Final Year Projects - Department of Electronic and

Supervisor : Dr. Chandika Wavegedara, Dr. Ajith Pasqual ... is completely designed by us which is configured to accept Sri Lankan currency notes & has...

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Final Year Projects-2012 Department of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering University of Moratuwa

Final Year Projects


Group 01 Hardware Implementation & Performance Evaluation of the Physical Layer of IEEE 802.22(WRAN) Receiver Supervisor : Dr. Chandika Wavegedara, Dr. Ajith Pasqual The Cognitive Radio concept is a flexible and effective solution for the problem of spectral crowding due to the under utilization of the radio spectrum. The recently released IEEE 802.22 WRAN Standard developed by the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee is the first ever standard for Cognitive Wireless Regional Area Networks, and it utilizes the unused TV white spaces to provide broadband access to rural areas. This paper presents a hardware implementation of the Physical Layer of the IEEE 802.22 WRAN receiver along with a performance evaluation for the Physical Layer. For this purpose, a simulation model of WARN PHY Layer has been designed, with the baseband transmitter being implemented using MATLAB and the baseband receiver on FPGA.

Group 02 A Non-Linear Turbo Receiver For LTE Uplink Supervisor : Dr. Chandika Wavegedara Non-linear Turbo Equalization is an advanced iterative equalization and decoding technique that allows to reduce the re-transmissions and hence enhance the quality of network. In this project, a new searching algorithm for sphere detection is proposed. The proposed algorithm reduces the computational complexity of equalization process compared to the original K-best algorithm. The work is in the context of Long Term Evolution (LTE) Uplink, 3GPP specifications release 10. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated for 2x2 MIMO 64QAM in an Extended Typical Urban model (ETU) channel profile.

Group 03 Vending Machine for Fast Moving Consumer Goods Supervisor : Dr. Ajith Pasqual With the ever-increasing busy lifestyles of Sri Lankans, the concept of ‘Self Service’ has to be extended from Super Market purchasing to 24x7 purchasing which requires vending machines. Our project is to develop a complete commercializable & low cost Vending Machine Controller System that is in compliance to the relevant international standards. Other than the traditional cash payment mechanism, it is possible to pay via NFC contact less cards & from the customer’s mobile phone through SMSs. The cash payments are done through a bill acceptor that is completely designed by us which is configured to accept Sri Lankan currency notes & has the capability of detecting counterfeits successfully due to the unique sensors & algorithms implemented.

Final Year Projects


Group 04 Field Testing Tool For Television Broadcasting Supervisor : Eng. Kithsiri Samarasinghe In the modern Television broadcasting industry, a Field Testing Tool is an essential equipment that can be used for setting up and maintaining a network that is always monitored both quantitatively and qualitatively. But unfortunately when considering the present context of broadcasting industry in Sri Lanka such a tool is no been used. So, as our project we will be implementing a field testing tool for television broadcasting industry in Sri Lanka. The data acquired from the implemented drive test tool will be used to create the digital map of the network for the given geographical area, which can extensively be used for the analyzing purposes as well as for better network planning. The implementation of this tool can also contribute greatly for the upcoming Digital Broadcasting era of Sri Lanka.

Group 05 Synchronized Medical Image Viewer for Remote Consultation Supervisor : Dr. Nuwan Dayananda The analysis of medical images is a critical step in the process of patient treatment and care. In Sri Lanka the shortage of radiologists has proven detrimental to patient treatment and care due to the fact that surgeons and radiologists cannot meet regularly at the same location/hospital in order to perform image analysis and surgical planning. The proposed solution is a medical image viewer capable of enabling radiologists and surgeons to work in a collaborative and synchronized space, where they are able to analyze scans in an accurate, efficient and secure manner while being located in geographically disparate locations.

Group 06 Intelligent Seeker Supervisor : Prof. Dileeka Dias In today’s context, people expect mobile applications to become smarter, irrespective of the smartness of the mobile device they use. Intelligent Seeker is an intelligent SMS application which helps any mobile user to find the availability a specific product of his/her interest around a certain location he/she specify. By providing the availability information listed by distance and by price, it puts an end to the mind struggle a person needed to figure out the best place to go. Not limiting to the smart phones, tolerating the spelling mistakes, extract the key information from any nonstandard sentence pattern, knowledge base which learns and grows are the key intelligent features.

Final Year Projects


Group 07 Audio Watermarking and Extraction in a Constrained Environment Supervisor : Prof. Dileeka Dias An audio watermark, which is similar to a picture watermark, is a set of ASCII letters hidden within an audio clip without noticeable distortion. This watermark must ride all its length via the channel, be it a mobile, broadcast or over the air, without deterioration and must ride in a secure manner. We developed an audio watermarking algorithm, with the above mentioned requirements, and then customized it to develop two applications; one is a secure money transaction application via a mobile voice call and the other is a personalized uni-cast announcement system through a public addressing system.

Group 08 IEEE WAVE (802.11p/1609.x) based Adaptive Traffic Control System for a Four Way Junction using Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Communication Supervisor : Dr. Ajith Pasqual Traffic coordination in intersections is a very studied and challenging topic. We develop a traffic control algorithm and design a virtual traffic light protocol that can dynamically optimize the flow of traffic in road intersections without requiring any roadside infrastructure. We use IEEE 802.11p/1609.x protocols known as Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) as the standards for the Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) data dissemination. WAVE is a next generation intelligent transportation technology that aims to improve transportation environments and road traffic control is a promising application of WAVE standards.

Group 09 Automated Certifying System for Important Documents Supervisor : Dr. Ruwan Weerasuriya Dr. Chulantha Kulasekere Today certification of a copy of a legal document is done manually. Illegal certifications, difficulty of identifying modifications, personnel dependence and time consuming are major drawbacks of this system. In order to avoid the above mentioned drawbacks, The certification procedure can be automated so that it can be done from anywhere in the world. This project proposes a solution to certify a document automatically form anywhere. Objective of this project is to develop an automated certifying system for university transcripts. But the project can be generalized for validating many kinds of important documents.

Final Year Projects

Group 10 External stimuli independent EEG based Brain Communication using consumer grade EEG device



Supervisor : Dr. Ajith Pasqual Brain Computer Interaction is a technology developed with the intention of building an alternative communication channel between mind and machine which is independent of ordinary neuro-muscular functions. Generally, medical grade EEG equipment is used in BCI research. In this research we look into the possibility of developing a system designed to classify imagined motor action using a consumer grade EEG device. The system we present uses data recorded from electrodes positioned over sensorimotor area of the brain to identify patterns that enable discrimination of different motor related thoughts.

Group 11 Implementing a cache controller on FPGA Supervisor : Dr. Ajith Pasqual Cache memories play an important part in reducing the latency in accessing memory by utilizing temporal and spatial locality of data. Latencies have been critical to such an extent that most of the developers are now contemplating on moving the software based implementation in to hardware based (FPGA) equivalents. This paper presents the implementation of a cache controller on Vertex 6 ML605 FPGA with additional functionality to measure performance via PCI express channels. Cache memory is integrated to communicate with a DDR3 memory while the internal communications are done via AXI4 protocol.

Group 12 Driver Development for IEEE WAVE (802.11p/1609.x) based wireless module with embedded Networking services Supervisor : Dr. Ajith Pasqual The project outcome is a wireless module which provides all-in-one ready to be used platform for developers to directly deploy WSMP/UDP applications with the ease of already completed tasks such as creating customized hardware platform, finding reliable DSRC wireless modules and developing 802.11p driver and 1609.3 stack .The system comprises two Vehicle-to-Vehicle On Board Units, designed to provide integrated communication capabilities for ITS applications and to support communications using 5.9GHz DSRC protocol. An application of intersection collision avoidance is used for demonstration purposes.

Final Year Projects


Group 13 Intelligent Travel Assistant Supervisor : Prof. Dileeka Dias Sri Lanka is considered as the best valued destination for holidays. Thus, the arrival of tourists increases rapidly Not only foreign tourists but also local travelers are unaware of places of attraction with scenic beauty, historical significance etc. Therefore, many tourists seek tour guide assistance for travelling. But, there isn’t sufficient number of guides available during seasons ‘MyGuide’ intelligent travel assistant is a software application for mobile devices that has the capability of intelligently assisting travelers by understanding user preferences, pushing information that are preferred by user and providing other information on demand with audio and multimedia integration.

Group 14 Mobile wireless body area sensor network for fitness training Supervisor : Prof. Dileeka Dias The goal of this project is providing a mobile, energy efficient, but still an accurate way of quantifying the energy expenditure during a fitness exercise. The main aspects of the project are the sensor hardware used to measure the physiological features related to energy expenditure, the body area network which collects the measurements from the sensor nodes, and the algorithm for energy computation. The prototype system developed includes an IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee) based wireless body sensor network measuring parameters such as heart rate, nasal flow rate and body temperature, and a mobile application for visualization.

Group 15 Anti Personnel Mine Detection Robot Supervisor : Dr. Rohan Munasinghe This product aims at automating the land mine detection process which is currently being done manually. The manual detection process is stressful on the operator which makes it inefficient to employ humans to detect land mines. The mobile robot can operate in manual or automated mode to allow the operator to take full control over its actions whenever necessary. Power generation will be done onboard, using an IC engine which will enable long hours of uninterrupted operation. The all-terrain platform on which the detector is mounted can be used for other applications as well, such as surveillance, search and rescue and in active duty in armed conflicts.

Final Year Projects


Group 16 Quadrotor UAV with autonomous navigation Supervisor : Dr. Rohan Munasinghe To enable researchers to try out different control level algorithms and trajectory planning algorithms on a generic quadrotor platform and to fly that platform autonomously with minimum human interaction are the primary aspects of a laboratory type quadrotor UAV. In order to gain substantial control over gyro noise, inevitable vibrations of the platform and attitude or heading, different algorithms are needed to be implemented and tested. A suitable control level integration of Euler angle rate and attitude error compensation is necessary to obtain smooth maneuverability and subsequent deployment of autonomous navigation module and ultimately to employ them in their field to perform aerial photography and short range surveillance in critical situations like disasters and unanticipated traffic congestion.

Group 17 Vision-Based Expressway Management Information System Supervisor : Dr. Ranga Rodrigo Southern Expressway is Sri Lanka’s first E class highway which reduces the time taken to travel from Colombo to Galle drastically. Even though several surveillance cameras are installed at the interchanges of the expressway, currently there is no way to automatically catalog the vehicles entering or leaving these interchanges. Thus in this work we utilized the image data acquired from these cameras to automatically log the journey information of all the vehicles travelling via the expressway, such that this information could be used for statistical analysis, fraudulent detection and managerial decision making. We developed a scalable, distributed and real-time system which is partially invariant to illumination and rotation. We made several improvements to the existing methods as they failed due to the low resolution images, and incorporated intelligent algorithms, image processing techniques and domain knowledge to improve the accuracy.

Group 18 An Endoscope Tracker in 3D Space Using MEMS Sensors Supervisor : Dr. Nuwan Dayananda Looping of the endoscope in sigmoid colon is a painful experience to the patient and a complication that surgeons need to avoid when conducting a lower GI endoscope examination. Until now, there were no method to detect endoscope looping and surgeons needs to rely on their experience and judgment to avoid this situation. As a solution for this problem in this project, we propose a method to visualize the orientation of the endoscope in the human body in real time. For this, we use 8 MPU 6050 gyroscope and accelerometer sensors and 8 compass modules to take the orientation quaternions of 8 positions of the endoscope and then we use SLERP algorithm to interpolate these 8 points to visualize the whole tube.

Final Year Projects


Group 19 Tree Growth monitor for Rubber plantations in Sri Lanka Supervisor : Dr. Chulantha Kulasekere Rubber is one of Sri Lanka’s primary exports and a major contributor to the country’s GDP. Young Rubber trees in plantations need to be monitored continuously until they reach a tappable state in order to ensure that they meet expected growth deadlines. For this purpose, the girth of each tree in a young plantation is measured periodically - currently, once a year. Information from such measurements is used by the management to monitor the growth of young trees. They are used for managerial decision making in resource allocation, planning and fertilizing, identifying clones of rubber which show good/ poor growth and determining tapping time lines for different regions. Currently the growth of trees is measured by workers who manually measure the girth of tree using a regular measuring tape. This process is known to be extremely error prone and inefficient. Managerial decisions taken based on erroneous measurements affect the revenue earned by the Rubber industry adversely. In our work we propose a hardware and software solution to efficiently and accurately measure the girth of Rubber trees.

Group 20 Advanced Seed Viability Checker Supervisor : Prof. J. A. K. S. Jayasinghe Viability determination of paddy seeds is an important phase in seed quality testing process. The research component of the project mainly focused on determining the correlation between conductivity and the viability of the seed samples according to the international standards. Advanced seed viability checker is the implementation of the above mentioned method. This product is an electronic device which provides more accurate, fast seed viability readings avoiding human errors in the process. The simple and effective solution provided by this product will be resourceful in increasing the productivity of the local agricultural sector.

Group 21 Automated Quality Controller for labels Supervisor : Dr. Ranga Rodrigo, Dr. Jayathu Samarawickrama With the competitive market the quality of the labels for Label manufacturing companies is a key factor for keeping a good customer satisfaction. In Sri Lanka currently quality controlling of labels is solely handled by manual workers which has several drawbacks. So the proposed solution is a fully automated vision based quality controlling system which detects defects of the labels and keep higher quality of the product. The system captures an image of label and compares it with the reference label and sort out the defect ones. The system is proven to have high accuracy and speed compare to the current manual system.

Final Year Projects


Group 22 Autopilot System for a fixed wing UAV Supervisor : Dr. Rohan Munasinghe ‘Unmanned Arial Vehicles’ or commonly known as ‘Drones’ has now become a key area which most countries represent their technological advancement over the others. The project is aimed at developing a fully-fledged auto pilot system which equips the aircraft with the capabilities of following a predefined path and return it-self fully automatically with manual overriding capabilities in highly dynamical areal atmosphere which must be mitigated with quick but smooth response by not allowing the air plane to stall it-self. This will be based on ‘Arduino’ platform which will interconnected with IMU, GPS, Air Speed Sensor, Tx, Rx units with motor controlling.

Group 23 Augmentative and Alternative Communication Learning Platform and Therapeutic Device Supervisor : Dr. Nuwan Dayananda Augmentative and alternative communication is any method of communication used by those with permanent speech disability. This platform together with the device functions as a multistage speech generating device in Sinhala and Tamil which enables users to learn artificial speech and use it in their day to day communication needs. The platform and device runs on the ANDROID operating system, enabling speech synthesis using a storage containing a wide array of tones combining into speech stages, advancing up to a text to speech platform which can be used for speech therapy and artificial speech generation.

Group 24 Hardware Implementation of Linear Turbo Equalization based Uplink Receiver for LTE-Advanced Supervisor : Dr. Chandika Wavegedara

Dr. Ajith Pasqual

LTE-Advanced is the latest mobile communication standard to implement. Turbo equalization based uplink receivers are not yet implemented for LTE-A due to their hardware complexity. We modify the existing turbo equalization based uplink receiver scheme with 2x2 MIMO and 64QAM according to LTE-A standards in order to achieve hardware compatibility. Iterative LMMSE equalization and turbo decoding is employed to improve the accuracy with less hardware complexity. We introduce parallelization and estimations to further reduce hardware complexity & resource utilization.

Final Year Projects


Group 25 Interactive surface using image processing techniques Supervisor : Dr. Chulantha Kulasekere Usage of multimedia for learning purposes has become a vital requirement in present context. Our product is an inexpensive novel solution for using multimedia in very effective way. Our solution occupies image processing techniques in order to make any surface into an interactive one. By using it an user can use drawing, pointing, scrolling and sliding functionalities using his fingers. We have used the OpenCV vision library for our algorithm and implemented it using Java. Our product is not constraining user to a fixed screen size, he can adjust it within given maximum range. We have used skin detection algorithms along with our tuned skin model to detect skin.

Final Year Projects

Floor Plan



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Final Year Projects

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