Sunday Bulletin - St. Andrew Church

Clergy of Saint Andrew Pastor Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Souckar Rev. Pedro Freitez - Parochial Vicar Rev. Isaac Arickappalil, CMI - Parochial Vicar Youth4...

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Mass Times Vigil and Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Evening Mass: (English) 5:30 pm & (Spanish) 7:00 pm Sunday Masses: (English) 7:30, 9:30 (Children’s Mass), 11:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m., and 1:30 p.m. (Spanish)

Parish Information

Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Friday 7 a.m., 9 a.m. Monday - Friday (Spanish) 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.

You can find us on: 9950 NW 29th Street Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Parish Office: (954) 752-3950 Fax (954) 752-3986 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: Parish Office Hours Monday 2pm -5pm; Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am - 5pm; Saturday 9am - 5pm & Sunday 9am - 3pm

The Morning Prayer Group would like to invite all to recite the Holy Rosary from Monday thru Saturday at 8:15am in the Chapel.

Confession Saturday (English & Spanish) 4:30pm - 5:30pm Sunday (Before Mass) 9am, 11am & 1pm First Tuesday of each month 3pm to 5pm

“I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the rosary.”

Adoration Perpetual Adoration in Adoration Chapel

Come join us in thanking

Matrimony Please contact the Office at least 6 month prior to wedding Baptism Please contact the office in advance. Baptismal Classes are offered in English & Spanish. Faith Direct Code: FL619

Fr. Bryan A. Garcia for the gift that he has been to all of us at Saint Andrew Parish and School He will be the celebrant of the 9:30am and 1:30pm Masses on Sunday, January 28, 2018 Following each Mass there will be a reception in the Social Hall All our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Parish Staff Clergy of Saint Andrew Pastor Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Souckar

Miss Becky Suchocki Coordinator of Pre-School 954-905-6378

Mrs. Mosi Del Aguila Stewardship Coordinator 954-905-6314

Rev. Pedro Freitez - Parochial Vicar Rev. Isaac Arickappalil, CMI - Parochial Vicar Rev. Normando Feliz - (Retired)

Ms. Belinda M. Castañeda Youth4Christ Minister 954-410-1722

Mrs. Shelly Nicoll Parish Secretary 954-905-6317

Permanent Deacons Rev. Mr. Denis Mieyal Rev. Mr. Steve Rynkiewicz Rev. Mr. Frank Gonzalez

Mrs. Kristen Hughes School Principal 954-753-1280

Mr. Andrew Tomonto - Seminarian Pastoral Staff Mrs. Beatriz Castro Coordinator of Religious Education 954-905-6322

Mrs. Carolina Zalamar Gomez Bookkeeper 954-905-6321 Miss Mary Forney Director of Faith Formation 954-905-6332

Mrs. Mary Lou Taff Music Director 954-905-6335 Mrs. Susi Herran Receptionist 954-752-3950 Outreach Department Volunteers 954-905-6316

MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, January 21st, 2018 7:30AM Fr. Fink John and Mary Raymond by Roseann and Mary E. 9:30AM Fr. Isaac Ushers of the 9:30am Mass by Jim & Mary Dorris 11:30AM Fr. Isaac Marilyn and Saul Berger by The Berger Family 1:30PM Fr. Freitez En Acción de Gracias a la Virgen de la Altagracia por Diógenes y Guadalupe Ramirez 5:30PM Fr. Isaac Jose Rouxinol Vasconcellos by His Family Monday, January 22nd, 2018 7:00AM Msgr. Souckar Doris Vicmudo by The Santa Maria Family 9:00AM Fr. Isaac Bob Bouchard by Gerry and Justin Mehler 7:00PM Fr. Freitez Francisco Esquiu por La Familia Annunziata Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018 7:00AM Msgr. Souckar Loyola Mascarenhas by Gemma & Joseph Campos 9:00AM Fr. Isaac Wesly Puzo by The Lassegue Family 7:00PM Msgr. Souckar Victor Morales Guismondi por Su Esposa, Hermina e Hijas Wednesday, January 24th, 2018 7:00AM Fr. Isaac Harold Barnum by Barbara Branigan 9:00AM Msgr. Souckar Marie Lisa Deborde by The Lassegue Family 7:00PM Fr. Freitez En Acción de Gracias a los Ministros de la Santa Comunión (Living) por Diógenes y Guadalupe Ramirez

Thursday, January 25th, 2018 7:00AM Fr. Fenger Francis and Agnes Conlin by Bob and Dolly Conlin 9:00AM Msgr. Souckar Nina Russo by Rose LoBiondo 7:00PM Fr. Freitez Margarita Oñate por María Oñate Friday, January 26th, 2018 7:00AM Fr. Freitez Irene Maria Simon by Jim and Lorry Dobies 9:00AM Fr. Isaac Salvatore Locurto by His Wife, Grace 7:00PM Fr. Freitez En Acción de Gracias por la Salud de Gonzalo y Herminia Mayo (Living) por Su Familia Saturday, January 27th, 2018 9:00AM Fr. Freitez Community Mass 5:30PM Msgr. Souckar Saint Andrew Parishioners 7:00PM Fr. Freitez Luis Sayago, Jr., por Raquel Sayago y Familia Sunday, January 28th, 2018 7:30AM Msgr. Souckar Jean Murphy by Laurie Littlefield 9:30AM Fr. Garcia Jim and Mary Dorris (Living) by Their Friends of the 9:30am Mass 11:30AM Fr. Isaac Rita Vaccarelli by Frank and Carol Vaccarelli 1:30PM Fr. Garcia Gonzalo Pisso por La Familia Pisso 5:30PM Msgr. Souckar Susana Zust by The Herran-Zust Family

MARK YOUR CALENDARS Monday, January 22nd, 2017 Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel) Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia) Legión de María (7pm - CR # 128) Charismatic Prayer Group (7pm - MPR) Reunión Emaús Hombres (7pm - CR # 121) Tuesday, January 23rd, 2017 Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel) Children’s Choir Practice (3:15pm - Church) Religious Education (4pm - Church) Religious Education (6pm - Church) RE Sponsor Meeting (6pm - Social Hall) Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia) Grupo Semilla (7pm - MPR) Ensayo Coro Sabatino (7:30pm - Church) Wednesday, January 24th, 2017 Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel) School Rosary Group (10am - Church/Chapel) St. Vincent de Paul Meet. (11am - Parish Office) Hand Bells Rehearsal (3:15pm - Church) Y4C Discipleship (6pm - Youth Center) Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia) Carnival Committee Meeting (6:30pm - CR # 121) Catechists Certification (6:30pm - CR # 204)

Cub Scouts (6:30pm - Social Hall) Ministerio para Laicos (7pm - CR # 220) Escuela Biblíca Yeshu’a (7:30pm - CR # 203) Ensayo Coro del Domingo (7:30pm - Church) Thursday, January 25th, 2017 Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel) Religious Education (4pm - Church) Religious Education (6pm - Church) RE Sponsor Meeting (6pm - Social Hall) Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia) Adult Choir Practice (7:30pm - Church) Friday, January 26th, 2017 Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel) Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia) Saturday, January 27th, 2017 Rosary Group (8:15am - Church) Religious Education (9am - School) Confirmation Middle School Retreat (10am - Social Hall) Sunday, January 28th, 2017 RCIA (10:30am - CR # 135 & 221) RICA (11:30am - CR # 121)

Adult Confirmation Class The Office of Faith Formation invites anyone who is need of the Sacrament of Confirmation to attend classes beginning on Thursday, February 15th in Room 121of the school from 7-8:30 pm. For more information, please call Mary Forney, Director of Faith Formation, at 954.588.8667

Feast of Faith Blessing and Dismissal At the beginning of Mass, the priest made the sign of the cross with us. At the conclusion of Mass, he makes the sign of the cross over us, a sign of blessing. We are then dismissed-not just let out, but sent forth with a mission ―to love and serve the Lord.‖ Just as Jesus blessed his disciples as he ascended to heaven, so this leave-taking is joined to a blessing, a prayer for God’s continuing protection. As we leave the church, we bear the invisible sign of the Master whom we follow. In the words of an ancient letter to Diognetus, ―Christians are indistinguishable from other [people] either by nationality, language, or customs. They do not inhabit separate cities of their own, or speak a strange dialect, or follow an outlandish way of life. . . . And yet, there is something extraordinary about their lives‖ (Liturgy of the Hours, Vol. II, p. 840). We are ordinary people sent forth to live extraordinary lives, lives like Christ’s own life — pouring ourselves out for others in prayer, service, and love. —Corinna Laughlin, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

January 22: A Day of Prayer, Penance and Action At the determination of the bishops of the United States, each year, Catholics are to observe January 22 as ―a day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion‖ (General Instruction on the Roman Missal, 373). January 22 marks the anniversary of the misguided US Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade which, in effect, legalized abortion throughout the country. Christians have always upheld the dignity of life and been opposed to the practice of abortion. Even as we stand in opposition to sins against human life, we equally must stand in solidarity with mothers and fathers who face the difficult situation of an ―unexpected‖ or ―unplanned‖ pregnancy. As a Church and as individuals, we have a duty to do all that we can to help those in this situation and to ensure that our society, government and its structures properly safeguard, defend and promote the right to life enjoyed by every person, from conception until natural death. It is most lamentable that the law of the land and public discourse claims a false right of privacy or personal autonomy as a rationalization for the killing of innocent life. Women should enjoy the free exercise of every legitimate civil right, and in recent decades, much progress has been made to acknowledge, expand and defend these rights for women. However, it is a lie to say that a woman’s right to privacy or personal autonomy, or even a reproductive right, nullifies the fundamental right to life of an innocent child. I also think it is important for fathers to take seriously their responsibilities, both to their child and the mother of their child. Men have a serious moral obligation to care for their children and for the mother of their child. It is unjust for a father to abandon his child or the mother, especially in a time of greatest need. Furthermore, civil laws should respect and protect the paternal rights of fathers. A father’s wish that his child not be aborted should be respected by the state and it should be enough to protect the life of the child, even if the mother is opposed to this. We must always take the side of life, including when choosing between two goods (i.e., the rights of a mother and that of a father). In July 1968, Blessed Pope Paul VI wrote Humanae vitae, a papal teaching affirming the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of marriage, procreation and conjugal love. To some, this proved to be a controversial teaching but history shows us that the Holy Father was very prophetic. In that encyclical, the Pope warned that a lax sexual morality and the separation of conjugal love from procreation would lead to, among other things, a lessening of respect for women. The Holy Father said: ―Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection of the rights and dignity of women‖ (HV, 17). In this, and in so many other ways, the Church defends and promotes the dignity of every human person and the particular rights of spouses and parents. As we pause to reflection on, pray about and do penance for sins committed against the dignity of human life, let us also commit ourselves to be men and women who support and promote the true rights and responsibilities mothers and fathers. May our prayers and our actions, always done in mercy and with love, have a positive impact on others and help our society to embrace ever more fully the Gospel of Life. May the Lord continue to bless you and your families with His love! Monsignor Michael A. Souckar

22 de enero: Día de Oración, Penitencia y Obras Queridos Parroquianos de Saint Andrew: Mediante la resolución de los obispos de los Estados Unidos, cada año los católicos debemos observar el 22 de enero como un día de oración para la restauración completa de la garantía legal del derecho a la vida y como penitencia por las violaciones a la dignidad del ser humano cometidas a través del acto del aborto (Instrucción General del Misal Romano, 373). El 22 de enero marca el aniversario de la equivocada decisión de la Corte Suprema de Roe vs. Wade, que en efecto, legalizó el aborto en toda la nación. Los cristianos siempre hemos defendido la dignidad de la vida y hemos estado opuestos a la práctica del aborto. Aun cuando tomamos una postura en contra de los pecados contra la vida humana, debemos tomar una postura de solidaridad con las madres y los padres que se enfrentan a la difícil situación de un embarazo ―inesperado‖ o ―imprevisto‖. Como Iglesia y como individuos, tenemos la obligación de hacer todo lo que podamos para ayudar a aquellos en esa situación y de asegurar que nuestra sociedad y la estructura gubernamental adecuadamente salvaguarden, defiendan y promuevan el derecho a la vida disfrutado por cada persona desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Es muy lamentable que la ley de la nación y el discurso oficial reclamen el derecho falso de la privacidad o autonomía personal como racionalización para matar vidas inocentes. La mujer debe disfrutar el ejercicio de todo derecho civil, y en las últimas décadas ha habido mucho progreso en reconocer, ampliar y defender esos derechos para las mujeres. Sin embrago, es una mentira decir que el derecho de la mujer a su privacidad, o hasta su derecho reproductivo, nulifica el derecho fundamental a la vida de una criatura inocente. También pienso que es importante que los padres tomen en serio su responsabilidad tanto a su hijo como a la madre de ese hijo. Los hombres tienen una obligación moral de cuidar a sus hijos y a la madre de sus hijos. Es injusto que un padre abandone a su hijo o a la madre, especialmente en su tiempo de mayor necesidad. Asimismo, la ley civil deber respetar y proteger el derecho paterno de los padres. El deseo de un padre para que su hijo no sea abortado debe ser respetado por el estado y debe ser suficiente para proteger la vida de una criatura, aunque la madre se oponga. Siempre debemos de estar de parte de la vida, incluso cuando elegimos entre dos bienes (ej., el derecho de la madre y el del padre). En julio de 1968, el Santo Papa Pablo VI escribió Humanae vitae, una enseñanza papal afirmando la enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre la santidad del matrimonio, de la procreación y del amor conyugal. Para algunos, esto resultó ser una enseñanza controversial, pero la historia demuestra que el Santo Padre fue muy profético. En su encíclica, el Papa advirtió que la moralidad sexual laxa y la separación del amor conyugal y la procreación iban a conducir, entre otras cosas, a una disminución de respeto para la mujer. El Santo Padre dijo: «Podría también temerse que el hombre, habituándose al uso de las prácticas anticonceptivas, acabase por perder el respeto a la mujer y, sin preocuparse más de su equilibrio físico y psicológico, llegase a considerarla como simple instrumento de goce egoísta y no como a una compañera, respetada y amada» (HV, 17). De esta y de tantas otras maneras, la Iglesia promueve y defiende la dignidad de cada ser humano y en particular los derechos de los esposos y de los padres. Mientras hacemos una pausa para reflexionar, orar y hacer penitencia por los pecados cometidos contra la dignidad de la vida humana, también comprometámonos a ser hombres y mujeres que apoyan y promueven los verdaderos derechos y las responsabilidades de las madres y los padres. Que nuestras oraciones y obras, siempre hechas con misericordia y amor, tengan un impacto positivo en los demás y ayuden a nuestra sociedad a adoptar cada vez más plenamente el Evangelio de la Vida. ¡Qué el Señor los siga bendiciendo a ustedes y a sus familias con su amor! Monseñor Michael A. Souckar

Help Your School Save The Environment Donate Your Used Cell Phone & Print Cartridges. Our School is conducting an electronic waste recycling fundraiser. Please help support our school protecting the environment by Donating items such as: empty cartridges, used cell phones, and small electronic devices. We greatly appreciate your support!

Parish office updating records Saint Andrew Parish is currently updating parishioners records. If your family has increased or decreased in the last few years, please stop in to let us know what needs to be updated in our system. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Los Talleres de Oración y Vida son un servicio para aprender y profundizar en el arte de orar. Se aprende a orar progresivamente, desde los primeros pasos hasta las alturas de la contemplación y de una manera variada, adaptándose al modo de ser y sentir de cada persona. El resultado es llegar a ser amigos comprometidos y discípulos del Señor.

Basado en la Biblia, con Cristo como centro. Taller liberador y sanador a través del conocimiento de Dios y de uno mismo.  Los Talleres de Oración y Vida, son un servicio gratuito y son una inspiración del Padre Ignacio Larrañaga, Sacerdote Franciscano originario de España. No te pierdas esta oportunidad de profundizar en la intimidad con Dios! Inicio: Lunes 29 de enero del 2018 Hora: 7:00 pm. Lugar: Saint Andrew Catholic School - Salón # 204 Llamar a: Edna Colón Vega al 954-675-2446

Sternos Large coolers Large capacity plastic buckets Disposable food service clear gloves


Wish List In preparation of our 9th Annual Carnival, we are in need of the following items. If you can donate any of these items, please call (954) 548-9839 or drop off at the parish or School Office. You may also drop off at the carnival table in front of the church after all the masses or in the school office the week of the carnival. Thanks for your generosity in helping to make this event a huge success.

Food Prep/Service Items Ziploc bags (gallon size) Paper food trays (5 lbs.) Napkins Plastic forks, knives and spoons 9‖ Foam Plates 18‖ heavy duty aluminum foil Aluminum foil sheets Paper Towels 16 oz. cups 4 oz. plastic soufflé cups Large Chafing Dishes

Vegetable oil Coffee (regular and decaf) BBQ Sauce #10 cans sauerkraut #10 cans Cheese Sauce Single packets of Sugar and Sweet n Low Ketchup #10 cans of relish Mustard Bottle water Sodas (coke products) Salt 6‖ Hot dog buns 4‖ Hamburger buns Cookies Individual bags of chips – snack size

Clean Up Items 55/60 gallon heavy duty garbage bags New bags of rags Latex rubber gloves (large and medium) Sponges Dish Soap Gallons of bleach First Aid Kits

Please notify the Parish Office of any changes in your address or phone number


The success of the Saint Andrew Church Carnival depends on the support of our parish and community partners. This year, all parish families have the opportunity to support the Carnival with a Parishioner Sponsorship. What a great way to show your community spirit! As a sponsor, your name will be listed in our bulletin and on our website acknowledging your generous support of the 2018 Carnival. It is important for you to know that 100% of your sponsorship dollars will be used to promote and fund the event, since our dedicated staff is 100% parent and parish volunteers. Profits raised from the festival will be distributed through our school and various church programs and community services. We encourage you to fill out and return this form by February 5th, 2018 to be part of his exciting Church tradition. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call (954) 501-4985 or email us at [email protected].

Carnival Sponsorship Application Form Application Date __________ Family Name___________________________________________________________________________________ Address

________________________________________ City_______________ State______ Zip________

Phone ______________________________ Email __________________________________ $ 100 + (Listing in Bulletin/Website as 2018 Carnival Sponsor) $ ______ Donation (Thank You!) Authorized Signature _____________________________________ Title ______________________________ Please return application with a check made payable to “St. Andrew Catholic Church” Mail to: Saint Andrew Catholic Church Attn: Carnival Committee (Sponsors) 9950 NW 29th Street, Coral Springs, FL 33065

Thank You for Your Generous Support!

2018 Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive

Campaña de Caridades y Desarrollo del Arzobispo de 2018 Dar luz, dar amor, dar vida

Give Light, Give Love, Give Life ABCD reminds us that the work of the Church is shared by all. By supporting the works of our Archdiocese and the mission of the Church here in South Florida, you will answer God’s call to love and to serve those in need: those who are without shelter or food, those who are sick or dying, women in crisis, immigrants, children and young adults. Your gift is also an investment in the future by supporting the training of our future priests and deacons. In a word, your gift transforms lives, displays compassion and serves as a living testimony of your faith. Jesus calls us to be instruments of hope and, and through the ABCD, to Give Light, Give Love and Give Life. The ABCD gives light by introducing others to Jesus as missionaries of hope. ABCD gives love by action, a deed by giving away of oneself as Jesus gave himself away. ABCD gives life through Catholic education, engaging our youth and young adults and defending the dignity of all human life. Next week, every parish in the Archdiocese will unite to ask our Catholic community to support this year’s ABCD by making a gift. I ask that you prayerfully consider making a gift, whether by responding to the Archbishop’s letter, making a gift online at or turning in your pledge envelope at the Church.

El ABCD nos recuerda que el trabajo de la Iglesia es compartido por todos. Al apoyar las obras de nuestra Arquidiócesis y la misión de la Iglesia en el sur de la Florida, usted responderá al llamado de Dios a amar y servir a quienes lo necesitan: los que están sin techo o comida, los que están enfermos o moribundos, las mujeres en crisis, los inmigrantes, los niños y los jóvenes adultos. Su una donacion también es una inversión en el futuro, al apoyar la formación de nuestros futuros sacerdotes y diáconos. En una palabra, su don transforma vidas, muestra compasión y sirve como testimonio vivo de su fe. Jesús nos llama a ser instrumentos de esperanza y, a través del ABCD, a dar luz, dar amor y dar vida. El ABCD da luz al presentar a otros a Jesús como misioneros de la esperanza. El ABCD da amor por acción, en el acto de dar de nosotros mismos, así como Jesús se dio a sí mismo. El ABCD da vida por medio de la educación católica, involucrando a nuestros jóvenes y adultos jóvenes, y defendiendo la dignidad de toda vida humana. La próxima semana, cada parroquia de la Arquidiócesis se unirá para pedirle a nuestra comunidad católica que apoye al ABCD de este año haciendo un una donación. Le pido que considere en oración el hacer un una donación, ya sea respondiendo a la carta del Arzobispo, o haciendo un una donación en línea en, o entregando su sobre de compromiso en la Iglesia.

First Reconciliation February 5 y 7, 2018 With great joy and enthusiasm we anticipate the celebration of the sacrament of First Reconciliation Please pray for our children preparing for First Reconciliation, that they may receive the gift of God’s mercy offered to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. And for their families, that during this time of sacramental preparation they may grow in faith and closer to God.

Come to me frequently before the Blessed Sacrament. The Church and the World have a great need of Eucharistic worship! You are Greatly needed! Come to speak to Jesus and tell Him what is in your heart. We need adorers every day in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel. ―Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us.‖ - Saint Alphonsus Liguori Call Bettina Favata if you want to sign up for a scheduled hour with the Lord every week at 954-654-5614 (English or bilingual) Maria Eugenia 954-826-49-27 (Spanish)

This Week! Wednesday:

6 pm – DISCIPLESHIP (through Dec 20th) 7 pm – Time with Our Lord in Adoration @ Eucharistic Adoration Chapel

Sunday: 5:30 pm – FAMILY MASS

Next YNight Jan 28! 6:45 pm @ Cave

Please Keep Our Service Men & Women in Your Prayers Brian Feehley Roberto Rodriguez Call the Parish Tommy Simmons Kevin Beerman office Jennifer Carns Michael Snyder 954.753.3950 if Laura L. Flannery Bradley Drown you have a friend Jonathan Hall Chazz Pluchino or loved one in the Michael Mannarino Joey Lauricella military that you’d William Antczak Ryan Piteo like to add to the Matthew Imm Leonardo Chavez prayer list. Joseph Andersen Kyle Thompson Richard Shelly

Saint Andrew Parish Prays for The Sick ... List Adam Dietsch Adele Gerstman Alfred Gertz Amy Anderman Ana Castañón Ana Milena Mera Ana Ribeirinho Angela Valentín Annie Garrick Ann Marie Flynn Anthony Bastone Anthony Ribeau Arlen Erdmann Arthur Skinner Augusto Casanova Aurora Correa Barbara Anderson Barry Davis Baudelina Santamaria Becky Dwoskin Bernard Herschbein Bill Bender Bill Fisher Billy Green Bill Howell Bill Rugg Bobbie Brenda Hufstetler Brian Thomas Green Carmen Torres Carol Foster Catalina Cruz Cathy Bowen

Cathy Carns Cathy Transue Ceinna Spinetto Charles Nye Charlie Cheri Kostigen Christopher George Christopher Pillet Cyndi Telmosse Daniel Uske Danielle Johnston David Scheuerman Debbie Erdmann Debbie Kaminski Denise DiCarlo Denis Haskel Denise Walsh Dennis Lockrey Dennis Lydting Desiree Perron Diana Caraballo Diana Heilig Dolores Latchford Dominick LaRocco Donald McKay Donald Perron Don Flynn, Jr. Doni Judkowitz Donna Silvia Dori Minnelli Drew Bevis Dylan Perron Eileen Kelly Eleanor Amico

Ellen Kramer Emilio Scaglione Emily Green Esperando Girard Fanny Zumbado Felice Catricola Flora Lydting Frank Bellaby Frances Curley Stone Frantz Sullivan Fred Epstein Gabrielle Felix Gail Dupuis Gail Jacobson Gene Temple George Carinha Gerald Hoppe Geraldina “Apita” Giancarlo Bacchi Greg Ougourlian Greyson Heilig (Baby) Gune Vansluytman Halie S. Gerstman Harriet Hoppe Helen Marks Hernán Cruz Howard Charow Idania Chang Irma Rosier Itala Sibille Jack Spitzer Jackson Barnard (Baby) Jacob Troutman James Crow

James LaSorella Janet Alberts Janet Flannery Jayne Green Jesse Carns Jessica Solarno Joann Bucci Joann Voit Joanna M. Gilmore Joe Bartezak Joe Silvia John Carns John Carns, Jr John Fox John Moschella Joseph Chiarella Joseph Schaeffer Jorge Gallo, Jr. Joshua (Child) Judy Constantino Katherine Schauer Kathleen Keyte Kent McEachrane Kerry Clemmensen Kerry Sylvester Kim O’Connor Larissa Freytag Laura Schantz Laurent Verret Laura Lee Flannery Lawrence Castañón Ljerka Rebrovic Ligia Chang Lilly Gerstman (Child)

Linda Peck Linda Ribeau Lindsay McNeil Loran Erdmann Lorie Skinner Lucille Marino Lucy Bucciantini Madeline Wolner Madre Alicia Mae Barnard (Baby) Manuel Chang Marcia Taylor Marisa Faro Mark Silverman Marlene Gentile Marie Pegram Marie Ward Marjorie Curley Moschella Marsha Bradburd Martha Kelaher Mary Crow Mary Mulder Maureen Hoff Michael Chang Michael Dillon Michael Keyte Michael Puglisi Michael Scheuerman Miguel Gomez Mike Foster Minerva Cruz Nancy Gerner Nancy Marsh Nat Chandley

Noreen Minichiello Nick Zilic Niko Lalinde Nora Sullivan Pam Aubertin Patricia Heiser Patricia Hoffmann Patricia Keith Patricia Flynn Patricia Green Philip Branigan, Jr. Randi Van Der Sloot Raúl Pérez Raúl Ríos Raúl Vértiz Regina Hammes Richard Alianiello Richard Clewell Rita Reich Roberto Piana Robyn Trulock Rochelle Isaacs Ron Gerner Ronald Granata Rose Forte Roseanne Abramson Roselyn DePaz Roy Kassebaum Ruth Oxley Salvatore Moschella Sandi Davis Sandi Henderson Sandra Crocker Sandra Voit

Scarlett Moles Shirley Rossell Sig Kalinowski Stephanie Branigan Sue Connell Brown Susan Green Susana Foster Susan Randazzo Susie Fleming Suzanne Starling Teresa Bellaby UT Davidson Verna Brown Victor DiOrio Vinnie Bonvino Wanda Colopy Wayne Oxley William Cruz Willie García Zephaniah Satahoo ATTENTION Please call the Parish office if you would like to add a name 954-752-3950

RESPECT LIFE CORNER Cardinal Dolan Invites Nationwide Participation in '9 Days for Life' Prayer, Action Campaign January 16, 2018

ing, something migrants and refugees are particularly at risk of suffering.

WASHINGTON—Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, is inviting Catholics and others to join the nationwide 9 Days for Life campaign.

By responding to the U.S. bishops' invitation, participants can make a "digital pilgrimage." Joining tens of thousands nationwide, they can build a culture of life through prayer and action, and share their experiences on social media with the hashtags #9DaysforLife and #OurPrayersMatter. There's also a Facebook frame participants can use on their profile picture to show their support for life.

"We bring many needs to God this month, including care for displaced persons, racial harmony, Christian unity, and the protection of all human life," Cardinal Dolan said. "I invite our brothers and sisters in Christ to join me and my brother bishops in 9 Days for Life from Thursday, January 18 through Friday, January 26. Our prayers matter. Every prayer matters, and if you can't start at the beginning, jump in when you can!" 9 Days for Life is the U.S. bishops' annual, pro-life prayer and action campaign surrounding the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. The overarching intention of the centerpiece novena is the end to abortion, and each day treats a different aspect of respecting the dignity of the human person—from the beginning of life to its natural end. This year, as part of the "Share the Journey" campaign supporting displaced persons, one day addresses human traffick-

The website,, features a video with Cardinal Dolan calling the campaign "a great way to put our faith into action." The site offers a print version of the novena, as well as four ways to automatically receive the daily prayers, reflections, and suggested actions in either English or Spanish: free "9 Days for Life" mobile app (with customizable reminders), email, text message, and a Facebook event. Respect Life (954) 977-7769 Project Rachel 1-888-456-4673 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5) St. Andrew Respect Life @StAndrewRL

Please use your envelopes. They are the principal source of Parish Support

Around the Diocese Archdiocese of Miami Development Corporation

God has given us everything - life, health, family and wealth. Is the legacy of your life one of gratitude for your many blessings? Contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110 for information. Dios nos lo ha dado todo: la vida, la salud, la familia y la riqueza. ¿La gratitud por sus muchas bendiciones es el legado de su vida? Póngase en contacto con la rectoría o llame a la Oficina de Donaciones Planificadas al (305) 762-1110 para obtener información.

St. Joseph’s Retirement Residence

A caring Assisted Living facility, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Miami, offering newly furnished apartments or suites, 24/7 nurse on duty and emergency pull cord systems. We provide three delicious meals served daily in our dining room, weekly housekeeping and laundry, plus a full-time Activities Director. We also offer assistance in bathing, dressing, and monitoring medications. The Residence has a beautiful chapel offering scheduled and private worship for all faiths. All this for a reasonable monthly rate. Call for more information: 954-739-1483

Remember Saint Andrew Parish in your Estate Thank you for your Prayer, Service and Generous Giving!!! Readings for the Week of January 21, 2018 Sunday:

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89; Mk 3:22-30, or any readings from the Mass “For Peace and Justice” nos. 887-891 Tuesday: Saint Vincent 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Saint Francis de Sales 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: The Conversion of Saint Paul Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117; Mk 16:15-18 Friday: Saints Timothy and Titus 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Saint Angela Merici 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28

Lecturas de la Semana del 21 de Enero, 2018 Domingo:

Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Jon 3:1-5, 10; Sal 24:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mc 1:14-20 Lunes: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Sal 88; Mc 3:22-30, o cualquier lectura de la misa “Por la paz y la justicia” Martes: San Vicente 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Sal 23; Mc 3:31-35 Miércoles: San Francisco de Sales 2 Sm 7:4-17; Sal 88; Mc 4:1-20 Jueves: La Conversión de San Pablo Hch 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Sal 116; Mc 16:15-18 Viernes: Santos Timoteo y Tito 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Sal 95; Mc 4:26-34 Sábado: Santa Angela Merici 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Sal 50; Mc 4:35-41 Domingo: Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Dt 18:15-20; Sal 94:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mc 1:21-28

Saint Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes Our “Poor Boxes” are located at the Church exits. The St. Vincent de Paul Society uses 100% of your MONETARY DONATIONS to help the needy.

Please help us to help them. Thank you!!!

Weekly Collection Report for Weekend of: 1/14/2018 Masses Saturday 5:30 PM Saturday 7 PM Sunday 7:30 AM Sunday 9:30AM Sunday 11:30AM

People Count 300 505 248 690 730

Sunday 1:30PM Sunday 5:30 PM Total

925 425 3,823

Collection $2,984.00 $1,538.00 $3,548.00 $4,104.00 $3,502.00 $2,913.00 $2,706.00 $21,295.00

Special accounts and collections Collection Description School Financial Aid Children R.E. Children Candle Office Outreach Capital Campaign Total special Collections:

Amount $139.00 $85.00 $128.00 0 $261.00 $62.00 $273.00 $1,703.00

Total of all collections: $ 22,243.00 Please park only in the designated areas and on our lot on the north side of the Property. Thank you

Buck of the Month Envelope Please use your ―Buck of the Month‖ envelope to help support Saint Andrew School. Your generosity is appreciated and will help us to pass on the Catholic Faith to the next generation!