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Lubrication Technologies, Inc. Synthetic Lubricant Cross Reference Chart Series Synthetic Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluids Acculube Addinol (Germany)

Advance Petrochem (India) Allegheny Petrolrum Aluchem (Italy) Amalie American Agip American Chemical Tech.

American Lubricants Anderol Aral (Germany) Aztec (UK) BASF BP Bechem (Germany) Benz Oil

Caltex Cam2 Castrol

Name ISO 32 ALH-FR Hydraulic Fluid HFC 32-46 Hydraulic Fluid HFD 46 Hydraulic Fluid HFDU 68 Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid Phosphate Altrasafe PE Altra FR 200 WG Alusynt Dinal HFR Water/Glycol FR Fluid FC 200 PE 200 FR WG FR WG EcoSafe FR EcoSafe EHC Syn WG FR Fluid Bio Guard FRHF Montral 44 Water Glycol Hydraulic 46 Plurasafe WGF 200D 150 Plurasafe WGF 200E 150 Enersyn SFEnersyn SFHydrostar TE BFR Fluid Petraulic Sure Safe Ultraguard 522 Hydraulic Safety Fluid RPM FR Fire Resistant Fluid FR 200 WG Anvol SWX 46 FM Anvol SWX 68 FM Anvol WG Anvol PE 46 Synthetic Fire Resistant (SFR)

Lubrication Technologies, Inc. Houston, TX 77082

ISO 46 46

ISO 68 68

ISO 100

(46) (68) 200 (200) 46 200 FC 200 PE 200 200-D 46-HP 46 46 (46) 46 (46) (46) 200 200 C 46 E 46





300-D 68 68 68

300 300 E 68 68S

46 68 (46) 46 (46) 46 68 46 46 46



Remarks Ester Water Glycol Ester HFDR Ester HFD U Phosphate Ester Phosphate Ester Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Phosphate Ester Water Glycol Water Glycol POE, HF-D PAG Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol, ethylene Water Glycol, diethylene Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Phosphate Ester Water Glycol HFDU Polyol Ester HFDU Polyol Ester Water Glycol Phosphate Ester POE


Castrol (cont’)

Chem-Sol Chemtool


Chevron CITGO Cognis Conoco CPC (Taiwan)

CPI Engrg. (LZ) DA Stuart Dow Chemical

Elf Exxon

Forsythe Fuchs

Gulf Oil International Habot (South Africa) Hill & Griffith Houghton

Name ISO 32 ISO 46 ISO 68 ISO 100 Hydrasafe 200 (200) Transaqua HT Transaqua DW Tribol 1440 Tribol 144446 68 Supreme Performance Fire Retardant Hydraulic Oil (SPFRHF) Chemtolubric Lubricast 902 LPC HP-5046 Reolube HYD 22 32, 32B 46, 46B 68, 68B 100B Reolube Turbofluid 32B GT 46B, 46XC Reolube Turbofluid OMTI Hydraulic Fluid WG 40XD (46) 5046HP (46) Breox HL-SC Syndustrial FR Hydraulic Fluid 46 68 Quintolubric 822-450 Hydraulic Fluid 46 68 Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid (14 cSt at 40C) Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid Type II (39 cSt at 40C) Hydraulic Oil WG (41 cSt at 40C) 155046 Dasco FR 204 B (46) Dasco FR 205 B (46) UCON ADVANTA™ Hydrolube Concentrate UCON Trident AW 32 46 68 UCON PowerPro AW 32 46 68 UCON Hydrolube HP 5046D (46) UCON Hydrolube DG732 746 760 UCON Hydraulic Fluid WS-34 (32) see Total Firex HF-C 46 Firex HF-DU 68 See Mobil No-Fire HP-WG-46B 46 FR Fluid G 200 46 Hydrotherm 46 M (46) Hydrotherm 68 LW (68) Renosafe DU 46 (46) Plantoflux AT-S 46 68 Turbofluid 46 XC (46) H-5000 series 32 46 68 Griflube Aquatech FR 200 (46) Houghto-Safe 1055, 1110, 1114, 1115, 1120, 1130 Cosmolubric HF 122, 130, 144, 1530 Houghto-Safe 200X, 273CF, 620, 419R, 520, 320 Cosmolubric B 220, 230

Lubrication Technologies, Inc. Houston, TX 77082

Remarks Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Phosphate Ester POE Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Aryl Phosphate Phosphate Ester Aryl Phosphate Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol, High Pressure Water Glycol, Concentrate, Blend with Breox TB grades for HF-C POE POE (Quaker Chemical product)

Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Anhydrous PAG Anhydrous PAG Water Glycol PAG, Dyed Anhydrous PAG Water Glycol, no longer available POE, no longer available Water Glycol Water Glycol HFC, Water Glycol HFC-E, Water Glycol HFD-U HFD-U Phosphate Ester Water (Diethylene) Glycol Phosphate Ester POE Water Glycol POE


Houghton (cont’) Hydro Safe Igol (France) Imperial (Canada) (Esso) INA (Croatia) Irving Oil

JAX/Behnke Larson Chem. LubePlanet Lubricants USA Lubrication Engineers Metalworking Lubricants Metatron (Mexico) Mobil

Monsanto Moresco (Thailand) Moroil Technologies Morris (UK) Nippon Oil Nyco Oiltech OMV (Austria) Pennzoil

Performance Filters (PFI) Petronas (Malaysia) Petronomics

Name ISO 32 ISO 46 ISO 68 Aqualink 40, 300 Aqualink HT-804 Water Glycol 200 (46) Secur Fluid H (46) Secur Fluid EO FIREXX HF-C 46 (46) FIREXX HF-DU 46 (46) FIREXX HF-DR 46 (46) INA Hidrafluid HFC Hydraulic Safety Fluid WG (32) Hydraulic Safety Fluid PE (21 cSt at 40C) Hydraulic Safety Fluid PO (68) Pyro Guard Plus Hydro 1250 Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid FR-200 (46) see Total 9455 FR Hydraulic Fluid Metsafe FR-200 Metsafe FR-310 Metatron 610 Metatron 611 HyJet IV-A plus (ISO 10) Nyvac FR 200D (46) Pyrogard 53 Pyrotec HFD 46 (46) Pydraul 30E 90E Hydol H-200 (46) AW 46 PE AW 46 FR Liquisafe 46 (46) Hydrando FRX Hydrando FRP 46 Hydraunycoil FH 4420 4430 4440 4450 Hydraunycoil FH 4541 4551 Aerolene SHF Hydrofluid HFR 46 68 OMV hyd HFC 46 OMV hyd HFD-U 46 Glycol FR Fluid 46 Pennzsafe FE Pennzsafe SL FRHF-FG 22 32 46 68 Hidraulik Syn FP (46) Hidraulik Syn FR 46 (46) POE FR Recirculating Fluid 54100 54104 54106 Water Glycol FR Hydraulic Fl 55250 55254 55256 Water Glycol FR Hydraulic Fl 55260 55262

Lubrication Technologies, Inc. Houston, TX 77082

ISO 100

Remarks Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol POE Water Glycol POE Phosphate Ester Water Glycol Water Glycol Phosphate Ester POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Phosphate Ester Water Glycol POE Aviation Phosphate Ester Type V fluid Water Glycol Phosphate Ester


54112 55264

Phosphate Ester Water Glycol Phosphate Ester Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Phosphate Ester POE, HFDU Carboxylic Ester POE Ester Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Phosphate Ester POE POE, H1 Food Grade Phosphate Ester Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Water Glycol


Petronomics (cont’) Phillips 66 PICO Chemical Prista (Bulgaria) PureLube Quaker Chemical

Ravenol (Germany) Repsol (Spain) Royal Manufacturing Schaeffer Sentinel Synthetics Sentinel Canada Setral (Germany) Shell

Shell Canada Sinopec (China) SLFi Solutia

Statoil (Norway) Stirling Summit (Kluber NA) Supresta

Name ISO 32 Water Glycol FR Hydraulic Fl 56020 POE FR Hydraulic Fluid Syndustrial FR Hydraulic Fluid Quintolubric 822-450 Hydraulic Fluid FRHH WGHF HFC PureSafe FR-200 PureSafe FR-310 Quintolubric 888Quintolubric 888Quintolubric 855 Quintolubric 822-200 Quintolubric 822-300 Quintolubric 822-450 Quintolubric 888 Hydraulikoel L-HFC 32 Telex Vulcano HFDU Telex HFC FR-40XD 265 Glygo Fluid 620 Syquench S-FRH 32 SenSyn PE 32 HYD SE-HFD 46 EP Irus Fluid C-NA Irus Fluid DU-NA Iris Fluid DR Turbo DR No Fire WG 200R HFC FR Hydraulic Fluid 40 FRHF32 Skydrol MCS 2361 Skydrol LD-4 Skydrol 500B-4 Skydrol 5 Hydrocor CC 44 MF Thermac SB 68 Water Glycol HF HySyn FRFyrquel 150 Fyrquel Fyrquel Fyrquel EHC, EHC-N, EHC-S Fyrquel L Fyrquel GR

Lubrication Technologies, Inc. Houston, TX 77082

ISO 46 56022 58100 46 46

ISO 68 56024 58102 68 68

ISO 100 56026 58104

(46) (46) 46 68 56 cSt at 40C (46) (68) (100) (46) 46

68 68

46 (46) (46) (68) 68 68

46 46 (46) (46) 46


46 (46) 50 46


(46) (68) 46 68 220 300 220N 220 MLT (46) 46




Remarks Water Glycol POE POE POE (Quaker Chemical product) POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Phosphate Ester POE (replaces Quintolubric 822-220) POE (replaces Quintolubric 822-300) HFD type POE POE POE POE Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol POE POE Phosphate Ester Phosphate Ester Water Glycol (diethylene) Ester Tri-aryl Phosphate Tri-aryl Phosphate Water Glycol Water Glycol POE Aviation Phosphate Ester Aviation Phosphate Ester Aviation Phosphate Ester Aviation Phosphate Ester Water Glycol Phosphate Ester Water Glycol POE Phosphate Ester Phosphate Ester highly stable Phosphate Ester meets Mil-H-19457D Phosphate Ester designed for EHC systems Phosphate Ester for EHC systems in CIS Republics Phosphate Ester R&O


Supresta (cont)

Tecnifos (Argentina) Texaco Thermal-Lube Total

Tower Tribology Tech-Lube Tri State Industrial Unicorn (Singapore) Uniqema/Croda)* U.S. Industrial Lubricants Veloil (Thailand) Verkol (Spain) Wallover Yale Selco (India) 76 Lubricants

Name ISO 32 ISO 46 ISO 68 Fyrquel GT Fyrquel LT Fyrlube 15 Lubrisix 200 300 Hydraulic Safety Fluid (766) (46) XL-5000 32 46 XL5168 68 Hydransafe HFC146 (46) Hydransafe HFDU46 (46) Hydransafe FR NSG 38 46 Hydransafe FRS 32 46 Hydransafe HFDU LC 168 68 Hydransafe WG 46 FR Biohydran 46 FR Fluid 40 (46) FRH 200 (46) 600 WS AFHAW Hydraulic HFC 46 (46) Emkarox HV20 & HV45 base stock Prolube 1446, 1556, 1427, 2082, 2031, 1445 base stock Apollo 46 FRH (46) Indpro Fire Safe WG 46 (46) Resfluid HFDU 68 Glynkol 46 WOCOSAFE 46WG Selco Hydrolube SF-315 (46) Selco Hydrolube SF-316 (46) Syndustrial FR Hydraulic Fluid 46 68 Quintolubric 822-450 Hydraulic Fluid 46 68

ISO 100

Remarks Phosphate Ester for Gas Turbine Bearings Phos. Ester/AB low temp applications Phosphate Ester low temp properties POE Water Glycol No longer marketed Water Glycol POE Water Glycol POE Phosphate Ester Phosphate Ester Phosphate Ester Water Glycol Glycol Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol HFC type, Water Glycol HFD-U type, POE POE Water Glycol POE Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol Water Glycol POE POE (Quaker Chemical product)

Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid Legend HFA 95/5 fluids, or high water content hydraulic fluids, or oil-in-water emulsions HFB water in oil emulsions, often referred to as 60/40 or invert emulsions HFC water/glycol hydraulic fluid HFD water-free synthetic fire resistant hydraulic fluid based on organic esters, typically phosphate ester HFD-U water-free synthetic fire resistant fluids based on polyol esters

Notes, disclaimer, and copyright: 1. The intention of this study was to list only finished synthetic lubricants made from Group IV or Group V base oils (Group V base oils and glycols only for this chart); a few of the above, unknown to our knowledge, may possibly contain Group III base oils (not this chart). 2. All the above lubricants are full synthetic; non are para-synthetic or semi-synthetic. 3. A few of the above listed lubricants may no longer be marketed, but were intentionally listed so that the user of these charts could determine a suitable replacement for a recently obsoleted lubricant. 4. This chart is only intended as a list of similar synthetic lubricants. Lubrication Technologies, Inc. does not intend to represent that all the lubricants listed herein are necessarily of the same quality or offer the same level of performance in all instances. Quality and performance can vary. Lubrication Technologies, Inc. 5 Houston, TX 77082

5. 6.

Disclaimer: every reasonable effort was taken to insure that these charts are as accurate as possible; however, we will not be responsible any liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Lubrication Technologies, Inc. will not be held responsible for any decisions made as a result of the information provided above. Lubrication Technologies, Inc. is the owner of copyright, database rights and all intellectual property rights of these charts; they shall not be copied (except for one personal use copy), modified, distributed, re-transmitted in total or any part thereof, without the prior written consent of Lubrication Technologies, Inc.

© Copyright Lubrication Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Lubrication Technologies, Inc. Houston, TX 77082