Download Fundraise With Facebook. What is Fundraising With Facebook? This is a way for you to easily share out information about your fundraising ca...

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Fundraise With Facebook

What is Fundraising With Facebook? This is a way for you to easily share out information about your fundraising campaign directly to your Facebook page.

Step 1: Log in to your HeadQuarters web page by visiting www.heart.org/jump (Jump Rope For Heart) or www.heart.org/hoops (Hoops For Heart) and click on the ‘LOGIN HERE’ button. Enter your Username and Password in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Step 2: Click on the Social Networking Tab in your My HeadQuarters Page.

Step 3: Click on the Fundraise with Facebook Link.

Step 4: Once you clink on this link you will be prompted to Log in to use your Facebook account with Jump Rope For Heart/Hoops For Heart 2014.

Step 5: After you sign in, click on “Go To App” and it will load on your Facebook Page. If you need additional technical assistance, you may call our Help Desk toll-free at 877-824-8531 between 8 am - 6 pm (Central Time), Mon - Fri.