Fourth Sunday of Advent -

N.B. The Archdiocese of Omaha encourages the faithful to consider an offering of $10 for Mass stipends. St. William St. Wenceslaus Sunday fellowship a...

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St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church Verdigre, Nebraska

St. William Catholic Church Niobrara, Nebraska

Fourth Sunday of Advent Our Parish Mission Statement

We, the parishioners of St. Wenceslaus in Verdigre, and St. William in Niobrara, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in communion with the Catholic Church, strive to nurture charity, integrity of faith, and respect for all. We are committed to spread God’s love to all through faith-filled worship, compassion, and fellowship. We seek to become grateful stewards and faithful Disciples of Christ.

PARISH CONTACTS Rev. Kizito R. Okhuoya, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Keith F. Pavlik [email protected]


Facebook: St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church / St. William Catholic Church

Office Manager: Rita Pavlik

St. Wenceslaus Office: 402-668-2331 *Email [email protected]

Auditorium and Fax: 402-668-2375 409 S. 3rd St. P.O. Box 9, Verdigre, NE 68783-0009 St. William Church 402-857-3438 * 211 4th Ave, Niobrara 68760 St. Wenceslaus Parish Organizations Parish Council Pres: Jeff Kinnison 655-2211 Altar Society Pres: Kathy Masat 668-2305 3rd Degree K of C: Don Hanzlik 857-3636 4th Degree K of C: Ken Meyer 358-3881 CDA Regent: Janet Frank 668-2820 RNW Deanery Pres.: Theresa Pavlik 668-7363 DRE Jean Pavelka 668-7240 St. William Parish Organizations Parish Council Pres: Allen Leader Parish Trustee: Alan Kemp Parish Trustee: Mary Scheinost Altar Society Pres: Pat Altwine

857-3665 857-3597 857-3763 857-3503

MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS N.B. The Archdiocese of Omaha encourages the faithful to consider an offering of $10 for Mass stipends. (✞)Mass Intention for Deceased (Int.) Special Intention Mass

Sunday, December 24, 2017 Christmas Eve 4:30 p.m. Mass @ St. William ✞ Larry Shaffer 6:30 p.m. @ St. Wenceslaus ✞ Edith Vaca

St. William Church Cleaners for December 31st: Jill Stark and Marla Reynolds. Knights of Columbus Bingo at Alpine 6:30 p.m.- Thur. December 26th: Alpine Closed to visitors. NO BINGO

December 25,

9:00 a.m. Mass @ St. Wenceslaus ✞ Edwin and Christina Pavlik 10:30 a.m. @ St. William ✞ Paul Stark

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

No Mass– 6:30 p.m. Mass @ St. Wenceslaus

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


No Mass-10:45 a.m. Mass @ Alpine

Thursday, December 28, 2017

No Mass– 8:30 a.m. Mass @ St. Wenceslaus Weekday—5:30 p.m. Mass St. William ✞ Butch Scheinost

Friday, December 29, 2017

Weekday -8:30 a.m. Mass @ St. Wenceslaus ✞ Jim Maly

Saturday, December 30, 2017

4:00-4:45 Reconciliation before Mass 5:00 p.m. Mass @ St. Wenceslaus ✞ Joe and Arvilla Viterna

Sunday, December 31, 2017

8:30-8:55 a.m. Reconciliation before Mass 9:00 a.m. Mass @ St. Wenceslaus Int~ Living and Deceased Parishioners * Children’s Liturgy 10:30 a.m. @ St. William ✞ Larry Shaffer 5:00 p.m. Mass @ St. Wenceslaus Solemnity Vigil ✞ Edward and Anastazia Mlady

Sunday Weekly Cash Needs Christmas Pension Fund Holy Day Roof/Fall Fund Total Deposit Pledges for Roof/ Fall Fundraiser St. Wenceslaus Capital Campaign for Roof/Fall Fund

St. William St. Wenceslaus $590.90 19 $1626.00 55 $624.29 $50.00 1 $5.00 1 $14.00 2 $659.90

$2,306.13 $335.00 5 $45.00 4 $20.00 1 $2026.00 $5,800.00

$73,749.83 72

MARK YOUR CALENDAR Notice Change of Mass Schedule this week.

Please check the schedule on page 4 for Masses on Dec 31st and Jan 1 for The Solemnity Holy Day. December 30th & 31st– There will be a second collection for “Penny and a Prayer” for Vocations. December 31st- The Knights of Columbus invites you to join them Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Mass. There will be fellowship after Mass in the Fr. Oborny Auditorium with rolls, coffee and orange juice served and conversation shared. December 31st– 9:00 a.m. Mass, the Children’s Liturgy will be held on Sunday instead of Saturday this weekend. January 4th– 7:30 p.m. Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus quarterly meeting. January 6th & 7th– There will be a second collection for the Seminary. January 11th– St. Wenceslaus Liturgy, Altar Society and 3KC Meetings.

From the Pastor’s desk…

CFF Schedule Wednesday, December 27 – NO Class ~ Christmas Break Wednesday, January 3, 2018, CFF Classes and Y Disciple Youth Group will resume.

Last Sunday of the Month at St. Wenceslaus Church The Knights of Columbus invites you to join them Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Mass. There will be fellowship after Mass in the Fr. Oborny Auditorium with rolls, coffee and orange juice served and conversation shared. Mass Intentions

Vocation Cross Schedule Pray for vocations for two weeks

December 17, 2017 December 31, 2017 January 14, 2018

Name Hubert and Naoma Borgmann Steve and Betty Jacot Dr. Ken and Norene Pavlik

New Mass Music

During the Christmas Season we will be using a different Mass setting. The music for our new setting is number 917 through 926 in our Breaking Bread missalettes. It is the "Mass of Christ the Savior" Shout Out!!! The volunteers did a wonderful job helping to beautify the church with Christmas decor to help us sing praise to our Savior, the Newborn Babe. The adults were amazing in teaching our younger volunteers how to do many of the tasks needed to complete the work. So we say an especially heartfelt THANK YOU to Max and Heidi Hollmman, Brooke and Brandon Pavelka, and Kelly Wagner.

As we approach Christmas our attention is turned to the promises of God through the ages and how those promises are fulfilled in the birth of Jesus. The First Reading recalls God’s commitment to David and the Israelites, chosen by God to be his people. God’s promise to perpetuate the kingdom of David through his offspring is fulfilled in the birth of Jesus, the promised Messiah. The event of Christ’s Birth recalls a decisive historical moment for humanity. The Messiah comes to bring us freedom, peace and joy. For the birth of Jesus is the gift of God’s love and mercy. As Isaiah proclaims, “A child is born to us, a Son is given to us.” Prior to and since the birth of Jesus, the world has heard and seen many people with the messiah complex. These individuals have great charismatic personality and the abilities to do some amazing things. They are met with praise and adulation as their fans consume their words without question. These individuals walk on water until they and their fans realize that they are only humans who know well how to mask their weaknesses only for a fleeting period of time. These individuals are mere mortals and not the messiah the world needs, however, for a while they dominated our world of make believe and superficiality. So, there is only ONE MESSIAH promised to the world, Jesus the Son of God and Son of Mary in whom the scriptures are fulfilled. Though born of a lowly Woman in a manger, at an insignificant location, He is the hope of humankind. He is the promise of God fulfilled at the fullness of time through the power of the Holy Spirit and the faith and obedience of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, the foster father and protector of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Messiah of the world. He comes forth to reveal the enduring love of God to the world that awaits her Savior. Indeed, God keeps his promises, the very cause of our joy and praise. As we celebrate God’s faithfulness in keeping his promise of salvation, we are reminded that his promise holds TRUE for our generation as well. In order for God’s promise to continue to be fulfilled in our time, we each must submit our will to God like Mary and Joseph. We may not always understand how God’s promises are going to be fulfilled but we must give our assent to God’s plan to the extent that we are able to discern God’s call. On behalf of Deacon Keith Pavlik, Rita Pavlik, Jean Pavelka and myself wishing you and your family a very warm and joyful Christmas wishes, and a New Year filled with blessings. Thank you to all our liturgical ministers and our wonderful parishioners who donated poinsettias; and our crew of volunteers for decorating the Church. Finally, I commend you to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our own patron Saints Wenceslaus and William. Stay Close to Jesus and your family. God bless you.

Name that Saint in the Window! Name that saint! In his early childhood, this saint was cured of a disease through the prayers of his parents. In thanksgiving, they consecrated him to the service of God. After he was ordained, he was sent to a parish in the city of Prague. He was a great preacher, and thousands of those who listened to him changed their way of life. He became the Queen's confessor. When the king wanted to know what the Queen told him he refused and was thrown into prison. The second time the king asked and this saint refused he was drowned in the river. This saint is often depicted with his finger over his lips; as you will notice in the third window on the west side from the back of the church looking toward the front, which we know is his sign that he could not repeat what had been told to him in the confessional .He is patron of Czechoslovakia, where he is invoked against floods and against slander. His feast day is May 16. St. John Nepomucene

Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study The Bible Study of the Acts of the Apostles will take a break and reconvene on Mon. Jan. 8, 2018. Merry Christmas to all. Christmas Project for Bright Horizons St. Wenceslaus Altar Society is sponsoring a project for Bright Horizons. Do you have an extra purse or two? Fill the purse with personal items from the following list and it will be donated to BH: Toothpaste and Tooth Brush, Deodorant, Shampoo, Lotion, Sanitary items and a Extra Large T-Shirt. Bring the purse donation to the Vestibule or parish office. There is still time to donate items! St. Wenceslaus Decorator Needed!! St. Wenceslaus would like to thank Linda Paesl for the years of decorating she has done in the church, along with Linda Frederick. Looking for a new way to prayerfully worship Jesus? Let the Holy Spirit guide you in your decision to glorify the House of God. Please consider the recently opened position of church decorator(s). A new team is needed to begin in January of 2018. Christmas and Easter has volunteers that offer to help the coordinator. If you know someone, or you would like to take this position on along with your team, please call the office at 402668-2331.

Weekend and Christmas Mass Schedule Saturday, Dec. 30th St. Wenceslaus 5:00 p.m. Sunday, Dec 31st St. Wenceslaus 9:00 a.m. Sunday, Dec 31st St. William 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec 31st St. Wenceslaus 5:00 p.m. Solemnity Vigil Monday, Jan 1st St. Wenceslaus 9:00 a.m. Solemnity Monday, Jan 1st St. William 10:30 a.m. Solemnity * January 1st, Solemnity is not a Holy Day of Obligation, however you are invited to join in the celebration of Mass.

Archbishop Annual Appeal

St. Wenceslaus Verdigre Goal $6294.47 Collection to date: $9150.00/ 145%

St. William Niobrara Goal $2301.58 Collection to date: $3025.00/ 131%

RNW Deanery Scholarship The RNW Deanery is again offering a $250 scholarship to a Senior Catholic girl. The winner of the deanery scholarship will be eligible to compete for the $500 scholarship offered by the OACCW. Application forms have been sent to the guidance counselors of the high schools and the president of the Catholic women organization within the RNW Deanery. Please encourage your senior girls to apply for this scholarship. This includes all the deaneries in the Archdiocese. The applications are due January 15, 2018 and need to be sent to: Theresa Pavlik P.O. Box 329 Verdigre NE 68783 Applications received with a postmark after January 15th will not be considered.