Download The Bone Density. Of Female Twins Discordant For Tobacco Use. The. New England Journal of Medicine, 330(6), 387-92. Key Twin. Publications...

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Key Twin Publications Bell, J.T. & Saffery, R. (2012). The Value Of Twins In Epigenetic Epidemiology. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41(1), 140-50.

Differences In Early Reading Growth In Australia, The United States, And Scandinavia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, (115), 453-467.

Bell, J.T. & Spector, T. (2011). A Twin Approach to Unraveling Epigenetics. Trends in Genetics, 27 (3), 116–25.

Dwyer, T., Blizzard, L., Morley, R., Ponsonby, A.L. (1999). Within Pair Association Between Birth Weight And Blood Pressure At Age 8 In Twins From A Cohort Study. BMJ, 319(7221), 1325-9.

Berkovic, S.F., Howell, R.A., Hay D.A., Hopper, J.L. (1998). Epilepsies In Twins: Genetics Of The Major Epilepsy Syndromes. Annals of Neurology, 43, 43545. Berkovic , S.F., Howell, R.A., Hay, D.A., Hopper, J.L. (1993). Twin Birth Is Not A Risk Factor For Seizures. Neurology, 43(12), 2515-2519. Bockmann, M.R., Harris, A.V., Bennett, C.N., Odeh, R., … Townsend, G.C. (2011). Timing Of Colonization Of Caries-Producing Bacteria: An Approach Based On Studying Monozygotic Twin Pairs. International Journal of Dentistry, 2011, Article ID: 571573. Boyd, N.F., Dite, G.S., Stone, J., Gunasekara, A., English, D.R., … Hopper, J.L. (2002). Heritability Of Mammographic Density, A Risk Factor For Breast Cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine,(347), 12, 886-894. Bui, M., Bjornerem, A., Ghasem-Zadeh, A., Dite, G.S., Hopper, J.L., Seeman, E. (2013). Architecture Of Cortical Bone Determines In Part Its Remodelling And Structural Decay. Bone, 55, 353-58. Cameron, M.A., Paton, L.M., Nowson, C.A., Margerison, C., … Wark, J.D. (2004). The Effect Of Calcium Supplementation On Bone Density In Premenarcheal Females: A Co-Twin Approach. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 10, 4916-22. Carlin, J.B., Gurrin, L.C., Sterne, J.A., Morley, R., Dwyer, T. (2005). Regression Models For Twin Studies: A Critical Review. International Journal of Epidemiology, 34(5), 1089-99. Christopher, M.E., Hulslander, J., Byrne, B., Samuelsson, S., … Olson, R.K. (2013). The Genetic And Environmental Etiologies Of Individual

Fischer, Margit. (1971). Psychoses in the Offspring of Schizophrenic Monozygotic Twins and their Normal Co-Twins. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 118(542), 43-52. Gatt, J.M., Korgaonkar, M., Schofield, P.R., Harris, A., Clark, C.R., … Williams, L.M. (2012). The TWIN-E Project In Emotional Wellbeing: Study Protocol And Preliminary Heritability Results Across Four MRI And DTI Measures. Twin Research and Human Genetics, (15), 419-441. Gordon, L., Joo, J.H., Andronikos, R., Ollikainen, O., Wallace, E.M., … Craig, J.M. (2011). Expression Discordance Of Monozygotic Twins At Birth: Effect Of Intrauterine Environment And A Possible Mechanism For Fetal Programming. Epigenetics, (6), 579-92. Gottesman, I.I. & Shields, J. (1982). Schizophrenia, The Epigenetic Puzzle. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Greaves, M.F., Maia, A.T., Wiemels, J.L., Ford, A.M. (2003). Leukemia In Twins: Lessons In Natural History. Blood, 102(7), 2321-33. Hall, J.G. (2003). Twinning. Lancet, 362(9385), 73543. Herranz, G. (2015). The Timing Of Monozygotic Twinning: A Criticism Of The Common Model. Zygote, 23(1), 27-40. Hopper, J.L. & Seeman, E. (1994). The Bone Density Of Female Twins Discordant For Tobacco Use. The New England Journal of Medicine, 330(6), 387-92.

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Twins Research Australia is supported by an NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence grant administered by the University of Melbourne

Hrubec, Z. & Robinette, C.D. (1984). The Study Of Human Twins In Medical Research. The New England Journal of Medicine, 310(7), 435-41. McGregor, B., Pfitzner, J., Zhu, G., Grace, M., Eldridge, A., … Martin, N.G. (1999). Genetic And Environmental Contributions To Size, Color, Shape, And Other Characteristics Of Melanocytic Naevi In A Sample Of Adolescent Twins. Genetic Epidemiology, (16), 40-53.

Turkheimer, E. & Waldron, M. (2000). Nonshared Environment: A Theoretical, Methodological, And Quantitative Review. Psychological Bulletin, 126(1), 78-108. Vadlamudi, L., Dibbens, L.M., Lawrence, K.M., Iona, X., McMahon, J.M., ... Berkovic, S. (2010). Timing Of De Novo Mutagenesis--A Twin Study Of SodiumChannel Mutations. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363(14), 1335-40.

Machin, G.A. (1996). Some Causes Of Genotypic And Phenotypic Discordance In Monozygotic Twin Pairs. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 61(3), 216-28.

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Morley, R. & Dwyer, T. (2005). Studies Of Twins: What Can They Tell Us About The Fetal Origins Of Adult Disease? Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 19, (1), 2-7.

Wilksch. S.M. & Wade, T.D. (2010). Risk Factors For Clinically Significant Importance Of Shape And Weight In Adolescent Females. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, (119), 206-215.

Ollikainen, M., Smith, K.R., Joo, E.J., Ng, H.K., Andronikos, R., … Craig, J. M. (2010). DNA Methylation Analysis Of Multiple Tissues From Newborn Twins Reveals Both Genetic And Intrauterine Components To Variation In The Human Neonatal Epigenome. Human Molecular Genetics, 19(21), 4176-88.

Wong, C.C., Meaburn, E.L., Ronald, A., Price, T.S., Jeffries, A.R., … Mill, J. (2014). Methylomic Analysis Of Monozygotic Twins Discordant For Autism Spectrum Disorder And Related Behavioural Traits. Molecular Psychiatry, 19, 495–503.

Plomin R. & Daniels, D. (2011). Why Are Children In The Same Family So Different From One Another? International Journal of Epidemiology,40(3), 56382.

Zhang, D., Li, S., Tan, Q., Pang, Z. (2012). Twin-Based DNA Methylation Analysis Takes The Center Stage Of Studies Of Human Complex Diseases. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 39(11), 581-6.

Runyon, R.S., Cachola, L.M., Rajeshuni, N., Hunter, T., Garcia, M., … Nadeau, K.C. (2012). Asthma Discordance in Twins Is Linked to Epigenetic Modifications of T Cells. PLoS ONE, 7(11):e48796. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048796. Stromswold, K. (2006). Why Aren't Identical Twins Linguistically Identical? Genetic, Prenatal And Postnatal Factors. Cognition, 101(2), 333-84. Svendsen, A.J., Kyvik, K.O., Houen, G., Junker, P., Christensen, K., … Hjelmborg, J.V. (2013). On The Origin Of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Impact Of Environment And Genes--A Population Based Twin Study. PLoS ONE, 8(2):e57304. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0057304.

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Twins Research Australia is supported by an NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence grant administered by the University of Melbourne