crotta Rees, Rosemary Peterson, Sheryl Biley, Linda Lusted, Marcia Amidon Willner, Mark Weiner, Jerry

ISBN 978-1-604 13-289-2 978-1-406-23882-2 978-0-8160-7082-4 978-0-226-03907-7 978-986-5893-08-8

0 7910 9234 8 0-446-69321-9 0-439-01015-2 978-0-431-11250-3 978-0-7502-5488-5 978-1-4109-4382-8 0-02-864006-3 9888290819 9789620744334 97896204331 9579216258 9628885561 0-141-31518-0 0-439-01122-1 1-61080-197-3 1-403-48753-7 1-61080-287-1 1-55074-548-1 1-61080-282-6 0-7641-5811-2 0-7641-6003-6