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Indian Journal of Pediatrics Instructions for Authors The Indian Journal of Pediatrics - a monthly journal publishes original articles, brief reports on clinical and laboratory observations; case reports of substantive value; invited editorial annotations; invited papers on recent electronic clinical briefs, advances, clinical diagnosis, announcements (meetings, courses, job advertisements); summary reports of conferences and book reviews. The manuscript received are reviewed by our panel of experts and the final status is intimated to the author within 8 weeks. Articles are selected on the basis of uniqueness, originality and quality of data. All Manuscripts submitted to the Indian Journal of Pediatrics should not have been published in any form in any other publication, and become the property of the publishers. All manuscripts must be accompanied by the following written statement signed by all the authors. “The undersigned author (s) certify (ies) that the article is original, is not under consideration by any other journal, and has not been previously published. All copyright ownership of the manuscript entitled (title of article) is hereby transferred to the publishers of the Indian Journal of Pediatrics.” Articles will be edited for style and grammar. Technical jargon is to be kept to a minimum. The paper by S. Aaronson on “Style in Scientific Writing” (Current Contents 1977; 20 : 206215) gives good hints on this subject. American spellings are used in the Journal. All statement and opinions expressed in the manuscripts are those of the authors, and not those of the editor(s) or publishers. The editor(s) and publishers disclaim any responsibility for such material. The editor(s) and publishers also do not guarantee, warrant or endorse any product or service advertised in the Journal, nor do they guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of such product of service. Preparation of Manuscripts Format. Manuscripts in incorrect format will be returned to authors. Adherence to the following is essential for expeditious processing of manuscripts. The manuscript must not exceed 10-12 pages typed in double space (including 15-20 references). Number all pages in sequence, beginning with the title page. Submit one electronic copy of all elements arranged as follows : Title Page. This should contain the title of the manuscript (5-6 words title) the names of all authors, and their affiliations, a short title (not more than 20 letters to be used as running head) and at the bottom of the page, institution where the work has been carried out, and the address for all correspondence and reprints, including Fax, Phone and E-mail. Structured Abstract. Should be a factual condensation of the entire work with objective, methods, results, conclusions and should be in one para. The abstract should state the purposes of the study or investigation, basic procedures (selection of study subjects or

laboratory animal; Observational and analytical methods), main findings (giving specific data and their statistical significance, if possible), and the principal conclusion. It should emphasize new and important aspects of the study or observations. Clinical Briefs must not exceed 1000 words with one figure and 5-8 references. Text. Authors must consider and follow the format : Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion (if necessary). The matter must be written in a manner which is easy to understand, and should be restricted to the topic discussed. Do not use vertical lines or underlining in the text. Written statement “The undersigned author(s) certifies(fy) that the article is original, is not under consideration by any other journal and has not been previously published. Contributors. Submissions to the Indian Journal of Pediatrics should include at the end of the article (i) each author's contribution (ii) conflict of interest (iii) role of funding source. Acknowledgments should be placed as the last element of the text before references. Abbreviate measurements (cm, ml) according to the style of Journal of Pediatrics (USA). Abbreviations should be used sparingly and must be preceded by the full form initially. References. In citing other work, only references consulted in the original should be included. If it is against citation by others this should also be stated. Use the Sequential numbering system. Arrange the reference list in the sequence in which the references are first cited. In the text, references cited should be superscripted and should appear on top of the line after the punctuation. Responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of references lies with the author. References should not exceed 15-20 in number. The journal follows the Vancouver system of references. References should be numbered and listed consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text. Tables should be identified in the text by superior Arabic numerals. The full list of references at the end of the paper should include : names and initials of all authors (unless more than 6, when only the first 3 are given followed by et al); the title of the paper; the journal title abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus; year of publication; volume number; first and last page numbers. References of books should give the book title, place of publication, publisher and year; those of multiple authorship should also include the chapter title, first and last page numbers, and names and initials of editors. 1. Mehta MN, Mehta JN. Serum lipids and ABO blood groups in cord blood of neonates. Indian J Pediatr 1984; 51 : 30-43. 2. Smith GDL. Chronic Ear Disease. Edinburgh; Churchill Livingstone, 1980 : 78-81. 3. Malhotra KC. Medicogenetic problems of Indian tribes. In Verma IC, ed. Medical Genetics in India. Vol. 2., Pondicherry; Auroma Enterprises, 1978; 51-55.

Papers accepted but not yet published should be included in the references followed by “In press”. Those in preparation, personal communications and unpublished observations should be referred to as such in the text only. For more detailed information about the Vancouver system, authors should consult “Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals' (Br Med J. 1982; 284 : 176670). Legends. A descriptive legend must accompany each illustration and must define all abbreviations used therein. Illustrations and graphs. Submit glossy black and white photographs. The cost reproduction of colour photographs will be borne entirely by the author. Number all illustrations with Arabic numericals (1, 2). Tables. These must be self-explanatory. The data must be clearly organised and should supplement and not duplicate the text. Vertical lines should not be used. Explanatory matter should be given as footnotes. Statistical analyses used must be appropriate. Confidence intervals along with exact probability values must be stated for the results. Presentation of statistical material must be satisfactory. Each table must have a title and should be numbered with Arabic numericals (1, 2).

Page and figure charges. For an article of 5-6 printed pages, two figures and two tables are free. For a brief report of three printed pages, one table and one figure is free. Additional pages are charged at the rate of Rs. 100/- per page and each additional figures and table at Rs. 100/- per page. Manuscript Submission Checklist 1. One electronic copy of manuscript. 2. Name and address of author responsible for correspondence. 3. Structured Abstract (150-200 words) & 3-5 key words. 4. References, cited consecutively in the text. 5. Electronic files of illustrations. 6. Documentation of permission to reuse any previously published material. 7. Covering letter, including statement of originality and signifying approval of final copy by all authors. 8. 10-15 new articles will be published every month in electronic pages in the online section of the journal. Abstracts of the articles will appear in the printed copy of the journal. However, the complete version of the articles will only be available online. Editorial Procedure ON-LINE submission of manuscripts to Indian Journal of Pediatrics will result in quicker and more efficient processing. Electronic submission substantially reduces editorial processing, the time to review and re-review, and overall publication times. Please log directly onto the site and upload your manuscript following the on-screen instructions. Further correspondence should be addressed to the Editorial Office: [email protected] / [email protected] [email protected] / [email protected] If you face any problems while submitting your manuscript, please contact the Editorial Office.