Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries

A Message from the Chairman Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association TVs, Video recording reproducing apparatus, Imaging ap...

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Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association

Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association Ote Center Bldg.,1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan



As of July 12, 2017

Outline of Association

A Message from the Chairman


Name Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association

Toward the Realization of Society 5.0

Purpose By promoting an increase in the healthy production, trade and consumption of electronic equipment and electronic components, to help comprehensively develop electronics and IT industries and the economy and ensure our national culture can thrive.

The Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA), as a industry association representing Japan


in the IT/electronics field, has spearheaded a key role

(1) Research and study and provision of information concerning technologies and business management pertaining to electronics and IT industries.

in the advancement of the industry and the Japanese economy.

(2) Statistical survey and information provision concerning the production, distribution, trade and consumption of electronic equipment, electronic components and related products. (3) Research into the development of trade pertaining to electronics and IT industries and promotion of international cooperation. (4) Promotion of measures related to the environment, safety and quality issues pertaining to electronics and IT industries and information provision. (5) Promotion of laws and systems pertaining to electronics and IT industries. (6) Creation of specification related to electronic equipment, electronic components and related products and promotion of standardization. (7) Promotion of measures and provision of information concerning intellectual property right issues pertaining to electronic equipment, electronic components and related products. (8) Holding of exhibitions related to electronic equipment, electronic components and related products. (9) Business necessary to achieve the purpose of the association other than the businesses listed in the preceding items.

Recently, outstanding technological progress in areas including big data, artificial intelligence and networking has spawned the era of loT (Internet of Things), whereby everything is connected via the Internet. At JEITA, we cover a wide scope, including electronic components and devices, electronic equipment, IT solutions and services, etc., and will henceforth further promote co-creation


with various industries, including advanced transportation systems,

379 companies/organizations [Breakdown] Full members: 264 companies/organizations Associate members: 115 companies/organizations (as of May 2017)

healthcare and smart homes, etc. Toward the realization of “society 5.0,”- a super-smart society


where new values emerge and society as a whole is optimized by information sharing in cyberspace and reality space, we will strive to create new businesses that can help solve a variety of social issues currently facing our country. We greatly appreciate your continued understanding and support for JEITA’s efforts.

1948: Established the Wireless Communications Equipment Industrial Association (WCEIA) 1958: Established the Japan Electronic Industry Development Association (JEIDA) 1958: Renamed from the WCEIA to the Electronic Industries Association of Japan EIAJ (EIAJ) 2000: EIAJ and JEIDA merge to launch the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)


Electronic Equipment


TVs, Video recording reproducing apparatus, Imaging apparatus, Audio equipment, Car AVC equipment, Broadcast equipment, Wireless communication equipment, Wireless application equipment, Mainframe computers, Servers, PCs, Tablets, Network storage equipment, Information terminals, Terminal devices, Medical electronic equipment, Electrical measuring instruments, Industrial measurement control apparatus, Road traffic system equipment, etc.

Electronic Components/electronic Materials


Shusaku Nagae

Passive components (capacitors, resistors, transformers, etc.), Connecting components (switches, connectors, etc.) Transducers (audio components, sensors, actuators, etc.), Other electronic components (power source components, etc.), Electronic materials, etc.

Electronic Devices Semiconductor elements, Integrated circuits, Display devices, etc.

IT solutions/services SI development, Software, Outsourcing, etc.

Other EDI-related, EDA tools, Cable systems, etc.



Boards and Committees



Head Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman

Shusaku Nagae

Kenichiro Yamanishi

Nobuhiro Endo

Kazuo Hirai

Satoshi Tsunakawa

Chairman of the Board Panasonic Corporation

Chairman Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Chairman of the Board Representative Director NEC Corporation

President and CEO Sony Corporation

Representative Executive Officer President and Chief Executive Officer Toshiba Corporation

Sector-specific Boards

Board of Directors

Information System Standardization Committee Software Committee Vice Chairman

Masami Yamamoto

Katsuaki Nomura

Toshiaki Higashihara

Takashi Nishijima

Toshihiro Kuriyama

Chairman and Director Fujitsu Limited

Executive Vice President Member of the Board Chief Operating Officer Sharp Corporation

Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO Hitachi, Ltd.

President and CEO Yokogawa Electric Corporation

President Alps Electric Co., Ltd.

Steering Committee on Policy and Strategy CSR Committee Procurement Committee

Research and Statistics Committee

Information System Disruptive Technology Research Committee

Vice Chairman

IoT Business Strategy Liaison Committee

Social Cooperation Liaison Committee

Finance and Taxation Committee

Information System Policy Committee

Vice Chairman

Investigative Committee on Basic Issues

Communications Committee

Steering Committee on Information Technology and Industrial Systems

Vice Chairman

Policy and Strategy Board

Issue-specific Boards and Committees

Information Technology and Industrial Systems Board

Vice Chairman

Policy Planning Committee

Advanced Mobility Systems Board Automated Driving Systems Studygroup Intelligent Transport Systems Committee Car Electronics Committee

Healthcare Industries Board

Technical Strategy Steering Board Technical Policy Committee Electronic Material/Device Technology Expert Committee Sensing Technology Expert Committee

Environmental Steering Board

Solution Services Committee

Healthcare IT Study Group

IT Platform Committee

Medical Electronics Industry Strategy Technical Committee

Information Terminals and Technologies Committee

Medical Electronics Regulatory System Technical Committee

Environmental Promotion Committee

Personal Computers and Tablet Committee

Medical Electronics Post-Market Regulations Technical Committee

Environmental Standardization Steering Committee

Industrial System Committee

Medical Electronics Quality Management Systems Technical Committee

Green IT Promotion Committee

Environmental Steering Committee

Medical Electronics Sales & Maintenance Technical Committee

AVC Board

Medical Electronics Reimbursement Technical Committee Medical Electronics Fair Trade Technical Committee

AVC Steering Committee Television Cycles Committee


Hisato Nagao

Executive Senior Vice President

Keiichi Kawakami

Executive Vice President, Director, Secretary General

Executive Vice President, Director

Osamu Inoue

Yuko Shigyo

Medical Electronics Standardization and Technology Technical Committee Technical Committee of Medical Ultrasonics

Japan Industrial Standardization Cooperation Committee

TC62/TC87 International Activity Support Committee

Electronic Jisso Technology Committee Technical Standardization Subcommittee on Nanoelectronics

Cable Network Committee Audio-visual Systems Committee

Smart Home Board Design Committee

Product safety steering Board Design Management Committee Visual Symbol Committee

Companies of Other Directors

Semiconductor Board

(alphabetical order)

Panasonic Corporation

Advantest Corporation

Ricoh Company, Ltd.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.

Rohm Co., Ltd.

NEC Corporation

Azbil Corporation

Shimadzu Corporation

Sony Corporation

D&M Holdings, Inc.

SMK Corporation

Toshiba Corporation

Denso Corporation

Soshin Electric Co., Ltd.

Fujitsu Limited

DX Antenna Co., Ltd.

Tabuchi Electric Co., Ltd.

Sharp Corporation

Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.

Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd.

Hitachi, Ltd.

Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Tamura Corporation

Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Hokuriku Electric Industry Co., Ltd.

TEAC Corporation

Alps Electric Co., Ltd.

Hosiden Corporation

Teikoku Tsushin Kogyo Co., Ltd.

IBM Japan, Ltd.

TOA Corporation

Companies of Executive Directors (alphabetical order)

Ikegami Tsushinki Co., Ltd. Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd.

Canon Inc.

Japan Radio Co., Ltd.

JVC KENWOOD Corporation

KOA Corporation

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Kyocera Corporation

Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.

Maspro Denkoh Corp.

Companies of Auditors NHK Engineering System Inc.

Executive Committee Semiconductor Control Committee

Human Interface Design Committee

Trade Policy and International Cooperation Board Trade Policy Committee International Cooperation Committee

Electronic Components Board

China Task Force Japan-EU EIA Working Group

Electronic Components Executive Committee Electronic Components Steering committee Electronic Components Research and Statistics Committee CSR Committee Electronic Components Technology and Standardization Strategy Committee

Technical Standardization Subcommittee on 3D CAD Information Technical Standardization Subcommittee on Printed Electronics

Service and Support Committee

Industrial Social System Statistical Survey Expert Committee

Companies of Chairman and Vice Chairmen

International Standardization Strategy Research Meeting

Reception System Committee

Social System Committee

Directors and Auditors

Standardization Steering Committee

Television Networks Committee

AV & IT Standardization Committee


Medical Software Technical Committee

Standardization policy Board

Japan-India ICTE Direct Dialog Handling Working Group Global Supply Chain Logistics Efficiency Committee

Product Safety Steering Committee Safety Committee EMC Committee Conformity Assessment System Committee Industrial Safety Committee

Inter-business EC steering Board Planning Steering Subcommittee Standard Control Committee ECM Committee

Legal and Intellectual Property Rights Board

SCM Committee Information Technology Committee

Steering Committee on Legal and Intellectual Property Rights

Passive Components/Transducers Committee Connecting Components Committee

Copyright Committee

Power Supplies Component Committee

Economic Legislation Committee

Electronic Material Committee

Patent Committee

Kansai Branch Steering Board Kansai Steering Committee on Electronic Equipement Kansai Steering Committee on Electronic Components

Trademark Committee

Fujikura Ltd.

Display Devices Board Steering Committee on Display Device

Pioneer Corporation

Nichicon Corporation

Renesas Electronics Corporation

Nihon Kohden Corporation

Display Devices Industrial Affaires Managing Committee

Seiko Epson Corporation

Nippon Chemi-con Corporation

Display Devices Environment Committee

TDK Corporation

Omron Corporation

Display Devices Standardization Committee

Intellectual Property Protection Committee

Kansai Digital AV and Broadcast Receiving System Committee Kansai Information and Process Technology Committee Kansai Environmental Preservation Measures Committee Kansai Procurement and EC Committee Kansai Personnel Management Committee

*The boards and committees also encompass various types of committees such as business committees, expert committees and working groups, and the total number exceeds 400. *Member companies can participate in committees on request. Please contact us for details.


Business Plan

Basic Policy Promotion of Society 5.0

Enhancing Competitiveness of Member Companies

Leveraging technological advances, including IoT (Internet of Things), big data, Al (Artificial Intelligence) and others., industrial and social structures are changing significantly and the IT/electronics industry is playing a key role as a driver to support Japan’s economic growth and social advancement. As part of efforts to achieve a “Super-Smart Society” by applying advanced information (Society 5.0) ahead of other countries, JEITA, working with various industries, Startups and overseas initiatives, etc., strives to promote new initiatives of member companies, including investigating issues involved with growing fields and proposals made to government, and others with a sense of urgency. Likewise, to enhance the competitiveness of member companies, we will steadily work to improve the business environment, including regulatory/system reform, tax revision requests, etc. Promoting these businesses will help us develop the IT/electronics industry and Japan’s economy/society.

Response to trade issues

● Response to the protectionist policies of each country In the digital trade field, when protectionist trends such as blockring the flow and utilization of global data and pursuing unique security control and standardization policy proliferate, it hinders efforts to promote free trade. To prevent these protectionist policies from expanding and promote liberalization of the digital economy and enhanced competitiveness, use the joint recommendations developed by major global ICT industry organizations and promote them for incorporation at G20 digitalization ministerial meetings and in G20 summit agreements. ● Promotion of free trade and economic partnerships While the TPP exit of US is determined, support the early conclusion of negotiations such as Japan-EU EPA, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), WTO new Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), etc. ● Efforts to create international rules With respect to regulations on conflict mineral resources, etc. in the US, EU and others., facilitate activities to solve problems and support the business operations of member companies in this regard.

Response to technology policy As part of efforts to enhance international competitiveness and basic domestic technology of the IT/electronics industry, cooperate with related organizations to implement/boost the industry for Society 5.0 and study and promote technological policies/measures to promote research and development.

Promotion of Acquisition, Use and Application of Data Approach to creating new markets Identify promising growth markets for the industry, including automated driving, healthcare, smart homes, etc., positively present the advantages of data use and application through CPS (Cyber-Physical System)/IoT and help solve social problems, etc. While collaborating with relevant industries and identifying user needs, strive to help expand the industry’s business field.

Response to Social Requests Response to environmental/energy issues

Identify markets in areas of new growth and raise awareness

As the total power of the electrical and electronics industry, by quantitatively showing the results of energysaving contributions/potential on a global scale and the degree to which respective solutions contribute toward this aim, including components/devices, equipment and IoT, widely disseminate the environmental contribution of industry and promote the implementation of appropriate policies. Also, following increasing demand for advanced analysis of large-capacity data with the arrival of the IoT era, promote comprehensive energy-saving by promoting alignment between the equipment and data center.

Considering changes in society and industrial structures by CPS/IoT and as part of efforts to benchmark social contributions made by the new growing field, examine the implementation of usage statistics and the application of IT solutions and services by fields.

Balance personal information protection and use and application and ensure data security Investigate common challenges, including a balance between the utilization of big data; essential to developing Al and protect privacy, rule-making and ensuring security when providing a new service to meet individual needs by promoting the use and application of data, fostering the value of open data utilization in Japan, etc. and making approaches to government such as regulatory/ system reform requests, etc.

Co re busin esses

Promotion of fair transaction Based on the “promotion of fair transaction and voluntary action plan for joint-value creation with partners”, formulated at the request of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to further promote fairness in subcontracting relations, conduct awareness-raising activities such as revising the ”Subcontract Law compliance manual” based on revisions, etc. of government standards/guidelines, organize workshops for member companies, collect/publicize best practice cases, etc. and follow up on the status of implementation efforts by member companies based on cross-industry follow-up guidelines specified by Small and Medium Enterprise Agency/Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Also, concerning government policy related to Improvement of subcontracting transactions, study and respond as needed for the industry in collaboration with electrical and electronics-related organizations.

Promotion of IoT Platform-related Investment Improving the environment for IoT-related investment To advocate business using CPS/IoT throughout all industries/fields, engage in policy areas such as making tax revision requests and sending recommendations regarding governmental measures, which help promote investment in systems toward Society 5.0.

Response to work style, etc. Amid promotion of initiatives for work-style reforms by the government as a whole, from the industry perspective and from the perspective of improving international competitiveness and productivity among others., further promote initiatives to improve various systems and telework, etc. to support discretionary work and telecommuting, etc. to balance work and childcare/nursing care and cooperate with the government to promote the widespread use of technology/industry services that contribute to work-style reforms.

Promotion of CPS/IoT use in regions To help further revitalize the regional economy and society, while projects to improve the environment, including government measures in the form of “City/People/Work Creation HQ” (the Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan), the regional development of the IoT promotion consortium (a regional version of the IoT promotion lab)and others are underway, we are advancing with efforts to promote and disseminate examples of CPS/IoT utilization by member companies (advantages of utilization, etc.) to help solve various social issues facing regions through collaboration with local government, etc.

Promotion of Open Communication

Investigation into Organizational Frameworks to Respond to New Businesses Toward the promotion of Society 5.0, to clarify JEITA’s focus on the growing field as a whole, reconstruct it into an organization that can facilitate horizontal cooperation between related departments. Also, investigate the state of the membership system to respond to the intake of the growing field and work on creating flexible organization.

Generation of the co-creation power of Japan toward the CPS/IoT era through CEATEC JAPAN Toward Society 5.0, positioning CEATEC JAPAN as a venue for generating the power of connection among industry, technology and policy by collaborating with different types of industries, ventures and overseas initiatives, based also on the CeBIT 2017 result, partner with the government and “IoT promotion consortium” and transmit the technical strength and direction of the domestic IT/electronics industry within and outside Japan. Also, at CEATEC JAPAN 2017, develop ”IoT Town 2017” as the organizer’s special project to introduce companies/ organizations solving social issues and create new industries and bring frontrunners of all industries who establish Society 5.0 to the world.

What is Society 5.0?

Society 5.0 was promoted as a super-smart society, in its fifth embodiment, following hunting society, agrarian society, industrial society and information society. This is a national vision targeting a human-centered society where, by realizing a super-smart society, national economic growth and efforts to solve domestic and international social issues are achieved, allowing people to live comfortably and full of vitality.

Cooperation with other industries To support efforts by regional medium-sized/core companies to challenge new fields/businesses, etc., use supporting human resources, including regional coordinators, etc., cooperate with other industries and promote network building.

Cooperation with venture companies Use the “JEITA venture award”, as a system to support venture companies who serve as key elements in CPS/IoT societal implementation and promote cooperation between member and venture companies by promoting the participation of the award-winning companies in JEITA businesses by newly establishing special schemes with preferential treatment for ventures, organizing gatherings with member companies, etc.

Promotion of human resource development Conduct lectures for university students via industry-academia collaboration, classes by engineers/researchers for students from elementary school to high school where there is concern over declining interest in science and math, convey the appeal of the IT/electronics industry, the importance of human resources who handle the data and security essential for CPS/IoT and the need for development, etc. Also work on developing human resources who will play important roles in the future of the industry by promoting the development of human resources to be engaged in standardization, etc.


Social evolution 10 millennia ago

Second-generation society: Agrarian society 2 centuries ago

Characteristics of changes

First-generation society: Hunting society

Third-generation society: Industrial society

Industrial revolution First industrial revolution: Steam engine/mechanization Second industrial revolution: Electrical power/electricity


Fourth-generation society: Information society

Third industrial revolution: Computer/information


Fifth-generation society: Super-smart society

Fourth industrial revolution: IoT/big data/AI

Society 5.0

An era where all industries exploit the power of innovation, including IoT, big data, AI, robots, etc., solve social issues and create new industries.

For physical work (transport/manufacturing), it has become possible to tap into the power of machinery instead of that of human and animals.a The power of machinery can now be harnessed for relatively complex physical work and in some information industries (toward mass production). Information work has also been made more efficient. In record/process/ communication of information, physical/mental/economic constraints were relaxed. In both physical/information work, the ability to automatically identify and utilize data based on real-world information has allowed machinery to implement judgment and operate autonomously.


Business Activities

Policy Recommendations

Research and Statistics Survey

Toward the further enhan-

We cooperate with member

cement of research and

companies to conduct “in-

development to pave the

dustry statistics” survey

way for the early societal

and release the results on

implementation of the

the website, etc. There are

CPS/IoT and enhanced

13 kinds of such industry

sustainable industrial com-

statistics, which are widely

Make Policy Recommendations from the IT/electronics Field Toward realizing Society 5.0

used as economic indicators

petitiveness, we deliver recommendations and requests to the government and relevant organizations, etc., both domestically

Research and statistical Work is Done to Grasp trends in Wide-ranging Product Fields in a Timely Manner.

New Year’s Celebration

Over 400 committees

As a venue for exchanging new year’s greetings among government officials, industrial leaders and other stakeholders, we hold a “New Year’s Celebration” every January. As well as representatives and executives from member companies, wide-ranging industry players, including government and academia, participate, exchange information and interact with each other.

To research and address issues of various fields, both inward and outward, Boards and committees have been established based on relevant issues and fields, which encompass business and expert committees, etc. These committees are well positioned to solve various issues surrounding the industry.

to highlight industry trends. Various reports, including “Field-specific market trend surveys”, “Forecast surveys”

and overseas, concerning

and “Data collection”, etc.

improvements in the

are also utilized to identify

b u s in e s s e n v ir o n m e n t ,

industry trends and as basic

regulatory and institutional

policy-making materials.

reforms, etc.

“Production Forecasts for Global Electronics and Information Technology Industries”

“Survey of Trends in Emerging Fields”

“Introduction of the JEITA Research and Statistics Survey Report”

This booklet records the production forecasts for global electronics and information technology industries for a total of 17 items. Research items: TVs, video-recording/playback systems, imaging equipment, car AVC equipment, mobile phones, server/ storage, personal computers, LCD monitors, printers, image scanners/ OCRs, electronic tablets, electric meters, medical electronic equipment, electronic components, display devices, semiconductors, IT solutions/ service.

To determine the strength of the electronics and information industry and fields expected to open up new markets in the IoT era, we have started a survey to complement the “Production Forecasts for Global Electronics and Information Technology Industries”. Fields leveraging the technical strength of Japanese companies are identified and new areas of growth are visualized and digitized.

The booklet introduces the overall aspect of JEITA’s research and statistics in detail. As well as market trends summarized by field, there is statistical data and various announcement schedules and the PDF version is downloadable from the JEITA website.

Tax/regulatory Reform

Promotion of CPS/IoT

Global Production Forecasts

Electronic Component Global Shipment Statistics

For member companies developing business globally, “ensuring a level playing field” and ”ensuring strategic investment funds, including research and development efforts” are both essential. We work with the government and relevant organizations to create a tax system that will help strengthen international competitiveness. Moreover, amid a global industrial paradigm shift “from Mono (things) to Koto (matters)” and “from specific to overall optimization”, we submit regulatory reform requests including making rules governing the use and application of data to the government, etc.,. to support the platform business and the creation of new services.

The creation of new value and resolving social issues through the societal implementation of CPS/loT is expected. Amid intensifying competition over the CPS/IoT initiative worldwide, JEITA aims to enhance links between the IT/electronics industry and various other industries. For automated driving system, healthcare and smart home fields in particular, which are promising growth fields, we formulate and plan a IoT demonstration project and propose it to the government.

The production forecasts for global electronics and information technology industries and the forecast for the following year are announced every December. This is the only set of data covering the entire industry and summarized by gathering all the strengths of respective JEITA product committees. As well as identifying global trends, it sets out the position of Japanese companies in the world and the status of domestic production in a user-friendly manner for each product. In the 2016 edition, we showcase the year’s hot and growth topics with data and explanations such as a summary of the last ten years in the global market.

Statistics complementing and covering all electronic components from a global perspective are unparalleled on a global scale and such industrial statistics are often quoted as references benchmarking shipped volumes of electronic components by media not only in Japan but also overseas. The value of electronic components shipped globally each year exceeded 4 trillion yen in 2015 and despite the impact of exchange rates, etc., the trend is still growing for the near-term. In particular, the global share of electronic components by Japanese companies is approximately 38%; maintaining a high share and boosting energy-saving/miniaturization/ high reliability of various products. It is also referred to as a leading indicator of finished products and widely used as basic data to underpin various reports.

■ Trends in global/domestic production (dollar basis) [10 billion dollars]

Activities pertaining to tax reform As part of efforts to promote the international competitiveness of the IT/electronics industry, we submit requests for policies pertaining to tax reform. • 2017 tax reform joint request toward strengthening of the growth strategy • 2017 tax reform request * Details of all requests including past requests are availableon the JEITA website.

Global production [10 billion dollars]

Materials related to electronic components • Global production of Major Electronics • Electronic material production statistics • Global sensor status survey • Present situation and trends in switching power supply 2016 • Roadmap for electronic component technologies to 2026

IoT town 2016 To showcase connection with companies in various industries, we newly established a special project as the host at CEATEC JAPAN 2016 and developed “IoT town”, bringing together a range of industries, including finance, travel, security, toys and more.


Domestic production [10 billion dollars]

Average exchange rate

* The exchange rate for 2017 is deemed equal to that of 2016.


Problem Solving

Efforts to solve social issues and common industry issues

To realize Society 5.0, there is a need to improve the business environment and solve common issues. To enhance competitiveness of member companies and

Trade Issues

Promotion of Standardization

Environment/Energy Issues

In the area of digital trade, based on premises of global data distribution and utilization, protectionist trends have intensified, such as promoting unique security regulations and standardization policy, etc. and become factors inhibiting the promotion of free trade. To stop these protectionist policies from proliferating, promote the liberalization of the digital economy and enhance corporate competitiveness, industries of Japan, the US and Europe are joining forces and engage within the governments of each country and government‐level talks. JEITA cooperate to promote free trade/ economic partnership agreements (FTA/ EPA) and WTO negotiations including the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), etc. and help create favorable environment to enhance international competitiveness.

We actively participate in activities of international standardization organizations including IEC, ISO, etc. 26 international chairpersons, secretaries, and deputy secretaries, anda domestic committee entrusted as a domestic review organization engaging in deliberate discussions (TC, SC, TA) with 39 cases. For TC124 in particular (Wearable Electronic devices and Technologies), newly established in IEC in February 2017, JEITA has been entrusted as the domestic deliberation organization by Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) and also serves as the international chairman. Similarly, last year in IEC, a system standard including SyC AAL and SyC Smart house was established and JEITA actively cooperated in activities of the respective domestic review organizations of each country. We also worked on international standardization related to sensor and energy-harvesting technologies increasingly required in the IoT era. In conjunction with participation in international standardization activities, we also promote the development of domestic standardization and have published over 500 JEITA standards for AV equipment, information and communication equipment, electronic application apparatus, electronic components, semiconductor devices, electronic display devices and mount systems as well as striving to develop JIS as required by industry.

For environmental issues, including global warming, we work to promptly grasp trends behind domestic and international global warming mitigation measures and the latest information on environmental laws and regulations requiring a response on the part of companies and swiftly connect to various environmental measures of member companies complying with laws and regulations, including ener g y - s a v ing me asur e s , greenhouse gas discharge reduction, the promotion of 3R, a response to chemical substances, and so on. Conversely, alongside the spread of IoT, AI, etc. and through stand-out efforts by JEITA to promote the industry in terms of energy management systems, streamline the data center by collaborating with IT equipment and businesses including “visualization” of environmental contributions, etc., we promote activities which help promote the business of member companies. By boosting efforts to promote balancing between the environment and the economy, we support the growth of member companies.

fulfill social responsibilities incumbent on industry, we continue striving to address industry-wide issues, etc.

Responsible Minerals Trade Working Group Concerning conflict minerals issues we actively promote the framework to efficiently comply with laws and regulations that aims at protecting human rights, and engage with governments to avoid burdening the industry excessively.

Industry-academia Collaboration Symposium Aiming to develop human resources that will play important roles in the IT/electronics industry in the future and communicate strong points of the industry, we hold an “industry-academia collaboration symposium” for university students. Young engineers/developers in companies who are spearheading the industry share the current status of research and development at a company level, rewarding experience at work and more.

G20 Digital Priorities: Technology, Innovation and the Global Economy We held an interactive event inviting industry representatives and G20 negotiators in the ICT industry groups of Japan, the US and Europe as panelists and appealed for joint industry proposals toward the G20 digital ministers’ meeting.

“Contribution to global warming mitigation measures by IT solutions” As well as quantitatively estimate the volume of C O 2 r e d uction by 2030, we introduce practical examples from member companies.

Human Resource Development

Regional Revitalization

Kansai Branch's Activities

As the globalization of industry and society progresses, universities and industry collaborating to develop human resources sought by society is an important issue for our country as a whole. JEITA develops, implements and improves efficient industry-academic educational programs, establishes a foundation of personnel development system for the IT/electronics industry and provide lectures for university students, classes by engineers/researchers across the board, for elementary to high school students to address concerns over declining interests in science and mathematics courses. Also, to convey the appeal of the IT/electronics industry, the importance of human resources handling data essential for CPS/IoT and the need for development, etc., we hold seminars and symposiums as well as working to develop human resources that will play important future roles in industry, such as promoting the development of human resources engaged in standardization, etc.

Toward realizing the “revitalization of regional areas vitality to help them grow and overcome population decline”, as the basic objective determined by the state-run “City, People and Work Creation Head Office”, there is a need to resolve issues linked to the characteristics of regions and industrial fields. JEITA actively promotes the dissemination of information, supports for human resources and requests for regulatory reform, etc. in collaboration with government measures toward regional revitalization.

The Kansai Branch is reaching about 70 years in operation since it was first established in 1948 and currently cooperates with various relevant bodies, including the Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry and promotes business while targeting regional revitalization with CPS/IoT. Also, working alongside small and medium-sized ventures and a range of businesses, they spearhead activities to create new business opportunities and markets, including “gatherings of equipment/component manufacturers”, etc. and efforts to convey the latest information, including open seminars on technologies/environment, etc. They also actively promote Human resaure development activities rooted in the community, such as university lectures by member companies and trial electronic craft-work classes for elementary school students, etc.

“CPS/IoT × Regional Revitalization Selection” We publicize a booklet collecting IoT products provided by member companies and application examples of services and visualize and widely disseminate advanced businesses, introductory examples and efforts by local areas to secure employment.

Component steering subcommittee Visited the National University of Singapore in August 2016



Creation of Markets

Business to promote innovations by co-creation and competition to create new markets. By establishing co-creation of the IT/electronics industry and “various types of business”; “overseas” and “venture”, we aim to create new markets. We also promote Society 5.0 by rolling out excellent technologies and services, implementing international exhibitions to showcase products and throughrecognition, etc. CEATEC JAPAN 2016 Changing direction from “the most advanced IT/electronics general fair” to “CPS/IoT Exhibition” and as a “general fair of CPS/IoT” to introduce concepts with the future in mind and new business models, the fair saw over 145,000 visitors. CEATEC JAPAN has started gaining ground as a venue for “cocreation”, including business creation by collaborations beyond industry borders, collaborative measures with countries worldwide and so on.


Inter BEE

JEITA Venture Award

CEATEC JAPAN is the “general fair of CPS/IoT” and held in October every year. Over 600 companies and organizations, including member companies and overseas companies and ventures assemble to introduce a range of forward-looking technologies and services/products. The exhibition includes area configuration based on usage scenarios to give visitors an inside look into a future where Society 5.0 becomes a reality. As well as the exhibition area, nearly 150 conferences are held over four days, covering from keynote lectures to exclusive sessions with wide-ranging CPS/ IoT themes. Recently, moreover, as well as the IT/electronics industry, for various other industries including mobility, finance, healthcare and agriculture, etc. using CPS/IoT, the exhibition has featured a whole series of participation by exhibitors and accelerated co-creation with different businesses. CEATEC JAPAN promotes the realization of Society 5.0 as Japan’s first “innovation showcase”; paving the way for the fourth industrial revolution.

As a professional sound, video and communication exhibition, “Inter BEE” has advanced alongside the development of broadcasting media since 1965, and 2017 will mark the 53rd edition of this event. Over the last half-century, broadcasting media has developed and grown from monochrome to color, analog to digital and SDTV to HDTV, while 2016 marked a new start toward 4K/8K broadcasting. In future Inter BEE aims to be a general media event covering all the technical elements of “making (producing)”, “sending (transmitting)” and “receiving (experiencing)” of contents, toward 2020 when Japan will be in the world spotlight as will the slogan behind our wish: “Tell the world of the possibilities of new media.”

The JEITA venture award is to commend venture companies expected to contribute to economic development, not only general development of electronics and IT industries and it aims to help establish co-creation/cooperation/ecosystems among member and venture companies as well as support for the latter. Since its establishment in March 2016, eight venture companies were honored with the award in the first year and seven in the second year respectively.

Companies winning the second JEITA venture award • Applied Vision Systems Corporation • Aerosense Inc. • Exvision Corporation • Kyulux Inc. • Phoenix Solution Co., Ltd. • FLOSFIA Inc. • MUJIN, Inc.

Fields of Focus Automated Driving System

Medical Equipment/healthcare

Aiming to create an overall image (architecture) of an automated driving system and technical roadmap as viewed from the IT/electronics industry, narrowing the technological and business theme, conduct research and create business opportunities for member companies.

We target general development in the medical/healthcare industry by investigating the promotion of use of IoT in health information management, etc., as well as implementing responses to legal systems/technical issues pertaining to medical equipment, securing cyber security and promoting standardization, etc.

Smart Home

Inter BEE 2016 Inter BEE is the greatest “international media general exhibition” in Japan to introduce technological broadcasting/media innovations and as an opportunity to serve as a hub for disseminating and exchanging information once a year, Inter BEE is widely used by industry participants. In 2016, the exhibition attracted 1,090 company exhibitors and 38,047 visitors, both of which were record highs.


Smart home is a new lifestyle to create services aligned with various lifestyles by IoT. By collaborating with various industries and companies engaging in food, clothing and shelter, we work to create an attractive and smart home service and establish relevant rules.


Three newly established Boards (from April 2017)

To realize Society 5.0, as well as expanding the business scope, there will also be a need to cooperate with industries outside the scope of IT and electronics. Accordingly, to further promote co-creation with other industries and enhance a shift to the growing field, we have newly established “advanced transport system,” ”healthcare industry” and ”smart home” Boards.


Secretariat Organization Chart

Latest JEITA Information


JEITA Website The latest information related to IT and electronics, including efforts by

Business Promotion Unit

IoT Business Development Department

Intellectual Property Office

Kansai Branch

JEITA, contents of activities, statistical information and information on seminars/events, etc. are provided.

International Affairs Department


Environmental Affairs Department

Overseas Offices

Standardization Center First Business Unit

JEITA Washington DC Office

Electronic Components Department Electronic Devices Department

Second Business Unit

JEITA Beijing Office

(Joint office with JETRO)

Information and Industrial Systems Department

JEITA Brussels Office

Broadcast and Communication Systems Department

(JMC office)

Business Planning Unit

General Affairs Department

Service Center

Policy and Strategy Department

Communications Office

JEITA Newsletter “JEITA Newsletter”, the PR newsletter announcing efforts and notable achievements of JEITA is issued on a quarterly basis (in spring, summer, autumn and winter). As well as describing the JEITA business, it can also be used as an information tool by the IT/electronics industry.

http://www.jeita.or.jp/japanese/letter/ * Also available on the JEITA website.

Statistics Office Business Promotion Office

EC (Electronic Commerce) Center

Head Office

Affiliated Organizations

Ote Center Bldg. 1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan General Affairs Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1050

FAX : +81-3-5218-1070

General Affairs Department: Accounting Section

TEL : +81-3-5218-1051

FAX : +81-3-5218-1070

Policy and Strategy Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1052

FAX : +81-3-5218-1071

Policy and Strategy Department: Communications Office

TEL : +81-3-5218-1053

FAX : +81-3-5218-1072

Environmental Affairs Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1054

FAX : +81-3-5218-1073

Electronic Components Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1056

FAX : +81-3-5218-1075

Information and Industrial Systems Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1057

FAX : +81-3-5218-1076

Broadcast and Communication Systems Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1058

FAX : +81-3-5218-1077

IoT Business Development Department

TEL : +81-3-6268-0003

FAX : +81-3-5218-1078

Standardization Center

TEL : +81-3-5218-1059

FAX : +81-3-5218-1078

International Affairs Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1060

FAX : +81-3-5218-1079

Electronic Devices Department

TEL : +81-3-5218-1061

FAX : +81-3-5218-1080

EC (Electronic Commerce) Center

TEL : +81-3-5218-1062

FAX : +81-3-5218-1081

Service Center

TEL : +81-3-5218-1086

FAX : +81-3-3217-2725

Good Health Software Promotion Council (GHS) 5th Floor, Ote Center Bldg. 1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan TEL : +81-3-3217-2555 http://good-hs.jp/

Japan Electronics Show Association (JESA) 5th Floor, Ote Center Bldg. 1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan TEL : +81-3-6212-5231 FAX : +81-3-6212-5225 http://www.jesa.or.jp/

Information Technology Security Center (ITSC) 4th Floor, Ote Center Bldg. 1-1-3, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan TEL : +81-3-5218-2231 FAX : +81-3-5218-2232 http://www.itsc.or.jp/

PC3R Promotion Association 7th Floor, Nakakita Bldg. 8, Kanda Ogawamachi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0052, Japan TEL : +81-3-5282-7685 FAX : +81-3-3233-6091 http://www.pc3r.jp/

Kansai Branch

7th Floor, Denshi Kaikan, 8-7, Nishi-Tenma 6-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0047, Japan

Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium (MCPC)

TEL : +81-6-6364-4658 FAX : +81-6-6364-4560

2nd Floor, Hasegawa Green Bldg. 5-12, Shiba-Koen 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0011, Japan TEL : +81-3-5401-1935 FAX : +81-3-5401-1937 http://www.mcpc-jp.org/

Overseas Offices

1819 L Street, NW, Suite 400,

JEITA Beijing Office (Joint office with JETRO)

JEITA Brussels Office (JMC office)

Washington, DC 20036, USA

7003 Chang Fu Gong Office Building,

Rue de la Loi 82

TEL : +1-202-974-2476

Jia-26, Jian Guo Men Wai Street,

B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

FAX : +1-202-974-2478

Beijing, China 100022

TEL : +32-2-230-6992

TEL : +86-10-6513-9015

FAX : +32-2-230-5485

JEITA Washington DC Office

VCCI Council (VCCI) 7th Floor, Noa Bldg. 3-5, Azabu-dai 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0041, Japan TEL : +81-3-5575-3138 FAX : +81-3-5575-3137 http://www.vcci.jp/

FAX : +86-10-6513-7079