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2005 Regulations you are free to use this information for your own use or for the purposes of news reporting. ... Coventry RA Extracts 2007/08 to 2009...

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Ref: 20095223 Date: 8 March 2013

Customer and Workforce Services Bev Messinger Director of Customer & Workforce Services Information Governance Team Lower Ground Floor Council House Earl Street Coventry CV1 5RR Please contact Sue Gilbert Direct line 024 7683 3323 Fax 024 7683 3395 [email protected]

Dear Freedom of Information Act 2000 Thank you for requesting information about expenditure in social care and home to school transport which the Council received on 11 February 2013. Your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("The Act"). You have requested the following information; - Budget for Social Care for the last 5 years - Actual expenditure for the last 5 years - Budget for Social Care for the years 2013-2015 - Cost cutting initiatives that have occurred over the last 5 years and the effectiveness of these Following careful consideration, the information you requested concerning the budget for social care falls under the exemption(s) in section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("The Act"), which relates to 'information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means'. The exemption applies as the information is published and publicly-available to view by accessing the following links. The information provided below covers both adult and children's social care. Each year the local authority is required to complete returns to central government showing details of budgets and actual expenditure. For budgets these are known as Revenue Account (RA) forms and for expenditure these are Revenue Outturn (RO) forms. These can be accessed at the following sites.

1) Budget for Social Care (RA) for the last 5 years The forms include drop down menus to select specific authorities and this will also provide a consistent view across authorities. Unfortunately the Central Government site does not show data earlier than 2010/11, however you could request this from Central Government. With regard to the earlier 3 years for Coventry only, the Tables attached as Appendix 1 show the budgets for those years. 2) Actual Expenditure for Social Care (RO) forms for the last 5 years 3) Budget for Social Care for the years 2013-2015 Budgets for the years 2013-2015 have not yet been set. The Councils Annual Budget Report for 2013/14 went to a Full Council meeting on 26th February 2013 and was approved. The report can be found here (item 8): 4) Cost Cutting Initiatives and their effectiveness Cost Cutting initiatives to deal with budgetary changes are included within the Budget Report to Council which can be accessed via the Council's Committee Management System Modern Gov at: Budget Reports are presented in February each year with a pre-budget report (where relevant) presented in the proceeding November or December. - Budget for Home to School Transportation for the past 5 years - Actual expenditure for the last 5 years for Home to School Transportation - Budget for Home to School Transportation for the years 2013-2015 See table below.


Home To School Transport Financial Year Base Budget £000's

Outturn / Forecast £000's

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11

2,915 2,959 2,945

3,877 3,821 3,738




2012/13 2013/14

2,909 2,909

2,970 2,909 Forecast only

Please note that most of the information that you request is owned by the Coventry City Council and subject to copyright protection. Under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information 2005 Regulations you are free to use this information for your own use or for the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use under the Regulations, for example; publication of the information or circulation to the public, will require permission of the copyright owner and may be subject to terms and conditions. For documents where the copyright does not belong to Coventry City Council you will need to apply separately to the copyright holder. If you wish to apply to reuse the information you have requested or have any other issues relating to this request please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope you feel that our response meets your request. However you have a right to make representations about the outcome or handling of your request – in the first instance this must be made in writing within 40 working days of the date of this letter, to the Council's Information Governance Team at: Council House, Room 21a Lower Ground Floor Earl Street, Coventry. CV1 5RR [email protected] If you have done the above but are still dissatisfied, you then have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF Yours sincerely

Sue Gilbert Information Governance Assistant


  Appendix 1  Coventry RA Extracts 2007/08 to 2009/10 EXPENDITURE

2007/08 Coventry RA Extract

Net current expenditure

Capital charges

Net total cost excluding specific grants

£ 000

£ 000

£ 000



(3) = (1) + (2)

SOCIAL SERVICES 311 325 329 330 340 351 352 353 375 379 380 390

Social services strategy - children Children's and families' services - asylum seekers Children's and families' services - other Social services strategy - adults Older people (aged 65 or over) including older mentally ill Adults aged under 65 wi h physical disability or sensory impairment Adults aged under 65 wi h learning disabilities Adults aged under 65 wi h mental health needs Other adult social services - asylum seekers - lone adults Other adult social services - other Supported employment TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES (total of lines 311 to 380)

241 297 37803 235 47588 8033 20184 5149 2596 556 1008 123690

25 0 156 0 89 0 120 0 0 0 0 390

266 297 37959 235 47677 8033 20304 5149 2596 556 1008 124080

302 259 36411 237 49041 8380 22850 5517 2612 676 292 126577

0 0 0 0 160 41 116 13 0 0 0 330

302 259 36411 237 49201 8421 22966 5530 2612 676 292 126907

264 430 40672 240 47814 8205 22516 5173 1745 1181 299 128539

93 0 21 0 40 28 100 6 0 0 0 288

357 430 40693 240 47854 8233 22616 5179 1745 1181 299 128827

2008/09 Coventry RA Extract SOCIAL CARE 311 325 329 330 340 351 352 353 375 379 380 390

Social care strategy - children Children's and families' services - asylum seekers Children's and families' services - other Social care strategy - adults Older people (aged 65 or over) including older mentally ill Adults aged under 65 wi h physical disability or sensory impairment Adults aged under 65 wi h learning disabilities Adults aged under 65 wi h mental health needs Other adult social care - asylum seekers - lone adults Other adult social care - other Supported employment TOTAL SOCIAL CARE (total of lines 311 to 380)

2009/10 Coventry RA Extract SOCIAL CARE 311 325 329 330 340 351 352 353 375 379 380 390

Social care strategy - children Children's and families' services - asylum seekers Children's and families' services - other Social care strategy - adults Older people (aged 65 or over) including older mentally ill Adults aged under 65 wi h physical disability or sensory impairment Adults aged under 65 wi h learning disabilities Adults aged under 65 wi h mental health needs Other adult social care - asylum seekers - lone adults Other adult social care - other Supported employment TOTAL SOCIAL CARE (total of lines 311 to 380)